Zone1 The happiest people in America

Who would have thought that the happiest people were older, religious, females?
I would.

Being religious is propping them up to ignore their doubts. It can work for people who don't have to think too deeply on what they're believing.

As to them being females, those being referred to here are most likely content to stay in the kitchen and obsess over not overcooking bubba's steak.

It's the American intellectuals who have to suffer the doubts on America's survival as the uncontested world superpower.
This is really interesting.
If folks know both in their minds/hearts that they have a clear/smooth runway to land down onto after they leave their physical bodies, then of course they would be happy. That's WHY the ones that do not have Maker to look forwards to be with are so bitterly unhappy & outright rebellious in nature.
I would.

Being religious is propping them up to ignore their doubts. It can work for people who don't have to think too deeply on what they're believing.

As to them being females, those being referred to here are most likely content to stay in the kitchen and obsess over not overcooking bubba's steak.

It's the American intellectuals who have to suffer the doubts on America's survival as the uncontested world superpower.
Why do you hate women of faith? My mother is a homemaker and very happy pleasing her family. You are an asshole.
Why do you hate women of faith?
I don't hate women of faith.
In truth, I consider hate to not be a part of my feelings when religion becomes the topic.

I've offered an explanation for the premise that has been offered. Do you have another explanation?

I'm granting you privilege Blaster. Don't blow it!
100% expected
But all Cognitivly Rigid people who have started to run down their brains , live more and more on simple, good memories and always try to deflect from troubling possibilities .
Like Edith Bunker's acting part that was portrayed so well?
If folks know both in their minds/hearts that they have a clear/smooth runway to land down onto after they leave their physical bodies, then of course they would be happy.
Yes, that's the premise!
That's WHY the ones that do not have Maker to look forwards to be with are so bitterly unhappy & outright rebellious in nature.
If that was true, we could change to becoming Christian believers.

It takes personal honesty and commitment to what we know is reality. Once we've gone there it would be so dishonest and phony to go back to the flock.
I don't hate women of faith.
In truth, I consider hate to not be a part of my feelings when religion becomes the topic.

I've offered an explanation for the premise that has been offered. Do you have another explanation?

I'm granting you privilege Blaster. Don't blow it!
The fact is you disrespect women of faith despite your denial. Assholes like you are a dime a dozen on this site.
Yes, that's the premise!

If that was true, we could change to becoming Christian believers.

It takes personal honesty and commitment to what we know is reality. Once we've gone there it would be so dishonest and phony to go back to the flock.
Thanks for trolling this thread. Now go pound sand.
Older people in general have less stress, more money, more time for themselves, enjoy their children and grandchildren without having to parent them, etc. Religious beliefs remove doubt and anxiety about the future.
Why do you hate women of faith? My mother is a homemaker and very happy pleasing her family. You are an asshole.

They despise everything that they cannot have, and thus cannot control.

I cannot imagine the empty desolation of having the belief that faith is impossible for you to achieve.

I'm a 68 year old widow who believes in God and whose only unhappinesses in life are the loss of my husband a few years ago and the fact that I must live in a country that is so full of baby rapers and murderers.

I don't hate women of faith.
In truth, I consider hate to not be a part of my feelings when religion becomes the topic.

I've offered an explanation for the premise that has been offered. Do you have another explanation?

I'm granting you privilege Blaster. Don't blow it!

Pure lies.

Go away.

Why do you hate women of faith? My mother is a homemaker and very happy pleasing her family. You are an asshole.
Your mother is a good person and a happy person!

Edith Bunker portrayed that same sort of woman and was loved by all!

I know I'm a good person but I can't pretend to be totally happy all the time on account of having to think about America's threat to world peace, that could quite conceivable become nuclear war.

That's me hon. That's why I'm here for you!
Your mother is a good person and a happy person!

Edith Bunker portrayed that same sort of woman and was loved by all!

I know I'm a good person but I can't pretend to be totally happy all the time on account of having to think about America's threat to world peace, that could quite conceivable become nuclear war.

That's me hon. That's why I'm here for you!
I thought you were leaving this thread.
Lol, cudos to the um Christian old ladies. Ya don't have to be one to be happy though. I am happy most the time. Not a Christian old lady. Most fisherman are pretty happy.
I fit the description of being happy, but then outside the usual ups and downs, I was happy before I grew older--I never had to wait to be happy.

Being religious is propping them up to ignore their doubts. It can work for people who don't have to think too deeply on what they're believing.
I have no doubts about God. Questions yes, and continual study and exploration, yes. I have had a couple of experiences of God, and those experiences remove all doubt. Seek and you shall find. That's true, but the kicker is having to stay with it for decades. Faith/religion is amazing, and after an experience with God, I feel quite confident in saying those without that kind of experience don't even know what it is like to think deeply. You may be a more shallow thinker than you know. At least consider that possibility even if it is on a rare occurrence.
As to them being females, those being referred to here are most likely content to stay in the kitchen and obsess over not overcooking bubba's steak.
I have been in the kitchen. Also: Journalism, public relations, accounting, managing apartments, and teaching. I also quilt, sew, garden, and do genealogy research. I have always led a full and busy life. By the way, my husband grills the steaks--none better. He has also made sure he brings home take-out at least once a week.

It's the American intellectuals who have to suffer the doubts on America's survival as the uncontested world superpower.

I have no doubts on America's survival of a superpower--it won't survive. It is already in decline and has been for awhile. It will fail and fall. That handwriting has been on the wall for several decades now.

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