The Harry Reid Dilemma.Talks Alot, Yet Never Takes Questions From The Press And News.

Feb 1, 2013

So typical of far left liberals. They talk and bitch, but refuse to be challenged by anyone.
Needless to say, Reid is a tyrant. My way or {G.F.Y.} (excuse my polish).
Harry talks about all of the great benefits of Obama-Care, yet keeps a blind eye to how it has collapsed the economy since it was implemented.
When any politician refuses to go on TV, take "On-Spot-Questions" from White House Reporters (like where most Senators/Reps have that area in the White House designated for reporters.)
You see most of them sooner or later, but have you noticed? We Never See Harry Reid Being Questioned On Live TV .
Why? Is He Afraid Of Being Made A Total Jackass Of Himself?
and to add to the list, did Al Franken take candid questions after he finally got nominated? and u also rarely see him being questioned on live TV.

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