The Hidden History By Israel

Thanks for the E-mail address. I'll have others write him to tell him the same thing. However, I think he got his point across with his new book about the Arab-Nazi Alliance. Amusing how the anti-Semites are not bringing up this book.

England had a draft during World War II (am I not correct?) so there were many soldiers who liberated the various camps, but the way you post, I think people can pick up that you would be on the Nazis' side no matter how much you would deny it. It;s really funny that whenever you come over here, you never appear to have any articles telling us what is happening in the other Middle East countries. This is the Middle East forum, is it not?. By the way, has anyone seen Mr. Rodent make any sort of comment to any of Freeman's derogatory articles about the Jews. I guess Mr. Rodent has the same mind set as Freeman the Muslim does about the Jews.

I'm sure he'll be overjoyed to get spammed by your Hasbarist friends. Which book about the "Arab-Nazi alliance" is this then? Have you actually read it? He's written some intersting books about American involvement in the Holocaust too

I am referring to this book........

The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust: Edwin Black: 9780914153146: Books

I think we all know that there were Americans who helped the Nazis. No one is denying it, just like I am sure honest Englishmen would admit that there were Englishmen who sided with the Nazis, even those high up in English society.

Book Discussion Nazi Nexus | Video |

Oh that, 192 pages of repetative Islamophobic propaganda about a 2 day riot in Baghdad. Yes Mr. Black certainly knows how to make money; rehashing his earlier books. Having read through the first 2 chapters, I'm glad I never bought it.

I imagine there were not enough Jews killed in the Iraq Massacre for Mr. Rodent.

Remembering Iraq's Shavuot massacre - Jewish World

Farhud memories: Baghdad's 1941 slaughter of the Jews - BBC News

I criticise an author for exploiting a tragedy in order to sell his books and this vacuous bimbo comes up with the idea that more Jewish people being killed would make a more interesting story.

Unless of course the author is pro muslim who is exploiting alleged atrocities done by Israel. Then it becomes "telling the truth"
Thanks for the E-mail address. I'll have others write him to tell him the same thing. However, I think he got his point across with his new book about the Arab-Nazi Alliance. Amusing how the anti-Semites are not bringing up this book.

England had a draft during World War II (am I not correct?) so there were many soldiers who liberated the various camps, but the way you post, I think people can pick up that you would be on the Nazis' side no matter how much you would deny it. It;s really funny that whenever you come over here, you never appear to have any articles telling us what is happening in the other Middle East countries. This is the Middle East forum, is it not?. By the way, has anyone seen Mr. Rodent make any sort of comment to any of Freeman's derogatory articles about the Jews. I guess Mr. Rodent has the same mind set as Freeman the Muslim does about the Jews.

I'm sure he'll be overjoyed to get spammed by your Hasbarist friends. Which book about the "Arab-Nazi alliance" is this then? Have you actually read it? He's written some intersting books about American involvement in the Holocaust too

I am referring to this book........

The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust: Edwin Black: 9780914153146: Books

I think we all know that there were Americans who helped the Nazis. No one is denying it, just like I am sure honest Englishmen would admit that there were Englishmen who sided with the Nazis, even those high up in English society.

Book Discussion Nazi Nexus | Video |

Oh that, 192 pages of repetative Islamophobic propaganda about a 2 day riot in Baghdad. Yes Mr. Black certainly knows how to make money; rehashing his earlier books. Having read through the first 2 chapters, I'm glad I never bought it.

I imagine there were not enough Jews killed in the Iraq Massacre for Mr. Rodent.

Remembering Iraq's Shavuot massacre - Jewish World

Farhud memories: Baghdad's 1941 slaughter of the Jews - BBC News

I criticise an author for exploiting a tragedy in order to sell his books and this vacuous bimbo comes up with the idea that more Jewish people being killed would make a more interesting story.

Don't be a silly little rabbit, Mr. Rodent. Actually you were putting down the book. It is more like you didn't want the readers to know the truth. To the Iraqi Jews who were involved this was a big thing, and you just fluff off what happened to them.

To quote Mr. Rodent "Oh that, 192 pages of repetative Islamophobic propaganda about a 2 day riot in Baghdad" makes it appear that he wants people to believe that the massacre in Iraq was nothing. How many Jews left in Iraq, Mr. Rodent, in comparison to the original number before the massacre?.
I'm sure he'll be overjoyed to get spammed by your Hasbarist friends. Which book about the "Arab-Nazi alliance" is this then? Have you actually read it? He's written some intersting books about American involvement in the Holocaust too

I am referring to this book........

