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The hawks’ wings are clipped


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
Israel's election: The hawks? wings are clipped | The Economist

YAIR LAPID, a former television talk-show host whose secular, middle-of-the-road party soared into second place in Israel’s election on January 22nd, wrote a popular column for years in the newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, in which he would ask, “What is it to be Israeli?” What, in other words, does it take to feel you belong in the Jewish state? The question became his trademark. Now a large chunk of the electorate—a lot larger than the pollsters predicted—has given an answer that may reshape Israel’s future, not least by improving the chance of a durable peace with the Palestinians.

Mr Lapid’s party, Yesh Atid (There is a Future), running for the first time, got 19 seats in the 120-seat parliament, against 31 for Likud-Beitenu, led by the incumbent prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, who is still expected to retain his post. But he will find it much harder in the next month or so to rejig his ruling coalition. Hawkish and religious parties that have been generally loth to offer the sort of territorial and other compromises needed to revive the peace process got half the seats. But the election result shows that Israelis on the more malleable middle ground are still a force to be reckoned with. The post-election bargaining will be a lot trickier than Mr Netanyahu expected.

Two key consequences may ensue. One is that Naftali Bennett, the religious hawk who rejects the idea of Palestinian state altogether, may not have to be brought into a government. Pollsters had expected his new party to do so well that Mr Netanyahu would have had to give him a senior post.
Netanyahu will certainly be able to form a coalition which will enable him to carry out his previous firm policies!

However, the current thinking in Israel is that his new coalition could be more right wing than centrist.

Whatever happens .... you can be sure that Netanyahu will be realistic regarding the Palestinians and their real aim: To destroy Israel rather than make peace with Israel!.

The Hawk's wings haven't been clipped and he is as strong as ever!:eusa_clap:
Israel's election: The hawks? wings are clipped | The Economist

YAIR LAPID, a former television talk-show host whose secular, middle-of-the-road party soared into second place in Israel’s election on January 22nd, wrote a popular column for years in the newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, in which he would ask, “What is it to be Israeli?” What, in other words, does it take to feel you belong in the Jewish state? The question became his trademark. Now a large chunk of the electorate—a lot larger than the pollsters predicted—has given an answer that may reshape Israel’s future, not least by improving the chance of a durable peace with the Palestinians.

Mr Lapid’s party, Yesh Atid (There is a Future), running for the first time, got 19 seats in the 120-seat parliament, against 31 for Likud-Beitenu, led by the incumbent prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, who is still expected to retain his post. But he will find it much harder in the next month or so to rejig his ruling coalition. Hawkish and religious parties that have been generally loth to offer the sort of territorial and other compromises needed to revive the peace process got half the seats. But the election result shows that Israelis on the more malleable middle ground are still a force to be reckoned with. The post-election bargaining will be a lot trickier than Mr Netanyahu expected.

Two key consequences may ensue. One is that Naftali Bennett, the religious hawk who rejects the idea of Palestinian state altogether, may not have to be brought into a government. Pollsters had expected his new party to do so well that Mr Netanyahu would have had to give him a senior post.

poor anti-semite... it must kill you that he was re-elected.

Just felt the Jillian thingy
Moaning about my so-called anti-Semitism
Poor girl can’t get off

neg. repping me, so she fantasies

putting on her Betty Boop
Slut wanna be

The screaming
Cries of the father of
Mohammed al Dura murdered

By the Israeli
Defense forces with
Bullets and torn bloody

From his arms...
Behind the guns I
Could see

The scums Jillian along
With the Insurance Lawyer
Pulling the triggers

In delight...
Netanyahu will certainly be able to form a coalition which will enable him to carry out his previous firm policies!

However, the current thinking in Israel is that his new coalition could be more right wing than centrist.

Whatever happens .... you can be sure that Netanyahu will be realistic regarding the Palestinians and their real aim: To destroy Israel rather than make peace with Israel!.

