The Great Reset Is Happening NOW, Elites Are Buying Up Houses OVER COST So YOU Can't Own Anything

The only thing actually stopping the poor from owning a house is them being poor.

I'm on a minimum wage job myself with full-time hours and it was very easy for me to get on the property ladder. Is it a big massive property I always dreamed of? no. But it's mine, it's nice, it's well-kept, it's comfortable and it will be paid off fully in less than ten years.

The stuff in the OP is just the free market. It doesn't sound nice, granted, but it's life. If you try to stop the free market just so things like that happen less and you want to feel better about things then you'll suffer in other ways from compressing the free market. It's a classic example of pro's and con's. Embrace it, stop moaning about it.
I would have to ignore a lot of stuff to think this is free market,,,
The only thing actually stopping the poor from owning a house is them being poor.

I'm on a minimum wage job myself with full-time hours and it was very easy for me to get on the property ladder. Is it a big massive property I always dreamed of? no. But it's mine, it's nice, it's well-kept, it's comfortable and it will be paid off fully in less than ten years.

The stuff in the OP is just the free market. It doesn't sound nice, granted, but it's life. If you try to stop the free market just so things like that happen less and you want to feel better about things then you'll suffer in other ways from compressing the free market. It's a classic example of pro's and con's. Embrace it, stop moaning about it.
I would have to ignore a lot of stuff to think this is free market,,,
Like what?

What you outlined in the OP is the perfect example of the free market at work (albeit the bad side of it)

There's nothing illegal about people with money buying up property, creating a rental market, dictating the prices and creating a small monopoly.

You might think it's immoral and you might be correct but is it right that folk aren't allowed to own more than one property or rent property out? if you want to outlaw that think it through for a minute and think of what that will involve and consequences of it that will ripple through the free market and then the economy.

What you're moaning about is typical socialist speak in that it sounds great, it sounds like it's the right thing to do in theory but in practice it couldn't be more wrong.

Go ahead, downvote me by "disagreeing" again or whatever but it's still true.
Democrats want us to be like Germany, where most people rent their homes and they are way too expensive to buy.
Actually that's what right wingers want.

You completely ignore the wealthy elite in your own party who build fences and write laws so that their neighborhood schools are not subject to busing. The guy you voted for President called the notion of his kids going to school with Blacks as “a racial jungle.”
The only thing actually stopping the poor from owning a house is them being poor.

I'm on a minimum wage job myself with full-time hours and it was very easy for me to get on the property ladder. Is it a big massive property I always dreamed of? no. But it's mine, it's nice, it's well-kept, it's comfortable and it will be paid off fully in less than ten years.

The stuff in the OP is just the free market. It doesn't sound nice, granted, but it's life. If you try to stop the free market just so things like that happen less and you want to feel better about things then you'll suffer in other ways from compressing the free market. It's a classic example of pro's and con's. Embrace it, stop moaning about it.
I would have to ignore a lot of stuff to think this is free market,,,
Like what?

What you outlined in the OP is the perfect example of the free market at work (albeit the bad side of it)

There's nothing illegal about people with money buying up property, creating a rental market, dictating the prices and creating a small monopoly.

You might think it's immoral and you might be correct but is it right that folk aren't allowed to own more than one property or rent property out? if you want to outlaw that think it through for a minute and think of what that will involve and consequences of it that will ripple through the free market and then the economy.

What you're moaning about is typical socialist speak in that it sounds great, it sounds like it's the right thing to do in theory but in practice it couldn't be more wrong.

Go ahead, downvote me by "disagreeing" again or whatever but it's still true.
did you watch the video??

I dont call private investment companies buying every house in sight at higher than market value when they are backed up by the fed res a free market act,,, more so when you consider the government just created the atmosphere to make it harder for the private person to compete,,
The only thing actually stopping the poor from owning a house is them being poor.

I'm on a minimum wage job myself with full-time hours and it was very easy for me to get on the property ladder. Is it a big massive property I always dreamed of? no. But it's mine, it's nice, it's well-kept, it's comfortable and it will be paid off fully in less than ten years.

The stuff in the OP is just the free market. It doesn't sound nice, granted, but it's life. If you try to stop the free market just so things like that happen less and you want to feel better about things then you'll suffer in other ways from compressing the free market. It's a classic example of pro's and con's. Embrace it, stop moaning about it.
I would have to ignore a lot of stuff to think this is free market,,,
Like what?

