The great replacement theory. Is it real or is it a manufactured fear by racist whites?

Sooner or later the entire world population will be a nice shade of tan and we'll finally realize that the only race there ever was is the human race.
Using other countries as examples, if that happens, the lighter tan folk will be in charge and the darker tan will be the laborers.

No racism, just a projection based on history.
Sooner or later the entire world population will be a nice shade of tan and we'll finally realize that the only race there ever was is the human race.

Some races are better than others though. Let's go with classic black and white.

None what I am going to say is racist. They are completely observable and plainly true.

Throughout the history of man across the entire earth every aspect blacks have consistently been behind everyone else.

All of mans advances in science, aerospace, medical, engineering, electrical, mechanical, electronics, politics, and hundreds of other fields is almost entirely due to non blacks. The few blacks that have added to modern society and human advancement have done so because they were from a white based society.

Even when spainards were building ships and exploring the world to set up trade routes the blacks were sitting in huts with dirty balls enslaving one another to sell.

It's still evident today. Our country is so anti racist now it's actually racist against whites. Yet, for some reason we have things like affirmative action, mandatory admission to schools for blacks, public schools have to lower grading standards because blacks can't keep up, blacks act like savages and destroy everything and we pretend like they didnt and that BLM is a great thing, most violent crime in America is because of blacks but we ignore it, and all of these other examples where America has to carry the majority of blacks and prop them up because they can't make it on their own.

There is a reason why there are no first world countries populated, run by and founded by blacks. There are barely even have a 2nd world country and most of them are 3rd world.

Blacks are the bottom of the barell. And that's fine, people are not all equal. George Floyd could never, ever be the equal of Thomas sowell. I could never be Elon musks equal. Women can never be physically equal to men and so on. And blacks are not equal to other races.
Using other countries as examples, if that happens, the lighter tan folk will be in charge and the darker tan will be the laborers.

No racism, just a projection based on history.
If you have to say on the front end, "no racism" its definitely racist. 😄
Hispanics won't be viewed as 'brown' in 20 years.

But yes they are coming to replace you. The redneck trash should be terrified and literally move to Idaho with your friends. Then you can have your white man paradise. Or you can move to the Caucasus mountains, and discover Caucasians are actually Turks, and Siberians actually look like Mongols. HAHAHAHAH
We are all mutts. No one is replacing anyone. Hispanics were once labeled with whites, now they aren’t. and nations are always shifting and migration is as old as humanity.

We aren’t “breeders”…even though I’m beginning to think the right regards us as such.
No, I believe cult fucks are importing a new voting base and underclass to permanently vote Dem and take welfare from the American taxpayer.
Which is a silly belief…because if you look closely at demographics many of those people tend to be religious and socially conservative.
Which is a silly belief…because if you look closely at demographics many of those people tend to be religious and socially conservative.

But if they get free stuff from my taxes through Dems, how do you think they will vote?

If there was a bill to give all illegals the right to vote, Dems would support it because they know the majority would vote Dem for the welfare.
We are all mutts. No one is replacing anyone. Hispanics were once labeled with whites, now they aren’t. and nations are always shifting and migration is as old as humanity.

We aren’t “breeders”…even though I’m beginning to think the right regards us as such.
That kind of logic has no place here! :wine:
Except in this case the racists whites are neutered both socially, emotionally and physically. They're old and outnumbered when you take into account white liberal rejection of that fail culture. We might get disparate acts of violence here and there between now and the final sunset of their political power but they're done. They're getting checked into the old people's home to be moth balled and forgotten with Confederate statues and rest of the unwanted junk.
We have an overall aging population and youth is coming in primarily through immigration. That is fine. Migration is the way of humanity. Immigrants come over, work hard (which is a fact, even illegal immigrants), and become part of tbe American culture. They are not a single political or cultural block by any stretch so in terms of political power isn’t a bit arrogant to assume that their politics begin and end with color? They represent a multitude of ethnic/racial groups and individual minorities. Even whites do. That is why this really is fearmongering targeting immigrants populations…a tactic used by nationalists and populist authoritarians to rally those that feel disposed and left out of progress. Not a pretty picture.
But if they get free stuff from my taxes through Dems, how do you think they will vote?

I live in the reddest Trumpiest state in the country with a lot of people getting “free stuff”…yet they vote Republican.
If there was a bill to give all illegals the right to vote, Dems would support it because they know the majority would vote Dem for the welfare.
Illegal immigrants get very little welfare, they aren’t illegible. They also work, and work hard for very little. I seriously doubt there would be any such bill or that they would vote since most try to keep their heads down :lol:
I live in the reddest Trumpiest state in the country with a lot of people getting “free stuff”…yet they vote Republican.

Illegal immigrants get very little welfare, they aren’t illegible. They also work, and work hard for very little. I seriously doubt there would be any such bill or that they would vote since most try to keep their heads down :lol:

Yet you like your neighbors?

Some of us seem to think politics is the end all and be all in life. My best friend and my college roommate has a hard left lean, but I love him like a brother.

I stopped trying to “convert” him years ago and we decided to just not talk politics.
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Abso fucking lutely

Not to mention murdering millions of brown people.

The cult does not care about that. They are racist.
Yup, murdering brown people by the millions and and getting the survivors running for their lives, usually to America.
Yup, murdering brown people by the millions and and getting the survivors running for their lives, usually to America.
Think about it. Some CIA trained assassins fly planes into the WTC, horrfically muderdering over 3000 people, so we murder 500,000 brown people.

Seems logical.
Yet you like your neighbors?

Some of us seem to think politics is the end all and be all in life. My best friend and my college roommate has a hard left lean, but I love him like a brother.

I stopped trying to “convert” him years ago and we decided to just not talk politic.
Yup. They are nice people who are defined by far more than their political views :thup:
You believe it is a deliberate plot against white people?
We know it is an agenda to keep white people on their hind haunches so to speak. Most are not doing a damn thing. And yes, there are ignorant asses. There is no concern for the eventual safety of white Progressives. And we are now in the incipient stages of Prog groups attacking other Prog groups. And yes, individuals can be in a couple of groups or more. The gay club in Orlando. A Prog, who was a Muslim, killed 50 Prog gay people and put another 50 Prog gays into a hospital. The elites turned it into an insurrection like production. It was a tragedy. And it was another in house Progressive socialist party act of violence. You can't stop it if you promote it.
All that territory we took from Mexico, almost a third of the current US was…full of brown people :lol:
So, if Mexico still had it, it would all be ghetto or mostly impoverished? It makes sense. The Federales rule.

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