The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust: Edwin Black: 9780914153146: Books

I think we all know that there were Americans who helped the Nazis. No one is denying it, just like I am sure honest Englishmen would admit that there were Englishmen who sided with the Nazis, even those high up in English society.

Book Discussion Nazi Nexus | Video |

Oh that, 192 pages of repetative Islamophobic propaganda about a 2 day riot in Baghdad. Yes Mr. Black certainly knows how to make money; rehashing his earlier books. Having read through the first 2 chapters, I'm glad I never bought it.

I imagine there were not enough Jews killed in the Iraq Massacre for Mr. Rodent.

Remembering Iraq's Shavuot massacre - Jewish World

Farhud memories: Baghdad's 1941 slaughter of the Jews - BBC News

I criticise an author for exploiting a tragedy in order to sell his books and this vacuous bimbo comes up with the idea that more Jewish people being killed would make a more interesting story.

Don't be a silly little rabbit, Mr. Rodent. Actually you were putting down the book. It is more like you didn't want the readers to know the truth. To the Iraqi Jews who were involved this was a big thing, and you just fluff off what happened to them.

To quote Mr. Rodent "Oh that, 192 pages of repetative Islamophobic propaganda about a 2 day riot in Baghdad" makes it appear that he wants people to believe that the massacre in Iraq was nothing. How many Jews left in Iraq, Mr. Rodent, in comparison to the original number before the massacre?.

I've no objection to readers learning some facts, just have issues when the "facts" are cherry picked to suit an agenda and "sensationalised" for profit rather than illumination or education. There are much better books/articles out there about the Farhud, such as Hayyim Cohen's "The Anti-Jewish Farhud in Baghdad , 1941" or Hirszowicz's "The Third Reich and the Arab East" which have been arouind for years.

Oh, in answer to your qustion there were around 80,000 Jewish Iraqis in Baghdad, out of a total Jewish Iraqi population of 150,000 before the Farhud of 1941. When it was over there were approximately 79,800 Jewish Iraqis in Baghdad. Even those that fled returned when things had settled down. It took a decade of Zionist scare-mongering and terrorism to convince 8,000 to leave their country. Things changed after 1948, however, as Jewish emigration was prohibited until 1951. Sadly the actions of the Zionist colonists in Palestine, expelling the native Palestinians, created a Muslim Iraqi backlash against the innocent Jewish Iraqi population which ultimately destroyed that thriving community, just as the Zionists has wanted Zionism in an Arab Country
Those are high ranked jewish generals and officers in nazi army.
Of course this truth is hidden by israeli propaganda.

In the photo: Jewish’ Senior Officers In Hitler’s Army: Erhard Milch, Wilhelm Keitel, Walther von Brauchitsch, Erich Raeder, and Maximilian von Weichs during a Nazi rally in Nuremberg, Germany, 12 Sep 1938.
Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers.
‘Jewish’ Senior Officers In Hitler’s Army: Erhard Milch, Wilhelm Keitel, Walther von Brauchitsch, Erich Raeder, and Maximilian von Weichs.

it's "hidden" history, loser because it's made up.

your jew hating is amusing.... you should try saying this stuff to our faces.
Those are high ranked jewish generals and officers in nazi army.
Of course this truth is hidden by israeli propaganda.

In the photo: Jewish’ Senior Officers In Hitler’s Army: Erhard Milch, Wilhelm Keitel, Walther von Brauchitsch, Erich Raeder, and Maximilian von Weichs during a Nazi rally in Nuremberg, Germany, 12 Sep 1938.
Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers.
‘Jewish’ Senior Officers In Hitler’s Army: Erhard Milch, Wilhelm Keitel, Walther von Brauchitsch, Erich Raeder, and Maximilian von Weichs.

it's "hidden" history, loser because it's made up.

your jew hating is amusing.... you should try saying this stuff to our faces.

I am referring to this book........

The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust: Edwin Black: 9780914153146: Books

I think we all know that there were Americans who helped the Nazis. No one is denying it, just like I am sure honest Englishmen would admit that there were Englishmen who sided with the Nazis, even those high up in English society.

