The great replacement theory. Is it real or is it a manufactured fear by racist whites?

It is not racist if you say it, it is when you turn it into some huge CT that this is being done on purpose that you become the racist that you are.

Not all of us find brown people scary as you and your ilk do
But one side wants it to happen, hence the replacement theory.
The left says that the country will be majority brown in like 20 years.

If I say this, it is racist.

Which is true?
One of the Board’s more overtly racist black racists has tried to stir-up concern about the dreaded great “replacement.”
dimocrap scum have done it before, and they're doing it again.

In the Mid 60's dimocrap FILTH discovered they could lure hundreds of thousands of Southern, Rural Blacks from the Deep South to America's Midwestern Cities in the Great Lakes Region. Then pay them to vote dimocrap.

It is not a myth that LBJ said, "I'll have them Ni%%ers voting dimocrap for the next 200 years!"

They tried it in New Yawk Shitty, and Boston and got rebuffed. They succeeded in Filthydelphia, Baltiwhore and what we've come to know as America's Shitholes.

I was in the Army and I could save money by taking the Bus between Army Bases.

I get off the Bus in Cleveland or Dee-Troit and it looks like they're making a Tarzan Movie.

And look at what has happened. They've set back American Blacks by 100 years. They brought them to America's bigger Cities and simply abandoned them.

dimocrap FILTH kept them in servitude in the South and they're doing the same thing in the North TO THIS DAY.

People, dimocraps are the Scum of The Earth. Period. They care only about power. They do not care about America, our Citizens, Blacks, Hispanics or anything else other than their permanent quest for ABSOLUTE POWER.

I fear that, by the time mainstream America, our Suburban Karens, figure it out -- It will be too late.

It's getting to be that time.

And, oh? You dimocrap scum that are smiling at your seeming success? You are wrong. What you are doing is setting the stage for the greatest conflagration in Human History. All it will take is a major economic upheaval. That's how they all start. With economics.

And if you dimocrap FILTH have children (I hope not) they will spit on your graves
I agree with you and Im from Metro Detroit. DemoRats are only concerned about gaining power for their super rich masters.
dimocrap scum have done it before, and they're doing it again.

In the Mid 60's dimocrap FILTH discovered they could lure hundreds of thousands of Southern, Rural Blacks from the Deep South to America's Midwestern Cities in the Great Lakes Region. Then pay them to vote dimocrap.

It is not a myth that LBJ said, "I'll have them Ni%%ers voting dimocrap for the next 200 years!"

They tried it in New Yawk Shitty, and Boston and got rebuffed. They succeeded in Filthydelphia, Baltiwhore and what we've come to know as America's Shitholes.

I was in the Army and I could save money by taking the Bus between Army Bases.

I get off the Bus in Cleveland or Dee-Troit and it looks like they're making a Tarzan Movie.

And look at what has happened. They've set back American Blacks by 100 years. They brought them to America's bigger Cities and simply abandoned them.

dimocrap FILTH kept them in servitude in the South and they're doing the same thing in the North TO THIS DAY.

People, dimocraps are the Scum of The Earth. Period. They care only about power. They do not care about America, our Citizens, Blacks, Hispanics or anything else other than their permanent quest for ABSOLUTE POWER.

I fear that, by the time mainstream America, our Suburban Karens, figure it out -- It will be too late.

It's getting to be that time.

And, oh? You dimocrap scum that are smiling at your seeming success? You are wrong. What you are doing is setting the stage for the greatest conflagration in Human History. All it will take is a major economic upheaval. That's how they all start. With economics.

And if you dimocrap FILTH have children (I hope not) they will spit on your graves
Some races are better than others though. Let's go with classic black and white.

None what I am going to say is racist. They are completely observable and plainly true.

Throughout the history of man across the entire earth every aspect blacks have consistently been behind everyone else.

All of mans advances in science, aerospace, medical, engineering, electrical, mechanical, electronics, politics, and hundreds of other fields is almost entirely due to non blacks. The few blacks that have added to modern society and human advancement have done so because they were from a white based society.

Even when spainards were building ships and exploring the world to set up trade routes the blacks were sitting in huts with dirty balls enslaving one another to sell.

It's still evident today. Our country is so anti racist now it's actually racist against whites. Yet, for some reason we have things like affirmative action, mandatory admission to schools for blacks, public schools have to lower grading standards because blacks can't keep up, blacks act like savages and destroy everything and we pretend like they didnt and that BLM is a great thing, most violent crime in America is because of blacks but we ignore it, and all of these other examples where America has to carry the majority of blacks and prop them up because they can't make it on their own.

There is a reason why there are no first world countries populated, run by and founded by blacks. There are barely even have a 2nd world country and most of them are 3rd world.

Blacks are the bottom of the barell. And that's fine, people are not all equal. George Floyd could never, ever be the equal of Thomas sowell. I could never be Elon musks equal. Women can never be physically equal to men and so on. And blacks are not equal to other races.
And it's the idiocy of your post that makes weak, effeminate, and loser white males believe in the great replacement theory.
What's scary for losers such as yourself is that in a society that artificiality maintained a racial hierarchy where Black people and other minorities were never meant to progress yet in fact have simply trashes your theory of white superiority.

Why do white women find your kind so repulsive that they won't have sex with you or have your weak children is that women of every race don't find weak, insecure men attractive.
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