The Great White Hope.

But many of those blacks who do graduate are smarter than you. Thats the point I was making. Graduation rates have no bearing on that. Case in point? Here ya go:

"A new report confirms that black women are now the most educated group in the United States. But we still have a long way to go for pay equity.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, between 2009 and 2010, black women earned 68 percent of all associate degrees awarded to black students, as well as 66 percent of bachelor’s degrees, 71 percent of master’s degrees and 65 percent of all doctorates awarded to black students.

''most educated GROUP'--not above whites
those percentages are regarding just black students--not all students!!!
do you understand these 2 points??
intelligent black female college students are a very SMALL group--
According to the most recent statistics, the nationwide college graduation rate for black students stands at an appallingly low rate of 42 percent. This figure is 20 percentage points below the 62 percent rate for white students
Black Student College Graduation Rates Remain Low, But Modest Progress Begins to Show

On average, just 5 percent of students at the nation’s flagship public universities are black.
Black students are drastically underrepresented at top public colleges, data show - The Hechinger Report

About 33 percent of African-American adults had at least a two-year college degree in 2015, up from about 28 percent in 2007. For Latinos, that figure grew to about 23 percent from 19 percent, while whites grew to 47 percent from 41 percent.
College degree gap grows wider between whites, blacks and Latinos - The Hechinger Report

and blacks only make up 13% of the population!!
these numbers are EXACTLY what I'm saying--millions are NOT smarter

are you blind? blacks graduate high school at lower levels---meaning even less go to college--meaning less graduate college --per the links......and they only make up 13% of the population--meaning there are a lot more whites with college education, per capita AND overall
the numbers are right there
you obviously failed math class
More importantly, college is mostly a piece of paper authorizing one to work in certain fields. It won't turn a negro into a human.
If you were really educated you'd know that unmixed Negroes are the ONLY true humans on the planet.. They have virtually NONE of the neanderthal genes you have. Go catch up or ketchup whichever makes your boat float.
And the math won't work until you know the value of all the factors. The link i posted did the math because they researched the numbers. You are just assuming you are smarter than the majority of blacks...with no substantial proof.
Yeah, it must be their superior intelligence that gets them in prison so often!
.just like your ilk hates the Jews who were/ARE far smarter than your average EURO-PEON.

How smart are Jews, really?
For starters most Jews on this site don't come off as smarter than White Americans.

Jews support a lot of stupid things that harm them, like how much they support the Democrat policies like gun control that Hitler used against Jews, or tax raises for the rich, or how Democrats haven't been as pro-Israel.
Let's not even talk about how Democrats are softer on the more anti-Jewish Muslims, than the Republicans.

On closer inspection, I'd say that despite Jews being more ambitious than Whites, they seem to be more stupid than Whites.
So blacks rob liquor stores/shoot each other up and go to prison because of...wait for it...NAZIS! Got it!

No... my response was to the question of why so many blacks are in prison. Most are there due to the war on drugs. Nixon started it to target blacks; and, one of his top henchmen
revealed that fact. it isn't something i made up. Given the gap in your understanding of the history behind the War on Drugs your ignorance is becoming somewhat of a burden.

Everything I read indicates they were glorified calculators, not much different from a typist committing a handwritten document to type due to the lack of a copy machine.
I get it! Nothing blacks do will ever elicit praise from you. The human computers were mathematicians of the highest order. Rocket science really was their game and they spoke the language of science well. But three of them stood out from the rest. Hidden Figures is their story. You ought to read the book or get the dvd. It will open your eyes.

