The Great White Hope.

No they don't, moron, especially where it comes to prison time. How much time a person serves can depend on prior record, parole violations, etc...
I accidently left the word "not" out of my response. But when i said "you got me there" the average person would have surmised i was agreeing with some of your narrative... But you aren't bright enough to catch things like that.
Are you black? Just wondering. Blacks generally avoid personal responsibility, like you did there when you fucked up your sentence and blamed me for it.
What I do take umbrage with on the issue is your speculative nonesense. You are attempting to dismiss the disparity in the black/pink mutant incarceration ratio as something benign. It isn't. You haven't been an apologists for thousands of blacks who

Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge.
I looked at the stats. I looked at negro-run organizations. I looked at negro-run countries. I've spoken to negroes. I haven't seen anything that looks out of place, except pro-black movies in the fiction section.
Are you pink? Just wondering.
I've been pink before, sure.
Pink folks have a habit of lying and creating pseudo social concepts to feel good about themselves...such as saying they are white.
Obviously you had no answer.
No answer to what?
But your lying and deflections are the real markers exposing your true pink color.That's consistent with the sordid history of your ilk in dealing with people of color.
What lies?
Rather than responding intelligently to Nixon's legacy, the War on Drugs , and how it has been largely focused on black communities, you go off on a racist tirade.
I don't even know what you mean by "largely focused on black communities." So how would I respond?
I'll stay on point and again seek to elicit some spark of intelligent discourse in regards to why there are more Blacks in prison when
Cawks commit more crime. Hint: They use drugs at the same rates.
I already told you why, you stupid fuck. I provided possibilities, one of which you acknowledged.
Add to that the fact that y'all Euro-peons are arrested nearly 3 times more than Blacks are in Metro Areas but are unrepresented in the prison population. And one more thing...
Gee, maybe it's because not every arrest leads to prison time, but we have already discussed this. Your retarded negro brain is unable to keep up.
In formulating an answer don't try and rehash that apologist bs in a desperate attempt to justify the racial disparity in sentencing and incarceration. I know a google search on the issue will produce hundreds of conflicting results but stay focused on the DOJ raw numbers and seek correlations in your search that support the data therein. The following link is the best I found that uncovers 40 reasons more Blacks are incarcerated than Pinks and Mexicans. Although Aryan wannabes commit the bulk of crime in the USA.
40 Reasons Our Jails and Prisons Are Full of Black and Poor People
You're even dumber than the average negro. We already talked about this. And you accepted it.

How much time a person serves can depend on prior record, parole violations, etc...
i was agreeing with some of your narrative

Are you pink? Just wondering.

you said:
I've been pink before, sure.
MF you're still pink. Stop living the white lie and admit you're pink.

Pink folks have a habit of lying and creating pseudo social concepts to feel good about themselves...such as saying they are white.

Obviously you had no valid counter to my statement that Euro-peons and blacks use drugs at the same rates and that y'all commit the most crime but are underrepresented in prisons and jails. I stand by the premise the the War on Drugs was implemented specifically to target blacks and hippies. But blacks were apparently the favorite targets.
you said:
No answer to what?
You have no viable answer to a damn thing. Your spurious BS is just idle chatter.
But your lying and deflections are the real markers exposing your true pink color.That's consistent with the sordid history of your ilk in dealing with people of color.

you said:
What lies?
The biggest lie is putting forth the notion that you are white. No one is white. That term is just a social construct orchestrated as part of a strategy
to enable racial hegemony. The words in my sig shows that LBJ was right in his assessment. Pinko Nazis like you exemplify those words and your entire racial description is a lie.


Rather than responding intelligently to Nixon's legacy, the War on Drugs , and how it has been largely focused on black communities, you go off on a racist tirade.

you said:
I don't even know what you mean by "largely focused on black communities." So how would I respond?
an intelligent person would ask for clarification if they didn't understand something in the course of a cyber communique. But, frankly, I don't see how you can misunderstand
the statement i made pertaining to the War on Drugs. It was enabled to disrupt the black community as a political force. But the key to that strategy was to get the drugs into the black communities. Nixon's henchman on public policy, Erlichman, spilled the beans. He sang like a bird and told us how that strategy was concieved and implemented. That reality runs counter to your spurious claim that the disparity in the racial makeup of the prison population is due to some bigotted hunch of yours. From the horse's mouth:

"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying,” Ehrlichman continued.

