The Great Reset Is Happening NOW, Elites Are Buying Up Houses OVER COST So YOU Can't Own Anything

"Private-equity firms with billions and yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever, and driving up home prices. “You now have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house,” said John Burns, whose real estate consulting firm estimates that roughly one in every five houses sold is bought by someone who never moves in. “That’s going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive,” he said."

If we have huge investment firms buying up homes at 50% over market value -- how can everyday middle-class home buyers compete with that??

One popular Conservative congresswoman (Marjorie Greene) said that will lead to a select few who will own and control everything and everyone else remaining poor and under control....
So is that socialism? Seems as tho she thinks so.....

Even tho she really just explained Capitalism......

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism,, dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism

Unless the government is stopping other buyers, how is this "crony capitalism"?

dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

Backed up? How? Be specific.

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

Definitely not this free market capitalism I keep hearing about....

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

How much is Blackrock currently borrowing from the Fed? Link?

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

The firm will receive modest compensation for its role assisting the Fed—a roughly $3 million fee for the six months ending Sept. 30, and $750,000 per quarter thereafter, according to BlackRock’s contract with the Fed. BlackRock will also collect fees on the small corporate bond portfolio it manages for the Fed. BlackRock isn’t charging any fees on ETFs and is rebating fees from its own iShares ETFs back to the Fed. The central bank limited the amount of BlackRock ETFs it would buy.

I take it you didn't read, or understand, your link.
Eh, with 150K investors in their LLC, this is just a way for people to create profits on a larger scale.

A lot of these "We Buy Houses" people are fronts for investors and they are not exactly snapping up the high end of the market. They are churning undesirable/less desireable properties for flippers.
Blackrock is buying up whole subdivisions and these aren't just a couple of run-down houses.and over paying for it to drive out everyday folks...and they are using taxpayer money to do it.....

That leads to a crisis later.....and when that happens, I hope folks don't once again blame the "everyday people" for it while using tax dollars to propup the banks and hedge funds...again

Then everyday folk are getting more for their property then it is worth, so it is a win-win for the sellers and the buyers. You can't have your cake and eat it too. With interest rates being effectively zero percent and mortgages going out at less than 3%, then investors wanting to make money are going to look for new ways to do so. This just happens to be one of them.
So to recap; you don't mind that once again; wealth is being concentrated at the it

I don't know who their investors are. It could be someone in my 401K for all I know. As far as "wealth", well you can assume that today's pixels on a balance sheet represents something meaningful, but I do not. "Wealth" can change by billions of dollars a day
Eh, with 150K investors in their LLC, this is just a way for people to create profits on a larger scale.

A lot of these "We Buy Houses" people are fronts for investors and they are not exactly snapping up the high end of the market. They are churning undesirable/less desireable properties for flippers.
Blackrock is buying up whole subdivisions and these aren't just a couple of run-down houses.and over paying for it to drive out everyday folks...and they are using taxpayer money to do it.....

That leads to a crisis later.....and when that happens, I hope folks don't once again blame the "everyday people" for it while using tax dollars to propup the banks and hedge funds...again

Then everyday folk are getting more for their property then it is worth, so it is a win-win for the sellers and the buyers. You can't have your cake and eat it too. With interest rates being effectively zero percent and mortgages going out at less than 3%, then investors wanting to make money are going to look for new ways to do so. This just happens to be one of them.
By the way, in the example I posted in the OP

That over 50% offer --- that money didn't go to individual homeowners -- it went to D.R. Horton Inc...

The goal is to keep more and more people as permanent renters; not home owners....which is why this is being called "The Great Reset" -- the goal of trying to redistribute 100 trillion dollars up to the top


Blackrock sells houses and manages portfolios. They make money as the middleman between their investors and their investments. Get in on the action or don't. The choice is yours. Don't like it, then stop supporting the government that is flooding the damn system with so much cheap cash people are having to find new and better ways to invest it.
So since this happened during the previous administration -- how did you stop "supporting the government" to do something about it?

Or when you say "stop supporting the government" -- that was just something stupid to say to hide the fact you are caping for crony capitalism?

