The great replacement theory. Is it real or is it a manufactured fear by racist whites?

A study was done with interviews of people who were arrested Jan 6. They asked these people what their main motivating factor was, what the one most important issue they had on their minds that day was.

It was assumed that the biggest motivating factor on Jan 6 was the "rigged election". Nope.

Their biggest concern was White Replacement.

What you have promised on several occasions as you call white men cucks and tell us that you will replace us.
We are replacing you. That's a fact. That's what happens when everyone else out breeds you and you in fact lose more people to old age than you produce. That's not a conspiracy.
We are replacing you. That's a fact. That's what happens when everyone else out breeds you and you in fact lose more people to old age than you produce. That's not a conspiracy.
Yes, you take it one step further than theory by claiming it as fact.
A study was done with interviews of people who were arrested Jan 6. They asked these people what their main motivating factor was, what the one most important issue they had on their minds that day was.

It was assumed that the biggest motivating factor on Jan 6 was the "rigged election". Nope.

Their biggest concern was White Replacement.

Did we really need a study to tell us Jan 6th was an Incelrection? :dunno:
Some Texas border towns have 200 illegal aliens to one American citizen. Do the math.
I realize you are quite stupid and racist, but I did not create the OP.
Ok.... if you have a different version of replacement theory you'd like to share then have at it. Or you know, be a bitch and let others define it for you. I don't care.
There is no political focus on population control or nefarious attempts to alter racial demographics, it’s really just part of a natural process.

Societies that are economically poor, low amounts of education, and/or rural have a lot of children. Child mortality is typically higher, children are needed to take care of family members in old age, children are needed to contribute to family incomes and work farms. Birth control is either scarce or culturally prohibited. A woman’s job is to bear children.

When a people becomes wealthier, more highly educated, the number of children goes down because the investment in those fewer children (education, opportunities) is much higher. Those countries also have better safety nets for the elderly. They no longer need large families and there is greater availability of methods to reduce unwanted pregnancy.

When immigrants from or with large families come to these countries, they will typically have large families but by the next generation or two, the number of children is usually reflective of the rest of the country. Wealth, education and opportunity for women are key factors in family size much of the time.

Also…when we talk about population turning more and more brown, immigration is part of it but also, I think, how we tend to label people. Where as before, we divided people racially and ethnically, we now lump the all together, under one umbrella “Brown”. A mixed race person can identify in any of the groups for example, so what does all this division really mean? It seems subjective and malleable.

The Great Replacement is a nothing more than racist conspiracy theory designed to frighten people who identify as White, “us vs them”, creating an enemy where none exists. And it usually doesn’t end well for the targeted groups defined as “them”.
Sooner or later the entire world population will be a nice shade of tan and we'll finally realize that the only race there ever was is the human race.
When settlers came to America, White were the immigrants.

See how that worked for the natives?

Back then, those who wanted political power saw that the white folk outnumbered and outgunned the indigenous population, so they were easy pickens to take over their land and resources.

But today, the Darker colored skin folk outnumber the White folk. Now the powers that be can take from the Whites to give to poor uneducated immigrants, which disempowers the citizens more and more every day till there is no real opposition to the powers that be.

Race only matters to politicians as they use it to kill, steal, and oppress. But to think that they care about people because of their skin color is a terrible mistake. They have no love for anyone, I can assure you.
Sooner or later the entire world population will be a nice shade of tan and we'll finally realize that the only race there ever was is the human race.
There is no political focus on population control or nefarious attempts to alter racial demographics, it’s really just part of a natural process.

Societies that are economically poor, low amounts of education, and/or rural have a lot of children. Child mortality is typically higher, children are needed to take care of family members in old age, children are needed to contribute to family incomes and work farms. Birth control is either scarce or culturally prohibited. A woman’s job is to bear children.

When a people becomes wealthier, more highly educated, the number of children goes down because the investment in those fewer children (education, opportunities) is much higher. Those countries also have better safety nets for the elderly. They no longer need large families and there is greater availability of methods to reduce unwanted pregnancy.

When immigrants from or with large families come to these countries, they will typically have large families but by the next generation or two, the number of children is usually reflective of the rest of the country. Wealth, education and opportunity for women are key factors in family size much of the time.

Also…when we talk about population turning more and more brown, immigration is part of it but also, I think, how we tend to label people. Where as before, we divided people racially and ethnically, we now lump the all together, under one umbrella “Brown”. A mixed race person can identify in any of the groups for example, so what does all this division really mean? It seems subjective and malleable.

The Great Replacement is a nothing more than racist conspiracy theory designed to frighten people who identify as White, “us vs them”, creating an enemy where none exists. And it usually doesn’t end well for the targeted groups defined as “them”.
Hispanics won't be viewed as 'brown' in 20 years.

But yes they are coming to replace you. The redneck trash should be terrified and literally move to Idaho with your friends. Then you can have your white man paradise. Or you can move to the Caucasus mountains, and discover Caucasians are actually Turks, and Siberians actually look like Mongols. HAHAHAHAH
There is no political focus on population control or nefarious attempts to alter racial demographics, it’s really just part of a natural process.

Societies that are economically poor, low amounts of education, and/or rural have a lot of children. Child mortality is typically higher, children are needed to take care of family members in old age, children are needed to contribute to family incomes and work farms. Birth control is either scarce or culturally prohibited. A woman’s job is to bear children.

When a people becomes wealthier, more highly educated, the number of children goes down because the investment in those fewer children (education, opportunities) is much higher. Those countries also have better safety nets for the elderly. They no longer need large families and there is greater availability of methods to reduce unwanted pregnancy.

When immigrants from or with large families come to these countries, they will typically have large families but by the next generation or two, the number of children is usually reflective of the rest of the country. Wealth, education and opportunity for women are key factors in family size much of the time.

Also…when we talk about population turning more and more brown, immigration is part of it but also, I think, how we tend to label people. Where as before, we divided people racially and ethnically, we now lump the all together, under one umbrella “Brown”. A mixed race person can identify in any of the groups for example, so what does all this division really mean? It seems subjective and malleable.

The Great Replacement is a nothing more than racist conspiracy theory designed to frighten people who identify as White, “us vs them”, creating an enemy where none exists. And it usually doesn’t end well for the targeted groups defined as “them”.
Except in this case the racists whites are neutered both socially, emotionally and physically. They're old and outnumbered when you take into account white liberal rejection of that fail culture. We might get disparate acts of violence here and there between now and the final sunset of their political power but they're done. They're getting checked into the old people's home to be moth balled and forgotten with Confederate statues and rest of the unwanted junk.

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