“We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

John Erlichman

I'll stay on point and again seek to elicit some spark of intelligent discourse in regards to why there are more Blacks in prison now that I've given your dumbass data you should have known.

you said:
already told you why, you stupid fuck. I provided possibilities, one of which you acknowledged.
WTF? The only thing I agreed with you on was that not all arrests or judicial proceedings are the same but the agreeing stopped there.
Allow me to clarify that. The differences in how each arrest is handled or processed is race based and inextricably connected to
Nixons war on Drugs. Nixon started it but every president since then, except Obama, has kept the pressure on black communities.

Add to that the fact that y'all Euro-peons are arrested nearly 3 times more than Blacks are in Metro Areas but are underrepresented in the prison population.

you said:
Gee, maybe it's because not every arrest leads to prison time, but we have already discussed this. Your retarded negro brain is unable to keep up.

In formulating an answer don't try and rehash that apologist bs in a desperate attempt to justify the racial disparity in sentencing and incarceration. I know a google search on the issue will produce hundreds of conflicting results but stay focused on the DOJ raw numbers and seek correlations in your search that support the data therein. The following link is the best I found that uncovers 40 reasons more Blacks are incarcerated than Pinks and Mexicans. Although Aryan wannabes commit the bulk of crime in the USA.
40 Reasons Our Jails and Prisons Are Full of Black and Poor People

you said:
You're even dumber than the average negro. We already talked about this. And you accepted it.
Stop lying... I just explained that I agreed on .
the fact that not all criminal cases are processed or handled the same. That is consistent with my premise that Black cases are handled more severely than those of pink faced SOBS like you for the same offense. That is what i meant .

How much time a person serves can depend on prior record, parole violations, etc...
I was agreeing with some of your narrative
but it wasn't that part.

You said:
Yep but not in the context you have created.
Last edited:
Are you pink? Just wondering.

you said:
I've been pink before, sure.
MF you're still pink. Stop living the white lie and admit you're pink.

Pink folks have a habit of lying and creating pseudo social concepts to feel good about themselves...such as saying they are white.
Obviously the negro problem of robbing/raping/murdering doesn't measure up to our "pink/white" problem!
Obviously you had no valid counter to my statement that Euro-peons and blacks use drugs at the same rates and that y'all commit the most crime but are underrepresented in prisons and jails.
Obviously I answered this already and your degenerate negro/negro-loving ass admitted to it. But it's OK if you need to lie to yourself to make yourself feel better.
I stand by the premise the the War on Drugs was implemented specifically to target blacks and hippies. But blacks were apparently the favorite targets.
I'm glad you're standing by your presently irrelevant statement.
you said:
No answer to what?
You have no viable answer to a damn thing. Your spurious BS is just idle chatter.
But your lying and deflections are the real markers exposing your true pink color.That's consistent with the sordid history of your ilk in dealing with people of color.

you said:
What lies?
The biggest lie is putting forth the notion that you are white. No one is white. That term is just a social construct orchestrated as part of a strategy
to enable racial hegemony. The words in my sig shows that LBJ was right in his assessment. Pinko Nazis like you exemplify those words and your entire racial description is a lie.

Rather than responding intelligently to Nixon's legacy, the War on Drugs , and how it has been largely focused on black communities, you go off on a racist tirade.
So it's the cops' fault negroes are driving around high and getting caught?
you said:
I don't even know what you mean by "largely focused on black communities." So how would I respond?
an intelligent person would ask for clarification if they didn't understand something in the course of a cyber communique. But, frankly, I don't see how you can misunderstand
the statement i made pertaining to the War on Drugs. It was enabled to disrupt the black community as a political force. But the key to that strategy was to get the drugs into the black communities. Nixon's henchman on public policy, Erlichman, spilled the beans. He sang like a bird and told us how that strategy was concieved and implemented. That reality runs counter to your spurious claim that the disparity in the racial makeup of the prison population is due to some bigotted hunch of yours. From the horse's mouth:

"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying,” Ehrlichman continued.

“We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

John Erlichman did they make blacks drive around high on illegal drugs with said illegals drugs with them?
I'll stay on point and again seek to elicit some spark of intelligent discourse in regards to why there are more Blacks in prison now that I've given your dumbass data you should have known.

you said:
already told you why, you stupid fuck. I provided possibilities, one of which you acknowledged.
WTF? The only thing I agreed with you on was that not all arrests or judicial proceedings are the same but the agreeing stopped there.
Allow me to clarify that. The differences in how each arrest is handled or processed is race based and inextricably connected to
Nixons war on Drugs. Nixon started it but every president since then, except Obama, has kept the pressure on black communities.
That's your unproven premise. It doesn't change the fact that sentences are based on numerous things. For example, say you have a country with 100 whites and 100 blacks. Drug possession for the first offense carries a fine and for the second offense carries prison time. Let's say all 100 whites committed possession once and then stopped. They all got fined, none went to prison. Only one of the 100 blacks committed the offense, but committed it twice. He went to prison.