The Hawk's wings haven't been clipped and he is as strong as ever!:eusa_clap:

Be serious skye, what means do the stick&stone forces do the Palestinians have to destroy Israel? Can you provide a serious scenario that the Palestinians could destroy Israel in the next 100 years?
Netanyahu lost roughly 20% of his coalitions seats to a new generation sick of constant wars. A generation that is growing while his is waning!
Israel's election: The hawks? wings are clipped | The Economist

YAIR LAPID, a former television talk-show host whose secular, middle-of-the-road party soared into second place in Israel’s election on January 22nd, wrote a popular column for years in the newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, in which he would ask, “What is it to be Israeli?” What, in other words, does it take to feel you belong in the Jewish state? The question became his trademark. Now a large chunk of the electorate—a lot larger than the pollsters predicted—has given an answer that may reshape Israel’s future, not least by improving the chance of a durable peace with the Palestinians.

Mr Lapid’s party, Yesh Atid (There is a Future), running for the first time, got 19 seats in the 120-seat parliament, against 31 for Likud-Beitenu, led by the incumbent prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, who is still expected to retain his post. But he will find it much harder in the next month or so to rejig his ruling coalition. Hawkish and religious parties that have been generally loth to offer the sort of territorial and other compromises needed to revive the peace process got half the seats. But the election result shows that Israelis on the more malleable middle ground are still a force to be reckoned with. The post-election bargaining will be a lot trickier than Mr Netanyahu expected.

Two key consequences may ensue. One is that Naftali Bennett, the religious hawk who rejects the idea of Palestinian state altogether, may not have to be brought into a government. Pollsters had expected his new party to do so well that Mr Netanyahu would have had to give him a senior post.
Clipped shmipped, Obama also won with a very tight margin, but unfortunately, elections have consequences, the main one being its a winner-take-all situation. So once in a while the victor will throw a bone to the loosing side just to keep them busy and on their toes.
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the main one being its a winner-take-all situation.

In an electoral system where at least three parties win enough vote to take an active part in governing, why do you say "the winner takes it all" when that is patently not the case?

It does seem as if the election will see Israel shift slightly to the right, in which case there is precious little chance of any real progress towards a long-term settlement.
Just felt the Jillian thingy
Moaning about my so-called anti-Semitism
Poor girl can’t get off

neg. repping me, so she fantasies

putting on her Betty Boop
Slut wanna be

The screaming
Cries of the father of
Mohammed al Dura murdered

By the Israeli
Defense forces with
Bullets and torn bloody

From his arms...
Behind the guns I
Could see

The scums Jillian along
With the Insurance Lawyer
Pulling the triggers

In delight...

Muhammad Al Dura was not murdered by Israeli IDF. His "death" was staged.
Netanyahu will certainly be able to form a coalition which will enable him to carry out his previous firm policies!

However, the current thinking in Israel is that his new coalition could be more right wing than centrist.

Whatever happens .... you can be sure that Netanyahu will be realistic regarding the Palestinians and their real aim: To destroy Israel rather than make peace with Israel!.

The Hawk's wings haven't been clipped and he is as strong as ever!:eusa_clap:

Be serious skye, what means do the stick&stone forces do the Palestinians have to destroy Israel? Can you provide a serious scenario that the Palestinians could destroy Israel in the next 100 years?
Netanyahu lost roughly 20% of his coalitions seats to a new generation sick of constant wars. A generation that is growing while his is waning!

Pbel, you need to learn more about Israeli politics, because you're deep wrong.

The reason why Bibi lost votes is much more complicated.

More than a year and a half ago, a young girl was thrown out of her house, and went to protest in the streets against the housing problem. Her protest, in a matter of weeks, became the protest of all of Israel, the protest of mothers, teachers, farmers, taxi drivers, doctors, nurses, and many others. the people of Israel were tired of the government robbing the money of the working class in favor of the rich people. for long months this protest took place, and dozens of thousands of Israelis got out to the street.

