The Great White Hope.

This thread reminds me of a great song by Dead Prez and Bob Marleys son Stephen.

"Everywhere the white man go he bring misery..all throughout history...Look it up. Everything them bald heads touch they fuck it up. Every government he set up it be corrupt."

If only whitey could rule as well as Robert Mugabe...

If only the orange clown could rule as well as Obama!

Obama the black clown was a weak, ineffective president. To call him a leader or ruler is a fucking joke.

He was responsible for ballooning the national debt more than any other past president.

Obamacare ended up being the worst disaster this country has faced in recent times, even worse than the 9-11 tragedy because it's outrageously costly, and has caused people to lose their insurance coverage.

We need true leaders like Donald Trump who speak the truth and have real vision to make America great again.

The American economy is prospering and the stock market is at its highest ever thanks to him. Those of us who have investments are laughing all the way to the bank. I'll bet you don't even have anything invested in the market. Many blacks don't for whatever dumbass reason.

Drumpf is an abysmal failure as a leader and a massive embarrassment to whites world wide. The only people that support him are inbred, recessive, semi literate, mouth breathers. Drumpf will go down as the worst prez in the history of the US (which is sad ft considering Dubya) and Obama will be the best.
most educated GROUP'--not above whites
You don't read very well... Did you miss this?
"By both race and gender, a higher percentage of black women (9.7 percent) are enrolled in college than any other group, topping Asian women (8.7 percent), white women (7.1 percent) and white men (6.1 percent)."
where's the rest?
1. no that doesn't mean there are more black college students
2. it says ''enrolled'' not graduated
..blacks also graduate college at lower levels Louis Gates, their expertise is African American history/history--not science/math/engineering/etc trailer park mathematicians, or should I say "meth-morticians" suddenly lose interest in proportional stastics when some positive news about blacks is generated.
Here is what those stats mean to me:
They show that black women are placing value on education now more than ever.
Also if black women are enrolled in college proportionally more than any group they must have done better on SAT and other College entrance exams proportionally than the other mentioned groups. Now that affirmative action is no longer a social mandate and quotas are illegal...those positive stats speak volumes about these upwardly mobile black women.

You might not appreciate the brilliance of black women or men because you've been socially conditioned to believe Euro-peons
are superior to people of African descent.
Even when genuises like Vivian Thomas or Ben Carson rock your world with brilliance you don your social blinders and pretend its just an anomoly. But that "anomoly" keeps happening over and over again...

Sometimes black brilliance is covered up or the inspiring story of the black human computers who, while working for NASA in the early 1960s calculated rocket trajectories that helped to launch the fledgling U.S. manned space flight programs. Yet that important knowledge went unheralded for more than 50 years... How many other unknown stories of mentally gifted blacks are hidden....left untapped in the dustbins of history even as insecure pink people like you seek and focus only on the negatives?

View attachment 159894
I am glad for anyone achieving their educational goals.
If you really mean that...I 'll give you a gold star.
Of course I mean that. I admire anyone who wants to better themselves. I am actually proud of myself, lol. I went back and got my degree in drafting and design, I was over 50.
But many of those blacks who do graduate are smarter than you. Thats the point I was making. Graduation rates have no bearing on that. Case in point? Here ya go:

"A new report confirms that black women are now the most educated group in the United States. But we still have a long way to go for pay equity.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, between 2009 and 2010, black women earned 68 percent of all associate degrees awarded to black students, as well as 66 percent of bachelor’s degrees, 71 percent of master’s degrees and 65 percent of all doctorates awarded to black students.

