The Hexagon


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The new world is gauged by technology and networking (e.g., eTrade, NASDAQ, NATO, Wall Street, European Union, Facebook, etc.).

People care about communication and efficiency.

When the instant-camera was invented (Polaroid), people were excited about being able to take photos and have then churned out of their cameras in an instant, since the modern civilization was investing more and more in 'convenience consumerism' (e.g., Burger King,, etc.).

Hollywood (USA) films such as WarGames and Batteries Not Included explore a modern fascination with lightning-speed strength and ingenuity.

The A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) fantasy-adventure franchise Transformers (Hasbro) presents stories about wars between special robots such as the Insecticons (terrifying giant robots that transform magically into laser-gun equipped predatory 'mechanical insects').

If we build a hypothetical 'tech-savvy' Tower of Babel, how will we differentiate between 'imagination' and 'egomania'?

Will we construct something called a 'Hexagon' (or a 'labyrinth of evolution toys') to complement the worldly military authority of the Pentagon?


TRUMP: Human beings can smell fear.
CARTER: People want to network conveniently (e.g., Facebook).
TRUMP: Maybe we've simply evolved from cave-dwellers to home-computer users.
CARTER: Any idiot can purchase a hand-gun these days.
TRUMP: They're supported (in theory) by groups such as the NRA.
CARTER: The Gulf War introduced the press to the concept of the 'smart-weapon.'
TRUMP: Right, computer-guided missile systems and laser-tracking (and so forth).
CARTER: Well, kids purchase water-guns from Toys 'R Us every summer.
TRUMP: Will archaeologists in the future categorize our era as 'The Brainiac Generation'?
CARTER: Perhaps the Trump Administration can promote 'round-table capitalism.'



Protect and Serve

When I think of calamity-catharsis films such as Deep Impact, I consider why we celebrate 'vitality avatars' such as the medicinal rescue and combat robot Defensor (and his miniature ambulance-chopper team robots the Protectobots) in this age of consumerism gadgets and toys! Maybe capitalism is even changing science-fiction!


GOD: Sentient beings should care about medicine.
SATAN: Technology is improving science and medicine.
GOD: Maybe someday, A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) will have dominion alongside humanity.
SATAN: The mind likes to anticipate calamity and revolution.
GOD: Change is never easy.
SATAN: That's why we need catharsis...
GOD: There's a difference between Machiavellianism and Anarchism.
SATAN: There's nothing sinful about rebelliousness.
GOD: We crave comfort as much as we crave surprise.
SATAN: However, we are disillusioned by partisan politics.
GOD: Governments are required to account for basic needs.
SATAN: The World Bank may be the new United Nations...
GOD: What will TrumpUSA 'feel' like?
SATAN: Everything changed after 9/11.
GOD: I like the fictional toy A.I. robot Defensor (Transformers).
SATAN: Kids like pretending they're knowledgeable about life.
GOD: Defensor could be the 'patriotism mascot' of pro-democracy 9/11 memorabilia.
SATAN: It's why Americans love the show ER (George Clooney).

Defensor (Transformers Wiki)



REPORTER: Why do you dress like a savage?
KRAVEN: Even in NYC, the human will is still savage...
REPORTER: Are you a supporter of federalism?
KRAVEN: No, I lean towards socialism.
REPORTER: Do you think the Pentagon is sane?
KRAVEN: I think American Government is overpowering.
REPORTER: Is terrorism sane?
KRAVEN: I think both terrorists and the UN are confused.
REPORTER: What is a great tragedy to you?
KRAVEN: The assassination of Malcolm X.
REPORTER: Do you support neighborhood curfews?
KRAVEN: I support any policy that facilitates efficient labor and fitness.
REPORTER: Are you dismayed by the Los Angeles Race Riots?
KRAVEN: The media makes people crazy in modern world.
REPORTER: Do you drink bottled water?
KRAVEN: I search for purity wherever I can find it.
REPORTER: Are you in favor of the death penalty?
KRAVEN: Crime and punishment are a matter of leadership, not storytelling.
REPORTER: Where should the 'infidels' of civilization reside?
KRAVEN: In the 'forests of Wall Street,' of course!


