The great replacement theory. Is it real or is it a manufactured fear by racist whites?

Hold on…do you honestly believe the browning of America has been organic? Has it happened with consent from The People?

Of course it has happened with the consent of the people, they are the ones that keep voting people in to office that never do anything about it but talk.
Are you “scared shitless” of the decline and degradation of America? Shouldn’t you be?

I am, but there are far too many people like you around causing the decline that I can only do so much
The left says that the country will be majority brown in like 20 years.

If I say this, it is racist.

Which is true? this a serious question?

You guys live in fear of everything. This is why you’re constantly crying about being victimized.
“Protect and save that bird from extinction...BUT fuck that blonde hair blue eyed human.”

A blonde hair blue eyed human is the same species as the black hair brown eyed human or the really tan human or any other fucking human. That you do not know this says all anyone needs to know about you
Of course it has happened with the consent of the people, they are the ones that keep voting people in to office that never do anything about it but talk.
Now do a little critical thinking…who has voted for an open border, for more Mexicans?
I am, but there are far too many people like you around causing the decline that I can only do so much
Share that data with the class…do you need me to share dark person data?
A blonde hair blue eyed human is the same species as the black hair brown eyed human or the really tan human or any other fucking human. That you do not know this says all anyone needs to know about you
Word games…it‘s how you white guilt weirdos keep your head in your ass.

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