''most educated GROUP'--not above whites
those percentages are regarding just black students--not all students!!!
do you understand these 2 points??
intelligent black female college students are a very SMALL group--
According to the most recent statistics, the nationwide college graduation rate for black students stands at an appallingly low rate of 42 percent. This figure is 20 percentage points below the 62 percent rate for white students
Black Student College Graduation Rates Remain Low, But Modest Progress Begins to Show

On average, just 5 percent of students at the nation’s flagship public universities are black.
Black students are drastically underrepresented at top public colleges, data show - The Hechinger Report

About 33 percent of African-American adults had at least a two-year college degree in 2015, up from about 28 percent in 2007. For Latinos, that figure grew to about 23 percent from 19 percent, while whites grew to 47 percent from 41 percent.
College degree gap grows wider between whites, blacks and Latinos - The Hechinger Report

and blacks only make up 13% of the population!!
these numbers are EXACTLY what I'm saying--millions are NOT smarter

are you blind? blacks graduate high school at lower levels---meaning even less go to college--meaning less graduate college --per the links......and they only make up 13% of the population--meaning there are a lot more whites with college education, per capita AND overall
the numbers are right there
you obviously failed math class
More importantly, college is mostly a piece of paper authorizing one to work in certain fields. It won't turn a negro into a human.
If you were really educated you'd know that unmixed Negroes are the ONLY true humans on the planet.. They have virtually NONE of the neanderthal genes you have. Go catch up or ketchup whichever makes your boat float.
And the math won't work until you know the value of all the factors. The link i posted did the math because they researched the numbers. You are just assuming you are smarter than the majority of blacks...with no substantial proof.
Yeah, it must be their superior intelligence that gets them in prison so often!
Naw...that's due to the Nazification of America. The Jews were the smartest people in Germany and the same kind of pink faced populists that are gaining prominence here
used their political system to kill them. It doesn't matter how smart blacks would hate them anyway...just like your ilk hates the Jews who were/ARE far smarter than your average EURO-PEON.

So blacks rob liquor stores/shoot each other up and go to prison because of...wait for it...NAZIS! Got it!

most educated GROUP'--not above whites
You don't read very well... Did you miss this?
"By both race and gender, a higher percentage of black women (9.7 percent) are enrolled in college than any other group, topping Asian women (8.7 percent), white women (7.1 percent) and white men (6.1 percent)."
where's the rest?
1. no that doesn't mean there are more black college students
2. it says ''enrolled'' not graduated
..blacks also graduate college at lower levels Louis Gates, their expertise is African American history/history--not science/math/engineering/etc trailer park mathematicians, or should I say "meth-morticians" suddenly lose interest in proportional stastics when some positive news about blacks is generated.
Here is what those stats mean to me:
They show that black women are placing value on education now more than ever.
Also if black women are enrolled in college proportionally more than any group they must have done better on SAT and other College entrance exams proportionally than the other mentioned groups. Now that affirmative action is no longer a social mandate and quotas are illegal...those positive stats speak volumes about these upwardly mobile black women.

You might not appreciate the brilliance of black women or men because you've been socially conditioned to believe Euro-peons
are superior to people of African descent.
Even when genuises like Vivian Thomas or Ben Carson rock your world with brilliance you don your social blinders and pretend its just an anomoly. But that "anomoly" keeps happening over and over again...

Sometimes black brilliance is covered up or the inspiring story of the black human computers who, while working for NASA in the early 1960s calculated rocket trajectories that helped to launch the fledgling U.S. manned space flight programs. Yet that important knowledge went unheralded for more than 50 years... How many other unknown stories of mentally gifted blacks are hidden....left untapped in the dustbins of history even as insecure pink people like you seek and focus only on the negatives?

View attachment 159894

Everything I read indicates they were glorified calculators, not much different from a typist committing a handwritten document to type due to the lack of a copy machine.
This thread reminds me of a great song by Dead Prez and Bob Marleys son Stephen.

"Everywhere the white man go he bring misery..all throughout history...Look it up. Everything them bald heads touch they fuck it up. Every government he set up it be corrupt."

If only whitey could rule as well as Robert Mugabe...

If only the orange clown could rule as well as Obama!

Obama the black clown was a weak, ineffective president. To call him a leader or ruler is a fucking joke.

He was responsible for ballooning the national debt more than any other past president.