Goodness, Q said his ignorance is becoming a burden. Man whew! I could unpack just that and write a book on human behavior. Hey some people here are getting professional help for free. Lets unpack this statement;, Nothing Blacks will do will ever elicit praise from you~-; Stunning but true none the less. Some people on this board will just be prejudiced no matter what! They can never see Blacks doing anything worthwhile.
where's the rest?
1. no that doesn't mean there are more black college students
2. it says ''enrolled'' not graduated
..blacks also graduate college at lower levels Louis Gates, their expertise is African American history/history--not science/math/engineering/etc
so black females as a group are enrolled more ----per capita--per the total number of black females
as stated before there are a lot more whites that graduate than there are even black females enrolled
nearly 1 in 10 of every African-American
Good News: Black Women Enroll In College More Than Any Race And Gender

remember, blacks --total--make up only 13% pf the population
there are a lot more white males who graduate college than black females
so--as stated before--fact--the chance of a black being smarter is lower than vice versa

once again--the math is right there..cannot be denied

Well we Blacks are alive, we were created as well as any race. We too have our ups and downs, in fact , some of us have really done things that makes our race proud of us, and done things to HELP each other. So Blacks are; we exist, God wanted us here and he loves us too! These are the meaningful things; does your culture have heart!
I totally agree with you...
I'm just pointing out the undeniable hypocrisy of blacks and the MSM --whitey is evil and blacks angelic

there's racism/hate on both sides....not just one
Blacks don't refuse ti rent to Euro-peons.

A lot of these cases today, of refusing rent to Blacks, or housing segregation are by Jews.
Says who?
''most educated GROUP'--not above whites
those percentages are regarding just black students--not all students!!!
do you understand these 2 points??
intelligent black female college students are a very SMALL group--
Black Student College Graduation Rates Remain Low, But Modest Progress Begins to Show

Black students are drastically underrepresented at top public colleges, data show - The Hechinger Report

College degree gap grows wider between whites, blacks and Latinos - The Hechinger Report

and blacks only make up 13% of the population!!
these numbers are EXACTLY what I'm saying--millions are NOT smarter

are you blind? blacks graduate high school at lower levels---meaning even less go to college--meaning less graduate college --per the links......and they only make up 13% of the population--meaning there are a lot more whites with college education, per capita AND overall
the numbers are right there
you obviously failed math class
More importantly, college is mostly a piece of paper authorizing one to work in certain fields. It won't turn a negro into a human.
If you were really educated you'd know that unmixed Negroes are the ONLY true humans on the planet.. They have virtually NONE of the neanderthal genes you have. Go catch up or ketchup whichever makes your boat float.
And the math won't work until you know the value of all the factors. The link i posted did the math because they researched the numbers. You are just assuming you are smarter than the majority of blacks...with no substantial proof.
Yeah, it must be their superior intelligence that gets them in prison so often!
.just like your ilk hates the Jews who were/ARE far smarter than your average EURO-PEON.

How smart are Jews, really?
For starters most Jews on this site don't come off as smarter than White Americans.

Jews support a lot of stupid things that harm them, like how much they support the Democrat policies like gun control that Hitler used against Jews, or tax raises for the rich, or how Democrats haven't been as pro-Israel.
Let's not even talk about how Democrats are softer on the more anti-Jewish Muslims, than the Republicans.

On closer inspection, I'd say that despite Jews being more ambitious than Whites, they seem to be more stupid than Whites.
American Jews and Asians vote almost exclusively Democrat. There is good reason for that. They know that ensconced within the Republican party are the most virulent Jew hating xenophobes in America. The KKK, the American Nazi Party, and the White Aryan Resistance ((W.A.R.) are among many such RW extremist groups that call the GOP home.

But the Jews are renown for their "smartness." As a collective, Jews are said to consistently outperform any other group in terms of demonstrable IQ...and genius.
Their enterprising initiatives and mental skills brought the Jews prosperity in pre NAZI Europe. And they rose to prominence in all facets of the socio economic milieu every where they went. Banking and business expansion was often controlled by Jews;
Euro-Christians resented that. But it wasn't until German populism arose, bringing Hitler with it, that antiSemitic fervor exploded.
Success. and Jewish prosperity gained through their collective superior intellect was the catalyst that drove Christians to murder them in a bid for genocide..
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.
There you go assuming things again. And you've not presented any "facts" to ignore.
Hint. google Halderman talks about Nixon's War on Drugs. After you do that get back with me.

