The Hidden History By Israel

...Well actually, it's historical truth. Deal with it.

Well actually, it's an unattributed article in a magazine (Prologue) that says nothing of significance, much less historical truth. Nothing to deal with here.

Oh, well done spotting my typo, looks like you can spell after all. :D

US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Pay attention and learn something you ignorant nincompoop poop, the Mufti joined the Nazi movement and was declared a Nazi by the US state dept. You are clearly in over your head on this one.
To be a nazi you should be european nationalist socialist and racist, those are not islamic principles.

Al Hussaini just wanted from Germany to stop jewish immigration and occupation of Palestine but they didn't, the nazis liked this occupation of Palestine.

Last edited:
...Well actually, it's historical truth. Deal with it.

Well actually, it's an unattributed article in a magazine (Prologue) that says nothing of significance, much less historical truth. Nothing to deal with here.

Oh, well done spotting my typo, looks like you can spell after all. :D

US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Yes, for two thousand years Israel / Palestine has been known as the Jewish homeland, what is your point dipstick?
...Well actually, it's historical truth. Deal with it.

Well actually, it's an unattributed article in a magazine (Prologue) that says nothing of significance, much less historical truth. Nothing to deal with here.

Oh, well done spotting my typo, looks like you can spell after all. :D

US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Pay attention and learn something you ignorant nincompoop poop, the Mufti joined the Nazi movement and was declared a Nazi by the US state dept. You are clearly in over your head on this one.
To be a nazi you should be european nationalist socialist and racist, those are not islamic principles.

Al Hussaini just wanted from Germany to stop jewish immigration and occupation of Palestine but they didn't, the nazis liked this occupation of Palestine.


Bullshit. Al Husseini at first fought in the Ottoman army (Nazi allies) and participated in the Armenian genocide where he learned Islamic ethnic cleansing. The Muslim Nazi army of which he was the leader of, was also responsible for the killing of tens of thousands of Christians and Catholics in Eastern Europe. The Nazi's at first wanted to send all Jews "back to their homeland" in Israel, but he convinced them to implement the "final solution" just as the Ottoman Muslim Turks had implemented in Armenia.
The Nazi Mufti and his actions are well documented.

Show me the documents that state this, not just the opinions of "biographers"

Mufti joined the Nazi movement and was declared a Nazi by the US state dept.

What was his party number then?

If the U.S. state department declared him a nazi, provide a link to the relevant document.

If any of this was true, why wasn't he indicted?

Isnt that what you link to, the opinions of biographers ?

666 the number of the beast

Ask the allies who should have arrested him after WW2
...Well actually, it's historical truth. Deal with it.

Well actually, it's an unattributed article in a magazine (Prologue) that says nothing of significance, much less historical truth. Nothing to deal with here.

Oh, well done spotting my typo, looks like you can spell after all. :D

US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


They like the muslims wanted them in one place so they could wipe them out in one go. A pity that they became too strong for the islamonazi cowards to take on
...Well actually, it's historical truth. Deal with it.

Well actually, it's an unattributed article in a magazine (Prologue) that says nothing of significance, much less historical truth. Nothing to deal with here.

Oh, well done spotting my typo, looks like you can spell after all. :D

US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Pay attention and learn something you ignorant nincompoop poop, the Mufti joined the Nazi movement and was declared a Nazi by the US state dept. You are clearly in over your head on this one.
To be a nazi you should be european nationalist socialist and racist, those are not islamic principles.

Al Hussaini just wanted from Germany to stop jewish immigration and occupation of Palestine but they didn't, the nazis liked this occupation of Palestine.


LINK to where that is stated in the pact of UMAR, dhimmi laws, koran, hadiths and national socialist book ?
...Well actually, it's historical truth. Deal with it.

Well actually, it's an unattributed article in a magazine (Prologue) that says nothing of significance, much less historical truth. Nothing to deal with here.