Obamacare ended up being the worst disaster this country has faced in recent times, even worse than the 9-11 tragedy because it's outrageously costly, and has caused people to lose their insurance coverage.

We need true leaders like Donald Trump who speak the truth and have real vision to make America great again.

The American economy is prospering and the stock market is at its highest ever thanks to him. Those of us who have investments are laughing all the way to the bank. I'll bet you don't even have anything invested in the market. Many blacks don't for whatever dumbass reason.

Your thinking scares me more than Trump. You know for a fact that Whites are superior to Blacks; this is a widely held thing to know about certain Whites. That you even believe this. Let me ask you, if I may; Are Whites superior to Blacks " Physically", or emotionally; or both? Are your feet superior to ours? Is your hands better than our hands? Are your teeth better?

Or is it the way Whites think? Are your thinking abilities superior?

Or is it just " Everything is Superior? "Let us know. And help this conversation, explain to us WHY Whites are superior.
This thread reminds me of a great song by Dead Prez and Bob Marleys son Stephen.

"Everywhere the white man go he bring misery..all throughout history...Look it up. Everything them bald heads touch they fuck it up. Every government he set up it be corrupt."

If only whitey could rule as well as Robert Mugabe...

If only the orange clown could rule as well as Obama!

Obama the black clown was a weak, ineffective president. To call him a leader or ruler is a fucking joke.

He was responsible for ballooning the national debt more than any other past president.

Obamacare ended up being the worst disaster this country has faced in recent times, even worse than the 9-11 tragedy because it's outrageously costly, and has caused people to lose their insurance coverage.

We need true leaders like Donald Trump who speak the truth and have real vision to make America great again.

The American economy is prospering and the stock market is at its highest ever thanks to him. Those of us who have investments are laughing all the way to the bank. I'll bet you don't even have anything invested in the market. Many blacks don't for whatever dumbass reason.

Your thinking scares me more than Trump. You know for a fact that Whites are superior to Blacks; this is a widely held thing to know about certain Whites. That you even believe this. Let me ask you, if I may; Are Whites superior to Blacks " Physically", or emotionally; or both?

I don't know if blacks are physically superior or inferior to whites. The most I've seen suggests there may be a marginal difference one way or another, depending on the activity in question. I'm not particularly interested in such trifles.
Are your feet superior to ours? Is your hands better than our hands? Are your teeth better?

Or is it the way Whites think? Are your thinking abilities superior?

Or is it just " Everything is Superior? "Let us know. And help this conversation, explain to us WHY Whites are superior.
Probably a mix of genetics and training.
This thread reminds me of a great song by Dead Prez and Bob Marleys son Stephen.

"Everywhere the white man go he bring misery..all throughout history...Look it up. Everything them bald heads touch they fuck it up. Every government he set up it be corrupt."

If only whitey could rule as well as Robert Mugabe...

If only the orange clown could rule as well as Obama!

Obama the black clown was a weak, ineffective president. To call him a leader or ruler is a fucking joke.

He was responsible for ballooning the national debt more than any other past president.

Obamacare ended up being the worst disaster this country has faced in recent times, even worse than the 9-11 tragedy because it's outrageously costly, and has caused people to lose their insurance coverage.

We need true leaders like Donald Trump who speak the truth and have real vision to make America great again.

The American economy is prospering and the stock market is at its highest ever thanks to him. Those of us who have investments are laughing all the way to the bank. I'll bet you don't even have anything invested in the market. Many blacks don't for whatever dumbass reason.

Your thinking scares me more than Trump. You know for a fact that Whites are superior to Blacks; this is a widely held thing to know about certain Whites. That you even believe this. Let me ask you, if I may; Are Whites superior to Blacks " Physically", or emotionally; or both?

I don't know if blacks are physically superior or inferior to whites. The most I've seen suggests there may be a marginal difference one way or another, depending on the activity in question. I'm not particularly interested in such trifles.
Are your feet superior to ours? Is your hands better than our hands? Are your teeth better?