Something was malfanctuianing.

This protest had a HUGE weight on the election, behind the scenes. Netanyahu has the image as a leader who at times protests Israel's interests when it comes to the outside world, but inside, the working class sufferes while the money go to the rich, the orthodox Jews who do not serve in the IDF and get budgets for study in the Colleges and Yeshivot, and to many others who do not deserve the Israel taxes.

Ya'ir Lapid came in suggestion to cut short the budget for orthodox, to help the education system so that the future will be better for Israeli children (In math ans science, especially), to deal with the problem of orthodox non-serve in the IDF, and to help young couples with the housing problem.

When it comes to the political issue, lapid said he will sit in a government that will negotiate. That's good, but it's too general for the Israeli voter to chose him based solely on that. so Lapid got 19 mandates because of his suggestion for the economic-social issues, but when it comes to politics, the hand managing things is still the Likud.

And the Jewish house in the head of Naftalie bennett. Bennett also had agenda of solving economic social issues. He put the undeline on better Jewish traditional education for kids, cutting the security budget in favor of the young couple and education system, allowing a nagotiation which will bring for more public services on Shabbat (like busses and taxis) and he wishes also to take the Giyur case in his hands, so that those wishing to convert to Judaism, will succeed doing so with less difficulty.

His great enemies in that field are the orthodox Jews of the "Shas" party, who used to call him a "Gentile" over his proposition of public transportation on Shabbat and his view of conversion.

The orthodox Jews of Shas have been known for taking more and more of the taxes and give the money for orthodox. While I, as a non-orthodox student, have to pay around 30-40 THOUSAND for high education for college, the orthodox students have a budget which helps him/her, a budget that disabled, students with children, and students with economical poor conditions do NOT have. they get budget even though they don't serve international service and don't go to the army. Basically, they get our money without doing anything in return. Most of non-orthodox Jews, including the religious-Zionists Jews are not at all comfortalbe with that idea.

So what do you do? You choose either Ya'ir Lapid or Bennett to sit alongside Netanyahu. Personally I voted for the Jewish house based on his education system call for changes, and his view of conversions and economical improvement suggestions. I do have a serious problem with the way he sees to solve the West Bank issue (but that's a different discussion).

Bibi has to have more than 60 sits. SO taking his, 31, and adding Lapid, 19, and then adding the 12 of Bennett, and WALLAH! problem solved. BUT there is a big problem. Well actually 2.

The first, the orthodox ones of Shas will not budge. They fear Lapid because now he has the power to sat a new-age order, so called. they know that if he has the back, and he HAS the back of MILLIONS, he can arrenge that the Tal-Law (allowing orthodox Jews not to serve in any national service when reaching 18) will fall down. Most Israelis don't want this law to be renewed. Shas has 11 sits, while Lapid has 19, that's very problematic for them. problem is that they most of the time win the last word. However THIS time, it's not so clear they win, if the public protest.

Which bring us to problem nu#2. and that is that Benjamin Natanyahu is NOT the prime minister of the state of Israel. ANY Israeli will tell you that most decision are not made by him. They're made by his WIFE, Sarah. What Sarah says, goes. She has complete control over his governmental decisions, she had those for YEARS. And now she decided she doesn't get along with Bennett. So what she says is that she prefers the orthodox to sit with Netanyahu. But Lapid said he won't sit with them, because his entire charter was less power for them, more power for the rest of Israeli citizens. So what is the solution? none, we have a problem. Now Netanyahu wants to make "home peace" by giving Lapid te foreign minister case (which personally I think is stupid, nobody voted for him to have THAT, people voted for him to solve economic issues and social problems) because his WIFE wishes for the orthodox to be in the coalition in order to get even on Bennett.

This is totally screwed up situation.
Philsy, as Lipush pointed out - your own "poem" was nothing but a malign fantasy based on a Pallywood production which has been quite thoroughly debunked.