Oh, well done spotting my typo, looks like you can spell after all. :D

US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Thank you for showing us. Freeman, that you are an aficionado of the NeoNazi hate sies such as the Institute of Historical Review. Silly man, do you really believe any thinking person is going to believe what these haters write unless they are Jew haters like you. Hmm, I remember this trial of Freeman's newfound NeoNazi pals. I lived in Hawthorne at the time which is a hop, skip and jump to the Torrance Courthouse. These NeoNazis used to send their newspaper to the homes in the neighborhood.

...Well actually, it's historical truth. Deal with it.

Well actually, it's an unattributed article in a magazine (Prologue) that says nothing of significance, much less historical truth. Nothing to deal with here.

Oh, well done spotting my typo, looks like you can spell after all. :D

US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Pay attention and learn something you ignorant nincompoop poop, the Mufti joined the Nazi movement and was declared a Nazi by the US state dept. You are clearly in over your head on this one.
To be a nazi you should be european nationalist socialist and racist, those are not islamic principles.

Al Hussaini just wanted from Germany to stop jewish immigration and occupation of Palestine but they didn't, the nazis liked this occupation of Palestine.

...Well actually, it's historical truth. Deal with it.

Well actually, it's an unattributed article in a magazine (Prologue) that says nothing of significance, much less historical truth. Nothing to deal with here.

Oh, well done spotting my typo, looks like you can spell after all. :D

US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Pay attention and learn something you ignorant nincompoop poop, the Mufti joined the Nazi movement and was declared a Nazi by the US state dept. You are clearly in over your head on this one.
To be a nazi you should be european nationalist socialist and racist, those are not islamic principles.

Al Hussaini just wanted from Germany to stop jewish immigration and occupation of Palestine but they didn't, the nazis liked this occupation of Palestine.


Funny how all the Muslim radicals and NeoNazis drag up this book. I think radical Muslims like Freeman who is the typical Jew hater resents the fact that the Jews were going to transfer some equipment to the Nazis in exchange for some Jews to be freed and allowed to go to Israel. He would have rather that those Jews would have been sent to the concentration camps to die instead. I contacted Edwin Black, Freeman, and told him how his book was being used on forums and message boards by radical Muslims and NeoNazis, and he wants instead for you to push his latest. He said he would certainly appreciate it.

The Farhud by Edwin Black - Home Page
The Nazi Mufti and his actions are well documented.

Show me the documents that state this, not just the opinions of "biographers"

Mufti joined the Nazi movement and was declared a Nazi by the US state dept.

What was his party number then?

If the U.S. state department declared him a nazi, provide a link to the relevant document.

If any of this was true, why wasn't he indicted?

Nahhhhh....You're a fucking ignorant buffoon, he was the leader of an Arab Muslim Nazi army, was on the Nazi payroll, and was even given a house by the Nazis to live in, in Nazi Germany:



Bosniak soldiers of the SS 13 Division, reading Husseini's pamphlet
Throughout World War II, al-Husseini worked for the Axis Powers as a broadcaster in propaganda targeting Arab public opinion. He was thereby joined by other Arabs such as Fawzi al-Qawuqji[207] and Hasan Salama. The Mufti was paid "an absolute fortune" of 50,000 marks a month (when a German field marshal was making 25,000 marks a year),[208] the equivalent today of $12,000,000 a year.[128] Walter Winchell called him "the Arabian Lord Haw-Haw".[209]

The Mufti also wrote a pamphlet for the 13th SS Handschar division, translated as Islam i Zidovstvo (Islam and Judaism) which closed with a quotation from Bukhari-Muslim by Abu Khurreira that states:"The Day of Judgement will come, when the Muslims will crush the Jews completely: And when every tree behind which a Jew hides will say: 'There is a Jew behind me, Kill him!".[210] Some accounts, ignoring the historical record, have claimed that the Handschar was responsible for killing 90% of Bosnian Jews. In fact, Handschar units were deployed only after most of the Jews in Croatia had been deported or exterminated. One report, however, of a Handschar patrol murdering some Jewish civilians in Zvornik in April 1944 after their real identity was revealed, is plausible.[211]

On 1 March 1944, while speaking on Radio Berlin, al-Husseini said: 'Arabs, rise as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history, and religion. This saves your honor. God is with you.'[212][213][214]


November 1943 al-Husseini greeting Bosnian Waffen-SS volunteers with a Nazi salute.[215] At right is SS General Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig.