"Private-equity firms with billions and yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever, and driving up home prices. “You now have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house,” said John Burns, whose real estate consulting firm estimates that roughly one in every five houses sold is bought by someone who never moves in. “That’s going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive,” he said."

If we have huge investment firms buying up homes at 50% over market value -- how can everyday middle-class home buyers compete with that??

One popular Conservative congresswoman (Marjorie Greene) said that will lead to a select few who will own and control everything and everyone else remaining poor and under control....
So is that socialism? Seems as tho she thinks so.....

Even tho she really just explained Capitalism......

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism,, dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism

Unless the government is stopping other buyers, how is this "crony capitalism"?

dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

Backed up? How? Be specific.

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

Definitely not this free market capitalism I keep hearing about....

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

How much is Blackrock currently borrowing from the Fed? Link?

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

The firm will receive modest compensation for its role assisting the Fed—a roughly $3 million fee for the six months ending Sept. 30, and $750,000 per quarter thereafter, according to BlackRock’s contract with the Fed. BlackRock will also collect fees on the small corporate bond portfolio it manages for the Fed. BlackRock isn’t charging any fees on ETFs and is rebating fees from its own iShares ETFs back to the Fed. The central bank limited the amount of BlackRock ETFs it would buy.

I take it you didn't read, or understand, your link.

I read it....I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one -- while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much
Eh, with 150K investors in their LLC, this is just a way for people to create profits on a larger scale.

A lot of these "We Buy Houses" people are fronts for investors and they are not exactly snapping up the high end of the market. They are churning undesirable/less desireable properties for flippers.
Blackrock is buying up whole subdivisions and these aren't just a couple of run-down houses.and over paying for it to drive out everyday folks...and they are using taxpayer money to do it.....

That leads to a crisis later.....and when that happens, I hope folks don't once again blame the "everyday people" for it while using tax dollars to propup the banks and hedge funds...again

Then everyday folk are getting more for their property then it is worth, so it is a win-win for the sellers and the buyers. You can't have your cake and eat it too. With interest rates being effectively zero percent and mortgages going out at less than 3%, then investors wanting to make money are going to look for new ways to do so. This just happens to be one of them.
By the way, in the example I posted in the OP

That over 50% offer --- that money didn't go to individual homeowners -- it went to D.R. Horton Inc...

The goal is to keep more and more people as permanent renters; not home owners....which is why this is being called "The Great Reset" -- the goal of trying to redistribute 100 trillion dollars up to the top


Blackrock sells houses and manages portfolios. They make money as the middleman between their investors and their investments. Get in on the action or don't. The choice is yours. Don't like it, then stop supporting the government that is flooding the damn system with so much cheap cash people are having to find new and better ways to invest it.
So since this happened during the previous administration -- how did you stop "supporting the government" to do something about it?

Or when you say "stop supporting the government" -- that was just something stupid to say to hide the fact you are caping for crony capitalism?

I voted for a congressman who is a deficit hawk who opposes all this free money. And you?

In the mean time, I wish they would buy up my neighborhood. I would gladly take 25% over market value any day of the week.
Eh, with 150K investors in their LLC, this is just a way for people to create profits on a larger scale.

A lot of these "We Buy Houses" people are fronts for investors and they are not exactly snapping up the high end of the market. They are churning undesirable/less desireable properties for flippers.
Blackrock is buying up whole subdivisions and these aren't just a couple of run-down houses.and over paying for it to drive out everyday folks...and they are using taxpayer money to do it.....

That leads to a crisis later.....and when that happens, I hope folks don't once again blame the "everyday people" for it while using tax dollars to propup the banks and hedge funds...again

Then everyday folk are getting more for their property then it is worth, so it is a win-win for the sellers and the buyers. You can't have your cake and eat it too. With interest rates being effectively zero percent and mortgages going out at less than 3%, then investors wanting to make money are going to look for new ways to do so. This just happens to be one of them.
So to recap; you don't mind that once again; wealth is being concentrated at the it

I don't know who their investors are. It could be someone in my 401K for all I know. As far as "wealth", well you can assume that today's pixels on a balance sheet represents something meaningful, but I do not. "Wealth" can change by billions of dollars a day
This is what wealth has done for the past 40 plus years....