The stats would read: 100% of whites used drugs vs 1% of blacks, but the prison population is 100% black.

Just an example with simple numbers intended to make you see how your stats could be the way they are without racism. Given how negroes are allergic to personal responsibility and fail to learn from their errors (can't learn if you don't accept it's your fault), I'm not surprised negroes are overrepresented in prison.
Add to that the fact that y'all Euro-peons are arrested nearly 3 times more than Blacks are in Metro Areas but are underrepresented in the prison population.
You don't have to repeat yourself, idiot.
you said:
Gee, maybe it's because not every arrest leads to prison time, but we have already discussed this. Your retarded negro brain is unable to keep up.

In formulating an answer don't try and rehash that apologist bs in a desperate attempt to justify the racial disparity in sentencing and incarceration. I know a google search on the issue will produce hundreds of conflicting results but stay focused on the DOJ raw numbers and seek correlations in your search that support the data therein. The following link is the best I found that uncovers 40 reasons more Blacks are incarcerated than Pinks and Mexicans. Although Aryan wannabes commit the bulk of crime in the USA.
40 Reasons Our Jails and Prisons Are Full of Black and Poor People

you said:
You're even dumber than the average negro. We already talked about this. And you accepted it.
Stop lying... I just explained that I agreed on .
the fact that not all criminal cases are processed or handled the same. That is consistent with my premise that Black cases are handled more severely than those of pink faced SOBS like you for the same offense. That is what i meant .
And it appears to be your assumption that they are handled differently due to racism vs the numerous other potential reasons, as I already told you but you keep ignoring.
How much time a person serves can depend on prior record, parole violations, etc...
I was agreeing with some of your narrative
but it wasn't that part.

You said:
Yep but not in the context you have created.
This statement from a former Nixon insider ought to be enough to convince anyone except a stupid racist prick like you.

"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying,” Ehrlichman continued.

“We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

John Erlichman

bgrouse said: did they make blacks drive around high on illegal drugs with said illegals drugs with them?

Read the fuggin' statement ya dumb sumbyatch! The key word is "associate." Blacks didn't have to actually be using drugs but the government created a nexus by vilifying their communities night after night on the evening news as drug infested ghettoes. The phrase, "Raiding their homes," stood out for me in that statement but your bigoted glazed eyes missed it. And the last two sentences says it all... Erlichman admitted they lied about the drugs... Well if thats the case, many of those arrests for drugs must have been contrived in some way. Planting drugs on people had to be a part of that strategy just as Mark Furhman planted blood on OJ's socks. But most black activists of the day couldn't afford Johny Cochran or Melvin Belli. But the real deal came during sentencing where Blacks are likely to be incarcerated at 5 times the rate Euro-Peons are.
Drug arrests skyrocketed after Nixon's War on Drugs was implemented. Most of those arrested were African Americans; however, contrary to your stupid assessment, Blacks weren't doing anything differently than they had before W.O.D. task forces targeted their neighborhoods. And without lawyers to marshal a good defense, Blacks were at the mercy of lying, corrupt, racist, badge and gun toting fucks who think and look like YOU.


The only thing I agreed with you on was that not all arrests or judicial proceedings are the same but the agreeing stopped there.
Allow me to clarify that. The differences in how each arrest is handled or processed is race based and inextricably connected to
Nixons war on Drugs. Nixon started it but every president since then, except Obama, has kept the pressure on black communities.
bgrouse said:
]That's your unproven premise. It doesn't change the fact that sentences are based on numerous things. For example, say you have a country with 100 whites and 100 blacks. Drug possession for the first offense carries a fine and for the second offense carries prison time. Let's say all 100 whites committed possession once and then stopped. They all got fined, none went to prison. Only one of the 100 blacks committed the offense, but committed it twice. He went to prison.

The stats would read: 100% of whites used drugs vs 1% of blacks, but the prison population is 100% black.

Just an example with simple numbers intended to make you see how your stats could be the way they are without racism. Given how negroes are allergic to personal responsibility and fail to learn from their errors (can't learn if you don't accept it's your fault), I'm not surprised negroes are overrepresented in prison.