Book Discussion Nazi Nexus | Video |

Oh that, 192 pages of repetative Islamophobic propaganda about a 2 day riot in Baghdad. Yes Mr. Black certainly knows how to make money; rehashing his earlier books. Having read through the first 2 chapters, I'm glad I never bought it.

I imagine there were not enough Jews killed in the Iraq Massacre for Mr. Rodent.

Remembering Iraq's Shavuot massacre - Jewish World

Farhud memories: Baghdad's 1941 slaughter of the Jews - BBC News

I criticise an author for exploiting a tragedy in order to sell his books and this vacuous bimbo comes up with the idea that more Jewish people being killed would make a more interesting story.

Don't be a silly little rabbit, Mr. Rodent. Actually you were putting down the book. It is more like you didn't want the readers to know the truth. To the Iraqi Jews who were involved this was a big thing, and you just fluff off what happened to them.

To quote Mr. Rodent "Oh that, 192 pages of repetative Islamophobic propaganda about a 2 day riot in Baghdad" makes it appear that he wants people to believe that the massacre in Iraq was nothing. How many Jews left in Iraq, Mr. Rodent, in comparison to the original number before the massacre?.

I've no objection to readers learning some facts, just have issues when the "facts" are cherry picked to suit an agenda and "sensationalised" for profit rather than illumination or education. There are much better books/articles out there about the Farhud, such as Hayyim Cohen's "The Anti-Jewish Farhud in Baghdad , 1941" or Hirszowicz's "The Third Reich and the Arab East" which have been arouind for years.

Oh, in answer to your qustion there were around 80,000 Jewish Iraqis in Baghdad, out of a total Jewish Iraqi population of 150,000 before the Farhud of 1941. When it was over there were approximately 79,800 Jewish Iraqis in Baghdad. Even those that fled returned when things had settled down. It took a decade of Zionist scare-mongering and terrorism to convince 8,000 to leave their country. Things changed after 1948, however, as Jewish emigration was prohibited until 1951. Sadly the actions of the Zionist colonists in Palestine, expelling the native Palestinians, created a Muslim Iraqi backlash against the innocent Jewish Iraqi population which ultimately destroyed that thriving community, just as the Zionists has wanted Zionism in an Arab Country

I believe there are only less than a dozen Jews in Iraq right now. Your friends must have really done a number on this thriving prosperous community to make this occur. I would suggest that you find some Iraqi Jews who were there at the time to tell you what occurred to them. There should be some around whose memory is still sharp and can tell you all about it.

Naturally, someone who is an anti-Semite is going to fluff anything off that shows those of his mind set acting poorly toward the Jews. It could be the most award-winning historian or researcher in the world, but Mr. Rodent will challenge his findings.

Since the Arabs flooded into the area known as Israel for jobs (the same way the Muslims are flooding into your country), how in the world do you consider them natives?. I have to laugh when the U.N. said that anyone in the area for just two years could be considered a refugee. Two years in an area doesn't make you a native. There are many people here in the U.S. who have left their original towns decades ago, and they certainly don't consider themselves native to their present home.

"So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Winston Churchill
I believe there are only less than a dozen Jews in Iraq right now. Your friends must have really done a number on this thriving prosperous community to make this occur.

Zionists are not my friends, but yes their terrorism and scare-mongering amongst the Iraqi Jewish population had the desired effect, coupled with the ethnic-cleansing of the Palestinians in 1948, created a muslim backlash against Jewish people that eventually drove the Jewish Iraqis out of their country, sad.

It could be the most award-winning historian or researcher in the world, but Mr. Rodent will challenge his findings.

Only if they were incorrect, inaccurate or agenda driven. Everyone can make mistakes.

I don't set much store on awards, most are made up just for publicity or political purposes and are generally a meaningless excuse for a good dinner and after ceremony party.
Last edited:
History of Iraqi Jews is warning to Christians
The Guardian-1 hour ago
An Iraqi boy plays in front of a closed synagogue in Baghdad, 2003. Iraq's Jewish community numbered more than 100,000 in the 1930s.

7 of 8 remaining Jews in Iraq are elderly professional women, living ...
World Tribune-Mar 14, 2016
According to an Iraqi lawmaker, seven of the eight remaining Jews in Iraq are elderly women who reside in Baghdad. None has family and all ...