What I see wealth doing has been pretty consistent over that being concentrated at the that populism?

Eh, with 150K investors in their LLC, this is just a way for people to create profits on a larger scale.

A lot of these "We Buy Houses" people are fronts for investors and they are not exactly snapping up the high end of the market. They are churning undesirable/less desireable properties for flippers.
Blackrock is buying up whole subdivisions and these aren't just a couple of run-down houses.and over paying for it to drive out everyday folks...and they are using taxpayer money to do it.....

That leads to a crisis later.....and when that happens, I hope folks don't once again blame the "everyday people" for it while using tax dollars to propup the banks and hedge funds...again

Then everyday folk are getting more for their property then it is worth, so it is a win-win for the sellers and the buyers. You can't have your cake and eat it too. With interest rates being effectively zero percent and mortgages going out at less than 3%, then investors wanting to make money are going to look for new ways to do so. This just happens to be one of them.
By the way, in the example I posted in the OP

That over 50% offer --- that money didn't go to individual homeowners -- it went to D.R. Horton Inc...

The goal is to keep more and more people as permanent renters; not home owners....which is why this is being called "The Great Reset" -- the goal of trying to redistribute 100 trillion dollars up to the top


Blackrock sells houses and manages portfolios. They make money as the middleman between their investors and their investments. Get in on the action or don't. The choice is yours. Don't like it, then stop supporting the government that is flooding the damn system with so much cheap cash people are having to find new and better ways to invest it.
So since this happened during the previous administration -- how did you stop "supporting the government" to do something about it?

Or when you say "stop supporting the government" -- that was just something stupid to say to hide the fact you are caping for crony capitalism?

I voted for a congressman who is a deficit hawk who opposes all this free money. And you?

In the mean time, I wish they would buy up my neighborhood. I would gladly take 25% over market value any day of the week.
But you most likely voted for a presidential admin who did the opposite.....

I am not a single issue voter -- the worship of wealth by both parties is something I can't do anything about...

But I can advocate for policies that at least mitigate the damage done to those with the least amount of power..and that is definitely not a Conservative trait...

"Private-equity firms with billions and yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever, and driving up home prices. “You now have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house,” said John Burns, whose real estate consulting firm estimates that roughly one in every five houses sold is bought by someone who never moves in. “That’s going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive,” he said."

If we have huge investment firms buying up homes at 50% over market value -- how can everyday middle-class home buyers compete with that??

One popular Conservative congresswoman (Marjorie Greene) said that will lead to a select few who will own and control everything and everyone else remaining poor and under control....
So is that socialism? Seems as tho she thinks so.....

Even tho she really just explained Capitalism......

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism,, dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism

Unless the government is stopping other buyers, how is this "crony capitalism"?

dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

Backed up? How? Be specific.

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

Definitely not this free market capitalism I keep hearing about....

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

How much is Blackrock currently borrowing from the Fed? Link?

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

The firm will receive modest compensation for its role assisting the Fed—a roughly $3 million fee for the six months ending Sept. 30, and $750,000 per quarter thereafter, according to BlackRock’s contract with the Fed. BlackRock will also collect fees on the small corporate bond portfolio it manages for the Fed. BlackRock isn’t charging any fees on ETFs and is rebating fees from its own iShares ETFs back to the Fed. The central bank limited the amount of BlackRock ETFs it would buy.

I take it you didn't read, or understand, your link.

I read it....I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one -- while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much

I read it....

And failed to understand it.

I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one --

I "trust" them? Link?

while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

Little early for you to be hitting the bong so hard, isn't it?

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much

Which ones are lying about what? Link?

why do you trust them so much

Which ones do I trust? Link?

"Private-equity firms with billions and yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever, and driving up home prices. “You now have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house,” said John Burns, whose real estate consulting firm estimates that roughly one in every five houses sold is bought by someone who never moves in. “That’s going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive,” he said."

If we have huge investment firms buying up homes at 50% over market value -- how can everyday middle-class home buyers compete with that??

One popular Conservative congresswoman (Marjorie Greene) said that will lead to a select few who will own and control everything and everyone else remaining poor and under control....
So is that socialism? Seems as tho she thinks so.....

Even tho she really just explained Capitalism......