Also peruse table 55a of the FBI UCR and tell me what you see. Nevermind I will do the work for you with this cut and paste copyView attachment 159988
That's not a rate, that's a number, idiot. Here's a rate:


As you can see...the "white" column shows far more violence than the black column. If the numbers are correct there should be far more pink men behind bars than black men. Could it be because the system is biased and more lenient on your ilk? But most of the black prison population comes from drug related crimes...not violence. And even though pinks and blacks use drugs at the same neighborhoods are targeted more often and so more arrests are made there .
So why don't you tell us what they did that was so great that couldn't have been done by another mathematician.

So why don't you get off your lazy ass and do some research? Read the book or watch the dvd. Or just google hidden figures to get some kind of orientation on the subject. Im not wasting my time on giving you a free education that you won't appreciate anyway.
Bwahahahaha! Even you can't figure out what they did! So much for your magical smart negro...
Last edited:
More importantly, college is mostly a piece of paper authorizing one to work in certain fields. It won't turn a negro into a human.
If you were really educated you'd know that unmixed Negroes are the ONLY true humans on the planet.. They have virtually NONE of the neanderthal genes you have. Go catch up or ketchup whichever makes your boat float.
And the math won't work until you know the value of all the factors. The link i posted did the math because they researched the numbers. You are just assuming you are smarter than the majority of blacks...with no substantial proof.
Yeah, it must be their superior intelligence that gets them in prison so often!
.just like your ilk hates the Jews who were/ARE far smarter than your average EURO-PEON.

How smart are Jews, really?
For starters most Jews on this site don't come off as smarter than White Americans.

Jews support a lot of stupid things that harm them, like how much they support the Democrat policies like gun control that Hitler used against Jews, or tax raises for the rich, or how Democrats haven't been as pro-Israel.
Let's not even talk about how Democrats are softer on the more anti-Jewish Muslims, than the Republicans.

On closer inspection, I'd say that despite Jews being more ambitious than Whites, they seem to be more stupid than Whites.
American Jews and Asians vote almost exclusively Democrat. There is good reason for that. They know that ensconced within the Republican party are the most virulent Jew hating xenophobes in America. The KKK, the American Nazi Party, and the White Aryan Resistance ((W.A.R.) are among many such RW extremist groups that call the GOP home.

But the Jews are renown for their "smartness." As a collective, Jews are said to consistently outperform any other group in terms of demonstrable IQ...and genius.
Their enterprising initiatives and mental skills brought the Jews prosperity in pre NAZI Europe. And they rose to prominence in all facets of the socio economic milieu every where they went. Banking and business expansion was often controlled by Jews;
Euro-Christians resented that. But it wasn't until German populism arose, bringing Hitler with it, that antiSemitic fervor exploded.
Success. and Jewish prosperity gained through their collective superior intellect was the catalyst that drove Christians to murder them in a bid for genocide..

That's not really true, the Republicans are more pro-Jewish / Zionists on the whole I've found.
Even if some of the far-Right are anti-Jewish, and vote more Republican, they are far rarer than Neo-Cons who support Israel, Jews etc.

The Ashkenazi Jews have a very high verbal IQ, but a low spatial ability IQ.

I think this is because Jews are very Obsessive about grammar, and otherwise lack ability for logic, or greater abstract thought.

I think Jews are very Obsessive in general, they are Obsessive about getting ahead, and getting money, and more control.

That makes them ambitious, but not necessarily more logical.
Last edited:
so black females as a group are enrolled more ----per capita--per the total number of black females
as stated before there are a lot more whites that graduate than there are even black females enrolled

Good News: Black Women Enroll In College More Than Any Race And Gender

remember, blacks --total--make up only 13% pf the population
there are a lot more white males who graduate college than black females
so--as stated before--fact--the chance of a black being smarter is lower than vice versa

once again--the math is right there..cannot be denied

Well we Blacks are alive, we were created as well as any race. We too have our ups and downs, in fact , some of us have really done things that makes our race proud of us, and done things to HELP each other. So Blacks are; we exist, God wanted us here and he loves us too! These are the meaningful things; does your culture have heart!
I totally agree with you...
I'm just pointing out the undeniable hypocrisy of blacks and the MSM --whitey is evil and blacks angelic

there's racism/hate on both sides....not just one
Blacks don't refuse ti rent to Euro-peons.

