The Greatest Scandal In American History: The Trump Cover Up Of A Looming Public Health Crisis

This should be the scandal of the century. In a rational world it would destroy Trump’s Presidency and end the Republican Party as a political force for years. For weeks the President of the United States, and many in his party, engaged in a systematic cover up of a looming public health crisis. When it came, as they were warned it would, hundreds (likely thousands or tens of thousands before it is through) of Americans would die. A nation enjoying a prolonged period of economic prosperity would be pushed into a recession. While those engaged in this cover up did not prepare the nation, they often prepared themselves, their political supporters, and their families, for the financial shock by dumping soon to be greatly devalued stocks.

This is no Presidential cover up of a burglary, or lying about some Oval Office fellatio. It’s not even akin to seeking foreign help to smear your political opponents. This is life and death, and economic ruin for millions of Americans, spawned by the most malicious lies, corruption, and cover up imaginable.

And it's only going to get worse. The scandal, and the health crisis.

The Daily Kos? OMG. I remember there was quite the buzz when they put something out there that was thought to be accurate.

But it turned out to be fake news. They ain't ever been right.
This should be the scandal of the century. In a rational world it would destroy Trump’s Presidency and end the Republican Party as a political force for years. For weeks the President of the United States, and many in his party, engaged in a systematic cover up of a looming public health crisis. When it came, as they were warned it would, hundreds (likely thousands or tens of thousands before it is through) of Americans would die. A nation enjoying a prolonged period of economic prosperity would be pushed into a recession. While those engaged in this cover up did not prepare the nation, they often prepared themselves, their political supporters, and their families, for the financial shock by dumping soon to be greatly devalued stocks.

This is no Presidential cover up of a burglary, or lying about some Oval Office fellatio. It’s not even akin to seeking foreign help to smear your political opponents. This is life and death, and economic ruin for millions of Americans, spawned by the most malicious lies, corruption, and cover up imaginable.

And it's only going to get worse. The scandal, and the health crisis.
This should be the scandal of the century. In a rational world it would destroy Trump’s Presidency and end the Republican Party as a political force for years. For weeks the President of the United States, and many in his party, engaged in a systematic cover up of a looming public health crisis. When it came, as they were warned it would, hundreds (likely thousands or tens of thousands before it is through) of Americans would die. A nation enjoying a prolonged period of economic prosperity would be pushed into a recession. While those engaged in this cover up did not prepare the nation, they often prepared themselves, their political supporters, and their families, for the financial shock by dumping soon to be greatly devalued stocks.

This is no Presidential cover up of a burglary, or lying about some Oval Office fellatio. It’s not even akin to seeking foreign help to smear your political opponents. This is life and death, and economic ruin for millions of Americans, spawned by the most malicious lies, corruption, and cover up imaginable.

And it's only going to get worse. The scandal, and the health crisis.
Your link:

"On February 26th (the same day as the Trump tweet below) the American press reported that Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters that it was only a matter of when the pandemic spread throughout America and that its impact on business and our lives “could be bad.”

"Trump acknowledged the efforts of the press by attacking them, claiming they were part of a plot to bring him down."

If Trump eases restrictions on March 30th, he may well see another mutation next Fall.

That was the pattern of the Spanish flu in 1918.
There is just no reasoning with you people, is there?

If there's going to be a public health scandal, it should be over the fact that federal regulators held up the production/delivery of testing kits because they insisted on an absurdly narrow reading of federal regulations. And/or it should be over the fact that we're still short on respirators because China stopped shipping the circuit boards for them.
Dems don't understand how things really work. They whine about test kits when having too many test kits causes problems. If the published numbers get too high there will be panic. The last thing we need now is hysteria, especially from Democrats.
. For weeks the President of the United States, and many in his party, engaged in a systematic cover up
Cover up??? Trump banned travel from China 10 days after virus was discovered and dumb Dims accused him of racism!! Liberalism is on the kindergarten level. Embarrassing!!
Got a link?
Here's reality:

The Greatest Scandal In American History: The Trump Cover Up Of A Looming Public Health Crisis.

"Trump restricted, but did not ban, travel from China on February 3d.

"Beyond that, almost nothing was done as Trump, and his Administration, repeatedly assured the American people there was nothing to be concerned about.

"Consider this timeline of statements from the President of the United States.

"January 22: 'We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.'

February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”

"February 24: 'The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!':eek:

"February 25: 'CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.'"