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism,, dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism

Unless the government is stopping other buyers, how is this "crony capitalism"?

dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

Backed up? How? Be specific.

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

Definitely not this free market capitalism I keep hearing about....

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

How much is Blackrock currently borrowing from the Fed? Link?

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

The firm will receive modest compensation for its role assisting the Fed—a roughly $3 million fee for the six months ending Sept. 30, and $750,000 per quarter thereafter, according to BlackRock’s contract with the Fed. BlackRock will also collect fees on the small corporate bond portfolio it manages for the Fed. BlackRock isn’t charging any fees on ETFs and is rebating fees from its own iShares ETFs back to the Fed. The central bank limited the amount of BlackRock ETFs it would buy.

I take it you didn't read, or understand, your link.

I read it....I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one -- while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much

I read it....

And failed to understand it.

I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one --

I "trust" them? Link?

while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

Little early for you to be hitting the bong so hard, isn't it?

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much

Which ones are lying about what? Link?

why do you trust them so much

Which ones do I trust? Link?

You trust Blackrock and the Feds for damn sure....

And you stil have yet to tell me how wealth being concentrated among the few is a benefit

"Private-equity firms with billions and yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever, and driving up home prices. “You now have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house,” said John Burns, whose real estate consulting firm estimates that roughly one in every five houses sold is bought by someone who never moves in. “That’s going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive,” he said."

If we have huge investment firms buying up homes at 50% over market value -- how can everyday middle-class home buyers compete with that??

One popular Conservative congresswoman (Marjorie Greene) said that will lead to a select few who will own and control everything and everyone else remaining poor and under control....
So is that socialism? Seems as tho she thinks so.....

Even tho she really just explained Capitalism......

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism,, dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism

Unless the government is stopping other buyers, how is this "crony capitalism"?

dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

Backed up? How? Be specific.

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

Definitely not this free market capitalism I keep hearing about....

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

How much is Blackrock currently borrowing from the Fed? Link?

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

The firm will receive modest compensation for its role assisting the Fed—a roughly $3 million fee for the six months ending Sept. 30, and $750,000 per quarter thereafter, according to BlackRock’s contract with the Fed. BlackRock will also collect fees on the small corporate bond portfolio it manages for the Fed. BlackRock isn’t charging any fees on ETFs and is rebating fees from its own iShares ETFs back to the Fed. The central bank limited the amount of BlackRock ETFs it would buy.

I take it you didn't read, or understand, your link.

I read it....I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one -- while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much

I read it....

And failed to understand it.

I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one --

I "trust" them? Link?

while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

Little early for you to be hitting the bong so hard, isn't it?

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much

Which ones are lying about what? Link?

why do you trust them so much

Which ones do I trust? Link?

You trust Blackrock and the Feds for damn sure....

And you stil have yet to tell me how wealth being concentrated among the few is a benefit

here is his perfect opportunity to show hes not a hypocrite and look what he does,,,
You trust Blackrock and the Feds for damn sure....

And you stil have yet to tell me how wealth being concentrated among the few is a benefit

Pointing out your errors means I trust Blackrock and the Fed?
You can't be that stupid........

Where did I claim wealth concentration was a benefit?

Are you responding to my posts, or to voices in your head?

"Private-equity firms with billions and yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever, and driving up home prices. “You now have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house,” said John Burns, whose real estate consulting firm estimates that roughly one in every five houses sold is bought by someone who never moves in. “That’s going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive,” he said."

If we have huge investment firms buying up homes at 50% over market value -- how can everyday middle-class home buyers compete with that??

One popular Conservative congresswoman (Marjorie Greene) said that will lead to a select few who will own and control everything and everyone else remaining poor and under control....
So is that socialism? Seems as tho she thinks so.....

Even tho she really just explained Capitalism......

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism,, dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism

Unless the government is stopping other buyers, how is this "crony capitalism"?

dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

Backed up? How? Be specific.

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

Definitely not this free market capitalism I keep hearing about....

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

How much is Blackrock currently borrowing from the Fed? Link?