Living in fear: Iraq's last Jews
Arutz Sheva-Mar 13, 2016
Today the remnants of Iraq's Jewish community live in constant fear as terrorism rages throughout Baghdad and Islamic extremism is on the ...
History of Iraqi Jews is warning to Christians
The Guardian-1 hour ago
An Iraqi boy plays in front of a closed synagogue in Baghdad, 2003. Iraq's Jewish community numbered more than 100,000 in the 1930s.

7 of 8 remaining Jews in Iraq are elderly professional women, living ...
World Tribune-Mar 14, 2016
According to an Iraqi lawmaker, seven of the eight remaining Jews in Iraq are elderly women who reside in Baghdad. None has family and all ...

Living in fear: Iraq's last Jews
Arutz Sheva-Mar 13, 2016
Today the remnants of Iraq's Jewish community live in constant fear as terrorism rages throughout Baghdad and Islamic extremism is on the ...

You realise the second two articles contradict the first one?
I believe there are only less than a dozen Jews in Iraq right now. Your friends must have really done a number on this thriving prosperous community to make this occur.

Zionists are not my friends, but yes their terrorism and scare-mongering amongst the Iraqi Jewish population had the desired effect, coupled with the ethnic-cleansing of the Palestinians in 1948, created a muslim backlash against Jewish people that eventually drove the Jewish Iraqis out of their country, sad.

It could be the most award-winning historian or researcher in the world, but Mr. Rodent will challenge his findings.

Only if they were incorrect, inaccurate or agenda driven. Everyone can make mistakes.

I don't set much store on awards, most are made up just for publicity or political purposes and are generally a meaningless excuse for a good dinner and after ceremony party.

So what about the ethnic cleansing of Jews and Christians that has been going on since the muslims rose to power. Or is that allowed in your Nazi mind because after all they are only Jews. Or as you Nazi's like to say now Zionists, because saying Jew would show your Jew hatred. Have you forgotten about the 1 million Jews evicted from their homes and property by the Palestinians in 1949. I wonder what you would say if they refused to be integrated and demanded their own refugee agency that they could milk for $20 billion a year
History of Iraqi Jews is warning to Christians
The Guardian-1 hour ago
An Iraqi boy plays in front of a closed synagogue in Baghdad, 2003. Iraq's Jewish community numbered more than 100,000 in the 1930s.

7 of 8 remaining Jews in Iraq are elderly professional women, living ...
World Tribune-Mar 14, 2016
According to an Iraqi lawmaker, seven of the eight remaining Jews in Iraq are elderly women who reside in Baghdad. None has family and all ...

Living in fear: Iraq's last Jews
Arutz Sheva-Mar 13, 2016
Today the remnants of Iraq's Jewish community live in constant fear as terrorism rages throughout Baghdad and Islamic extremism is on the ...

You realise the second two articles contradict the first one?

You realise that you are deflecting again and trying to cover up the facts
History of Iraqi Jews is warning to Christians
The Guardian-1 hour ago
An Iraqi boy plays in front of a closed synagogue in Baghdad, 2003. Iraq's Jewish community numbered more than 100,000 in the 1930s.

7 of 8 remaining Jews in Iraq are elderly professional women, living ...
World Tribune-Mar 14, 2016
According to an Iraqi lawmaker, seven of the eight remaining Jews in Iraq are elderly women who reside in Baghdad. None has family and all ...

Living in fear: Iraq's last Jews
Arutz Sheva-Mar 13, 2016
Today the remnants of Iraq's Jewish community live in constant fear as terrorism rages throughout Baghdad and Islamic extremism is on the ...

I used to have an Iraqi Jewish friend, Aris. I knew her married name, but not her maiden name. She had passed on a while back, but just the other year or so I happened to notice her brother's obituary which had mentioned her and her sister). The family name was Abdullahdiz. I asked Roudy, whose family I believe originally came from Iraq, how come a Jew had a name like that. He said they took those names to fit in. I imagine with a name like that, the Muslims basically left you alone. However, Mr. Rodent would have been cheering his friends, the Muslim Arabs, to get those Jews in Iraq if he had been there..

As an aside, I basically let what Mr. Rodent, the anti-Semite states go in one ear and out the other. From his other posts on a different forum, it is very easy to see right through him.
Those are high ranked jewish generals and officers in nazi army.
Of course this truth is hidden by israeli propaganda.