While you wish to hold up your façade of 'wishing for a just peace' - you might want to refrain from using such obviously faked-up situations as the "justification" for your hate speech. After all, you want to present yourself as 'reasonable'...someone really ought to try to repair the destruction to the Palestinian cause which is continually being wrought by that 'S&M' poster's rants.
Lipush, I've never really understood the 'parliamentary' system to begin with : (( But it does sound as though currently the weaknesses inherent in it are impairing Israel's ability to move forward.....

I was listening to 'Charlie Rose' the other night: I forget who his guests were, but one of them was saying that recent survey showed about the same percentages of Palestinians AND Israelis wanted peace. Somewhere right around 2/3 of EACH. And the bad news was, a similar percentage - again of EACH group - were convinced nothing was going to happen any time soon, that the situation will stay 'stuck' for a long time.
Lipush, I've never really understood the 'parliamentary' system to begin with : (( But it does sound as though currently the weaknesses inherent in it are impairing Israel's ability to move forward.....

I was listening to 'Charlie Rose' the other night: I forget who his guests were, but one of them was saying that recent survey showed about the same percentages of Palestinians AND Israelis wanted peace. Somewhere right around 2/3 of EACH. And the bad news was, a similar percentage - again of EACH group - were convinced nothing was going to happen any time soon, that the situation will stay 'stuck' for a long time.

The situation stays stuck because none of us are willing to be the ones who blinks first. God knows ISRAEL did it too many times.

The Israeli POLITICS, although, need to be changed. from top to bottom. And I'm not at all speaking about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

When ignorant people look at us, and we say we have problems, they first think about the conflict. But the conflict is just one issue out of many without solution. only SOME of the Israeli policy concerns the Palestinians, and only a FEW of Israel problems revolve around the Arab issue.

In the last year, there have been a huge rise in the percentage of poverty, in Israel 2012 every fourth child is hungry, over 1.54 million Israelis, WORKING Israelis, are considered POOR. Most Holocaust survivors in Israel (more then 70%) live in deep poverty

Less and less teenages in Israel get to pass finals, less get into colleges, some proffession markets are collapsing.

The Israeli media market (Journalism, Radio, TV) sufferet cuts which influences Israel EVERY day.

There is a hosing issue, medicine issue, the corruption in public services, and million other things to take care of.

Based on THOSE things many Israelis chose their leaders, not only on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

That is where people get it wrong.
Netanyahu will certainly be able to form a coalition which will enable him to carry out his previous firm policies!

However, the current thinking in Israel is that his new coalition could be more right wing than centrist.

Whatever happens .... you can be sure that Netanyahu will be realistic regarding the Palestinians and their real aim: To destroy Israel rather than make peace with Israel!.

The Hawk's wings haven't been clipped and he is as strong as ever!:eusa_clap:

Be serious skye, what means do the stick&stone forces do the Palestinians have to destroy Israel? Can you provide a serious scenario that the Palestinians could destroy Israel in the next 100 years?
Netanyahu lost roughly 20% of his coalitions seats to a new generation sick of constant wars. A generation that is growing while his is waning!

Pbel, you need to learn more about Israeli politics, because you're deep wrong.

The reason why Bibi lost votes is much more complicated.

More than a year and a half ago, a young girl was thrown out of her house, and went to protest in the streets against the housing problem. Her protest, in a matter of weeks, became the protest of all of Israel, the protest of mothers, teachers, farmers, taxi drivers, doctors, nurses, and many others. the people of Israel were tired of the government robbing the money of the working class in favor of the rich people. for long months this protest took place, and dozens of thousands of Israelis got out to the street.

Something was malfanctuianing.

This protest had a HUGE weight on the election, behind the scenes. Netanyahu has the image as a leader who at times protests Israel's interests when it comes to the outside world, but inside, the working class sufferes while the money go to the rich, the orthodox Jews who do not serve in the IDF and get budgets for study in the Colleges and Yeshivot, and to many others who do not deserve the Israel taxes.