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

The firm will receive modest compensation for its role assisting the Fed—a roughly $3 million fee for the six months ending Sept. 30, and $750,000 per quarter thereafter, according to BlackRock’s contract with the Fed. BlackRock will also collect fees on the small corporate bond portfolio it manages for the Fed. BlackRock isn’t charging any fees on ETFs and is rebating fees from its own iShares ETFs back to the Fed. The central bank limited the amount of BlackRock ETFs it would buy.

I take it you didn't read, or understand, your link.

I read it....I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one -- while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much

I read it....

And failed to understand it.

I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one --

I "trust" them? Link?

while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

Little early for you to be hitting the bong so hard, isn't it?

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much

Which ones are lying about what? Link?

why do you trust them so much

Which ones do I trust? Link?

You trust Blackrock and the Feds for damn sure....

And you stil have yet to tell me how wealth being concentrated among the few is a benefit

here is his perfect opportunity to show hes not a hypocrite and look what he does,,,

I bet you were one of those folks who whined about the FEDS when the last mortgage crisis happened

Or did you blame it on poor people most conservative cucks did does wealth being concentrated among the select few benefit you??
You trust Blackrock and the Feds for damn sure....

And you stil have yet to tell me how wealth being concentrated among the few is a benefit

Pointing out your errors means I trust Blackrock and the Fed?
You can't be that stupid........

Where did I claim wealth concentration was a benefit?

Are you responding to my posts, or to voices in your head?
My whole thread is centered on the dangers of looking the other way while wealth is being concentrated at the top -- it is unsustainable...

"Private-equity firms with billions and yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever, and driving up home prices. “You now have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house,” said John Burns, whose real estate consulting firm estimates that roughly one in every five houses sold is bought by someone who never moves in. “That’s going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive,” he said."

If we have huge investment firms buying up homes at 50% over market value -- how can everyday middle-class home buyers compete with that??

One popular Conservative congresswoman (Marjorie Greene) said that will lead to a select few who will own and control everything and everyone else remaining poor and under control....
So is that socialism? Seems as tho she thinks so.....

Even tho she really just explained Capitalism......

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism,, dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism

Unless the government is stopping other buyers, how is this "crony capitalism"?

dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

Backed up? How? Be specific.

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

Definitely not this free market capitalism I keep hearing about....

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

How much is Blackrock currently borrowing from the Fed? Link?

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

The firm will receive modest compensation for its role assisting the Fed—a roughly $3 million fee for the six months ending Sept. 30, and $750,000 per quarter thereafter, according to BlackRock’s contract with the Fed. BlackRock will also collect fees on the small corporate bond portfolio it manages for the Fed. BlackRock isn’t charging any fees on ETFs and is rebating fees from its own iShares ETFs back to the Fed. The central bank limited the amount of BlackRock ETFs it would buy.

I take it you didn't read, or understand, your link.

I read it....I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one -- while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much

I read it....

And failed to understand it.

I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one --

I "trust" them? Link?

while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

Little early for you to be hitting the bong so hard, isn't it?

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much

Which ones are lying about what? Link?

why do you trust them so much

Which ones do I trust? Link?

You trust Blackrock and the Feds for damn sure....

And you stil have yet to tell me how wealth being concentrated among the few is a benefit

here is his perfect opportunity to show hes not a hypocrite and look what he does,,,

I bet you were one of those folks who whined about the FEDS when the last mortgage crisis happened

Or did you blame it on poor people most conservative cucks did does wealth being concentrated among the select few benefit you??

sorry buttercup I'm not a conservative,,,

it doesnt benefit me,,

"Private-equity firms with billions and yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever, and driving up home prices. “You now have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house,” said John Burns, whose real estate consulting firm estimates that roughly one in every five houses sold is bought by someone who never moves in. “That’s going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive,” he said."

If we have huge investment firms buying up homes at 50% over market value -- how can everyday middle-class home buyers compete with that??

One popular Conservative congresswoman (Marjorie Greene) said that will lead to a select few who will own and control everything and everyone else remaining poor and under control....
So is that socialism? Seems as tho she thinks so.....

Even tho she really just explained Capitalism......

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism,, dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism

Unless the government is stopping other buyers, how is this "crony capitalism"?

dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

Backed up? How? Be specific.

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

Definitely not this free market capitalism I keep hearing about....