In the photo: Jewish’ Senior Officers In Hitler’s Army: Erhard Milch, Wilhelm Keitel, Walther von Brauchitsch, Erich Raeder, and Maximilian von Weichs during a Nazi rally in Nuremberg, Germany, 12 Sep 1938.
Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers.
‘Jewish’ Senior Officers In Hitler’s Army: Erhard Milch, Wilhelm Keitel, Walther von Brauchitsch, Erich Raeder, and Maximilian von Weichs.

it's "hidden" history, loser because it's made up.

your jew hating is amusing.... you should try saying this stuff to our faces.


As all the readers can see, Mr. Rodent never chastises Freeman the Muslim for trying to constantly demonize the Jews, but he has no problem calling Jillian a troll because she wanted to speak her mind. This reminds me of "birds of a feather flock together," Of course, it should read anti-Semites stick together. By the way, did anyone call Mr. Rodent a troll when he crept over here from his usual place?
History of Iraqi Jews is warning to Christians
The Guardian-1 hour ago
An Iraqi boy plays in front of a closed synagogue in Baghdad, 2003. Iraq's Jewish community numbered more than 100,000 in the 1930s.

7 of 8 remaining Jews in Iraq are elderly professional women, living ...
World Tribune-Mar 14, 2016
According to an Iraqi lawmaker, seven of the eight remaining Jews in Iraq are elderly women who reside in Baghdad. None has family and all ...

Living in fear: Iraq's last Jews
Arutz Sheva-Mar 13, 2016
Today the remnants of Iraq's Jewish community live in constant fear as terrorism rages throughout Baghdad and Islamic extremism is on the ...

I used to have an Iraqi Jewish friend, Aris. I knew her married name, but not her maiden name. She had passed on a while back, but just the other year or so I happened to notice her brother's obituary which had mentioned her and her sister). The family name was Abdullahdiz. I asked Roudy, whose family I believe originally came from Iraq, how come a Jew had a name like that. He said they took those names to fit in. I imagine with a name like that, the Muslims basically left you alone. However, Mr. Rodent would have been cheering his friends, the Muslim Arabs, to get those Jews in Iraq if he had been there..

As an aside, I basically let what Mr. Rodent, the anti-Semite states go in one ear and out the other. From his other posts on a different forum, it is very easy to see right through him.

People christianize there names when they move west. Most of the non-arabs have long lost there european names. Some times it is a matter of pronunciation, needing to simplify, what letters and sound the country uses.

Sometimes it is to hide
History of Iraqi Jews is warning to Christians
The Guardian-1 hour ago
An Iraqi boy plays in front of a closed synagogue in Baghdad, 2003. Iraq's Jewish community numbered more than 100,000 in the 1930s.

7 of 8 remaining Jews in Iraq are elderly professional women, living ...
World Tribune-Mar 14, 2016
According to an Iraqi lawmaker, seven of the eight remaining Jews in Iraq are elderly women who reside in Baghdad. None has family and all ...

Living in fear: Iraq's last Jews
Arutz Sheva-Mar 13, 2016
Today the remnants of Iraq's Jewish community live in constant fear as terrorism rages throughout Baghdad and Islamic extremism is on the ...

I used to have an Iraqi Jewish friend, Aris. I knew her married name, but not her maiden name. She had passed on a while back, but just the other year or so I happened to notice her brother's obituary which had mentioned her and her sister). The family name was Abdullahdiz. I asked Roudy, whose family I believe originally came from Iraq, how come a Jew had a name like that. He said they took those names to fit in. I imagine with a name like that, the Muslims basically left you alone. However, Mr. Rodent would have been cheering his friends, the Muslim Arabs, to get those Jews in Iraq if he had been there..

As an aside, I basically let what Mr. Rodent, the anti-Semite states go in one ear and out the other. From his other posts on a different forum, it is very easy to see right through him.

People christianize there names when they move west. Most of the non-arabs have long lost there european names. Some times it is a matter of pronunciation, needing to simplify, what letters and sound the country uses.

Sometimes it is to hide

Since the Iraqi Jews have been there for ages, I think it is more logical that this family changed their name to a Muslim sounding one to fit in and/or feel safer.
Freeman the Muslim...

How do you know he's a Muslim? Even if he were, Jilian would still be a troll.

Why don't you ask him, Mr. Rodent? The bottom line here is that regardless of what he is, you have had nothing to say about his constant attempts to demonize the Jews.. As for a troll, don't you think that many would put you down as a troll also, coming over here once in a blue moon to put in your two cents in your usual Johnny One Note manner.

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