Ya'ir Lapid came in suggestion to cut short the budget for orthodox, to help the education system so that the future will be better for Israeli children (In math ans science, especially), to deal with the problem of orthodox non-serve in the IDF, and to help young couples with the housing problem.

When it comes to the political issue, lapid said he will sit in a government that will negotiate. That's good, but it's too general for the Israeli voter to chose him based solely on that. so Lapid got 19 mandates because of his suggestion for the economic-social issues, but when it comes to politics, the hand managing things is still the Likud.

And the Jewish house in the head of Naftalie bennett. Bennett also had agenda of solving economic social issues. He put the undeline on better Jewish traditional education for kids, cutting the security budget in favor of the young couple and education system, allowing a nagotiation which will bring for more public services on Shabbat (like busses and taxis) and he wishes also to take the Giyur case in his hands, so that those wishing to convert to Judaism, will succeed doing so with less difficulty.

His great enemies in that field are the orthodox Jews of the "Shas" party, who used to call him a "Gentile" over his proposition of public transportation on Shabbat and his view of conversion.

The orthodox Jews of Shas have been known for taking more and more of the taxes and give the money for orthodox. While I, as a non-orthodox student, have to pay around 30-40 THOUSAND for high education for college, the orthodox students have a budget which helps him/her, a budget that disabled, students with children, and students with economical poor conditions do NOT have. they get budget even though they don't serve international service and don't go to the army. Basically, they get our money without doing anything in return. Most of non-orthodox Jews, including the religious-Zionists Jews are not at all comfortalbe with that idea.

So what do you do? You choose either Ya'ir Lapid or Bennett to sit alongside Netanyahu. Personally I voted for the Jewish house based on his education system call for changes, and his view of conversions and economical improvement suggestions. I do have a serious problem with the way he sees to solve the West Bank issue (but that's a different discussion).

Bibi has to have more than 60 sits. SO taking his, 31, and adding Lapid, 19, and then adding the 12 of Bennett, and WALLAH! problem solved. BUT there is a big problem. Well actually 2.

The first, the orthodox ones of Shas will not budge. They fear Lapid because now he has the power to sat a new-age order, so called. they know that if he has the back, and he HAS the back of MILLIONS, he can arrenge that the Tal-Law (allowing orthodox Jews not to serve in any national service when reaching 18) will fall down. Most Israelis don't want this law to be renewed. Shas has 11 sits, while Lapid has 19, that's very problematic for them. problem is that they most of the time win the last word. However THIS time, it's not so clear they win, if the public protest.

Which bring us to problem nu#2. and that is that Benjamin Natanyahu is NOT the prime minister of the state of Israel. ANY Israeli will tell you that most decision are not made by him. They're made by his WIFE, Sarah. What Sarah says, goes. She has complete control over his governmental decisions, she had those for YEARS. And now she decided she doesn't get along with Bennett. So what she says is that she prefers the orthodox to sit with Netanyahu. But Lapid said he won't sit with them, because his entire charter was less power for them, more power for the rest of Israeli citizens. So what is the solution? none, we have a problem. Now Netanyahu wants to make "home peace" by giving Lapid te foreign minister case (which personally I think is stupid, nobody voted for him to have THAT, people voted for him to solve economic issues and social problems) because his WIFE wishes for the orthodox to be in the coalition in order to get even on Bennett.

This is totally screwed up situation.
Thanks for your input, I never understood why the Orthodox get away with not serving, plus they get all these benefits just for being Orthodox. They seem like a bunch if free loaders if you ask me. Plus they are very insular and dont regard other Jews as the same. My understanding is that most Israelis want to and are proud to serve. I have a female cousin in Israel who could have come to the US and would have avoided serving in the military because she is half American. Her parents begged her, instead she insisted on staying and serving. She said she wouldn't be able to show her face in front of her friends ever again.

