The Gun Violence Archive lies about mass public shootings in the U.S.

Or just someone who has no tolerance for fools. I guess I don't take a lot of time to parse the level of crazy on this board, because life is, well, too short.

Mine didn't rebound until a couple of years ago. But you miss the point... The whole design of the GOP is to bring up this Gun God and Gays bullshit to keep stupid white working class people voting against their own economic interests, and I did it for years, to be honest.

I would LOVE to say I turned on Bush after he lied us into Iraq, or let all those poor people drown in NOLA. But, nope, I had to wait until his criminal incompetence hit me personally. Shame on me.

What I know is the worst thing we had to worry about during Clinton's term was that he lied about a blow job. The worst thing we had to worry about during Obama's time was he really born here. (He was). Bush's father was a disaster, Bush was a disaster. Trump was a disaster. Although Trump wasn't a disaster for me personally, because I knew he was going to fuck things up did all my planning accordingly.

Oh, I think the million people who died from Trump Plague or the 65 million who lost their jobs during Trump Recession or the thousands of people who lost their businesses during Trump REcession and Trump Riots would say Trump did have an effect on their lives.

OH, I think it's a case of the inmates taking over the asylum.

The "Fiscally conservative" are those who think that the government should favor the investor class over the working class. But the working class would never vote for that. Even Republicans realized that up until Ronnie Ray-gun. Then they realized that if you play on the racial, religious and sexual fears of white people, they will go along with any other shit.
"Hey, my job is going to China!"
"Never mind that, some Tranny is reading a story to your kid!!!"

And this is the kind of crazy I am talking about. The sad thing is, Fox News and Hate Radio have you thinking this is true.

Oh, there are a bunch of things the Democrats are for that I'm largely indifferent to, but they often tend to be the things that they use to get people on the right to keep voting for more plutocracy.

The "Fiscally conservative" are those who think that the government should favor the investor class over the working class. But the working class would never vote for that.

You are a moron.....the democrats have just bailed out all of their big donors at the SVB bank, including Harry and Meghan............who do you think protecting those people protects? You doofus....
Pot meet kettle. So you really feel that the democrats are the only side that has the entire countries best interest at heart?

They have the best interest of the working class at heart.

The Republicans have the best interest of the investor class.

Of course, no one would vote for them if they weren't doing the Guns, Gays and God bullshit.
You are a moron.....the democrats have just bailed out all of their big donors at the SVB bank, including Harry and Meghan............who do you think protecting those people protects? You doofus....

Um, the law kind of requires them to do that.
They wouldn't had to hadn't Trump watered down Dodd-Frank to exempt smaller banks.

Your debilitating TDS has become even worse. BTW, Trump living In your psyche doesn't shield you from the fact that a small crime surge in 2020 was the result of the pandemic.

The Pandemic Trump failed miserably to address... That's why we had a crime surge. Lock up people for months, make them all lose their jobs, some of them are going to resort to crime.
Um, the law kind of requires them to do that.
They wouldn't had to hadn't Trump watered down Dodd-Frank to exempt smaller banks.

The Pandemic Trump failed miserably to address... That's why we had a crime surge. Lock up people for months, make them all lose their jobs, some of them are going to resort to crime.

No....the law protects 250,000 deposits not the mega millions they are now going to protect...because the bank gave the democrats 70 million dollars and more
No....the law protects 250,000 deposits not the mega millions they are now going to protect...because the bank gave the democrats 70 million dollars and more

Guy, Biden is doing what Bush FAILED to do in 2008... nip the problem in the bud before it spreads.
This is what the system is designed to do.
Guy, Biden is doing what Bush FAILED to do in 2008... nip the problem in the bud before it spreads.
This is what the system is designed to do.

Yeah.....sell that crap to the biden voters....the only people stupid enough to believe it
Um, the law kind of requires them to do that.
They wouldn't had to hadn't Trump watered down Dodd-Frank to exempt smaller banks.

The Pandemic Trump failed miserably to address... That's why we had a crime surge. Lock up people for months, make them all lose their jobs, some of them are going to resort to crime.
Your TDS is a limitation on an ability to make reasoned decisions. It was the left who failed miserably with lockdowns, school closings, mask mandates, vaccine mandates and an implementation of totalitarianism.
They have the best interest of the working class at heart.

The Republicans have the best interest of the investor class.