What you outlined in the OP is the perfect example of the free market at work (albeit the bad side of it)

There's nothing illegal about people with money buying up property, creating a rental market, dictating the prices and creating a small monopoly.

You might think it's immoral and you might be correct but is it right that folk aren't allowed to own more than one property or rent property out? if you want to outlaw that think it through for a minute and think of what that will involve and consequences of it that will ripple through the free market and then the economy.

What you're moaning about is typical socialist speak in that it sounds great, it sounds like it's the right thing to do in theory but in practice it couldn't be more wrong.

Go ahead, downvote me by "disagreeing" again or whatever but it's still true.
did you watch the video??

I dont call private investment companies buying every house in sight at higher than market value when they are backed up by the fed res a free market act,,, more so when you consider the government just created the atmosphere to make it harder for the private person to compete,,
No I never watched the video - just the text in the OP.

If they've bought every house for higher than market value then that proves my point even more. Why should they do that and not get a healthy yield on that? it's economics 101.
The only thing actually stopping the poor from owning a house is them being poor.

I'm on a minimum wage job myself with full-time hours and it was very easy for me to get on the property ladder. Is it a big massive property I always dreamed of? no. But it's mine, it's nice, it's well-kept, it's comfortable and it will be paid off fully in less than ten years.

The stuff in the OP is just the free market. It doesn't sound nice, granted, but it's life. If you try to stop the free market just so things like that happen less and you want to feel better about things then you'll suffer in other ways from compressing the free market. It's a classic example of pro's and con's. Embrace it, stop moaning about it.
I would have to ignore a lot of stuff to think this is free market,,,
Like what?

What you outlined in the OP is the perfect example of the free market at work (albeit the bad side of it)

There's nothing illegal about people with money buying up property, creating a rental market, dictating the prices and creating a small monopoly.

You might think it's immoral and you might be correct but is it right that folk aren't allowed to own more than one property or rent property out? if you want to outlaw that think it through for a minute and think of what that will involve and consequences of it that will ripple through the free market and then the economy.

What you're moaning about is typical socialist speak in that it sounds great, it sounds like it's the right thing to do in theory but in practice it couldn't be more wrong.

Go ahead, downvote me by "disagreeing" again or whatever but it's still true.
did you watch the video??

I dont call private investment companies buying every house in sight at higher than market value when they are backed up by the fed res a free market act,,, more so when you consider the government just created the atmosphere to make it harder for the private person to compete,,
No I never watched the video - just the text in the OP.

If they've bought every house for higher than market value then that proves my point even more. Why should they do that and not get a healthy yield on that? it's economics 101.
then you arent qualified to discuss the topic,,,
The only thing actually stopping the poor from owning a house is them being poor.

I'm on a minimum wage job myself with full-time hours and it was very easy for me to get on the property ladder. Is it a big massive property I always dreamed of? no. But it's mine, it's nice, it's well-kept, it's comfortable and it will be paid off fully in less than ten years.

The stuff in the OP is just the free market. It doesn't sound nice, granted, but it's life. If you try to stop the free market just so things like that happen less and you want to feel better about things then you'll suffer in other ways from compressing the free market. It's a classic example of pro's and con's. Embrace it, stop moaning about it.
I would have to ignore a lot of stuff to think this is free market,,,
Like what?

What you outlined in the OP is the perfect example of the free market at work (albeit the bad side of it)

There's nothing illegal about people with money buying up property, creating a rental market, dictating the prices and creating a small monopoly.

You might think it's immoral and you might be correct but is it right that folk aren't allowed to own more than one property or rent property out? if you want to outlaw that think it through for a minute and think of what that will involve and consequences of it that will ripple through the free market and then the economy.

What you're moaning about is typical socialist speak in that it sounds great, it sounds like it's the right thing to do in theory but in practice it couldn't be more wrong.

Go ahead, downvote me by "disagreeing" again or whatever but it's still true.
did you watch the video??

I dont call private investment companies buying every house in sight at higher than market value when they are backed up by the fed res a free market act,,, more so when you consider the government just created the atmosphere to make it harder for the private person to compete,,
No I never watched the video - just the text in the OP.

If they've bought every house for higher than market value then that proves my point even more. Why should they do that and not get a healthy yield on that? it's economics 101.
then you arent qualified to discuss the topic,,,
Why? because I didn't watch the video? you told me what it's about - people with money buying up all the homes in an area for higher than market value to create their own rental market and have a monopoly on the area.

