
Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
Donald Trump, at his rally in Mobile, Alabama, just talked about the "sucking action", in reference to the economy.

Ross Perot is alive and well!!!

Video and links when they come out. I am watching it per live-streaming right now.

Well, it is the treasonous corporations that have moved over sea's or brought cheap labor here. We need more regulations to put a stop to this shit.
Donald Trump, at his rally in Mobile, Alabama, just talked about the "sucking action", in reference to the economy.

Ross Perot is alive and well!!!

Video and links when they come out. I am watching it per live-streaming right now.

He may very well be another Ross Perot...............he may very well be the spawn of hell to get Hillary Elected.....................So your side can vote in another Liar N Chief................which makes your side all giggly..............................

I like the fact he's at least rocking the boat.......................but he's still probably a wolf in sheep clothing........................Could have went to this tonight........but it was hot as hell at work and I'm too danged tired to go...................look at the video's later.
Well, it is the treasonous corporations that have moved over sea's or brought cheap labor here. We need more regulations to put a stop to this shit.

What laws that they break?
They aren't breaking any laws doing so....................We've just rolled out the red carpet for them..................

Tariffs worked for over 200 protect jobs here......until some dumb asses said the system was broken....................
And we turned disputes over to foreign entities...............instead of direct talks nation to nation on a give and take basis for trade...............We can currently get fined BILLIONS by Mexico and Canada over COOL standards....................and our congress has now advanced the bill to remove Country of Origin Labeling..................which was and still is the law here..............But now they can basically sue us for our own laws here.............which is ridiculous.............

They want to do business here........obey our laws................just as I say we should obey their laws when doing business there................Used to be the way it worked but not now...............upcoming TPP which is NAFTA on Steroids...................More jobs is stupid.
heck with the 'gop' and rino , yeb bush , roobio etc . Hope that Trump does well , hope he runs and wins . If he bows out and 'hilary' or better yet 'bernie' takes it its ok with me .
Donald Trump, at his rally in Mobile, Alabama, just talked about the "sucking action", in reference to the economy.

Ross Perot is alive and well!!!

Video and links when they come out. I am watching it per live-streaming right now.

Ssshhhhhh...he's still talking..
The rally ends with "We're not gonna take it anymore!"

It's a good song..............................but as I said he's more than likely just there for the Clintons.........................Hillary will get the usual sheep votes for gimme gimme democrats...........he'll move the center to the left to win like Bill did because of Ross.
little did we know that large sucking sound would turn out to be monica...

Ross Perot Was Wrong About Nafta -

Little did we know he would be right. Wow, one would have to be a fool to believe that propaganda. The loss of good industrial jobs replaced by Wall-mart jobs is apparent to everyone, we don't need CFR propaganda to tell us it isn't so. We all know about the trade deficit now. What a bunch of hog wash.

Here's the straight dope.
NAFTA Is 20 Years Old – Here Are 20 Facts That Show How It Is Destroying The Economy–-here-are-20-facts-show-how-it-destroying-economy
#1 More than 845,000 American workers have been officially certified for Trade Adjustment Assistance because they lost their jobs due to imports from Mexico or Canada or because their factories were relocated to those nations.

#2 Overall, it is estimated that NAFTA has cost us well over a million jobs.

#3 U.S. manufacturers pay Mexican workers just a little over a dollar an hour to do jobs that American workers used to do.

#4 The number of illegal immigrants living in the United States has more than doubled since the implementation of NAFTA.

#5 In the year before NAFTA, the U.S. had a trade surplus with Mexico and the trade deficit with Canada was only 29.6 billion dollars. Last year, the U.S. had a combined trade deficit with Mexico and Canada of 177 billion dollars.

#6 It has been estimated that the U.S. economy loses approximately 9,000 jobs for every 1 billion dollars of goods that are imported from overseas.

#7 One professor has estimated that cutting the total U.S. trade deficit in half would create 5 million more jobs in the United States.

#8 Since the auto industry bailout, approximately 70 percent of all GM vehicles have been built outside the United States. In fact, many of them are now being built in Mexico.

#9 NAFTA hasn't worked out very well for Mexico either. Since 1994, the average yearly rate of economic growth in Mexico has been less than one percent.

#10 The exporting of massive amounts of government-subsidized U.S. corn down into Mexico has destroyed more than a million Mexican jobs and has helped fuel the continual rise in the number of illegal immigrants coming north.

#11 Someone making minimum wage in Mexico today can buy 38 percent fewer consumer goods than the day before NAFTA went into effect.

#12 Overall, the United States has lost a total of more than 56,000 manufacturing facilities since 2001.

#13 Back in the 1980s, more than 20 percent of the jobs in the United States were manufacturing jobs. Today, only about 9 percent of the jobs in the United States are manufacturing jobs.

#14 We have fewer Americans working in manufacturing today than we did in 1950 even though our population has more than doubled since then.

#15 Back in 1950, more than 80 percent of all men in the United States had jobs. Today, only 65 percent of all men in the United States have jobs.

#16 As I wrote about recently, one out of every six men in their prime working years (25 to 54) do not have a job at this point.

#17 Because we have shipped millions of jobs overseas, the competition for the jobs that remain has become extremely intense and this has put downward pressure on wages. Right now, half the country makes $27,520 a year or less from their jobs.

#18 When adults cannot get decent jobs, it is often children that suffer the most. It is hard to believe, but more than one out of every five children in the United States is living in poverty in 2014.

#19 In 1994, only 27 million Americans were on food stamps. Today, more than 46 million Americans are on food stamps.

#20 According to Professor Alan Blinder of Princeton University, 40 million more U.S. jobs could be sent offshore over the next two decades if current trends continue.

For much more on this, please watch the video by Charlie LeDuff posted below. It is well worth a few minutes of your time..

Happy 20th Anniversary, NAFTA!

Looks Like Ross Perot Was Right About The “Giant Sucking Sound”
Looks Like Ross Perot Was Right About The “Giant Sucking Sound”

Both of Perot’s opponents (George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton) argued that NAFTA would create jobs in the U.S. because of business expansion.

However, the goods balance of trade for the U.S. with Mexico has been negative and steadily growing over the years. In 2010 it amounted to $61.6 billion, which was 9.5% of the total goods trade deficit last year.

So Perot has been vindicated in his opinion; expanded free trade has not been accompanied by an increase in jobs in the U.S. relative to the vast numbers of jobs created in the rest of the world as NAFTA became just a stepping stone on the pathway to global commerce.



The full analysis and data details are available at GEI Analysis.
Donald Trump, at his rally in Mobile, Alabama, just talked about the "sucking action", in reference to the economy.

Ross Perot is alive and well!!!

Video and links when they come out. I am watching it per live-streaming right now.


Ross Perot was proved correct.

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