The Hearings – Witch Hunts.

This has been a witch hunt of the highest order. Democrats and the millennial sector they have glammed onto must stop operating from the "our feelings are facts" platform as they are destroying themselves and nearly destroyed a nation over what amounts to revenge via suspicion and innuendo

I don't think anyone else believes that

The investigation has barely started...way to early for Republicans to declare victory and go home

Going on over a year.....simply nuts to think anything should ever take that long. Barely started? LOL!

They can design, layout, fab, test...and have working samples for a large Integrated Circuit in 6 mo. Yet "GOVT" can't read a few emails or sort thru illegally tapped phone records over a YEAR? The enemy within.
If congressional hearings around this are 'witch hunts',

and the Republicans control Congress,

who, exactly, is to blame for this supposed witch hunting?
It's all a distraction, the partisans in government are playing their role, because disaster is looming and they know there are more important things they all should be doing. If you are paying attention to this, you are wasting your life.

The time is short, do something more productive with your time, enjoy your life. Things are going to come to a head, and you will regret the time you wasted paying attention to this bullshit. They are all in on distracting you.
If it's not Obama and the birth certificate, it is Benghazi. If it's not Benghazi, it is Trump and the Russians. And if it isn't the Russians, they will find something else to distract you with.

The ruling elites are all toying with you folks, and it doesn't matter if you are on the left or the right.


The Five Lines of Defense Against Comey—and Why They Failed
Thursday was a bad, bad day for Team Trump. Things looked even worse at the end of the day than they did when the Senate Intelligence Committee adjourned midday.
The first line of defense—revealed by the president’s own team yesterday—is that Comey somehow vindicated Trump by confirming that he told Trump in January that Trump was not personally a target of an investigation. But if that assurance had been enough for the president, Trump would not have added the demand that Comey end the investigation of Michael Flynn. Trump evidently felt strongly motivated to protect Flynn—more strongly motivated than he had been to protect any of his other associates.
Line two of defense is that the president’s expression of a “hope” that Mike Flynn could be “let go” merely expressed a wish, not an order. But Adam Liptak, Supreme Court reporter for The New York Times, almost instantly produced an example of an obstruction of justice conviction that rested precisely on “I hope” language—and the all-seeing eye of Twitter quickly found more. Anyone who has ever seen a gangster movie has heard the joke, “Nice little dry cleaning store, I hope nothing happens to it.” The blunt fact is that after Comey declined to drop the investigation or publicly clear the president, Trump fired Comey. A hope enforced by dismissal is more than a wish.
A third line of defense is the attack on Comey personally: that he somehow discredited himself by not speaking out or resigning when he first felt the president had asked for something improper. I wonder how those in the Trump White House who have not yet spoken out or resigned felt about this argument. Comey stayed for the same reason that non-venal people throughout the Trump administration stay: in the hope of protecting not only the country, but also the president himself, from the worse people (or the no people at all!) with whom the president would likely replace them.
Paul Ryan tried a fourth line of defense during the hearings: that Trump had merely committed a protocol violation due to his inexperience in government. But if Trump were such an ingénue, why did he take such extraordinary care always to be alone with Comey when he made his improper demands?
The final line of defense was presented by Trump’s personal lawyer after the hearing ended: Comey was the villain of the story for leaking “privileged” conversations with the president. The premise here seems to be that executive privilege somehow forever silences a terminated federal employee. This is an extremely weird argument:
Trump did not invoke executive privilege to prevent Comey from speaking to Congress, the usual place where executive privilege is asserted.
  • Trump himself had spoken and tweeted about the conversation, which is usually taken to void executive privilege.
  • Executive privilege has never before been thought to impose a lifetime obligation of silence upon former members of the executive branch.
  • The Supreme Court case most directly on point, U.S. v. Nixon, established that executive privilege cannot be used to conceal evidence of crime, which is what Comey’s leak and subsequent sworn testimony, purportedly revealed.
  • The Five Lines of Defense Against Comey—and Why They Failed
And there you have it.

I don't think anyone else believes that

The investigation has barely started...way to early for Republicans to declare victory and go home

Going on over a year.....simply nuts to think anything should ever take that long. Barely started? LOL!

They can design, layout, fab, test...and have working samples for a large Integrated Circuit in 6 mo. Yet "GOVT" can't read a few emails or sort thru illegally tapped phone records over a YEAR? The enemy within.

How long are investigations into election tampering supposed to last?

My morning news search came across literally hundreds of pieces on the hearings yesterday (Jun6th) and today (Jun7th). It’s as if there’s nothing else going on anywhere else in the world.