Or is it the way Whites think? Are your thinking abilities superior?

Or is it just " Everything is Superior? "Let us know. And help this conversation, explain to us WHY Whites are superior.
Probably a mix of genetics and training.

When you say " Genetics", are you suggesting that God made Whites better than other races?
You bring nothing but hypocritical anti-white bullshit.

Well SOMEONE has to counter all the anti-black bullshit circulating in these boards.
I've found that the truth is a formidable tool
for attaining my goals here. That goal being to enlighten those with 3 digit IQs. You don't qualify.

I have kept much of this forum alive single-handedly.
Now is the time for raucous laughter!
View attachment 159773

You are too afraid to address the deep meanings behind my posts, so, like the typical demoncrat that you are, you simply pretend that my “smileys” are anything but a quick contributation to the forum while I am too busy to post.

Deep meaning? BWHAHAHA. Your kindergarten banter is about as deep as the crack of a buzzards ass and they don't have ANY butt cleavage.

And why are there anti-black statements made, smarty?

It has nothing to do with skin color, it's their actions, their lifestyles, and their so-called culture.

If the majority of blacks would straighten up their lives, get off welfare, work hard, strive for success, speak regular American English, say no to crime and drugs, and trash the rap and hip-hop shit, maybe they would be more respected.

It is disheartening to know so many flesh colored people think the majority of blacks are poor shiftless no account fools. Nothing could be further from the truth. Would it even register if I told you that 75% of the black population lives above the poverty level? Can you wrap your biased conditioned mind around the reality that blacks spend more than 1.5 trillion dollars a year in Caucasian owned shops in this nation? And I doubt you will ever come to grips with the face of poverty in America. That face is pink with rosy cheeks... About 42% of the nations impoverished look like you or your neighbors. Blacks account for 25%. And yes, since blacks
are 13% of the population there will be more poor blacks per capita. But that doesn't change the face of poverty which is Euro-pink.
The raw numbers tell the unexpugated truth that per capita statistics ignore.

And thr hip-hop culture you attribute to the"impoverished" black community simply exposes your ignorace further. For tens of decades...blacks have embedded Christanity as a cornerstone of their culture. On Sunday mornings black churches are usually filled to capacity and that's a nationwide phenomenon. Among these pious adherents to their faith, Muslims and Christians alike, you'll find people working, some going to college...others pursuing military careers.
But you don't see these blacks, do you? You'd rather focus on 2 to 3% of their population
that chose a criminal path. And you judge them all by that pathetic standard... How FUCKING. DARE you.????
This thread reminds me of a great song by Dead Prez and Bob Marleys son Stephen.

"Everywhere the white man go he bring misery..all throughout history...Look it up. Everything them bald heads touch they fuck it up. Every government he set up it be corrupt."

If only whitey could rule as well as Robert Mugabe...

If only the orange clown could rule as well as Obama!

Obama the black clown was a weak, ineffective president. To call him a leader or ruler is a fucking joke.

He was responsible for ballooning the national debt more than any other past president.

Obamacare ended up being the worst disaster this country has faced in recent times, even worse than the 9-11 tragedy because it's outrageously costly, and has caused people to lose their insurance coverage.

We need true leaders like Donald Trump who speak the truth and have real vision to make America great again.

The American economy is prospering and the stock market is at its highest ever thanks to him. Those of us who have investments are laughing all the way to the bank. I'll bet you don't even have anything invested in the market. Many blacks don't for whatever dumbass reason.