As far as Netanyahu's wife, she might have influence but I doubt it is to the extent you mentioned. Even with US presidents people say the same things. They said it about Hillary and now Michelle Obama. For some reason the wives are demonized. I guess people are looking for someone to point fingers at.
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Be serious skye, what means do the stick&stone forces do the Palestinians have to destroy Israel? Can you provide a serious scenario that the Palestinians could destroy Israel in the next 100 years?
Netanyahu lost roughly 20% of his coalitions seats to a new generation sick of constant wars. A generation that is growing while his is waning!

Pbel, you need to learn more about Israeli politics, because you're deep wrong.

The reason why Bibi lost votes is much more complicated.

More than a year and a half ago, a young girl was thrown out of her house, and went to protest in the streets against the housing problem. Her protest, in a matter of weeks, became the protest of all of Israel, the protest of mothers, teachers, farmers, taxi drivers, doctors, nurses, and many others. the people of Israel were tired of the government robbing the money of the working class in favor of the rich people. for long months this protest took place, and dozens of thousands of Israelis got out to the street.

Something was malfanctuianing.

This protest had a HUGE weight on the election, behind the scenes. Netanyahu has the image as a leader who at times protests Israel's interests when it comes to the outside world, but inside, the working class sufferes while the money go to the rich, the orthodox Jews who do not serve in the IDF and get budgets for study in the Colleges and Yeshivot, and to many others who do not deserve the Israel taxes.

Ya'ir Lapid came in suggestion to cut short the budget for orthodox, to help the education system so that the future will be better for Israeli children (In math ans science, especially), to deal with the problem of orthodox non-serve in the IDF, and to help young couples with the housing problem.

When it comes to the political issue, lapid said he will sit in a government that will negotiate. That's good, but it's too general for the Israeli voter to chose him based solely on that. so Lapid got 19 mandates because of his suggestion for the economic-social issues, but when it comes to politics, the hand managing things is still the Likud.

And the Jewish house in the head of Naftalie bennett. Bennett also had agenda of solving economic social issues. He put the undeline on better Jewish traditional education for kids, cutting the security budget in favor of the young couple and education system, allowing a nagotiation which will bring for more public services on Shabbat (like busses and taxis) and he wishes also to take the Giyur case in his hands, so that those wishing to convert to Judaism, will succeed doing so with less difficulty.

His great enemies in that field are the orthodox Jews of the "Shas" party, who used to call him a "Gentile" over his proposition of public transportation on Shabbat and his view of conversion.

The orthodox Jews of Shas have been known for taking more and more of the taxes and give the money for orthodox. While I, as a non-orthodox student, have to pay around 30-40 THOUSAND for high education for college, the orthodox students have a budget which helps him/her, a budget that disabled, students with children, and students with economical poor conditions do NOT have. they get budget even though they don't serve international service and don't go to the army. Basically, they get our money without doing anything in return. Most of non-orthodox Jews, including the religious-Zionists Jews are not at all comfortalbe with that idea.

So what do you do? You choose either Ya'ir Lapid or Bennett to sit alongside Netanyahu. Personally I voted for the Jewish house based on his education system call for changes, and his view of conversions and economical improvement suggestions. I do have a serious problem with the way he sees to solve the West Bank issue (but that's a different discussion).

Bibi has to have more than 60 sits. SO taking his, 31, and adding Lapid, 19, and then adding the 12 of Bennett, and WALLAH! problem solved. BUT there is a big problem. Well actually 2.

The first, the orthodox ones of Shas will not budge. They fear Lapid because now he has the power to sat a new-age order, so called. they know that if he has the back, and he HAS the back of MILLIONS, he can arrenge that the Tal-Law (allowing orthodox Jews not to serve in any national service when reaching 18) will fall down. Most Israelis don't want this law to be renewed. Shas has 11 sits, while Lapid has 19, that's very problematic for them. problem is that they most of the time win the last word. However THIS time, it's not so clear they win, if the public protest.

