The great replacement theory. Is it real or is it a manufactured fear by racist whites?

The left says that the country will be majority brown in like 20 years.

If I say this, it is racist.

Which is true?

It is an agenda, not a theory.

Liberal Guilt.jpg
America is getting browner, more woke and less religious. It freaks some people out.

Not me. I grew up in Miami and fucking love Latina bitches. I have exclusively fucked them for the past 30 years
It is an agenda, not a theory.

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So this board has sunk as low as posting cartoons from the losers over at "StormFront".
So everybody in this racist stool is an enemy of the pure white
We have the evil jew that controls everything, the white couple that is a race traitor for being decent human beings and of course the portrayal of Black people as monkeys....

The dialogue is a portrayal of stereotypical racism in and of itself.
To the poster...if this is your version of reality; suck it up and get used to it!
The Great Replacement (French: Grand Remplacement), also known as replacement theory or great replacement theory,[1][2][3] is a white nationalist[4] far-right conspiracy theory[3][5][6][7] espoused by French author Renaud Camus. The original theory states that, with the complicity or cooperation of "replacist" elites,[a][5][8] the ethnic French and white European populations at large are being demographically and culturally replaced by non-white peoples—especially from Muslim-majority countries—through mass migration, demographic growth and a drop in the birth rate of white Europeans.[5][9][10] Since then, similar claims have been advanced in other national contexts, notably in the United States.[11] Mainstream scholars have dismissed these claims as rooted in a misunderstanding of demographic statistics and premised upon an unscientific, racist worldview.[12][13][14] According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, the Great Replacement "has been widely ridiculed for its blatant absurdity."[3]

Mystery solved; a weak insecure racist started this b.s. pseudo-theory.
It is not racist if you say it, it is when you turn it into some huge CT that this is being done on purpose that you become the racist that you are.

Not all of us find brown people scary as you and your ilk do
Hold on…do you honestly believe the browning of America has been organic? Has it happened with consent from The People?
Of course our sovereignty has not been defended, of course our border has been left wide open, of course our people haven’t been protected from a passive invasion, from a modern day colonization.
Of course this shit has been “done on purpose”….if you weren’t a full-blown white guilt globalist you’d see it all in total clarity.
If Mexicans were productive, high quality English speaking, Republican voting white people you America hating wackos would be shitting all over yourself over the invasion and you fucking know it.
Just saying that is not racist. It is a fact.

Claiming it is a deliberate plot to get rid of white people is not only racist, but also white supremacist BS.
Is it dark supremacy when dark people and white-guilt weirdos gloat and celebrate over the future of fewer whites?
America is getting browner, more woke and less religious. It freaks some people out.
All you have to do is show us the data that proves this is something legit people should embrace….you can’t, so you won’t.
Sooner or later the entire world population will be a nice shade of tan and we'll finally realize that the only race there ever was is the human race.
Remember when Leftists were all about protecting and preservation...keeping sub species from going extinct?
“But if you don't have the instinct for self-preservation, it will not matter much in the long run whatever else you may have.”
-Thomas Sowell

LefTard Logic:
“Protect and save that bird from extinction...BUT fuck that blonde hair blue eyed human.”

”Why don’t sane people take me seriously?”

Blues Man your fan base below seems quite happy about a world with fewer whites huh?
Seymour Flops
Father O'Blivion
Mr Natural
Golfing Gator
One side is not scared shitless of brown or black people and does not give a fuck either way....then there is you and those like you.
That is such a bizarre comment…every time it’s said.
Are you “scared shitless” of the decline and degradation of America? Shouldn’t you be?
What does the scary racist data tell us….what happens ANY TIME ANY WHERE a community, city, state or nation becomes predominantly dark?

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