You must have been in a coma during the Obama administration. No one conscious and over 6 years old when Obama became president could possibly conclude what you just wrote....unless you were unconscious and were given kool aid to resuscitate you.
Obviouly your brain is rotted so your bias is incurable. Therefore I won't bother revisiting the great things Obama did for the average American. I'll just leave a link for those who want to evaluate Obama for themselves.
Obama Accomplishments
I will comment on the present state of the economy... Trump has little or nothing to do with it. Obama handed this pompous bahs-turd a great economy that should bear the lable "Made by Obama."
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You don't read very well... Did you miss this?
"By both race and gender, a higher percentage of black women (9.7 percent) are enrolled in college than any other group, topping Asian women (8.7 percent), white women (7.1 percent) and white men (6.1 percent)."
where's the rest?
1. no that doesn't mean there are more black college students
2. it says ''enrolled'' not graduated
..blacks also graduate college at lower levels Louis Gates, their expertise is African American history/history--not science/math/engineering/etc trailer park mathematicians, or should I say "meth-morticians" suddenly lose interest in proportional stastics when some positive news about blacks is generated.
Here is what those stats mean to me:
They show that black women are placing value on education now more than ever.
Also if black women are enrolled in college proportionally more than any group they must have done better on SAT and other College entrance exams proportionally than the other mentioned groups. Now that affirmative action is no longer a social mandate and quotas are illegal...those positive stats speak volumes about these upwardly mobile black women.

You might not appreciate the brilliance of black women or men because you've been socially conditioned to believe Euro-peons
are superior to people of African descent.
Even when genuises like Vivian Thomas or Ben Carson rock your world with brilliance you don your social blinders and pretend its just an anomoly. But that "anomoly" keeps happening over and over again...

Sometimes black brilliance is covered up or the inspiring story of the black human computers who, while working for NASA in the early 1960s calculated rocket trajectories that helped to launch the fledgling U.S. manned space flight programs. Yet that important knowledge went unheralded for more than 50 years... How many other unknown stories of mentally gifted blacks are hidden....left untapped in the dustbins of history even as insecure pink people like you seek and focus only on the negatives?

View attachment 159894
I am glad for anyone achieving their educational goals.
If you really mean that...I 'll give you a gold star.
Of course I mean that. I admire anyone who wants to better themselves. I am actually proud of myself, lol. I went back and got my degree in drafting and design, I was over 50.
Good for you. You might be old enough to remember when women needed Affirmative Action to do that.
Although there is a lot of "talk" about women being the biggest benefactors of AA, I have not seen this to be so, certainly not for me. I came from a poor huge family and everything I attained was through hard work. This is why I admire others who achieve their goals.
If only whitey could rule as well as Robert Mugabe...
If only the orange clown could rule as well as Obama!

Obama the black clown was a weak, ineffective president. To call him a leader or ruler is a fucking joke.

He was responsible for ballooning the national debt more than any other past president.

Obamacare ended up being the worst disaster this country has faced in recent times, even worse than the 9-11 tragedy because it's outrageously costly, and has caused people to lose their insurance coverage.

We need true leaders like Donald Trump who speak the truth and have real vision to make America great again.

The American economy is prospering and the stock market is at its highest ever thanks to him. Those of us who have investments are laughing all the way to the bank. I'll bet you don't even have anything invested in the market. Many blacks don't for whatever dumbass reason.

Your thinking scares me more than Trump. You know for a fact that Whites are superior to Blacks; this is a widely held thing to know about certain Whites. That you even believe this. Let me ask you, if I may; Are Whites superior to Blacks " Physically", or emotionally; or both?

I don't know if blacks are physically superior or inferior to whites. The most I've seen suggests there may be a marginal difference one way or another, depending on the activity in question. I'm not particularly interested in such trifles.
Are your feet superior to ours? Is your hands better than our hands? Are your teeth better?

Or is it the way Whites think? Are your thinking abilities superior?

Or is it just " Everything is Superior? "Let us know. And help this conversation, explain to us WHY Whites are superior.
Probably a mix of genetics and training.

When you say " Genetics", are you suggesting that God made Whites better than other races?
Of course not. Where did I say anything about God?
So blacks rob liquor stores/shoot each other up and go to prison because of...wait for it...NAZIS! Got it!