In the face of Erlichman's confession you still can't bring yourself to accept what he said. He completely destroyed your myth. Like a beheaded snake you are still trying to wriggle away from the blade of truth, to no avail.

bgrouse said:
]And it appears to be your assumption that they are handled differently due to racism vs the numerous other potential reasons, as I already told you but you keep ignoring.

Erlichman has given us all good reason to ignore your bullshit assumptions.. And reports from the sentencing project supports his insider confession.

To drive the last nail in the coffin of a fool (YOU) here is proof positive of the racial disparity in drug enforcement.

“How these policies evolve in the first place, and the connection with race, seems very stark,” said Marc Mauer, executive director of the Sentencing Project, which examines racial issues in the criminal justice system.

Still, he and other experts said, a broad consensus seems to be emerging: The drug problem will not be solved by arrests alone, but rather by treatment.

***Parents like the Griffins say that while they recognize the racial shift in heroin use, politicians and law enforcement are responding in this new way because “they realized what they were doing wasn’t working.”

“They’re paying more attention because people are screaming about it,” Mr. Griffin said. “I work with 100 people every day — parents, people in recovery, addicts — who are invading the statehouse, doing everything we can to make as much noise as we can to try to save these kids.”

**Yeah,,but that's a matter of perspective... When Blacks were "alleged" to be using heroin or crack it was working like a charm to fulfill a nefarious agenda to keep incarceration rates high.

So, you are now dismissed idiot.
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.

  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students ?
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks

Is there something about whites that can explain there to cope with life’s pressures
Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge
Actually you're wrong.

  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women.
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.

  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students ?
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks

Is there something about whites that can explain there to cope with life’s pressures
Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge
Actually you're wrong.

  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women.

Can YOU explain why---after six decades of government assistance----countless disparate-impact rulings...section-eight housing...Affirmative-Action Media excuse-peddling, why the vast majority of Blacks are locked into dismal patterns of record drug abuse...absentee Fathers...runaway percentages of incarceration...recreational killing in cities across the nation...statistical domination of violent crime...academic failure...majority anti-assimilation and good old fashioned stupidity???
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.

  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students ?
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks

Is there something about whites that can explain there to cope with life’s pressures
Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge
Actually you're wrong.

  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women.

Can YOU explain why---after six decades of government assistance----countless disparate-impact rulings...section-eight housing...Affirmative-Action Media excuse-peddling, why the vast majority of Blacks are locked into dismal patterns of record drug abuse...absentee Fathers...runaway percentages of incarceration...recreational killing in cities across the nation...statistical domination of violent crime...academic failure...majority anti-assimilation and good old fashioned stupidity???
Maybe you can answer my questions
  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks
  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.

  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students ?
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks

Is there something about whites that can explain there to cope with life’s pressures
Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge
Actually you're wrong.

  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women.

Can YOU explain why---after six decades of government assistance----countless disparate-impact rulings...section-eight housing...Affirmative-Action Media excuse-peddling, why the vast majority of Blacks are locked into dismal patterns of record drug abuse...absentee Fathers...runaway percentages of incarceration...recreational killing in cities across the nation...statistical domination of violent crime...academic failure...majority anti-assimilation and good old fashioned stupidity???
Maybe you can answer my questions
  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks
  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women

Your questions are statistically inaccurate and demonstrably answer my pressing question Mr Race-baiter
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.

  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students ?
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks

Is there something about whites that can explain there to cope with life’s pressures
Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge
Actually you're wrong.

  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women.

Can YOU explain why---after six decades of government assistance----countless disparate-impact rulings...section-eight housing...Affirmative-Action Media excuse-peddling, why the vast majority of Blacks are locked into dismal patterns of record drug abuse...absentee Fathers...runaway percentages of incarceration...recreational killing in cities across the nation...statistical domination of violent crime...academic failure...majority anti-assimilation and good old fashioned stupidity???
Maybe you can answer my questions
  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks
  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women

Your questions are statistically inaccurate and demonstrably answer my pressing question Mr Race-baiter
Allow me to intervene while my friend gets some rest.there are so many. Euro-bigots on this board you overwhelm us with your bs sometimes .

That aside...your are wrong in assuming the majority of blacks are infected with all the social maladies you listed . Why don't you know that 3/4th of the black populace lives ABOVE the poverty level and that most are hardworking God fearing Christians, Muslims or Jews? Now that you know the truth you ought to go back and review the data that made you come to your erroneous conclusions.
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.

  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students ?
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks

Is there something about whites that can explain there to cope with life’s pressures
Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge
Actually you're wrong.

  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women.

