The Greatest Scandal In American History: The Trump Cover Up Of A Looming Public Health Crisis

30,000 is an incredibly low number, one that hardly warrants even a "be careful out there" warning never mind the mindless hysteria coming from the TV blaring directly into the parrot cages and I assume [actually I'm sure] the absence of deaths in numbers is because its so low it skewers the narrative...
52,000 deaths with 673 deaths as of today with each day seeing an increase in both numbers.

Will you be filling the pews on Easter?

Trump wants nation 'raring to go by Easter' - CNN Video
52,000 deaths with 673 deaths as of today with each day seeing an increase in both numbers.
Assuming the "52,000 deaths" is some kind of typo the death rate you gave is less than 1/2 a death per day per state since 26 feb. [and even lower when blue states are removed from the equation] that's one death for every 2 states on average. I would imagine that vegans are dying at a significantly higher rate.,.
...None of the usual liberal political weapons has worked over the last 3 plus years and the arsenal is now depleted, the libs have gone nuclear with this.
'm atheist, but for this occasion I think I will
Will you practice social distancing?:21:

"'This is the time that people need to make personal sacrifices for the greater good,' Marrazzo said. 'Hard decisions about canceling events, trips, even weddings will have to be made; but we as a collective society need to band together in an effort to protect our communities. This pandemic cannot be slowed down unless we intervene and make a difference together.'"

To stop spread of COVID-19, ‘flattening the curve’ is critical - News
Assuming the "52,000 deaths" is some kind of typo the death rate you gave is less than 1/2 a death per day per state since 26 feb. [and even lower when blue states are removed from the equation] that's one death for every 2 states on average
52,000 deaths was indeed a typo.
Will your opinions on Covid-19 change if US deaths reach that level?


This Coronavirus Is Unlike Anything in Our Lifetime, and We Have to Stop Comparing It to the Flu — ProPublica

"But if 1 in 12 people age 70-79 who get the virus and 1 in 7 people age 80 or older who get the virus die, and the virus spreads to 20%, 40% or 70% of the population, we’re talking massive death tolls, the likes of which we have never seen before in our lives."
Y'know maybe this isn't such a HC crisis, as it is an economic crisis

Following the Fed , it's fairly easy to see the growing economic disaster they've been creating

None of the usual liberal political weapons has worked over the last 3 plus years and the arsenal is now depleted, the libs have gone nuclear with this.
The last three years have shown to anyone willing to acknowledge reality Trump is an ignorant buffoon/pathological liar who understands nothing, listens to nothing, and judges nothing except by the stock market.

Trump's survival owes more to lifelong Republican fixer, Robert Mueller's, decision to ignore Trump's financial records and Senate Republicans' choice to hold a trial without witnesses.

So far his approval ratings are trending upwards due to his "handling" of the Covid-19 pandemic; that will likely change if large numbers of Americans begin dying from his incompetence.
So we get locked down every flu season now?

Based on data from China, Covid-19 is ten times deadlier than the flu.

Covid-19 may have more in common with the "Spanish flu" of a century ago:

Spanish Influenza’s Final Lesson | Geopolitical Monitor

"But Spanish Influenza’s final lesson remains unlearned by many people.

"The pandemic had two phases, divided by a singular mutation that altered the course of history. In the first months of the outbreak, it’s caliber was largely the same as the common flu.

"In the summer of 1918, it infected nearly 50% of the British troops fighting in Europe, and almost 60% of their French comrades.

"But the symptoms were relatively mild, and the survival rate was extremely high. Its symptoms included chills, a slight fever and cough.

"Typically, recovery occurred within a few days.

"It’s the second wave, that starting in the fall of 1918, is famous for killing between 20-50 million people. In the month of October alone, nearly 200,000 Americans died.

"The symptoms of the mutation were far crueler, as victims usually perished within a few days. Their skin would turn a dark blue, caused by slow and painful suffocation as the lungs would fill with liquid."

Imagine the hit Trump's reelection prospects would take if 200,000 Americans die next October because he wanted a "beautiful" Easter?
Imagine the hit Trump's reelection prospects would take if 200,000 Americans die next October because he wanted a "beautiful" Easter?
Image the hit he'll take if we're all eating our dogs for Halloween George

I've a better chance at dying from the economy tanking....
Capitalism can survive a 30 day shutdown, but it won't survive if the surge of infections flattens the US healthcare system, and that is likely to happen if Trump's "beautiful Easter" comes to pass, imho.
This should be the scandal of the century. In a rational world it would destroy Trump’s Presidency and end the Republican Party as a political force for years. For weeks the President of the United States, and many in his party, engaged in a systematic cover up of a looming public health crisis. When it came, as they were warned it would, hundreds (likely thousands or tens of thousands before it is through) of Americans would die. A nation enjoying a prolonged period of economic prosperity would be pushed into a recession. While those engaged in this cover up did not prepare the nation, they often prepared themselves, their political supporters, and their families, for the financial shock by dumping soon to be greatly devalued stocks.

This is no Presidential cover up of a burglary, or lying about some Oval Office fellatio. It’s not even akin to seeking foreign help to smear your political opponents. This is life and death, and economic ruin for millions of Americans, spawned by the most malicious lies, corruption, and cover up imaginable.

And it's only going to get worse. The scandal, and the health crisis.
/——/ Cover up???? It was China that covered it up for three weeks. Trump was out of the box in January halting travel from China. In fact you libtards said he was a racist for doing so.
Sorry Stumpy, your rant is meaningless.
Image the hit he'll take if we're all eating our dogs for Halloween George
That is a little hard to imagine, Sparky.
We live in the richest country in history at a time when it has never been richer.
The Fed has poured trillion$ into the repo market over the past six months propping up Wall Street.
Perhaps that money should be going to Main Street?
Will you practice social distancing?
I already do that with white liberals:21:, so I suppose that is why I have no need to worry :abgg2q.jpg:
:auiqs.jpg:Love right angles
"'This is the time that people need to make personal sacrifices for the greater good,' Marrazzo said.
Ahhhhhhh the historical motto of socialism
This pandemic cannot be slowed down unless we intervene and make a difference together.'"
hmmmm, so we "intervene" by staying home and "make a difference together" by distancing ourselves from one another.
"But if 1 in 12 people age 70-79 who get the virus and 1 in 7 people age 80 or older who get the virus die, and the virus spreads to 20%, 40% or 70% of the population, we’re talking massive death tolls, the likes of which we have never seen before in our lives."
scare tactic...not going to happen
The last three years have shown to anyone willing to acknowledge reality Trump is an ignorant buffoon/pathological liar who understands nothing, listens to nothing, and judges nothing except by the stock market.

Trump's survival owes more to lifelong Republican fixer, Robert Mueller's, decision to ignore Trump's financial records and Senate Republicans' choice to hold a trial without witnesses.

which is why it is time for the left to go nuclear, the usual stuff is failing

So far his approval ratings are trending upwards due to his "handling" of the Covid-19 pandemic; that will likely change if large numbers of Americans begin dying from his incompetence.

That doesn't even need to happen, it just has to come out of the TV that it from a political stand point your post is proof the liberals benefit from higher death toll numbers, which makes sense for them to exaggerate the numbers, and would mean [assuming your post is correct] the greater the exaggeration the greater the benefit.
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