Which bring us to problem nu#2. and that is that Benjamin Natanyahu is NOT the prime minister of the state of Israel. ANY Israeli will tell you that most decision are not made by him. They're made by his WIFE, Sarah. What Sarah says, goes. She has complete control over his governmental decisions, she had those for YEARS. And now she decided she doesn't get along with Bennett. So what she says is that she prefers the orthodox to sit with Netanyahu. But Lapid said he won't sit with them, because his entire charter was less power for them, more power for the rest of Israeli citizens. So what is the solution? none, we have a problem. Now Netanyahu wants to make "home peace" by giving Lapid te foreign minister case (which personally I think is stupid, nobody voted for him to have THAT, people voted for him to solve economic issues and social problems) because his WIFE wishes for the orthodox to be in the coalition in order to get even on Bennett.

This is totally screwed up situation.
Thanks for your input, I never understood why the Orthodox get away with not serving, plus they get all these benefits just for being Orthodox. They seem like a bunch if free loaders if you ask me. Plus they are very insular and dont regard other Jews as the same. My understanding is that most Israelis want to and are proud to serve. I have a female cousin in Israel who could have come to the US and would have avoided serving in the military because she is half American. Her parents begged her, instead she insisted on staying and serving.

As far as Netanyahu's wife, she might have influence but I doubt it is to the extent you mentioned. Even with US presidents people say the same things. They said it about Hillary and now Michelle Obama. For some reason the wives are demonized. I guess people are looking for someone to point fingers at.

Oh, Roudy, you have NO Idea.....that woman is capble of EVERYTHING...
This narrows it down, read-

"So, there he was, at his wife’s insistence, sticking around for the whole week, periodically reading her late father’s poetry aloud to the mourners in a way that elicited pity even from his detractors. 'I have no choice,' lamented one tycoon about his reasons for coming. 'She’s running the show here in Israel. She can make or break anyone.'" "

"It’s amazing how many otherwise sane Israelis see her Lady Macbeth–like hand in every corner of her husband’s life and work—whom he hires, what he does and doesn’t do, whom he can and cannot see..."

'Sara Netanyahu can make or break anyone' - Israel News, Ynetnews

"Sara is the strongest person in the country. No-one is more powerful than her, including the prime minister himself. What she says goes. Her husband can't meet people she doesn't want him to meet. One of them is sitting opposite you. I'm a professor of Netanyahu studies. She has his operating system. Why did Naftali Bennett and his people leave Netanyahu's bureau? Bennett told me, 'We sit for months planning some measure with the prime minister, and then he returns from a weekend and says, Sara doesn't want it, and cancels everything.' In the end, he does what she says."

Ben Caspit: Sara Netanyahu runs the country - Globes

...."Sources in the Likud noted it was no secret that the prime minister's wife Sara Netanyahu is involved in the relationship between Bennett and her husband. She apparently holds a personal grudge against the Habayit Hayehudi chairman, who once served as Netanyahu's chief of staff. She had urged members of Habayit Hayehudi not to vote for Bennett when he ran for the party chairmanship.

Bennett still waiting for call from PM - Israel News, Ynetnews
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This narrows it down, read-

"So, there he was, at his wife’s insistence, sticking around for the whole week, periodically reading her late father’s poetry aloud to the mourners in a way that elicited pity even from his detractors. 'I have no choice,' lamented one tycoon about his reasons for coming. 'She’s running the show here in Israel. She can make or break anyone.'" "

"It’s amazing how many otherwise sane Israelis see her Lady Macbeth–like hand in every corner of her husband’s life and work—whom he hires, what he does and doesn’t do, whom he can and cannot see..."

'Sara Netanyahu can make or break anyone' - Israel News, Ynetnews

"Sara is the strongest person in the country. No-one is more powerful than her, including the prime minister himself. What she says goes. Her husband can't meet people she doesn't want him to meet. One of them is sitting opposite you. I'm a professor of Netanyahu studies. She has his operating system. Why did Naftali Bennett and his people leave Netanyahu's bureau? Bennett told me, 'We sit for months planning some measure with the prime minister, and then he returns from a weekend and says, Sara doesn't want it, and cancels everything.' In the end, he does what she says."