A lot of these cases today, of refusing rent to Blacks, or housing segregation are by Jews.
Says who?

Says the reporting.

Two new private Broadway Triangle developments unfairly filled with Hasidic families, critics charge

Brooklyn landlord hit with housing discrimination lawsuit

‘I Put in White Tenants’: The Grim, Racist (and Likely Illegal) Methods of One Brooklyn Landlord

Did Landlord Discriminate Against Non-Jewish Tenant In ‘Jewish’ West Side Building?

Brooklyn Jewish landlords arrested for harassing tenants
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.
There you go assuming things again. And you've not presented any "facts" to ignore.
Hint. google Halderman talks about Nixon's War on Drugs. After you do that get back with me.

Also peruse table 55a of the FBI UCR and tell me what you see. Nevermind I will do the work for you with this cut and paste copyView attachment 159988
That's not a rate, that's a number, idiot. Here's a rate:

As you can see...the "white" column shows far more violence than the black column. If the numbers are correct there should be far more pink men behind bars than black men. Could it be because the system is biased and more lenient on your ilk? But most of the black prison population comes from drug related crimes...not violence. And even though pinks and blacks use drugs at the same neighborhoods are targeted more often and so more arrests are made there .
So why don't you tell us what they did that was so great that couldn't have been done by another mathematician.

So why don't you get off your lazy ass and do some research? Read the book or watch the dvd. Or just google hidden figures to get some kind of orientation on the subject. Im not wasting my time on giving you a free education that you won't appreciate anyway.
Bwahahahaha! Even you can't figure out what they did! So much for your magical smart negro...

You may be too stupid to understand this but raw numbers can be used to show real facts. Your chart shows that pink people commit almost three times the crime blacks do in real numbers. So that means there should be 3 times as many "flesh colored" inmates as there are Black inmates but its just the opposite. I am not disagreeing with the per capita figures, dummy. I'm trying to show your dumbass how biased your damn justice system is against blacks.

Look...another thing sound like a dumb uneducated punk. You don't get out much do you? Almost everyone on this board knows the story of Hidden Figures but YOU!
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.
There you go assuming things again. And you've not presented any "facts" to ignore.
Hint. google Halderman talks about Nixon's War on Drugs. After you do that get back with me.

Also peruse table 55a of the FBI UCR and tell me what you see. Nevermind I will do the work for you with this cut and paste copyView attachment 159988
That's not a rate, that's a number, idiot. Here's a rate:

As you can see...the "white" column shows far more violence than the black column. If the numbers are correct there should be far more pink men behind bars than black men. Could it be because the system is biased and more lenient on your ilk? But most of the black prison population comes from drug related crimes...not violence. And even though pinks and blacks use drugs at the same neighborhoods are targeted more often and so more arrests are made there .
So why don't you tell us what they did that was so great that couldn't have been done by another mathematician.

So why don't you get off your lazy ass and do some research? Read the book or watch the dvd. Or just google hidden figures to get some kind of orientation on the subject. Im not wasting my time on giving you a free education that you won't appreciate anyway.
Bwahahahaha! Even you can't figure out what they did! So much for your magical smart negro...

You may be too stupid to understand this but raw numbers can be used to show real facts.
We know why those numbers are the way they are. There are many more whites in the US so of course they will commit more crimes in total, but per person, blacks are overrepresented.
Your chart shows that pink people commit almost three times the crime blacks do in real numbers. So that means there should be 3 times as many "flesh colored" inmates as there are Black inmates but its just the opposite. I am not disagreeing with the per capita figures, dummy. I'm trying to show your dumbass how biased your damn justice system is against blacks.
Your stats alone don't prove that at all. Each crime has certain circumstances associated with it. In other words, not all robberies will result in the same punishment.
Look...another thing sound like a dumb uneducated punk. You don't get out much do you? Almost everyone on this board knows the story of Hidden Figures but YOU!
Then it shouldn't be very hard for you to substantiate your claims. Instead, you're arousing doubt by avoiding the issue.
If you were really educated you'd know that unmixed Negroes are the ONLY true humans on the planet.. They have virtually NONE of the neanderthal genes you have. Go catch up or ketchup whichever makes your boat float.
And the math won't work until you know the value of all the factors. The link i posted did the math because they researched the numbers. You are just assuming you are smarter than the majority of blacks...with no substantial proof.
Yeah, it must be their superior intelligence that gets them in prison so often!
.just like your ilk hates the Jews who were/ARE far smarter than your average EURO-PEON.