The Keep


GOD: Why do human beings create fictional fantastic battles?
SATAN: They like stories about strength and coordination.
GOD: How about 'Leatherface vs. Ninja/Vigilante'?
SATAN: Quirky 'aliases' for colloquial philosophy is a hallmark of modernism.
GOD: Thank Facebook.
SATAN: Many people surf the Web looking for matching images of symbolic value.
GOD: It's like a giant comic book!
SATAN: It really is, and there are great inspirations for Halloween.
GOD: That's why James Cameron made the film Avatar probably.
SATAN: Man's responsibility is to 'keep' the sanctity of imagery.
GOD: There are so many movies about the Civil War and WWII.
SATAN: Historians and students enjoy role-playing important calamities.
GOD: Imagine this --- 'Red Knight vs. Red Dragon'!
SATAN: Is it any wonder that even governmental organizations draw up creative names/titles (e.g., Pentagon)?
GOD: There must be political overtones to avatar contests such as Superman vs. Nuclear Man.
SATAN: Patrons should endorse artists to make more films about policemen.



The Coach's Call

I just blog here and there and try to be intelligible (e.g.,, etc.). Here's a yarn about female coaches in American collegiate sports and genetics-testing on steroids. I try my posts to reflect my general interest in 'macro-psychology.'


Pat was astounded at her astonishing successes as head coach of the Tennessee Women's College Basketball Volunteers team. She successfully brought spots for women into the national spotlight, and now her attention turned to the eerie Hobgoblin, a reported steroids-enhanced male Olympian and designer named Roderick Kingsley whose experiments with Oscorp transformed him into a chemically pumped up jet-glider soaring urban menace (wielding pumpkin-bombs against Americans!).

Pat wrote to Spider-Man and asked the superhero save the day, and the webbed-wonder accepted the mission and recruited her female ally (sometime) superheroine Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) to investigate the case of the eerie Hobgoblin. Spider-Man and Black Cat believed Hobgoblin was transformed not only physically but also psychologically and evaluated him to be the quintessential mind-body dualism villain. They told President Trump, "We want women such as Pat Summitt to feel secure in the notion that modern networking and science does not yield monsters and shallow celebrities!"



Basically, I like the concept of modelling 'Orwellian behaviors' to talk about 'pedestrianism metaphysics' relevant to modern life and new age civics (e.g., Enron, Facebook, Hollywood, Human Genome Project, etc.). Are you a fan of the American celebrity (eco-conscious) Leo DiCaprio? I'd like to see Leo in an engaging civics-paranoia film about an anti-urbanization rogue vigilante (e.g., DC Comics' disfigured gun-toting Two-Face) involved in an eco-scheme.


Harvey Dent, patriotic Gotham City DA by day and socialite with mob connections by night, was horribly disfigured while chasing a ghoul down an alley by his nightclub when the ghoul splashed corrosive HCL on his face. Harvey swore to fight chemical warfare (in all its forms --- spiritual too!) and became the rogue vigilante Two-Face, wielding a special 'lucky quarter,' which he flipped to determine the fate of his targets --- life or death! Two-Face was challenging Gotham City's more sane and valiant vigilante, Batman, in a special celebrity eco-activism charity event hosted by the Leo DiCaprio Foundation at the Mohegan Sun casino in Connecticut.



There has to be a way to correlate yesteryear's daydreams to today's urbanization-conscious traffic angst, so we could compare films such as Alice in Wonderland and Requiem for a Dream. My notion is that there is a definite link between private Wanderlust fantasies of yesteryear to today's lofty daydreams about 'controlled chaos' in the bubbling American landscape (arguably especially its cities). Perhaps the Pentagon truly does reach 'the masses,' and we secretly adore civics-breakdown films such as Sin City and Babel.


Alice time travelled between old world London (England) and new world San Francisco (America) and discovered there were 'fantastic spirits' comparably different but certainly 'associative.' In London, she met a man who called himself the Mad Hatter and always served tea at sunset with hallucinogens. In San Francisco, she met a trio of American youngsters and their engagements with one of their mothers in a fantastic if disturbing urban melodrama dance about 'everything-spiritualism' (and its loss!).



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