No... my response was to the question of why so many blacks are in prison. Most are there due to the war on drugs. Nixon started it to target blacks; and, one of his top henchmen
revealed that fact. it isn't something i made up. Given the gap in your understanding of the history behind the War on Drugs your ignorance is becoming somewhat of a burden.

Everything I read indicates they were glorified calculators, not much different from a typist committing a handwritten document to type due to the lack of a copy machine.
I get it! Nothing blacks do will ever elicit praise from you. The human computers were mathematicians of the highest order. Rocket science really was their game and they spoke the language of science well. But three of them stood out from the rest. Hidden Figures is their story. You ought to read the book or get the dvd. It will open your eyes.
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So blacks rob liquor stores/shoot each other up and go to prison because of...wait for it...NAZIS! Got it!

No... my response was to the question of why so many blacks are in prison. Most are there due to the war on drugs. Nixon started it to target blacks; and, one of his top henchmen
revealed that fact. it isn't something i made up. Given the gap in your understanding of the history behind the War on Drugs your ignorance is becoming somewhat of a burden.
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.
Everything I read indicates they were glorified calculators, not much different from a typist committing a handwritten document to type due to the lack of a copy machine.
I get it! Nothing blacks do will ever elicit praise from you. The human computers were mathmaticians of the highest order. Rocket science really was their game and they spoke the language of science well. But three of them stood out from the rest. Hidden Figures is their story. You ought to read the book or get the dvd. It will open your eyes.
So why don't you tell us what they did that was so great that couldn't have been done by another mathematician.
Although there is a lot of "talk" about women being the biggest benefactors of AA, I have not seen this to be so, certainly not for me. I came from a poor huge family and everything I attained was through hard work. This is why I admire others who achieve their goals.
If you are a recent graduate hard work alone might be enough. But i suspect you know in our lifetime that has not always been the case. There was a. time in contemporary history when hard work had to be accompanied by opportunity. AA provided the opportunity until it was struck down. But opened the door and Euro- American women took advantage of the new opportunities more than any other demographic in jobs and education.
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.
There you go assuming things again. And you've not presented any "facts" to ignore.
Hint. google Halderman talks about Nixon's War on Drugs. After you do that get back with me.

Also peruse table 55a of the FBI UCR and tell me what you see. Nevermind I will do the work for you with this cut and paste copy

As you can see...the "white" column shows far more violence than the black column. If the numbers are correct there should be far more pink men behind bars than black men. Could it be because the system is biased and more lenient on your ilk? But most of the black prison population comes from drug related crimes...not violence. And even though pinks and blacks use drugs at the same neighborhoods are targeted more often and so more arrests are made there .
So why don't you tell us what they did that was so great that couldn't have been done by another mathematician.

So why don't you get off your lazy ass and do some research? Read the book or watch the dvd. Or just google hidden figures to get some kind of orientation on the subject. Im not wasting my time on giving you a free education that you won't appreciate anyway.
You think what you want but many of us white men feel completely superior, and know for a fact that we're superior to blacks.
So you have 15 million black men in the USA.

Now what are you going to do about that superior white man ?
Know why that is? We own businesses and employ the best people for the jobs. We work hard and strive for success and many of us have achieved it.
Of course whites own business.

We live in a system of white supremacy.

So you have banking companies like like Wells Fargo practicing racism which they were roping black borrowers (to whom they referred as “mud people”) into high-cost loans and even falsifying credit histories to make black applicants look like greater risks than they were ?

That's how the system works.

So white people live in a system which makes it easier for them to get loans and jobs

As for you saying "We the best people for the jobs"

No. You employ the best white people for the jobs.

That's why you have a study that found white with criminal records have a better chance of being called back for an interview than black without one, even when all the qualifications are the same?

We live clean lives and stay away from crime and drugs. We're happily married and have nice homes in good safe neighborhoods.
Did Proud White American say white people live clean lives ? And stay away from drugs and crime ?