How smart are Jews, really?
For starters most Jews on this site don't come off as smarter than White Americans.

Jews support a lot of stupid things that harm them, like how much they support the Democrat policies like gun control that Hitler used against Jews, or tax raises for the rich, or how Democrats haven't been as pro-Israel.
Let's not even talk about how Democrats are softer on the more anti-Jewish Muslims, than the Republicans.

On closer inspection, I'd say that despite Jews being more ambitious than Whites, they seem to be more stupid than Whites.
American Jews and Asians vote almost exclusively Democrat. There is good reason for that. They know that ensconced within the Republican party are the most virulent Jew hating xenophobes in America. The KKK, the American Nazi Party, and the White Aryan Resistance ((W.A.R.) are among many such RW extremist groups that call the GOP home.

But the Jews are renown for their "smartness." As a collective, Jews are said to consistently outperform any other group in terms of demonstrable IQ...and genius.
Their enterprising initiatives and mental skills brought the Jews prosperity in pre NAZI Europe. And they rose to prominence in all facets of the socio economic milieu every where they went. Banking and business expansion was often controlled by Jews;
Euro-Christians resented that. But it wasn't until German populism arose, bringing Hitler with it, that antiSemitic fervor exploded.
Success. and Jewish prosperity gained through their collective superior intellect was the catalyst that drove Christians to murder them in a bid for genocide..

That's not really true, the Republicans are more pro-Jewish / Zionists on the whole I've found.
Even if some of the far-Right are anti-Jewish, and vote more Republican, they are far rarer than Neo-Cons who support Israel, Jews etc.

The Ashkenazi Jews have a very high verbal IQ, but a low spatial ability IQ.

I think this is because Jews are very Obsessive about grammar, and otherwise lack ability for logic, or greater abstract thought.

I think Jews are very Obsessive in general, they are Obsessive about getting ahead, and getting money, and more control.

That makes them ambitious, but not necessarily more logical.

I'm not going to get too deep into the intelligence of Jews because Im not sure IQ tests prove how intelligent a person or group is. A person with a photographic memory might appear to be smarter but can they apply what they have earned to solve complex problems?
  • Further, Jews are made up of all races... But the Ashkenazi Jews are alleged to be the bright ones. That revelation is suspicious enough to raise a red flag that even among Jews, the Eurocentric world correlates light skin with higher IQ. I don't accept that paradigm without input from darker scientists.
We know why those numbers are the way they are. There are many more whites in the US so of course they will commit more crimes in total, but per person, blacks are overrepresented.

I said that already. And I knew you weren't smart enough to understand that Euro-peon prison populations are underrepresented in proportion to the crimes they commit. There ought to be 3 times as many pink folks as blacks in prison according to the raw numbers.

Your stats alone don't prove that at all. Each crime has certain circumstances associated with it. In other words, not all robberies will result in the same punishment.
Well, heh heh heh... you got me there. Apparently all robberies or any other crime will result in the same punishment but it seems Blacks get the max for damn near any crime they commit. I guess its just another way of purging the voter rolls with harsher sentences for the Negroes...RIGHT? But robberies don't account for the bulk of Black incarceration. Drug related offenses do.
So while Blacks and Caucasians use drugs at the same rates, blacks are busted, tried and sentenced while your pink friends are sent to rehab!

Then it shouldn't be very hard for you to substantiate your claims. Instead, you're arousing doubt by avoiding the issue.