Can YOU explain why---after six decades of government assistance----countless disparate-impact rulings...section-eight housing...Affirmative-Action Media excuse-peddling, why the vast majority of Blacks are locked into dismal patterns of record drug abuse...absentee Fathers...runaway percentages of incarceration...recreational killing in cities across the nation...statistical domination of violent crime...academic failure...majority anti-assimilation and good old fashioned stupidity???
Maybe you can answer my questions
  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks
  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women

Your questions are statistically inaccurate and demonstrably answer my pressing question Mr Race-baiter
Allow me to intervene while my friend gets some rest.there are so many. Euro-bigots on this board you overwhelm us with your bs sometimes .

That aside...your are wrong in assuming the majority of blacks are infected with all the social maladies you listed . Why don't you know that 3/4th of the black populace lives ABOVE the poverty level and that most are hardworking God fearing Christians, Muslims or Jews? Now that you know the truth you ought to go back and review the data that made you come to your erroneous conclusions.

Oh but I've already 'reviewed the data' amigo, and trust me it doesn't bode well for Blacks...beyond a 10 percentile of upwardly mobile college-educated Blacks the vast majority lie in an economic and academic stasis, and a significant Black sub-culture--Black males 15 to 35--- devote themselves to killing each other in every major city in this essentially amount to your own worst enemy...
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.

  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students ?
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks

Is there something about whites that can explain there to cope with life’s pressures
Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge
Actually you're wrong.

  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women.

Can YOU explain why---after six decades of government assistance----countless disparate-impact rulings...section-eight housing...Affirmative-Action Media excuse-peddling, why the vast majority of Blacks are locked into dismal patterns of record drug abuse...absentee Fathers...runaway percentages of incarceration...recreational killing in cities across the nation...statistical domination of violent crime...academic failure...majority anti-assimilation and good old fashioned stupidity???
Maybe you can answer my questions
  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks
  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women

Your questions are statistically inaccurate and demonstrably answer my pressing question Mr Race-baiter
i asked first
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.

  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students ?
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks

Is there something about whites that can explain there to cope with life’s pressures
Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge
Actually you're wrong.

  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women.

Can YOU explain why---after six decades of government assistance----countless disparate-impact rulings...section-eight housing...Affirmative-Action Media excuse-peddling, why the vast majority of Blacks are locked into dismal patterns of record drug abuse...absentee Fathers...runaway percentages of incarceration...recreational killing in cities across the nation...statistical domination of violent crime...academic failure...majority anti-assimilation and good old fashioned stupidity???
Maybe you can answer my questions
  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks
  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women

Your questions are statistically inaccurate and demonstrably answer my pressing question Mr Race-baiter
i asked first

When you can manage to post valid stats and prove them I will eagerly answer...
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.

  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students ?
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks

Is there something about whites that can explain there to cope with life’s pressures
Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge
Actually you're wrong.

  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women.

Can YOU explain why---after six decades of government assistance----countless disparate-impact rulings...section-eight housing...Affirmative-Action Media excuse-peddling, why the vast majority of Blacks are locked into dismal patterns of record drug abuse...absentee Fathers...runaway percentages of incarceration...recreational killing in cities across the nation...statistical domination of violent crime...academic failure...majority anti-assimilation and good old fashioned stupidity???
Maybe you can answer my questions
  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks
  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women

Your questions are statistically inaccurate and demonstrably answer my pressing question Mr Race-baiter
Allow me to intervene while my friend gets some rest.there are so many. Euro-bigots on this board you overwhelm us with your bs sometimes .

That aside...your are wrong in assuming the majority of blacks are infected with all the social maladies you listed . Why don't you know that 3/4th of the black populace lives ABOVE the poverty level and that most are hardworking God fearing Christians, Muslims or Jews? Now that you know the truth you ought to go back and review the data that made you come to your erroneous conclusions.
Ppl like Ventura77 can not argue from a defensive position. That's y when u point all the stuff white people do, none of them, not a single one of them, comes back to defend there race.

People like Ventura77 treats online racial debates with black people, like the lakers treat the game when they are six points down n only thirty seconds left on the clock, all out attack.

I know exactly how he thinks, 'I must win !!!' Thats were the name calling n ad Homs come in. But at some level, he knows he didnt win, so he comes bk, sometimes a baby has to cry.
  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students ?
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks
Is there something about whites that can explain there to cope with life’s pressures
Actually you're wrong.

  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women.