Of course, no one would vote for them if they weren't doing the Guns, Gays and God bullshit.
You are nearly a hundred years behind the times. That was true in my grandmother’s time. It was changing in my mother’s time. Today the democrats are the party of governmental workers, the rich and those others dependent on the government. Republicans are the party of earners, either the middle class or the working wealthy. Oddly enough both the middle and working wealthy are the “investor class” as you term them. Both are invested in the markets for their retirements.
Your TDS is a limitation on an ability to make reasoned decisions. It was the left who failed miserably with lockdowns, school closings, mask mandates, vaccine mandates and an implementation of totalitarianism.

Actually, those were the smart things to do. The Europeans and Japanese did them, and didn't suffer ANYWHERE near the death rates or economic damage we suffered.

But Trump told you Covid was a hoax, and some of you died like Herman Cain, and others of you just kept spreading the virus and dragging it out.

You are nearly a hundred years behind the times. That was true in my grandmother’s time. It was changing in my mother’s time. Today the democrats are the party of governmental workers, the rich and those others dependent on the government. Republicans are the party of earners, either the middle class or the working wealthy. Oddly enough both the middle and working wealthy are the “investor class” as you term them. Both are invested in the markets for their retirements

Yeah, buddy, you can delude yourself that your 401K makes you a part of the investor class. It doesn't. I makes you a sucker. It means when a 2008 happens, the rich get bailouts and you end up with a busted 401K.
Actually, those were the smart things to do. The Europeans and Japanese did them, and didn't suffer ANYWHERE near the death rates or economic damage we suffered.

But Trump told you Covid was a hoax, and some of you died like Herman Cain, and others of you just kept spreading the virus and dragging it out.

Yeah, buddy, you can delude yourself that your 401K makes you a part of the investor class. It doesn't. I makes you a sucker. It means when a 2008 happens, the rich get bailouts and you end up with a busted 401K.
Actually, we know that lockdowns, school closings, mask mandates, vaccine mandates at the whim of petty leftist totalitarians were a mistake.

Florida, for one example, never went leftist totalitarian and fared far better than leftist gulags.

Florida, New York, California and Illinois are all large states with multiple urban areas. But while Florida has been the poster child for a hands-off approach by government, the latter three states imposed multiple intrusive measures over long periods of time.

Florida, for example, recommended but did not require face coverings. While several large counties imposed their own mandates, Governor Ron DeSantis issued an executive order barring governments and school districts from imposing them last May.

Sweden was another example showing that lockdowns, school closings, mask mandates, vaccine mandates at the whim of petty totalitarians were pointless.

Actually, those were the smart things to do. The Europeans and Japanese did them, and didn't suffer ANYWHERE near the death rates or economic damage we suffered.

But Trump told you Covid was a hoax, and some of you died like Herman Cain, and others of you just kept spreading the virus and dragging it out.

Yeah, buddy, you can delude yourself that your 401K makes you a part of the investor class. It doesn't. I makes you a sucker. It means when a 2008 happens, the rich get bailouts and you end up with a busted 401K.

The Europeans murdered 15 million people, in just 6 years after they banned and confiscated guns....more people murdered than in our entire 246 year history of gun murder.....

Japan murdered 3 million innocent civilians......

You sure love mass murder.

And the Europeans can't stop their immigrant drug gangs from using fully automatic military rifles and grenades...they have been living after the effects of murdering 15 million people, and just now their crime rates are going dolt.
Actually, we know that lockdowns, school closings, mask mandates, vaccine mandates at the whim of petty leftist totalitarians were a mistake.

Florida, for one example, never went leftist totalitarian and fared far better than leftist gulags.

Florida, New York, California and Illinois are all large states with multiple urban areas. But while Florida has been the poster child for a hands-off approach by government, the latter three states imposed multiple intrusive measures over long periods of time.

Florida, for example, recommended but did not require face coverings. While several large counties imposed their own mandates, Governor Ron DeSantis issued an executive order barring governments and school districts from imposing them last May.

Sweden was another example showing that lockdowns, school closings, mask mandates, vaccine mandates at the whim of petty totalitarians were pointless.

No....the lockdowns were not a mistake, they were the opportunity the left used to get rid of Trump....they used the cover of the Chinese releasing that virus to shut down their state economies with the full knowledge that the economy was a winner for destroying the economy just before the election, they beat Trump....and they did not care how much pain, suffering and death that took to get done....
Actually, we know that lockdowns, school closings, mask mandates, vaccine mandates at the whim of petty leftist totalitarians were a mistake.
No, we don't. That saved millions of lives. If we had done it right, we'd have saved more.

But some of you guys dug in your heals because you just couldn't admit Trump was a mistake.

