The heart of the liberal movement: "STOP thanking the military - they don't do shit "

That must be why Republicans block jobs bills for vets, try to cut their healthcare and recently cut food stamps for nearly a million veterans.

GOP blocks veterans jobs bill with budget vote | TheHill

The Veterans Jobs Corp Act would have created new job-training programs to help veterans find work in targeted fields such as national park conservation, historic preservation projects, police work and firefighting, among others.

Sens. Scott Brown (Mass.), Susan Collins (Maine), Dean Heller (Nev.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Olympia Snowe (Maine) were the only Republicans who voted for the waiver, in a 58-40 vote.

The Coming Food Stamp Cut Will Hit 900,000 Veterans

Oh SNAP, veterans get dissed by the GOP


Your first link is over 2 years old.

You are a class "A" Liar.

And the GOP cut nearly a million veterans food stamps, when? A week ago?

You think because the GOP fucked the veterans over two years ago, it's a "thing of the past"? As more people leave the service, they remember who sent them to Iraq to die and to get maimed so the top Republicans could get rich, er, MORE rich.

Think about it. After what the Republicans have done to the veterans, there will be a price. So come on, name something, anything Republicans have done for veterans instead of TO veterans.



Thought so.

Love to atomic bitch slap a shitstain.

You want our pilots to risk their lives when they don't have to. You republicans don't give a shit about our military. Using our airforce pilots as polical pones proves that you can't be trusted.

KISS my American ass!!

pone. A type of cornbread. DUDE!! this pone is AWESOME!!!

you are far from being an American, it takes a hell of a lot more to being an American than just living in America. :up:

You want our pilots to risk their lives when they don't have to. You republicans don't give a shit about our military. Using our airforce pilots as polical pones proves that you can't be trusted.

KISS my American ass!!

pone. A type of cornbread. DUDE!! this pone is AWESOME!!!

you are far from being an American, it takes a hell of a lot more to being an American than just living in America. :up:

This is simply astounding. The left's favorite website actually wrote an article demanding that we stop thanking the military because they don't provide freedom... :bang3:

Stop thanking the troops for me: No, they don't protect our freedoms! -

The lefts favorite website? Lol
I haven't read the Salon, well since the first time I read it.
Hack much?

You're one person [MENTION=11865]Luissa[/MENTION]. Are you really so arrogant (not to mention ignorant) as to believe that you are the standard for the entire Dumbocrat party and that if you don't do something, no liberal does? :cuckoo:

This entire board is filled with links by your fellow Dumbocrats to (hell, [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] adds at least 3 per thread on average). But hey, when has a Dumbocrat ever let the facts get in the way of their narrative, right Luissa?
This is simply astounding. The left's favorite website actually wrote an article demanding that we stop thanking the military because they don't provide freedom... :bang3:

Stop thanking the troops for me: No, they don't protect our freedoms! -

Just a question

If not for our military, which freedoms would you not enjoy today?

100% of them (hell, even with our military, you Dumbocrats have managed to destroy about 65% of the freedoms we once enjoyed).

Now come on RW, give us one of your classic desperate arguments to defend this pathetic and indefensible article. I mean, you can't afford to be an unbiased, rational human who rightly denounces something despicable if it's done by the left, right? Have to be the good little partisan hack for the cause at all costs! Including the cost of your credibility, which you lost about 6 years ago.
You're one person [MENTION=11865]Luissa[/MENTION]. Are you really so arrogant (not to mention ignorant) as to believe that you are the standard for the entire Dumbocrat party and that if you don't do something, no liberal does? :cuckoo:

This entire board is filled with links by your fellow Dumbocrats to (hell, [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] adds at least 3 per thread on average). But hey, when has a Dumbocrat ever let the facts get in the way of their narrative, right Luissa?

So, you're own source was outed (by you) as a liberal rag?

This is simply astounding. The left's favorite website actually wrote an article demanding that we stop thanking the military because they don't provide freedom... :bang3:

Stop thanking the troops for me: No, they don't protect our freedoms! -

Just a question

If not for our military, which freedoms would you not enjoy today?

100% of them (hell, even with our military, you Dumbocrats have managed to destroy about 65% of the freedoms we once enjoyed).

Now come on RW, give us one of your classic desperate arguments to defend this pathetic and indefensible article. I mean, you can't afford to be an unbiased, rational human who rightly denounces something despicable if it's done by the left, right? Have to be the good little partisan hack for the cause at all costs! Including the cost of your credibility, which you lost about 6 years ago.

That's all the democrats fault???

Are republicans the only party allowed to join the military? That dog don't hunt.

Why are you attacking RW's credibility? If your case is so strong, why not just disprove his rebuttal? Why go after him, personally?
Interesting statement, from the article:

The corollary to the claim that our freedom exists only at the pleasure of the military, of course, is that the same military can revoke said freedom if it so desires.

Funny how the first time I ever see the phrase "our freedom exists only at the pleasure of the military" is when a lefty is using it against righties.

My kingdom for some intellectual honesty from partisan ideologues.