Haj Amin el-Husseini reviewing SS 13th Division soldiers from a car
Among the Nazi leadership, the greatest interest in the idea of creating Muslim units under German command was shown by Heinrich Himmler, who viewed the Islamic world as a potential ally against the British Empire and regarded the Nazi-puppet Independent State of Croatia as a 'ridiculous state'.[216] Himmler had a romantic vision of Islam as a faith ‘fostering fearless soldiers’, and this probably played a significant role[217][218] in his decision to raise three Muslim divisions under German leadership in the Balkans from Bosnian Muslims and Albanians:[219][220] the 13th Handschar,[221] the 21st Skanderbeg, and the 23rd Kama (Shepherd's dagger). Riven by interethnic conflict, the region's Jewish, Croat, Roma, Serb and Muslim communities suffered huge losses of life,[222][223] Bosnian Muslims losing around 85,000 from a genocidal Chetnik ethnic cleansing operations alone.[224] The Muslims had three options: to join the Croatian Ustaše, or the Yugoslav partisans, or to create local defense units. Following a tradition of service in the old Bosnian regiments of the former Austro-Hungarian army, they chose an alliance with Germany, which promised them autonomy. Husseini, having been petitioned by the Bosnian Muslim leaders, was well informed of their plight.[225] Dissatisfied with low enlistenment, Himmler asked the mufti to intervene.[226] Husseini negotiated, made several requests, mostly ignored by the SS, and conducted several visits to the area.[227] His speeches and charismatic authority proved instrumental in improving enlistment notably.[228] In one speech he declared that:

Those lands suffering under the British and Bolshevist yoke impatiently await the moment when the Axis (powers) will emerge victorious. We must dedicate ourselves to unceasing struggle against Britain -that dungeon of peoples - and to the complete destruction of the British Empire.We must dedicate ourselves to unceasing struggle against Bolshevist Russia because communism is incompatible with Islam.'

One SS officer reporting on impressions from the mufti's Sarajevo speech said Husseini was reserved about fighting Bolshevism, his main enemies being Jewish settlers in Palestine and the English.[229] During a visit in July 1943 the Mufti said: "The active cooperation of the world's 400 million Muslims with their loyal friends, the German, can be of decisive influence upon the outcome of the war. You, my Bosnian Muslims, are the first Islamic division [and] serve as an example of the active collaboration....My enemy's enemy is my friend." [230] Himmler in addressing the unit on another occasion declared "Germany [and] the Reich have been friends of Islam for the past two centuries, owing not to expediency but to friendly conviction. We have the same goals."[231]

In an agreement signed by Husseini and Himmler on 19 May 1943, it was specified that no synthesis of Islam and Nationalism was to take place.[232][233] Husseini asked that Muslim divisional operations to be restricted to the defense of the Moslem heartland of Bosnia and Herzegovina; that partisans be amnestied if they laid down their arms; that the civilian population not be subject to vexations by troops;that assistance be offered to innocents injured by operations; and that harsh measures like deportations, confiscations of goods, or executions be governed in accordance with the rule of law.[234]The Handschar earned a repute for brutality in ridding north-eastern Bosnia of Serbs and partisans: many local Muslims, observing the violence, were driven to go over to the communist partisans.[235][236] Once redeployed outside Bosnia, and as the fortunes of war turned, mass defections and desertions took place, and Volksdeutsche were drafted to replace the losses.[237] The mufti blamed the mass desertions on German support for the Četniks.[238] Many Bosnians in these divisions who survived the war sought asylum in Western and Arab countries, and of those settling in the Middle East, many fought in Palestine against the new state of Israel.[239] Reacting to the formation by Great Britain of a special Jewish legion in the Allied cause, Husseini urged Germany to raise a similar Arab legion.[15] Husseini helped organize Arab students and North African emigres in Germany into the "Arabisches Freiheitkorps", an Arab Legion in the German Army that hunted down Allied parachutists in the Balkans and fought on the Russian front.[188]

So you can't provide any of the information I asked for, there's a surprise. Even your own sources contradict your position.