Too much MAGA?
:slap: Trump could have cooked the virus up in the White House kitchen and served it up like it was gummy bears, and coughed on every Easter egg, and it still wouldn't push Obama out of 1st. place..
This should be the scandal of the century. In a rational world it would destroy Trump’s Presidency and end the Republican Party as a political force for years. For weeks the President of the United States, and many in his party, engaged in a systematic cover up of a looming public health crisis. When it came, as they were warned it would, hundreds (likely thousands or tens of thousands before it is through) of Americans would die. A nation enjoying a prolonged period of economic prosperity would be pushed into a recession. While those engaged in this cover up did not prepare the nation, they often prepared themselves, their political supporters, and their families, for the financial shock by dumping soon to be greatly devalued stocks.

This is no Presidential cover up of a burglary, or lying about some Oval Office fellatio. It’s not even akin to seeking foreign help to smear your political opponents. This is life and death, and economic ruin for millions of Americans, spawned by the most malicious lies, corruption, and cover up imaginable.
This should be the scandal of the century. In a rational world it would destroy Trump’s Presidency and end the Republican Party as a political force for years. For weeks the President of the United States, and many in his party, engaged in a systematic cover up of a looming public health crisis. When it came, as they were warned it would, hundreds (likely thousands or tens of thousands before it is through) of Americans would die. A nation enjoying a prolonged period of economic prosperity would be pushed into a recession. While those engaged in this cover up did not prepare the nation, they often prepared themselves, their political supporters, and their families, for the financial shock by dumping soon to be greatly devalued stocks.

This is no Presidential cover up of a burglary, or lying about some Oval Office fellatio. It’s not even akin to seeking foreign help to smear your political opponents. This is life and death, and economic ruin for millions of Americans, spawned by the most malicious lies, corruption, and cover up imaginable.

And it's only going to get worse. The scandal, and the health crisis.

The Daily Kos? OMG. I remember there was quite the buzz when they put something out there that was thought to be accurate.

But it turned out to be fake news. They ain't ever been right.
This should be the scandal of the century. In a rational world it would destroy Trump’s Presidency and end the Republican Party as a political force for years. For weeks the President of the United States, and many in his party, engaged in a systematic cover up of a looming public health crisis. When it came, as they were warned it would, hundreds (likely thousands or tens of thousands before it is through) of Americans would die. A nation enjoying a prolonged period of economic prosperity would be pushed into a recession. While those engaged in this cover up did not prepare the nation, they often prepared themselves, their political supporters, and their families, for the financial shock by dumping soon to be greatly devalued stocks.

This is no Presidential cover up of a burglary, or lying about some Oval Office fellatio. It’s not even akin to seeking foreign help to smear your political opponents. This is life and death, and economic ruin for millions of Americans, spawned by the most malicious lies, corruption, and cover up imaginable.

And it's only going to get worse. The scandal, and the health crisis.

Trump Derangement Syndrome mental health disease. You haz it.

Trump has been doing a great job.
. For weeks the President of the United States, and many in his party, engaged in a systematic cover up
Cover up??? Trump banned travel from China 10 days after virus was discovered and dumb Dims accused him of racism!! Liberalism is on the kindergarten level. Embarrassing!!
Got a link?
Here's reality:

The Greatest Scandal In American History: The Trump Cover Up Of A Looming Public Health Crisis.

"Trump restricted, but did not ban, travel from China on February 3d.

"Beyond that, almost nothing was done as Trump, and his Administration, repeatedly assured the American people there was nothing to be concerned about.

"Consider this timeline of statements from the President of the United States.

"January 22: 'We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.'

February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”

"February 24: 'The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!':eek:

"February 25: 'CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.'"

Too much MAGA?
Why are the real time numbers always being left out of these things?...the libs actually get mad when you ask for them
Why are the real time numbers always being left out of these things?...the libs actually get mad when you ask for them
What's your understanding of "real time numbers"?

The Greatest Scandal In American History: The Trump Cover Up Of A Looming Public Health Crisis.

Trump's "real time" wisdom:

"February 25: 'I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.'

"February 26: “The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”

"February 26: 'We’re going very substantially down, not up.' [Note: The number of U.S. cases when Trump said this was about 60. The current U.S. cases, as of this writing, is well over 30,000. For about the last week the number has roughly doubled every two days. That is neither substantially down from 60 nor “close to zero.”] [Additional note: This is the same day the CDC issued the stark warning discussed above]

"February 27: 'One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.'"

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