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

How much is Blackrock currently borrowing from the Fed? Link?

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

The firm will receive modest compensation for its role assisting the Fed—a roughly $3 million fee for the six months ending Sept. 30, and $750,000 per quarter thereafter, according to BlackRock’s contract with the Fed. BlackRock will also collect fees on the small corporate bond portfolio it manages for the Fed. BlackRock isn’t charging any fees on ETFs and is rebating fees from its own iShares ETFs back to the Fed. The central bank limited the amount of BlackRock ETFs it would buy.

I take it you didn't read, or understand, your link.

I read it....I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one -- while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much

I read it....

And failed to understand it.

I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one --

I "trust" them? Link?

while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

Little early for you to be hitting the bong so hard, isn't it?

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much

Which ones are lying about what? Link?

why do you trust them so much

Which ones do I trust? Link?

You trust Blackrock and the Feds for damn sure....

And you stil have yet to tell me how wealth being concentrated among the few is a benefit

here is his perfect opportunity to show hes not a hypocrite and look what he does,,,

I bet you were one of those folks who whined about the FEDS when the last mortgage crisis happened

Or did you blame it on poor people most conservative cucks did does wealth being concentrated among the select few benefit you??

sorry buttercup I'm not a conservative,,,

it doesnt benefit me,,

Oh yea...I are one of those embarrassed conservatives too...

Let me guess...."Classical liberal" right?

"Private-equity firms with billions and yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever, and driving up home prices. “You now have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house,” said John Burns, whose real estate consulting firm estimates that roughly one in every five houses sold is bought by someone who never moves in. “That’s going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive,” he said."

If we have huge investment firms buying up homes at 50% over market value -- how can everyday middle-class home buyers compete with that??

One popular Conservative congresswoman (Marjorie Greene) said that will lead to a select few who will own and control everything and everyone else remaining poor and under control....
So is that socialism? Seems as tho she thinks so.....

Even tho she really just explained Capitalism......

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism,, dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

this is crony capitalism not free market capitalism

Unless the government is stopping other buyers, how is this "crony capitalism"?

dont forget these companies are backed up by the fed res

Backed up? How? Be specific.

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

Definitely not this free market capitalism I keep hearing about....

Blackrock is financed in large part by the Federal Reserve...

How much is Blackrock currently borrowing from the Fed? Link?

They are in fact, contracted by the Feds...

The firm will receive modest compensation for its role assisting the Fed—a roughly $3 million fee for the six months ending Sept. 30, and $750,000 per quarter thereafter, according to BlackRock’s contract with the Fed. BlackRock will also collect fees on the small corporate bond portfolio it manages for the Fed. BlackRock isn’t charging any fees on ETFs and is rebating fees from its own iShares ETFs back to the Fed. The central bank limited the amount of BlackRock ETFs it would buy.

I take it you didn't read, or understand, your link.

I read it....I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one -- while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much

I read it....

And failed to understand it.

I do find it funny that you "trust" the FEDS on this one --

I "trust" them? Link?

while simultaneously believing there is a secret Deep State trying to destroy America

Little early for you to be hitting the bong so hard, isn't it?

I am use to large corporations lying about what they will and won't do -- why do you trust them so much

Which ones are lying about what? Link?

why do you trust them so much

Which ones do I trust? Link?

You trust Blackrock and the Feds for damn sure....

And you stil have yet to tell me how wealth being concentrated among the few is a benefit

here is his perfect opportunity to show hes not a hypocrite and look what he does,,,

I bet you were one of those folks who whined about the FEDS when the last mortgage crisis happened

Or did you blame it on poor people most conservative cucks did does wealth being concentrated among the select few benefit you??

sorry buttercup I'm not a conservative,,,

it doesnt benefit me,,

Oh yea...I are one of those embarrassed conservatives too...

Let me guess...."Classical liberal" right?

how about we stay on topic and not go with personal shit,,,

it degrades your argument,,,
Eh, with 150K investors in their LLC, this is just a way for people to create profits on a larger scale.

A lot of these "We Buy Houses" people are fronts for investors and they are not exactly snapping up the high end of the market. They are churning undesirable/less desireable properties for flippers.
Blackrock is buying up whole subdivisions and these aren't just a couple of run-down houses.and over paying for it to drive out everyday folks...and they are using taxpayer money to do it.....