Can YOU explain why---after six decades of government assistance----countless disparate-impact rulings...section-eight housing...Affirmative-Action Media excuse-peddling, why the vast majority of Blacks are locked into dismal patterns of record drug abuse...absentee Fathers...runaway percentages of incarceration...recreational killing in cities across the nation...statistical domination of violent crime...academic failure...majority anti-assimilation and good old fashioned stupidity???
Maybe you can answer my questions
  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks
  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women

Your questions are statistically inaccurate and demonstrably answer my pressing question Mr Race-baiter
i asked first

When you can manage to post valid stats and prove them I will eagerly answer...
Picked the wrong brother to argue ?

Youre talking points sound good on stormfront. They sound good around family n friends, they sound good when no one is there to check them n give a counter argument.
Can YOU explain why---after six decades of government assistance----countless disparate-impact rulings...section-eight housing...Affirmative-Action Media excuse-peddling, why the vast majority of Blacks are locked into dismal patterns of record drug abuse...absentee Fathers...runaway percentages of incarceration...recreational killing in cities across the nation...statistical domination of violent crime...academic failure...majority anti-assimilation and good old fashioned stupidity???
Maybe you can answer my questions
  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks
  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women

Your questions are statistically inaccurate and demonstrably answer my pressing question Mr Race-baiter
i asked first

When you can manage to post valid stats and prove them I will eagerly answer...
Picked the wrong brother to argue ?

Youre talking points sound good on stormfront. They sound good around family n friends, they sound good when no one is there to check them n give a counter argument.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! If that's the best you do I genuinely feel sorry for you..."Stormfront?" Really? Tell ya what low-brow, try the Department of Justice website...the FBI website, and any other resource that deals with the wildly disproportionate stats for Black violent crime...
Maybe you can answer my questions
  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks
  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women

Your questions are statistically inaccurate and demonstrably answer my pressing question Mr Race-baiter
i asked first

When you can manage to post valid stats and prove them I will eagerly answer...
Picked the wrong brother to argue ?

Youre talking points sound good on stormfront. They sound good around family n friends, they sound good when no one is there to check them n give a counter argument.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! If that's the best you do I genuinely feel sorry for you..."Stormfront?" Really? Tell ya what low-brow, try the Department of Justice website...the FBI website, and any other resource that deals with the wildly disproportionate stats for Black violent crime...
so your saying that black people have Been more violent than whites throughout history ?
This statement from a former Nixon insider ought to be enough to convince anyone except a stupid racist prick like you.

"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying,” Ehrlichman continued.

“We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

John Erlichman

bgrouse said: did they make blacks drive around high on illegal drugs with said illegals drugs with them?

Read the fuggin' statement ya dumb sumbyatch! The key word is "associate." Blacks didn't have to actually be using drugs but the government created a nexus by vilifying their communities night after night on the evening news as drug infested ghettoes. The phrase, "Raiding their homes," stood out for me in that statement but your bigoted glazed eyes missed it. And the last two sentences says it all... Erlichman admitted they lied about the drugs... Well if thats the case, many of those arrests for drugs must have been contrived in some way. Planting drugs on people had to be a part of that strategy just as Mark Furhman planted blood on OJ's socks. But most black activists of the day couldn't afford Johny Cochran or Melvin Belli. But the real deal came during sentencing where Blacks are likely to be incarcerated at 5 times the rate Euro-Peons are.
Drug arrests skyrocketed after Nixon's War on Drugs was implemented. Most of those arrested were African Americans; however, contrary to your stupid assessment, Blacks weren't doing anything differently than they had before W.O.D. task forces targeted their neighborhoods. And without lawyers to marshal a good defense, Blacks were at the mercy of lying, corrupt, racist, badge and gun toting fucks who think and look like YOU.
What does NIXON have to do with TODAY's negro criminals?

The only thing I agreed with you on was that not all arrests or judicial proceedings are the same but the agreeing stopped there.
Allow me to clarify that. The differences in how each arrest is handled or processed is race based and inextricably connected to
Nixons war on Drugs. Nixon started it but every president since then, except Obama, has kept the pressure on black communities.
bgrouse said:
That's your unproven premise. It doesn't change the fact that sentences are based on numerous things. For example, say you have a country with 100 whites and 100 blacks. Drug possession for the first offense carries a fine and for the second offense carries prison time. Let's say all 100 whites committed possession once and then stopped. They all got fined, none went to prison. Only one of the 100 blacks committed the offense, but committed it twice. He went to prison.

The stats would read: 100% of whites used drugs vs 1% of blacks, but the prison population is 100% black.

