The Hidden History By Israel

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Yes, for two thousand years Israel / Palestine has been known as the Jewish homeland, what is your point dipstick?

Nope, "Palestine" or "The Holy Land", maybe; never the "Jewish homeland"; that's a Zionist invention of the 19th century.

More ignorance. Israel has been the center of the Jewish faith for 4000 years. Even your prophet Mohammad said so 1400 years ago, Abdul. How come no mention of "Palestine" or Palestinians by Mohammad?

Only according to their own fantasies. Judaism as we know it didn't appear until the 6th century BCE, and even then it wasn't a universal religion, having to compete with others in the area; the cult only centred around Jerusalem (in Judah, not Israel which was long extinct).

Oh, not my prophet, I don't believe in any of them, but you know that already.

Kithman and Taqiya coming to your rescue again rat boy. Of course he is not your prophet and you have his permission to tell everyone that, right up until you kill them while chanting allahu akbar
I contacted Edwin Black

Did you? Let's see a copy of the email correspondence then?

Did you ever hear of someone knowing siomeone who can pass on his telephone number for a good cause? He hopes all you little anti-Semites purchase his book.

I honestly think that if Mr. Rodent were a young man during World War II, he would have eagerly joined the Waffen S.S. for a chance to kill some Jews. Reading his posts, the viewers can pick up that his Muslim friends can do no wrong. It is always the Jews who do.

Oh well, a lot of Englishmen like Mr. Rodent were for the Nazis. Mr. Rodent could have been another Lord Hee Haw.

In other words you never contacted Edwin Black, just this "siomeone" you mention, figures.

In actual fact if I was a young man in WW2 I would be railing against the Nazi treatment of Europe's Jewish populations; one of my relatives helped liberate Bergen-Belsen (no need to thank my family). If that's all you've got I invoke Godwin's Law and you lose.

Oh FYI, Edwin's email address is: [email protected]

If you were a young man in 1930's/1940's Europe you would know nothing about the plight of the Jews. Nor would you know that most European nations were as anti semitic as the German Nazis, which is why so few managed to escape and live. Did your relative tell you about the deaths under the liberators when they fought for who deserved the treatment the most. And how it was the Jewish medical contingent that said those in the greatest need, and not those of a certain nationality/religion.
US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Yes, for two thousand years Israel / Palestine has been known as the Jewish homeland, what is your point dipstick?
It's just your story!
Jews have lived in Egypt more than Palestine.

And muslims have existed for a lot less time than the Jews had Palestine as their homeland.
US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Thank you for showing us. Freeman, that you are an aficionado of the NeoNazi hate sies such as the Institute of Historical Review. Silly man, do you really believe any thinking person is going to believe what these haters write unless they are Jew haters like you. Hmm, I remember this trial of Freeman's newfound NeoNazi pals. I lived in Hawthorne at the time which is a hop, skip and jump to the Torrance Courthouse. These NeoNazis used to send their newspaper to the homes in the neighborhood.


Why nazis authorized zionist immigration office in Germany?

Not a bad fake fr4om your contacts in facebook is it. Care to back it up with historical evidence ?
US State Dept. archives, you moron. The mufti was declared a Nazi and his actions are well documented.

Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Yes, for two thousand years Israel / Palestine has been known as the Jewish homeland, what is your point dipstick?
It's just your story!
Jews have lived in Egypt more than Palestine.

Islamic historical revisionism won't work either.
Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Yes, for two thousand years Israel / Palestine has been known as the Jewish homeland, what is your point dipstick?

Nope, "Palestine" or "The Holy Land", maybe; never the "Jewish homeland"; that's a Zionist invention of the 19th century.

More ignorance. Israel has been the center of the Jewish faith for 4000 years. Even your prophet Mohammad said so 1400 years ago, Abdul. How come no mention of "Palestine" or Palestinians by Mohammad?

Only according to their own fantasies. Judaism as we know it didn't appear until the 6th century BCE, and even then it wasn't a universal religion, having to compete with others in the area; the cult only centred around Jerusalem (in Judah, not Israel which was long extinct).