Ben Caspit: Sara Netanyahu runs the country - Globes

...."Sources in the Likud noted it was no secret that the prime minister's wife Sara Netanyahu is involved in the relationship between Bennett and her husband. She apparently holds a personal grudge against the Habayit Hayehudi chairman, who once served as Netanyahu's chief of staff. She had urged members of Habayit Hayehudi not to vote for Bennett when he ran for the party chairmanship.

Bennett still waiting for call from PM - Israel News, Ynetnews
You could be right, I don't know Israeli politics that well. Based in what you've said, I see a run for office in her future, similar to Hillary's..
Netanyahu will certainly be able to form a coalition which will enable him to carry out his previous firm policies!

However, the current thinking in Israel is that his new coalition could be more right wing than centrist.

Whatever happens .... you can be sure that Netanyahu will be realistic regarding the Palestinians and their real aim: To destroy Israel rather than make peace with Israel!.

The Hawk's wings haven't been clipped and he is as strong as ever!:eusa_clap:

Be serious skye, what means do the stick&stone forces do the Palestinians have to destroy Israel? Can you provide a serious scenario that the Palestinians could destroy Israel in the next 100 years?
Netanyahu lost roughly 20% of his coalitions seats to a new generation sick of constant wars. A generation that is growing while his is waning!

I also heard on radio world news briefing that his people were expecting/wanting @ 40 seats & only got @ 30.
Israel's election: The hawks? wings are clipped | The Economist

YAIR LAPID, a former television talk-show host whose secular, middle-of-the-road party soared into second place in Israel’s election on January 22nd, wrote a popular column for years in the newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, in which he would ask, “What is it to be Israeli?” What, in other words, does it take to feel you belong in the Jewish state? The question became his trademark. Now a large chunk of the electorate—a lot larger than the pollsters predicted—has given an answer that may reshape Israel’s future, not least by improving the chance of a durable peace with the Palestinians.

Mr Lapid’s party, Yesh Atid (There is a Future), running for the first time, got 19 seats in the 120-seat parliament, against 31 for Likud-Beitenu, led by the incumbent prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, who is still expected to retain his post. But he will find it much harder in the next month or so to rejig his ruling coalition. Hawkish and religious parties that have been generally loth to offer the sort of territorial and other compromises needed to revive the peace process got half the seats. But the election result shows that Israelis on the more malleable middle ground are still a force to be reckoned with. The post-election bargaining will be a lot trickier than Mr Netanyahu expected.

Two key consequences may ensue. One is that Naftali Bennett, the religious hawk who rejects the idea of Palestinian state altogether, may not have to be brought into a government. Pollsters had expected his new party to do so well that Mr Netanyahu would have had to give him a senior post.

poor anti-semite... it must kill you that he was re-elected.


ummm..... jillian are you advocating doing away w/ any parties in israel that aren't far right? :eusa_eh: The guy who made gains was described as a "middle of the road" party member. Does that make him an anti-semite.?

Why don't you just put a blanket statement in your siggie saying that anyone who disagrees w/ bibi & yourself is an anti-semite? It would save everyone here a lot of time. That or put the entire board on ignore :thup:
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Why don't you just put a blanket statement in your siggie saying that anyone who disagrees w/ bibi & yourself is an anti-semite? It would save everyone here a lot of time. That or put the entire board on ignore :thup:

That is my interpretation of Jillian's position, and has been on a number of threads.

That and apparently random neg repping.
Dot Com, if you've read Philsy's other posts, you would recognize the reek of Jew-hatred which emanates from them...... It's not exactly subtle, lol!

While Philsy can occasionally post something which is somewhat reasonable, most of his posts are thoroughly imbued with that essential stench.

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