I did substantiate my claims but what good did it do?...Your'e wearing blinders.
Well we Blacks are alive, we were created as well as any race. We too have our ups and downs, in fact , some of us have really done things that makes our race proud of us, and done things to HELP each other. So Blacks are; we exist, God wanted us here and he loves us too! These are the meaningful things; does your culture have heart!
I totally agree with you...
I'm just pointing out the undeniable hypocrisy of blacks and the MSM --whitey is evil and blacks angelic

there's racism/hate on both sides....not just one
Blacks don't refuse ti rent to Euro-peons.

A lot of these cases today, of refusing rent to Blacks, or housing segregation are by Jews.
Says who?

Says the reporting.

Two new private Broadway Triangle developments unfairly filled with Hasidic families, critics charge

Brooklyn landlord hit with housing discrimination lawsuit

‘I Put in White Tenants’: The Grim, Racist (and Likely Illegal) Methods of One Brooklyn Landlord

Did Landlord Discriminate Against Non-Jewish Tenant In ‘Jewish’ West Side Building?

Brooklyn Jewish landlords arrested for harassing tenants

Discrimination Against Tenants in Brooklyn

Hmmm A closer look shows your links are misleading. Some don't involve at all..others involve other non Jewish players in discriminating against Blacks and Hispanics to benefit some Jews.

Hmmm A closer look shows your links are misleading. Some don't involve at all..others involve other non Jewish players in discriminating against Blacks and Hispanics to benefit some Jews.

It's basically one Jew after, another.
Did you check out the names of the ones where it doesn't say Jewish point blank?
Well even if the several links you posted
are cases of

It's basically one Jew after, another.
Did you check out the names of the ones where it doesn't say Jewish point blank?
So some Jews discriminate but does that excuse all the discrimination that pink people do? And just what are you trying to do with those links, convince me that all Jews discriminate against Blacks and Hispanics?
Ironically, the link about Hasidic Jews suggests your people were also discriminated sgainst. They only wanted Hasidic Jews
to live in that community. But here's the kicker...if a black person converted to Hasidic beliefs I'm not convinced that person would have been discriminated against by Jews with lighter skin.
We know why those numbers are the way they are. There are many more whites in the US so of course they will commit more crimes in total, but per person, blacks are overrepresented.

I said that already. And I knew you weren't smart enough to understand that Euro-peon prison populations are underrepresented in proportion to the crimes they commit. There ought to be 3 times as many pink folks as blacks in prison according to the raw numbers.

Your stats alone don't prove that at all. Each crime has certain circumstances associated with it. In other words, not all robberies will result in the same punishment.
Well, heh heh heh... you got me there. Apparently all robberies or any other crime will result in the same punishment
No they don't, moron, especially where it comes to prison time. How much time a person serves can depend on prior record, parole violations, etc...
but it seems Blacks get the max for damn near any crime they commit. I guess its just another way of purging the voter rolls with harsher sentences for the Negroes...RIGHT? But robberies don't account for the bulk of Black incarceration. Drug related offenses do.
So while Blacks and Caucasians use drugs at the same rates, blacks are busted, tried and sentenced while your pink friends are sent to rehab!
Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge.
Then it shouldn't be very hard for you to substantiate your claims. Instead, you're arousing doubt by avoiding the issue.

I did substantiate my claims but what good did it do?...Your'e wearing blinders.
Where did you do that?
No they don't, moron, especially where it comes to prison time. How much time a person serves can depend on prior record, parole violations, etc...
I accidently left the word "not" out of my response. But when i said "you got me there" the average person would have surmised i was agreeing with some of your narrative... But you aren't bright enough to catch things like that. What I do take umbrage with on the issue is your speculative nonesense. You are attempting to dismiss the disparity in the black/pink mutant incarceration ratio as something benign. It isn't. You haven't been an apologists for thousands of blacks who

Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge.
No they don't, moron, especially where it comes to prison time. How much time a person serves can depend on prior record, parole violations, etc...
I accidently left the word "not" out of my response. But when i said "you got me there" the average person would have surmised i was agreeing with some of your narrative... But you aren't bright enough to catch things like that.
Are you black? Just wondering. Blacks generally avoid personal responsibility, like you did there when you fucked up your sentence and blamed me for it.
What I do take umbrage with on the issue is your speculative nonesense. You are attempting to dismiss the disparity in the black/pink mutant incarceration ratio as something benign. It isn't. You haven't been an apologists for thousands of blacks who

Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge.
I looked at the stats. I looked at negro-run organizations. I looked at negro-run countries. I've spoken to negroes. I haven't seen anything that looks out of place, except pro-black movies in the fiction section.
No they don't, moron, especially where it comes to prison time. How much time a person serves can depend on prior record, parole violations, etc...
I accidently left the word "not" out of my response. But when i said "you got me there" the average person would have surmised i was agreeing with some of your narrative... But you aren't bright enough to catch things like that.
Are you black? Just wondering. Blacks generally avoid personal responsibility, like you did there when you fucked up your sentence and blamed me for it.
What I do take umbrage with on the issue is your speculative nonesense. You are attempting to dismiss the disparity in the black/pink mutant incarceration ratio as something benign. It isn't. You haven't been an apologists for thousands of blacks who

Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge.
I looked at the stats. I looked at negro-run organizations. I looked at negro-run countries. I've spoken to negroes. I haven't seen anything that looks out of place, except pro-black movies in the fiction section.

How about cleaning your glasses first.
No they don't, moron, especially where it comes to prison time. How much time a person serves can depend on prior record, parole violations, etc...
I accidently left the word "not" out of my response. But when i said "you got me there" the average person would have surmised i was agreeing with some of your narrative... But you aren't bright enough to catch things like that.
Are you black? Just wondering. Blacks generally avoid personal responsibility, like you did there when you fucked up your sentence and blamed me for it.
What I do take umbrage with on the issue is your speculative nonesense. You are attempting to dismiss the disparity in the black/pink mutant incarceration ratio as something benign. It isn't. You haven't been an apologists for thousands of blacks who

Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge.
I looked at the stats. I looked at negro-run organizations. I looked at negro-run countries. I've spoken to negroes. I haven't seen anything that looks out of place, except pro-black movies in the fiction section.

How about cleaning your glasses first.
I don't wear glasses. Besides, even a nearly blind man can see negro failure and inferiority with the naked eye.
No they don't, moron, especially where it comes to prison time. How much time a person serves can depend on prior record, parole violations, etc...
I accidently left the word "not" out of my response. But when i said "you got me there" the average person would have surmised i was agreeing with some of your narrative... But you aren't bright enough to catch things like that.
Are you black? Just wondering. Blacks generally avoid personal responsibility, like you did there when you fucked up your sentence and blamed me for it.
What I do take umbrage with on the issue is your speculative nonesense. You are attempting to dismiss the disparity in the black/pink mutant incarceration ratio as something benign. It isn't. You haven't been an apologists for thousands of blacks who

Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge.
I looked at the stats. I looked at negro-run organizations. I looked at negro-run countries. I've spoken to negroes. I haven't seen anything that looks out of place, except pro-black movies in the fiction section.
Are you pink? Just wondering. Pink folks have a habit of lying and creating pseudo social concepts to feel good about themselves...such as saying they are white.
Obviously you had no answer.

But your lying and deflections are the real markers exposing your true pink color.That's consistent with the sordid history of your ilk in dealing with people of color.

Rather than responding intelligently to Nixon's legacy, the War on Drugs , and how it has been largely focused on black communities, you go off on a racist tirade.
I'll stay on point and again seek to elicit some spark of intelligent discourse in regards to why there are more Blacks in prison when
Cawks commit more crime. Hint: They use drugs at the same rates. Add to that the fact that y'all Euro-peons are arrested nearly 3 times more than Blacks are in Metro Areas but are unrepresented in the prison population. And one more thing...
In formulating an answer don't try and rehash that apologist bs in a desperate attempt to justify the racial disparity in sentencing and incarceration. I know a google search on the issue will produce hundreds of conflicting results but stay focused on the DOJ raw numbers and seek correlations in your search that support the data therein. The following link is the best I found that uncovers 40 reasons more Blacks are incarcerated than Pinks and Mexicans. Although Aryan wannabes commit the bulk of crime in the USA.
40 Reasons Our Jails and Prisons Are Full of Black and Poor People

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