Oh, not my prophet, I don't believe in any of them, but you know that already.

History according to an IslamoNazi.
It's the truth.

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Yes, for two thousand years Israel / Palestine has been known as the Jewish homeland, what is your point dipstick?

Nope, "Palestine" or "The Holy Land", maybe; never the "Jewish homeland"; that's a Zionist invention of the 19th century.

More ignorance. Israel has been the center of the Jewish faith for 4000 years. Even your prophet Mohammad said so 1400 years ago, Abdul. How come no mention of "Palestine" or Palestinians by Mohammad?

Only according to their own fantasies. Judaism as we know it didn't appear until the 6th century BCE, and even then it wasn't a universal religion, having to compete with others in the area; the cult only centred around Jerusalem (in Judah, not Israel which was long extinct).

Oh, not my prophet, I don't believe in any of them, but you know that already.

History according to an IslamoNazi.

No, history according to planet Earth, as opposed to whatever planet Rude-eee comes from.
Yes, for two thousand years Israel / Palestine has been known as the Jewish homeland, what is your point dipstick?

Nope, "Palestine" or "The Holy Land", maybe; never the "Jewish homeland"; that's a Zionist invention of the 19th century.

More ignorance. Israel has been the center of the Jewish faith for 4000 years. Even your prophet Mohammad said so 1400 years ago, Abdul. How come no mention of "Palestine" or Palestinians by Mohammad?

Only according to their own fantasies. Judaism as we know it didn't appear until the 6th century BCE, and even then it wasn't a universal religion, having to compete with others in the area; the cult only centred around Jerusalem (in Judah, not Israel which was long extinct).

Oh, not my prophet, I don't believe in any of them, but you know that already.

History according to an IslamoNazi.

No, history according to planet Earth, as opposed to whatever planet Rude-eee comes from.
The Goofy believe in history according to Talmud tales.
Nope, "Palestine" or "The Holy Land", maybe; never the "Jewish homeland"; that's a Zionist invention of the 19th century.

More ignorance. Israel has been the center of the Jewish faith for 4000 years. Even your prophet Mohammad said so 1400 years ago, Abdul. How come no mention of "Palestine" or Palestinians by Mohammad?

Only according to their own fantasies. Judaism as we know it didn't appear until the 6th century BCE, and even then it wasn't a universal religion, having to compete with others in the area; the cult only centred around Jerusalem (in Judah, not Israel which was long extinct).

Oh, not my prophet, I don't believe in any of them, but you know that already.

History according to an IslamoNazi.

No, history according to planet Earth, as opposed to whatever planet Rude-eee comes from.
The Goofy believe in history according to Talmud tales.

According to your own Koran, the land belongs to the Jews, eternally. Follow your own Koran, Achmed.
Yes, for two thousand years Israel / Palestine has been known as the Jewish homeland, what is your point dipstick?

Nope, "Palestine" or "The Holy Land", maybe; never the "Jewish homeland"; that's a Zionist invention of the 19th century.

More ignorance. Israel has been the center of the Jewish faith for 4000 years. Even your prophet Mohammad said so 1400 years ago, Abdul. How come no mention of "Palestine" or Palestinians by Mohammad?

Only according to their own fantasies. Judaism as we know it didn't appear until the 6th century BCE, and even then it wasn't a universal religion, having to compete with others in the area; the cult only centred around Jerusalem (in Judah, not Israel which was long extinct).

Oh, not my prophet, I don't believe in any of them, but you know that already.

History according to an IslamoNazi.

No, history according to planet Earth, as opposed to whatever planet Rude-eee comes from.

You have no knowledge of actual history. All you have are lies and meaningless propaganda.
Where Al Hussaini declared himself nazi?
he just represented himself in the war, there are thousands of muslims martyrs who fought against nazis while zionist terrorists like group Lehi and Stern collaborated with Nazis.