That leads to a crisis later.....and when that happens, I hope folks don't once again blame the "everyday people" for it while using tax dollars to propup the banks and hedge funds...again

Then everyday folk are getting more for their property then it is worth, so it is a win-win for the sellers and the buyers. You can't have your cake and eat it too. With interest rates being effectively zero percent and mortgages going out at less than 3%, then investors wanting to make money are going to look for new ways to do so. This just happens to be one of them.
So to recap; you don't mind that once again; wealth is being concentrated at the it

I don't know who their investors are. It could be someone in my 401K for all I know. As far as "wealth", well you can assume that today's pixels on a balance sheet represents something meaningful, but I do not. "Wealth" can change by billions of dollars a day
This is what wealth as done for the past 40 plus years....View attachment 499524

What I see wealth doing has been pretty consistent over that being concentrated at the that populism?

Eh, with 150K investors in their LLC, this is just a way for people to create profits on a larger scale.

A lot of these "We Buy Houses" people are fronts for investors and they are not exactly snapping up the high end of the market. They are churning undesirable/less desireable properties for flippers.
Blackrock is buying up whole subdivisions and these aren't just a couple of run-down houses.and over paying for it to drive out everyday folks...and they are using taxpayer money to do it.....

That leads to a crisis later.....and when that happens, I hope folks don't once again blame the "everyday people" for it while using tax dollars to propup the banks and hedge funds...again

Then everyday folk are getting more for their property then it is worth, so it is a win-win for the sellers and the buyers. You can't have your cake and eat it too. With interest rates being effectively zero percent and mortgages going out at less than 3%, then investors wanting to make money are going to look for new ways to do so. This just happens to be one of them.
By the way, in the example I posted in the OP

That over 50% offer --- that money didn't go to individual homeowners -- it went to D.R. Horton Inc...

The goal is to keep more and more people as permanent renters; not home owners....which is why this is being called "The Great Reset" -- the goal of trying to redistribute 100 trillion dollars up to the top


Blackrock sells houses and manages portfolios. They make money as the middleman between their investors and their investments. Get in on the action or don't. The choice is yours. Don't like it, then stop supporting the government that is flooding the damn system with so much cheap cash people are having to find new and better ways to invest it.
So since this happened during the previous administration -- how did you stop "supporting the government" to do something about it?

Or when you say "stop supporting the government" -- that was just something stupid to say to hide the fact you are caping for crony capitalism?

I voted for a congressman who is a deficit hawk who opposes all this free money. And you?

In the mean time, I wish they would buy up my neighborhood. I would gladly take 25% over market value any day of the week.
But you most likely voted for a presidential admin who did the opposite.....

I am not a single issue voter -- the worship of wealth by both parties is something I can't do anything about...

But I can advocate for policies that at least mitigate the damage done to those with the least amount of power..and that is definitely not a Conservative trait...
The policies you advocate for haven't done anything for those with the least amount of power except make them more powerless and dependent. Your $3T infrastructure plan will just create more subdivisions for Blackrock to buy up and help Bezos make more profits as his fleet delivers more stuff more efficiently. Rinse and repeat. The Liberal Trait is to grease the wheels of money men every bit as much as the Conservatives.
2nd video in post #55 we term Japanese minimalist. It is still beholding to the rent pimp for inhabiting space. When one owns a capsule, ownership of the space gets questioned as does the capsule’s location in space. This is a trajectory more applicable to the boycotting of unvetted rental agents and their wares. The organisms OP refers to, those eilitists who poetize themselves as smarter by purchase of static space enclosed in a box, are overconfident about their investment always being accompanied by gullible victims-scapegoats while their property, which substance if finite, will forever appreciate in value. The image of their modus operandi is akin to the euthanasia apparatus found in an animal shelter.

We have already mentioned micro studios on another thread. These studios are the owner’s possession, an alternate approach to the inhabiting of space and the extreme (capitalist) movement of violence that exploiting it produces, as in OP’s elites. No money is given to these elites for ownership of a micro studio, which we define as a movement of boycott.

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