Interesting statement, from the article:

The corollary to the claim that our freedom exists only at the pleasure of the military, of course, is that the same military can revoke said freedom if it so desires.

Funny how the first time I ever see the phrase "our freedom exists only at the pleasure of the military" is when a lefty is using it against righties.

My kingdom for some intellectual honesty from partisan ideologues.


Good point.

Right, that is stretchering the issue quite a bit.

Not saying that this article was spot on, just that the title of this thread was a smear-job, that's all.
This is simply astounding. The left's favorite website actually wrote an article demanding that we stop thanking the military because they don't provide freedom... :bang3:

Stop thanking the troops for me: No, they don't protect our freedoms! -

Just a question

If not for our military, which freedoms would you not enjoy today?

100% of them (hell, even with our military, you Dumbocrats have managed to destroy about 65% of the freedoms we once enjoyed).

Now come on RW, give us one of your classic desperate arguments to defend this pathetic and indefensible article. I mean, you can't afford to be an unbiased, rational human who rightly denounces something despicable if it's done by the left, right? Have to be the good little partisan hack for the cause at all costs! Including the cost of your credibility, which you lost about 6 years ago.

The military protects our freedoms is just a patriotic kneejerk response to why we need a military. In fact, only a small percentage of our military budget goes to protecting the US

South Korea can rightfully say that its military (and the US Military) protects its freedom

The US is surrounded by those hostile powers Canada and Mexico that are waiting for a chance to take away our freedom. Other than those two, any other nation would have to launch a Naval invasion of over 3000 miles to reach our shores. No nation on earth is capable of doing that. It requires only a small military force to actually defend our country from anyone who actually wants to take away your "freedom"

Our military might is there to project our power around the globe at a moments notice. Protecting your freedom of speech or right to vote has very little to do with their current mission
As opposed to Bush, who sent the same National Guard units on four deployments to the middle east, got 5000 troops killed and left 60,000 with serious injuries...

Yeah... but it's those Democrats, doing, er. Something. Beacuse...ummm, Freedom.

It's those Democrats that oppressed the Troops' votes in the 2000 Elections. The Left knows all to well that the Military does not support their views which is why they had the troops' votes thrown out in 2000. How pathetic that Troops fighting to preserve freedoms such as voting had their own votes oppressed due to vitriolic ideology.

You mean ballots that were postmarked after the election and wouldn't have been legally counted? THOSE troops?

I could imagine if there was a troop who cast his vote for Bush in 2000, he probably quickly regretted it when he was patrolling the streets of Baghdad wondering which faction of crazy muslims was our ally this week.

Concerned about legality of a ballot? How Jim Crowe of you. You confirmed my point.....The Troops do NOT vote for Liberals. Liberals know this and Troops know this. Yes, those troops signed up to go into Baghdad and still don't support Liberals. Had those troops' ballots been those of a Liberal voting block, the Left would have sued to make sure they were included instead of not being counted.

If nothing else, the troops should be thanked because they are volunteers. We will always have a standing army. If someone didn't volunteer, then people would be drafted.
It's those Democrats that oppressed the Troops' votes in the 2000 Elections. The Left knows all to well that the Military does not support their views which is why they had the troops' votes thrown out in 2000. How pathetic that Troops fighting to preserve freedoms such as voting had their own votes oppressed due to vitriolic ideology.

You mean ballots that were postmarked after the election and wouldn't have been legally counted? THOSE troops?

I could imagine if there was a troop who cast his vote for Bush in 2000, he probably quickly regretted it when he was patrolling the streets of Baghdad wondering which faction of crazy muslims was our ally this week.

Concerned about legality of a ballot? How Jim Crowe of you. You confirmed my point.....The Troops do NOT vote for Liberals. Liberals know this and Troops know this. Yes, those troops signed up to go into Baghdad and still don't support Liberals. Had those troops' ballots been those of a Liberal voting block, the Left would have sued to make sure they were included instead of not being counted.


The law is the law, period. Postmarked ballots could not be accepted. Has Florida since changed that law? California, one of those liberal blue states has...

SB 29 Senate Bill - INTRODUCED
I'm curious...when you thank someone for their service, what response is acceptable? Is "you're welcome" sufficient? I always think "no need to thank me, it was my pleasure to serve", but don't say it out loud.
Now they attack Salon...never seen it before this, how funny

but really I do think this is how the majority on the left/liberals/Democrats/progressives feel...Just look at Obama for an example
He takes very little time for the military he is CIC of, and then it's when he needs an umbrella held for him...

yep, Salon pegged them this time for sure
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The left proved their hatred for the military when bush was president. They counted daily the deaths of our great soldiers all for political reasons. Had a party when the death toll hit a thousand. Their attitude was like kerry's, he stated that soldiers were storming innocent peoples home's killing, maiming, and raping them. Reid stated the surge in iraq was a waste because we already lost the war. Also obama took over six months to make the decision to send more troops to afganistan after his general said they were needed. Lberals forgot how to count when obama got elected.

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