'The mufti materials were highly prejudicial, and the argument constructed from them was deeply troubling. . .Eichmann's and the mufti crimes had nothing to do with each other. The prosecution's attempt to link Eichmann symbolically with the Arabs, Israel's bitterest enemy, showed its preoccupation with the contemporary situation of the Jewish state. The success of this effort to prejudice the court is clear in the judges' willingness to entertain the mufti evidence and to incorporate it into their judgment in a coy passage that identifies shared goals but not a shred of actual joint criminal activity.' - "Crimes of the Holocaust: The Law Confronts Hard Cases" - By Stephan Landsman.
Well actually, it's an unattributed article in a magazine (Prologue) that says nothing of significance, much less historical truth. Nothing to deal with here.

Oh, well done spotting my typo, looks like you can spell after all. :D

US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Yes, for two thousand years Israel / Palestine has been known as the Jewish homeland, what is your point dipstick?

Nope, "Palestine" or "The Holy Land", maybe; never the "Jewish homeland"; that's a Zionist invention of the 19th century.
The Nazi Mufti and his actions are well documented.

Show me the documents that state this, not just the opinions of "biographers"

Mufti joined the Nazi movement and was declared a Nazi by the US state dept.

What was his party number then?

If the U.S. state department declared him a nazi, provide a link to the relevant document.

If any of this was true, why wasn't he indicted?

Nahhhhh....You're a fucking ignorant buffoon, he was the leader of an Arab Muslim Nazi army, was on the Nazi payroll, and was even given a house by the Nazis to live in, in Nazi Germany:



Bosniak soldiers of the SS 13 Division, reading Husseini's pamphlet
Throughout World War II, al-Husseini worked for the Axis Powers as a broadcaster in propaganda targeting Arab public opinion. He was thereby joined by other Arabs such as Fawzi al-Qawuqji[207] and Hasan Salama. The Mufti was paid "an absolute fortune" of 50,000 marks a month (when a German field marshal was making 25,000 marks a year),[208] the equivalent today of $12,000,000 a year.[128] Walter Winchell called him "the Arabian Lord Haw-Haw".[209]

The Mufti also wrote a pamphlet for the 13th SS Handschar division, translated as Islam i Zidovstvo (Islam and Judaism) which closed with a quotation from Bukhari-Muslim by Abu Khurreira that states:"The Day of Judgement will come, when the Muslims will crush the Jews completely: And when every tree behind which a Jew hides will say: 'There is a Jew behind me, Kill him!".[210] Some accounts, ignoring the historical record, have claimed that the Handschar was responsible for killing 90% of Bosnian Jews. In fact, Handschar units were deployed only after most of the Jews in Croatia had been deported or exterminated. One report, however, of a Handschar patrol murdering some Jewish civilians in Zvornik in April 1944 after their real identity was revealed, is plausible.[211]

On 1 March 1944, while speaking on Radio Berlin, al-Husseini said: 'Arabs, rise as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history, and religion. This saves your honor. God is with you.'[212][213][214]


November 1943 al-Husseini greeting Bosnian Waffen-SS volunteers with a Nazi salute.[215] At right is SS General Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig.

Haj Amin el-Husseini reviewing SS 13th Division soldiers from a car
Among the Nazi leadership, the greatest interest in the idea of creating Muslim units under German command was shown by Heinrich Himmler, who viewed the Islamic world as a potential ally against the British Empire and regarded the Nazi-puppet Independent State of Croatia as a 'ridiculous state'.[216] Himmler had a romantic vision of Islam as a faith ‘fostering fearless soldiers’, and this probably played a significant role[217][218] in his decision to raise three Muslim divisions under German leadership in the Balkans from Bosnian Muslims and Albanians:[219][220] the 13th Handschar,[221] the 21st Skanderbeg, and the 23rd Kama (Shepherd's dagger). Riven by interethnic conflict, the region's Jewish, Croat, Roma, Serb and Muslim communities suffered huge losses of life,[222][223] Bosnian Muslims losing around 85,000 from a genocidal Chetnik ethnic cleansing operations alone.[224] The Muslims had three options: to join the Croatian Ustaše, or the Yugoslav partisans, or to create local defense units. Following a tradition of service in the old Bosnian regiments of the former Austro-Hungarian army, they chose an alliance with Germany, which promised them autonomy. Husseini, having been petitioned by the Bosnian Muslim leaders, was well informed of their plight.[225] Dissatisfied with low enlistenment, Himmler asked the mufti to intervene.[226] Husseini negotiated, made several requests, mostly ignored by the SS, and conducted several visits to the area.[227] His speeches and charismatic authority proved instrumental in improving enlistment notably.[228] In one speech he declared that:

Those lands suffering under the British and Bolshevist yoke impatiently await the moment when the Axis (powers) will emerge victorious. We must dedicate ourselves to unceasing struggle against Britain -that dungeon of peoples - and to the complete destruction of the British Empire.We must dedicate ourselves to unceasing struggle against Bolshevist Russia because communism is incompatible with Islam.'

One SS officer reporting on impressions from the mufti's Sarajevo speech said Husseini was reserved about fighting Bolshevism, his main enemies being Jewish settlers in Palestine and the English.[229] During a visit in July 1943 the Mufti said: "The active cooperation of the world's 400 million Muslims with their loyal friends, the German, can be of decisive influence upon the outcome of the war. You, my Bosnian Muslims, are the first Islamic division [and] serve as an example of the active collaboration....My enemy's enemy is my friend." [230] Himmler in addressing the unit on another occasion declared "Germany [and] the Reich have been friends of Islam for the past two centuries, owing not to expediency but to friendly conviction. We have the same goals."[231]

In an agreement signed by Husseini and Himmler on 19 May 1943, it was specified that no synthesis of Islam and Nationalism was to take place.[232][233] Husseini asked that Muslim divisional operations to be restricted to the defense of the Moslem heartland of Bosnia and Herzegovina; that partisans be amnestied if they laid down their arms; that the civilian population not be subject to vexations by troops;that assistance be offered to innocents injured by operations; and that harsh measures like deportations, confiscations of goods, or executions be governed in accordance with the rule of law.[234]The Handschar earned a repute for brutality in ridding north-eastern Bosnia of Serbs and partisans: many local Muslims, observing the violence, were driven to go over to the communist partisans.[235][236] Once redeployed outside Bosnia, and as the fortunes of war turned, mass defections and desertions took place, and Volksdeutsche were drafted to replace the losses.[237] The mufti blamed the mass desertions on German support for the Četniks.[238] Many Bosnians in these divisions who survived the war sought asylum in Western and Arab countries, and of those settling in the Middle East, many fought in Palestine against the new state of Israel.[239] Reacting to the formation by Great Britain of a special Jewish legion in the Allied cause, Husseini urged Germany to raise a similar Arab legion.[15] Husseini helped organize Arab students and North African emigres in Germany into the "Arabisches Freiheitkorps", an Arab Legion in the German Army that hunted down Allied parachutists in the Balkans and fought on the Russian front.[188]

So you can't provide any of the information I asked for, there's a surprise. Even your own sources contradict your position.

'The mufti materials were highly prejudicial, and the argument constructed from them was deeply troubling. . .Eichmann's and the mufti crimes had nothing to do with each other. The prosecution's attempt to link Eichmann symbolically with the Arabs, Israel's bitterest enemy, showed its preoccupation with the contemporary situation of the Jewish state. The success of this effort to prejudice the court is clear in the judges' willingness to entertain the mufti evidence and to incorporate it into their judgment in a coy passage that identifies shared goals but not a shred of actual joint criminal activity.' - "Crimes of the Holocaust: The Law Confronts Hard Cases" - By Stephan Landsman.

That's really funny, I provide irrefutable evidence that the Mufti was the Nazi ambassador to the Middle East, and worked closely with with the Nazi leaders and even influenced "the final solution", and the mental case says "you can't provide any information". Ha ha ha.
US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Yes, for two thousand years Israel / Palestine has been known as the Jewish homeland, what is your point dipstick?