Is that or is that not what's happened? a simple yes or no if possible.
Thank you, OP. We will be happy to screw elites back whenever possible. ‘Home ownership is a profoundly American idea.’ (Desmond, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City)
just another example of the transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich,, the elite are buying up entire neighborhoods and making them rentals so the middle class and poor can never own a house,,
And just like that the right stopped believing in the free market
And just like that, you forgot all the government bullshit holding back developers and builders.

A free market manipulated by bad government policy is not a free market.
And just like that, he forgot that the Fed has been scooping up mortgage backed securities with the trillions of fake value that they've pumped into Wall Street since 2009.
just another example of the transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich,, the elite are buying up entire neighborhoods and making them rentals so the middle class and poor can never own a house,,
And just like that the right stopped believing in the free market
this isnt free market dumbass,, its market manipulation by the rich,, also called hoarding,,
The buyers and the sellers set the market. They are paying the price they are willing to pay and the seller is willing to sell.
but just like that you proved dems are corrupt and are really in bed with the rich,,,
Tell me something I don't know.
so youre in favor of the rich manipulating the market for personal gain at the expense of the middle class and poor,, got it,,,
So you hate the free market. Got it.

See how easy that was?
So, YOU hate the free market by allowing it to be made a government-manipulated market?
There is no free market when interest rates are artificially set by the private central bank.
You are getting it, Einstein #42, the moral argument for unvetted cocksuckers to charge you for inhabiting (space [italics]).
Investing ‘elitist’ cocksuckers know very well that sooner or later, one runs out of (space [italics]). Unaffordable housing is a worldwide problem (Desmond, Evicted), and dipshit Bill Clinton’s funky approach to housing is not an answer, because world capitalism keeps two thirds of humanity in poverty. The Reset is the communist alternative to ownership, so the ‘elite’ do not care: real estate will appreciate without you. You screw them with boycott. How is this type of boycott going to be defined? How is this type of boycott possible?
just another example of the transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich,, the elite are buying up entire neighborhoods and making them rentals so the middle class and poor can never own a house,,

Well we can't beat them, so let's join them. They are good at toying around with our minds that we are unable to defeat them.
I've watched yesterday on Fox news about a Venezuelan immigrant explains why they are leaving their country. And the old woman said that she was being forced from out of her home by ruthless group of mob like our ANTIFA. And ANTOFA gives me the shivers.
I just can't wait to get into my little cozy capsule and lay back hearing my neighbors flatulating all through the night.

What is land grabbing?

"Private-equity firms with billions and yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever, and driving up home prices. “You now have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house,” said John Burns, whose real estate consulting firm estimates that roughly one in every five houses sold is bought by someone who never moves in. “That’s going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive,” he said."

If we have huge investment firms buying up homes at 50% over market value -- how can everyday middle-class home buyers compete with that??

One popular Conservative congresswoman (Marjorie Greene) said that will lead to a select few who will own and control everything and everyone else remaining poor and under control....
So is that socialism? Seems as tho she thinks so.....

Even tho she really just explained Capitalism......
Eh, with 150K investors in their LLC, this is just a way for people to create profits on a larger scale.

A lot of these "We Buy Houses" people are fronts for investors and they are not exactly snapping up the high end of the market. They are churning undesirable/less desireable properties for flippers.

"Private-equity firms with billions and yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever, and driving up home prices. “You now have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house,” said John Burns, whose real estate consulting firm estimates that roughly one in every five houses sold is bought by someone who never moves in. “That’s going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive,” he said."

If we have huge investment firms buying up homes at 50% over market value -- how can everyday middle-class home buyers compete with that??

One popular Conservative congresswoman (Marjorie Greene) said that will lead to a select few who will own and control everything and everyone else remaining poor and under control....
So is that socialism? Seems as tho she thinks so.....

Even tho she really just explained Capitalism......

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism,, dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

"Private-equity firms with billions and yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever, and driving up home prices. “You now have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house,” said John Burns, whose real estate consulting firm estimates that roughly one in every five houses sold is bought by someone who never moves in. “That’s going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive,” he said."

If we have huge investment firms buying up homes at 50% over market value -- how can everyday middle-class home buyers compete with that??

One popular Conservative congresswoman (Marjorie Greene) said that will lead to a select few who will own and control everything and everyone else remaining poor and under control....
So is that socialism? Seems as tho she thinks so.....

Even tho she really just explained Capitalism......

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism,, dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

What is free market capitalism??

I keep seeing people throwing the term free market around but not being able to tell me when this free market ever existed

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