Just an example with simple numbers intended to make you see how your stats could be the way they are without racism. Given how negroes are allergic to personal responsibility and fail to learn from their errors (can't learn if you don't accept it's your fault), I'm not surprised negroes are overrepresented in prison.

In the face of Erlichman's confession you still can't bring yourself to accept what he said. He completely destroyed your myth. Like a beheaded snake you are still trying to wriggle away from the blade of truth, to no avail.

bgrouse said:
]And it appears to be your assumption that they are handled differently due to racism vs the numerous other potential reasons, as I already told you but you keep ignoring.

Erlichman has given us all good reason to ignore your bullshit assumptions.. And reports from the sentencing project supports his insider confession.

To drive the last nail in the coffin of a fool (YOU) here is proof positive of the racial disparity in drug enforcement.

“How these policies evolve in the first place, and the connection with race, seems very stark,” said Marc Mauer, executive director of the Sentencing Project, which examines racial issues in the criminal justice system.

Still, he and other experts said, a broad consensus seems to be emerging: The drug problem will not be solved by arrests alone, but rather by treatment.

***Parents like the Griffins say that while they recognize the racial shift in heroin use, politicians and law enforcement are responding in this new way because “they realized what they were doing wasn’t working.”

“They’re paying more attention because people are screaming about it,” Mr. Griffin said. “I work with 100 people every day — parents, people in recovery, addicts — who are invading the statehouse, doing everything we can to make as much noise as we can to try to save these kids.”

**Yeah,,but that's a matter of perspective... When Blacks were "alleged" to be using heroin or crack it was working like a charm to fulfill a nefarious agenda to keep incarceration rates high.

So, you are now dismissed idiot.

Nixon is long gone, you idiot. Typical negro, blaming the 1960/70's for negro actions today.
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.

"Way" higher? It's about 1% more. Doesn't seem very significant to me.

White.............................. 11.1 10.8
Black or African American ............... 9.9 9.7
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
Don't know, nor do I care. It's a person's own choice to drink/smoke. Doesn't hurt me. What's funny is that despite the "way higher" drinking/smoking while pregnant statistics, white babies still grow up to be less criminal than nigglets. It's almost like crime and stupidity is in the negro DNA.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students ?
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks

Is there something about whites that can explain there to cope with life’s pressures
Is that a sentence or a question? What are you asking? If there is something that makes whites need more to cope with life's pressures? Could be because whites run the country (and the world) while the negroes don't have anything to worry about and just leech off of whitey.
Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge
Actually you're wrong.

  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women.
If the white man is dead, he can't go to prison. Looks like you partially answered your own question, idiot. Guess what, it's still not racism.
This statement from a former Nixon insider ought to be enough to convince anyone except a stupid racist prick like you.

"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying,” Ehrlichman continued.

“We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

John Erlichman

bgrouse said: did they make blacks drive around high on illegal drugs with said illegals drugs with them?

Read the fuggin' statement ya dumb sumbyatch! The key word is "associate." Blacks didn't have to actually be using drugs but the government created a nexus by vilifying their communities night after night on the evening news as drug infested ghettoes. The phrase, "Raiding their homes," stood out for me in that statement but your bigoted glazed eyes missed it. And the last two sentences says it all... Erlichman admitted they lied about the drugs... Well if thats the case, many of those arrests for drugs must have been contrived in some way. Planting drugs on people had to be a part of that strategy just as Mark Furhman planted blood on OJ's socks. But most black activists of the day couldn't afford Johny Cochran or Melvin Belli. But the real deal came during sentencing where Blacks are likely to be incarcerated at 5 times the rate Euro-Peons are.
Drug arrests skyrocketed after Nixon's War on Drugs was implemented. Most of those arrested were African Americans; however, contrary to your stupid assessment, Blacks weren't doing anything differently than they had before W.O.D. task forces targeted their neighborhoods. And without lawyers to marshal a good defense, Blacks were at the mercy of lying, corrupt, racist, badge and gun toting fucks who think and look like YOU.
What does NIXON have to do with TODAY's negro criminals?

The only thing I agreed with you on was that not all arrests or judicial proceedings are the same but the agreeing stopped there.
Allow me to clarify that. The differences in how each arrest is handled or processed is race based and inextricably connected to
Nixons war on Drugs. Nixon started it but every president since then, except Obama, has kept the pressure on black communities.
bgrouse said:
That's your unproven premise. It doesn't change the fact that sentences are based on numerous things. For example, say you have a country with 100 whites and 100 blacks. Drug possession for the first offense carries a fine and for the second offense carries prison time. Let's say all 100 whites committed possession once and then stopped. They all got fined, none went to prison. Only one of the 100 blacks committed the offense, but committed it twice. He went to prison.

