The Hard Reality: Ukraine’s Last-Gasp Offensive Has Failed

You need considerable help unless for strange reasons you are pretending to be dumb on purpose .
1. Russia's initial 4-day war was a disaster
2. Putin's war is very unpopular, men are fleeing rather than serving in the military
3. Ukraine is gaining ground, Russia is losing ground
4. Ukraine will get F-16s and Abrams tanks shortly
5. The Wagner Group switched sides
1. Russia's initial 4-day war was a disaster
2. Putin's war is very unpopular, men are fleeing rather than serving in the military
3. Ukraine is gaining ground, Russia is losing ground
4. Ukraine will get F-16s and Abrams tanks shortly
5. The Wagner Group switched sides

2 is not true - war is popular.

Putin fully controls narratives in his repressed country. Public dissent has become illegal in Russia and punishable by long jail terms for "discreditation of the armed forces".

Many people are so fn brainwashed they actually think it's their patriotic duty to support the war, or anything else their gov does.
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2 is not true - war is popular.
Putin fully controls narratives in his repressed country. Public dissent has become illegal in Russia and punishable by long jail terms.
Many people are so fn brainwashed they actually think it's their patriotic duty to support the war, or anything else their gov does.
Bullshit. If it was popular he wouldn't need to put prisoners in uniform.

Bullshit. If it was popular he wouldn't need to put prisoners in uniform.

And? Supporting Ukraine is popular in US, doesn't at all mean that many people would be willing to sign up to go fight and possibly die there.

You are trying to refute that apples are green by saying that oranges are orange.

As a matter of public opinion ~80% of Russians are either indifferent or explicitly support Putin's war. And of course for the people that actually get sent to fight there it's a very different outlook.
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And? Supporting Ukraine is popular in US, doesn't at all mean that many people would be willing to sign up to go fight and possibly die there. You are trying to refute that apples are green by saying that oranges are orange.

As a matter of public opinion ~80% of Russians are either indifferent or explicitly support Putin's war. And of course for the people that actually get sent to fight there it's a very different outlook.
1. Actually I'm saying that if the Ukraine War was popular men wouldn't be fleeing to avoid conscription. Further proof is that when Prigozin was headed to Moscow he was cheered as a hero, not met by angry protesters. Russians oppose the war and Putin.

2. LOL! "Indifferent" means keep your mouth shut or end up in prison or shot. You can't be that stupid that you don't know that Putin rules by terror. Like in NK, cheer "Fearless Leader" or bad things happen.
1. Actually I'm saying that if the Ukraine War was popular men wouldn't be fleeing to avoid conscription. Further proof is that when Prigozin was headed to Moscow he was cheered as a hero, not met by angry protesters. Russians oppose the war and Putin.

2. LOL! "Indifferent" means keep your mouth shut or end up in prison or shot. You can't be that stupid that you don't know that Putin rules by terror. Like in NK, cheer "Fearless Leader" or bad things happen.

1. Not true. SOME people did conscript, most stayed and small % fled.

2. You, like most in the west really are not understanding the degree to which Russian population has been trained for total political apathy. Most of population there says ignorant shit like "politics is for politicians, they know better" or "I don't like it, but what can we ever do?"

It's this inbred indifference that allows their gov to get away with disastrous policies and infringement on freedoms that would quickly get them thrown out in any developed democracy.
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This money could have been sent to Hawaii, or other needy areas of our great country instead of bidens crony.

For “last gasps,” Ukraine is doing pretty well. Did you know they had now seized land inside Russia itself?
when Prigozin was headed to Moscow he was cheered as a hero, not met by angry protesters

I don't think you understand who Prigozin was to Russians.

He was not some anti-war character, he was seen as a more hardcore, more effective commander, who could show up incompetent Kremlin softies who are letting down Putin and don't have the balls and ruthlessness to do what's needed to finally run over Ukraine.
I don't think you understand who Prigozin was to Russians.
He was not some anti-war character, he was seen as a more hardcore, more effective commander, who could show up incompetent Kremlin softies who are letting down Putin and don't have the balls and ruthlessness to do what's needed to finally run over Ukraine.
Prigozin's men were dying because Moscow couldn't supply ammunition to his troops and they were being slaughtered.
Prigozin was headed to Moscow to explain it to the Kremlin. Why he stopped I don't know.

p.s. The Russians do not have the men or material to overrun Ukraine. NATO is giving Ukraine all the support they need to win.

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