Nope, "Palestine" or "The Holy Land", maybe; never the "Jewish homeland"; that's a Zionist invention of the 19th century.

More ignorance. Israel has been the center of the Jewish faith for 4000 years. Even your prophet Mohammad said so 1400 years ago, Abdul. How come no mention of "Palestine" or Palestinians by Mohammad?
US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Yes, for two thousand years Israel / Palestine has been known as the Jewish homeland, what is your point dipstick?

Nope, "Palestine" or "The Holy Land", maybe; never the "Jewish homeland"; that's a Zionist invention of the 19th century.

I contacted Edwin Black

Did you? Let's see a copy of the email correspondence then?

Did you ever hear of someone knowing siomeone who can pass on his telephone number for a good cause? He hopes all you little anti-Semites purchase his book.

I honestly think that if Mr. Rodent were a young man during World War II, he would have eagerly joined the Waffen S.S. for a chance to kill some Jews. Reading his posts, the viewers can pick up that his Muslim friends can do no wrong. It is always the Jews who do.

Oh well, a lot of Englishmen like Mr. Rodent were for the Nazis. Mr. Rodent could have been another Lord Hee Haw.
Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Yes, for two thousand years Israel / Palestine has been known as the Jewish homeland, what is your point dipstick?

Nope, "Palestine" or "The Holy Land", maybe; never the "Jewish homeland"; that's a Zionist invention of the 19th century.

More ignorance. Israel has been the center of the Jewish faith for 4000 years. Even your prophet Mohammad said so 1400 years ago, Abdul. How come no mention of "Palestine" or Palestinians by Mohammad?

Only according to their own fantasies. Judaism as we know it didn't appear until the 6th century BCE, and even then it wasn't a universal religion, having to compete with others in the area; the cult only centred around Jerusalem (in Judah, not Israel which was long extinct).

Oh, not my prophet, I don't believe in any of them, but you know that already.
I contacted Edwin Black

Did you? Let's see a copy of the email correspondence then?

Did you ever hear of someone knowing siomeone who can pass on his telephone number for a good cause? He hopes all you little anti-Semites purchase his book.

I honestly think that if Mr. Rodent were a young man during World War II, he would have eagerly joined the Waffen S.S. for a chance to kill some Jews. Reading his posts, the viewers can pick up that his Muslim friends can do no wrong. It is always the Jews who do.

Oh well, a lot of Englishmen like Mr. Rodent were for the Nazis. Mr. Rodent could have been another Lord Hee Haw.

In other words you never contacted Edwin Black, just this "siomeone" you mention, figures.

In actual fact if I was a young man in WW2 I would be railing against the Nazi treatment of Europe's Jewish populations; one of my relatives helped liberate Bergen-Belsen (no need to thank my family). If that's all you've got I invoke Godwin's Law and you lose.

Oh FYI, Edwin's email address is: [email protected]
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Well actually, it's an unattributed article in a magazine (Prologue) that says nothing of significance, much less historical truth. Nothing to deal with here.

Oh, well done spotting my typo, looks like you can spell after all. :D

US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Yes, for two thousand years Israel / Palestine has been known as the Jewish homeland, what is your point dipstick?
It's just your story!
Jews have lived in Egypt more than Palestine.
Well actually, it's an unattributed article in a magazine (Prologue) that says nothing of significance, much less historical truth. Nothing to deal with here.

Oh, well done spotting my typo, looks like you can spell after all. :D

US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Thank you for showing us. Freeman, that you are an aficionado of the NeoNazi hate sies such as the Institute of Historical Review. Silly man, do you really believe any thinking person is going to believe what these haters write unless they are Jew haters like you. Hmm, I remember this trial of Freeman's newfound NeoNazi pals. I lived in Hawthorne at the time which is a hop, skip and jump to the Torrance Courthouse. These NeoNazis used to send their newspaper to the homes in the neighborhood.


Why nazis authorized zionist immigration office in Germany?
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