Really ? OK. then can you explain a few things to me.
  • Can you explain how one in seven white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain to me what is it with white people and suicide?
Now to be fair - Suicide touches all communities but the numbers show that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks ?

Is there something about whites that can explain there to cope with life’s pressures ?

Can you explain what’s the deal with white people and drug overdoses ?

White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women ?

Black men are taking it easier on the heavy sh*t, while white men are swallowing Hydrocodone like Tic-Tacs.

What’s up with that ?

And what about binge-drinking ?

White folks were still far more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month, and far more likely to binge drink regularly.

Among younger whites the problem is even worse.

Nearly half of full-time white college students were binge drinking and white college students are far more likely than blacks to binge drink on a regular basis.

White youth are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive. Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol and remember drunk drive deaths contributes to roughly 10,000 fatalities annually.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how white youth are more likely to use heavier drugs than black youth that is.according to data ?
  • Can you explain how white students more likely as black students to smoke weed ? or use other drugs like Ecstasy ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
Whites are more likely than blacks to have fought with their parents.

Why no lectures towards smart-mouthed white teens ?
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students ?
  • Can you explain white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ?
And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?

But I guess this is not surprising considering look at the mass killings.

But as you say "We live clean lives and stay away from crime and drugs."
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You think what you want but many of us white men feel completely superior, and know for a fact that we're superior to blacks.
So you have 15 million black men in the USA.

Now what are you going to do about that superior white man ?
Know why that is? We own businesses and employ the best people for the jobs. We work hard and strive for success and many of us have achieved it.
Of course whites own business.

We live in a system of white supremacy.

So you have banking companies like like Wells Fargo practicing racism which they were roping black borrowers (to whom they referred as “mud people”) into high-cost loans and even falsifying credit histories to make black applicants look like greater risks than they were ?

That's how the system works.

So white people live in a system which makes it easier for them to get loans and jobs

As for you saying "We the best people for the jobs"

No. You employ the best white people for the jobs.

That's why you have a study that found white with criminal records have a better chance of being called back for an interview than black without one, even when all the qualifications are the same?

We live clean lives and stay away from crime and drugs. We're happily married and have nice homes in good safe neighborhoods.
Did Proud White American say white people live clean lives ? And stay away from drugs and crime ?

Really ? OK. then can you explain a few things to me.
  • Can you explain how one in seven white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain to me what is it with white people and suicide?
Now to be fair - Suicide touches all communities but the numbers show that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks ?

Is there something about whites that can explain there to cope with life’s pressures ?

Can you explain what’s the deal with white people and drug overdoses ?

White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women ?

Black men are taking it easier on the heavy sh*t, while white men are swallowing Hydrocodone like Tic-Tacs.

What’s up with that ?

And what about binge-drinking ?

White folks were still far more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month, and far more likely to binge drink regularly.

Among younger whites the problem is even worse.

Nearly half of full-time white college students were binge drinking and white college students are far more likely than blacks to binge drink on a regular basis.

White youth are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive. Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol and remember drunk drive deaths contributes to roughly 10,000 fatalities annually.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how white youth are more likely to use heavier drugs than black youth that is.according to data ?
  • Can you explain how white students more likely as black students to smoke weed ? or use other drugs like Ecstasy ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
Whites are more likely than blacks to have fought with their parents.

Why no lectures towards smart-mouthed white teens ?
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students ?
  • Can you explain white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ?
And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?

But I guess this is not surprising considering look at the mass killings.

But as you say "We live clean lives and stay away from crime and drugs."

Well, if both sides don't like each other.

Then obviously creating a Black homeland of Mississippi would by ideal.
This thread reminds me of a great song by Dead Prez and Bob Marleys son Stephen.

"Everywhere the white man go he bring misery..all throughout history...Look it up. Everything them bald heads touch they fuck it up. Every government he set up it be corrupt."

If only whitey could rule as well as Robert Mugabe...

If only the orange clown could rule as well as Obama!

Obama the black clown was a weak, ineffective president. To call him a leader or ruler is a fucking joke.