The stats would read: 100% of whites used drugs vs 1% of blacks, but the prison population is 100% black.

Just an example with simple numbers intended to make you see how your stats could be the way they are without racism. Given how negroes are allergic to personal responsibility and fail to learn from their errors (can't learn if you don't accept it's your fault), I'm not surprised negroes are overrepresented in prison.

In the face of Erlichman's confession you still can't bring yourself to accept what he said. He completely destroyed your myth. Like a beheaded snake you are still trying to wriggle away from the blade of truth, to no avail.

bgrouse said:
]And it appears to be your assumption that they are handled differently due to racism vs the numerous other potential reasons, as I already told you but you keep ignoring.

Erlichman has given us all good reason to ignore your bullshit assumptions.. And reports from the sentencing project supports his insider confession.

To drive the last nail in the coffin of a fool (YOU) here is proof positive of the racial disparity in drug enforcement.

“How these policies evolve in the first place, and the connection with race, seems very stark,” said Marc Mauer, executive director of the Sentencing Project, which examines racial issues in the criminal justice system.

Still, he and other experts said, a broad consensus seems to be emerging: The drug problem will not be solved by arrests alone, but rather by treatment.

***Parents like the Griffins say that while they recognize the racial shift in heroin use, politicians and law enforcement are responding in this new way because “they realized what they were doing wasn’t working.”

“They’re paying more attention because people are screaming about it,” Mr. Griffin said. “I work with 100 people every day — parents, people in recovery, addicts — who are invading the statehouse, doing everything we can to make as much noise as we can to try to save these kids.”

**Yeah,,but that's a matter of perspective... When Blacks were "alleged" to be using heroin or crack it was working like a charm to fulfill a nefarious agenda to keep incarceration rates high.

So, you are now dismissed idiot.

Nixon is long gone, you idiot. Typical negro, blaming the 1960/70's for negro actions today.
Why do companies ask for your resume ? And why when you go to a doctor with a serious problem, do they want to know your medical history ?
Surely you realize that, in addition to drugs, that violence (violent crime) is another cause of negroes ending up in prison and that violence is an areas where negroes disproportionate "excel," right? That's what I was talking about no matter how much you would like to ignore facts.

  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students ?
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks

Is there something about whites that can explain there to cope with life’s pressures
Once again, this depends on the circumstances. A white and a black can use the same drugs, but if the white uses them at home while the negro drives under the influence and crashes his car into oncoming traffic, which one do you think is more likely to get caught and go to prison?

And it wouldn't have anything to do with a racist judge
Actually you're wrong.

  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women.

Can YOU explain why---after six decades of government assistance----countless disparate-impact rulings...section-eight housing...Affirmative-Action Media excuse-peddling, why the vast majority of Blacks are locked into dismal patterns of record drug abuse...absentee Fathers...runaway percentages of incarceration...recreational killing in cities across the nation...statistical domination of violent crime...academic failure...majority anti-assimilation and good old fashioned stupidity???
Maybe you can answer my questions
  • Can you explain how way more white women smoke cigarettes while pregnant, a rate that is way higher than the rate for black women ?
  • Can you explain how white women were more likely than black women to drink alcohol when pregnant ?
  • Can you explain how whites were more likely than blacks to have binged in the past month ? Among younger whites the problem is even worse.
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to then get behind the wheel of a car and attempt to drive ?
  • Can you explain how Whites are more likely than blacks to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to smoke cancer-causing cigarettes ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely than blacks to text while driving ?
  • Can you explain how whites are more likely to vomit or take laxatives so as to lose weight ?
  • Can you explain how whites are less likely to have used a condom ?
  • Can you explain how whites are so disrespectful to their parents? Look at the evidence
  • Can you explain why white college students are far more likely to hookup with multiple sexual partners than black students
  • Can you explain how white high school students are more likely than black students to carry weapons ? And young white men more likely than members of any other group to do so ?
  • Can you explain to me how that whites end there own lives at a far higher rate than blacks
  • White people are more likely to use heavier drugs than black people that is.according to data
  • White men are more likely as black men to die from an opioid overdose (Heroin) and white women were more likely to die from such an overdose as black women

Your questions are statistically inaccurate and demonstrably answer my pressing question Mr Race-baiter
i asked first
I have a theory: blacks don't drink/smoke/text/get pregnant as much because they're too busy being in prison from crime they committed in their late teens. Can't get behind the wheel drunk (or otherwise) if you're in jail!

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