And the slants on them are so clear once cannot miss what’s going on. In every single case they report efforts to seek negative information about President Trump and his successful campaign for the presidency. The Democrats are almost livid in their questioning, trying to uncover the slightest evidence that the Trump campaign somehow connived with Russia to keep Her Highness Hillary out of the White House. The Republicans are there because they have no other choice but to defend their knowledge that there was absolutely no connection from the Trump campaign and the Russians.

My question is, Who are the Russians for Heaven’s sake? Putin is not so stupid as to let himself ever be connected with such an effort. So, if there was a Russian effort to effect the election, it came from some deeply hidden and highly secret individual hacker.

And, of course, both sides are meticulously avoiding the fact that the USA has, on many occasions, done everything it can to effect elections in other countries.

I’ve really tried to watch the hearings with an open mind. But, when one of the Democrat Senators berates a witness numerous times with different versions of the same question – still getting the same answers – it gets old. The Republicans are really trying to show sincere interesting in “getting to the truth,” but it’s clear they’re there because they have no other choice.

And there is, of course, the media. The news organizations are in an orgy of calling for the impeachment of the president or the nullification of the election so that Hillary Rodham can gain her rightful spot in the Oval Office.

That is exactly what this whole thing is about. 7 months after the election, the media simply cannot accept the fact that the American people lawfully elected the current president without outside interference of any kind. After all, they did everything but crown her with the presidency before November 8th.

So, what will happen after all of this?

Absolutely nothing. Comey will be the ex-Director of the FBI, a new one has been nominated and will be confirmed, and President Trump will remain just where he is – the Oval Office.

Oh yeah. Who’s watching all this? Most likely retirees like me who’ve already made up our minds on the outcome, government bureaucrats sitting in their offices watching TV instead of doing whatever it is they’re supposed to be doing, and political hacks who believe their whole lives orbit about the outcome of this sideshow. (No, it’s not even one of the shows in the main tent of the political circus.)

Have you watched?

What are your views?
Trump is obviously a threat to the status quo, and all the DC elitist insiders are after him.

My morning news search came across literally hundreds of pieces on the hearings yesterday (Jun6th) and today (Jun7th). It’s as if there’s nothing else going on anywhere else in the world.

And the slants on them are so clear once cannot miss what’s going on. In every single case they report efforts to seek negative information about President Trump and his successful campaign for the presidency. The Democrats are almost livid in their questioning, trying to uncover the slightest evidence that the Trump campaign somehow connived with Russia to keep Her Highness Hillary out of the White House. The Republicans are there because they have no other choice but to defend their knowledge that there was absolutely no connection from the Trump campaign and the Russians.

My question is, Who are the Russians for Heaven’s sake? Putin is not so stupid as to let himself ever be connected with such an effort. So, if there was a Russian effort to effect the election, it came from some deeply hidden and highly secret individual hacker.

And, of course, both sides are meticulously avoiding the fact that the USA has, on many occasions, done everything it can to effect elections in other countries.

I’ve really tried to watch the hearings with an open mind. But, when one of the Democrat Senators berates a witness numerous times with different versions of the same question – still getting the same answers – it gets old. The Republicans are really trying to show sincere interesting in “getting to the truth,” but it’s clear they’re there because they have no other choice.

And there is, of course, the media. The news organizations are in an orgy of calling for the impeachment of the president or the nullification of the election so that Hillary Rodham can gain her rightful spot in the Oval Office.

That is exactly what this whole thing is about. 7 months after the election, the media simply cannot accept the fact that the American people lawfully elected the current president without outside interference of any kind. After all, they did everything but crown her with the presidency before November 8th.

So, what will happen after all of this?

Absolutely nothing. Comey will be the ex-Director of the FBI, a new one has been nominated and will be confirmed, and President Trump will remain just where he is – the Oval Office.

Oh yeah. Who’s watching all this? Most likely retirees like me who’ve already made up our minds on the outcome, government bureaucrats sitting in their offices watching TV instead of doing whatever it is they’re supposed to be doing, and political hacks who believe their whole lives orbit about the outcome of this sideshow. (No, it’s not even one of the shows in the main tent of the political circus.)

Have you watched?

What are your views?
Trump is obviously a threat to the status quo, and all the DC elitist insiders are after him.

No, Trump is a threat to the foundation of the US.
The world is laughing at the US, while shaking their head in disbelief.
The way the polls are reading, Trump has lost about 25% of the people that voted for him. That's because it's so apparent, that Trump has reached his level of complete incompetence.

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