Florida, for one example, never went leftist totalitarian and fared far better than leftist gulags.
Florida had lots of lockdowns, and it's death rate was almost as high as NY. So, no, not a success story.
The Europeans murdered 15 million people, in just 6 years after they banned and confiscated guns....more people murdered than in our entire 246 year history of gun murder.....

ONly if you ignore the Genocide and slavery that punctuated our history.

Genocide is that funny thing, we are fast to point it out in other countries, but reluctant to admit it on our own.

Waiting for you to tell me how Native Americans weren't subject to genocide by the United states, even though the country looked like THIS before white people showed up.


What happened to all those people, Dick Tiny?
No, we don't. That saved millions of lives. If we had done it right, we'd have saved more.

But some of you guys dug in your heals because you just couldn't admit Trump was a mistake.

Florida had lots of lockdowns, and it's death rate was almost as high as NY. So, no, not a success story.
The facts clearly refute your screeching tirade. The wannabe Emirs / Sultans of your leftist Gulags did observable damage with their school closings, vaccine mandates and totalitarian edicts that closed churches but kept liquor stores open.

I couldn't help but notice you offered nothing but "...because I say so" to refute the data given to you.

The corrupt, leftist controlled CDC was a party to the damage done by the Biden politburo.

The leftist flunkies had no choice but to admit their policies were a disaster, pushed as a result of leftist totalitarians / frauds such as Randi Weingarten who should be in jail.
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ONly if you ignore the Genocide and slavery that punctuated our history.

Genocide is that funny thing, we are fast to point it out in other countries, but reluctant to admit it on our own.

Waiting for you to tell me how Native Americans weren't subject to genocide by the United states, even though the country looked like THIS before white people showed up.


What happened to all those people, Dick Tiny?

The indians were murdering each other long before the Europeans arrived.......

And funny thing, you doofus...the Europeans were responsible for the majority of dead indians too....just like they murdered 15 million innocent people in the 1930s-40s......

And yet you keep promoting the mass murdering Europeans as people we should clod.
"Mass shooting" means whatever the person using the term wants it to mean; the only real requirement for the term is that an even involves a firearm and 2 or more people.

As such, the anti-gun troglodytes, in another example of how the (D)ishonest prey on the emotions of the ignorant, have lowered the bar as far as they think they can so as to encompass as many shootings as possible.
In doing so, they dilute the terms to the point where it has no real meaning.

"Mass shootings" in America, 2022:
"Mass shootings" as defined by:
Mass Shootings in 2022 | Gun Violence Archive

Total mass shootings: 636
Total killed, mass shootings: 660
Average killed per shooting: 1.04

Total firearm-related murders in US, 2022: ~10500
% mass shootings: ~6.29%

Mass shootings in the US represent less than 6.5% of the firearm-related, and 4.5% of the total, murders in the US

That's not the impression you get from the news, eh?
There's a reason for that.
Mass shooting - Wikipedia

Gun nuts will go by their definition of a mass shooting to make the gun mayhem not look as bad. Those seeking gun regulations will go by the definition that shows how dreadful gun stats in America are.
Mass shooting - Wikipedia

Gun nuts will go by their definition of a mass shooting to make the gun mayhem not look as bad. Those seeking gun regulations will go by the definition that shows how dreadful gun stats in America are.

And you will ignore the mass murder created by gun control in Europe......15 million innocent men, women and children murdered after you banned and confiscated guns in the 1920s-30s........all murdered in just 6 years...

More people murdered after gun control than gun murder in the United States during our entire 246 year history.....

But you guys ignore that you ignore government murder around the world...

As long as the government does the murder, you don't care....
Actually, those were the smart things to do. The Europeans and Japanese did them, and didn't suffer ANYWHERE near the death rates or economic damage we suffered.

But Trump told you Covid was a hoax, and some of you died like Herman Cain, and others of you just kept spreading the virus and dragging it out.

Yeah, buddy, you can delude yourself that your 401K makes you a part of the investor class. It doesn't. I makes you a sucker. It means when a 2008 happens, the rich get bailouts and you end up with a busted 401K.
It's not just 401Ks; ALL PENSION PLANS are invested in the market so everyone who has a pension OR a 401K is "investor class" as you put it.
It's not just 401Ks; ALL PENSION PLANS are invested in the market so everyone who has a pension OR a 401K is "investor class" as you put it.

Yeah....joe is a dim bulb on his best day.......union pensions are all in the market too....does he think they simply put their union dues in a box in the to hoffa?

Every state, every town and city onvests their pension funds

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