He was responsible for ballooning the national debt more than any other past president.

Obamacare ended up being the worst disaster this country has faced in recent times, even worse than the 9-11 tragedy because it's outrageously costly, and has caused people to lose their insurance coverage.

We need true leaders like Donald Trump who speak the truth and have real vision to make America great again.

The American economy is prospering and the stock market is at its highest ever thanks to him. Those of us who have investments are laughing all the way to the bank. I'll bet you don't even have anything invested in the market. Many blacks don't for whatever dumbass reason.

Drumpf is an abysmal failure as a leader and a massive embarrassment to whites world wide. The only people that support him are inbred, recessive, semi literate, mouth breathers. Drumpf will go down as the worst prez in the history of the US (which is sad ft considering Dubya) and Obama will be the best.

Trump may not even be legit, but could be some kind of phony.

I mean it's hard to believe a man who's smart enough to amass so much wealth, would have such trouble knowing when he should be shutting his mouth.
You think what you want but many of us white men feel completely superior, and know for a fact that we're superior to blacks.
So you have 15 million black men in the USA.

Now what are you going to do about that superior white man ?
Know why that is? We own businesses and employ the best people for the jobs. We work hard and strive for success and many of us have achieved it.
Of course whites own business.

We live in a system of white supremacy.

So you have banking companies like like Wells Fargo practicing racism which they were roping black borrowers (to whom they referred as “mud people”) into high-cost loans and even falsifying credit histories to make black applicants look like greater risks than they were ?

That's how the system works.

So white people live in a system which makes it easier for them to get loans and jobs

As for you saying "We the best people for the jobs"

No. You employ the best white people for the jobs.

That's why you have a study that found white with criminal records have a better chance of being called back for an interview than black without one, even when all the qualifications are the same?

We live clean lives and stay away from crime and drugs. We're happily married and have nice homes in good safe neighborhoods.
Did Proud White American say white people live clean lives ? And stay away from drugs and crime ?

And what about binge-drinking ?

White folks were still far more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month, and far more likely to binge drink regularly.

Among younger whites the problem is even worse.

Nearly half of full-time white college students were binge drinking and white college students are far more likely than blacks to binge drink on a regular basis.

White youth are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive. Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol and remember drunk drive deaths contributes to roughly 10,000 fatalities annually

Well, it's true that Northern Europeans do drink, and party a lot.

Northern Europeans are much more fun, and sociable people, than those uptight Southern Europeans.
You don't read very well... Did you miss this?
"By both race and gender, a higher percentage of black women (9.7 percent) are enrolled in college than any other group, topping Asian women (8.7 percent), white women (7.1 percent) and white men (6.1 percent)."
where's the rest?
1. no that doesn't mean there are more black college students
2. it says ''enrolled'' not graduated
..blacks also graduate college at lower levels Louis Gates, their expertise is African American history/history--not science/math/engineering/etc
so black females as a group are enrolled more ----per capita--per the total number of black females
as stated before there are a lot more whites that graduate than there are even black females enrolled
nearly 1 in 10 of every African-American
Good News: Black Women Enroll In College More Than Any Race And Gender

remember, blacks --total--make up only 13% pf the population
there are a lot more white males who graduate college than black females
so--as stated before--fact--the chance of a black being smarter is lower than vice versa

once again--the math is right there..cannot be denied

Well we Blacks are alive, we were created as well as any race. We too have our ups and downs, in fact , some of us have really done things that makes our race proud of us, and done things to HELP each other. So Blacks are; we exist, God wanted us here and he loves us too! These are the meaningful things; does your culture have heart!
I totally agree with you...
I'm just pointing out the undeniable hypocrisy of blacks and the MSM --whitey is evil and blacks angelic

there's racism/hate on both sides....not just one
Blacks don't refuse ti rent to Euro-peons.

A lot of these cases today, of refusing rent to Blacks, or housing segregation are by Jews.

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