The former "Israeli" PM Isaac Shamir was the leader of group Lehi in Palestine.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Thank you for showing us. Freeman, that you are an aficionado of the NeoNazi hate sies such as the Institute of Historical Review. Silly man, do you really believe any thinking person is going to believe what these haters write unless they are Jew haters like you. Hmm, I remember this trial of Freeman's newfound NeoNazi pals. I lived in Hawthorne at the time which is a hop, skip and jump to the Torrance Courthouse. These NeoNazis used to send their newspaper to the homes in the neighborhood.


Why nazis authorized zionist immigration office in Germany?

Not a bad fake fr4om your contacts in facebook is it. Care to back it up with historical evidence ?

Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Thank you for showing us. Freeman, that you are an aficionado of the NeoNazi hate sies such as the Institute of Historical Review. Silly man, do you really believe any thinking person is going to believe what these haters write unless they are Jew haters like you. Hmm, I remember this trial of Freeman's newfound NeoNazi pals. I lived in Hawthorne at the time which is a hop, skip and jump to the Torrance Courthouse. These NeoNazis used to send their newspaper to the homes in the neighborhood.


Why nazis authorized zionist immigration office in Germany?

Not a bad fake fr4om your contacts in facebook is it. Care to back it up with historical evidence ?

Saving as many Jews from the Nazis as they could, and a report from 1984 is hardly relevant. Want to tell the board about the muslim guards at the death camps and how they tortured the Jewish men, women and children before mass murdering them.
Oh look what the extremist Muslim is using now -- the NeoNazi Institute of Historical Review. Freeman sure does like those NeoNazis and their nonsense especially if they are writing lies about the Jews.

Probably lots of extremist Muslims like Freeman who crawled out of their Muslim countries to the West for one reason or the other certainly like those IslamoFascist hate site. Any more hates sites that you want to pull up some more junk for us, Freeman?

Institute for Historical Review

There was a Canadian NeoNazi posting on a message board a few years back who was good friends with the other NeoNazis like the author of Freeman's article.. At one time, he had a rally at his farm in Canada where the skinheads gathered to listen to skinhead music. Can everyone picture the Muslim Freeman wearing his pajama-like clothes that he wore in his former Muslim country socializing with these skinheads? After all, he and they have one thing in common -- they hate the Jews. He could have sat back and listened to the music of the British Skinhead band No Remorse which was featured there. What a treat that would have been for him!!!

It's the truth.

Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany,
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Thank you for showing us. Freeman, that you are an aficionado of the NeoNazi hate sies such as the Institute of Historical Review. Silly man, do you really believe any thinking person is going to believe what these haters write unless they are Jew haters like you. Hmm, I remember this trial of Freeman's newfound NeoNazi pals. I lived in Hawthorne at the time which is a hop, skip and jump to the Torrance Courthouse. These NeoNazis used to send their newspaper to the homes in the neighborhood.


Why nazis authorized zionist immigration office in Germany?

Not a bad fake fr4om your contacts in facebook is it. Care to back it up with historical evidence ?

It's the truth.

The nazis were never against the jewish occupation of Palestine.


Thank you for showing us. Freeman, that you are an aficionado of the NeoNazi hate sies such as the Institute of Historical Review. Silly man, do you really believe any thinking person is going to believe what these haters write unless they are Jew haters like you. Hmm, I remember this trial of Freeman's newfound NeoNazi pals. I lived in Hawthorne at the time which is a hop, skip and jump to the Torrance Courthouse. These NeoNazis used to send their newspaper to the homes in the neighborhood.


Why nazis authorized zionist immigration office in Germany?

Not a bad fake fr4om your contacts in facebook is it. Care to back it up with historical evidence ?

Saving as many Jews from the Nazis as they could, and a report from 1984 is hardly relevant. Want to tell the board about the muslim guards at the death camps and how they tortured the Jewish men, women and children before mass murdering them.

If Freeman doesn't want to buy Edwin Black's book about the Arab-Nazi alliance, he could at least tell us about all the Nazis who fled to Arab countries to escape being brought to trial. They felt so comfortable there writing propaganda for he Arabs.
I contacted Edwin Black

Did you? Let's see a copy of the email correspondence then?

Did you ever hear of someone knowing siomeone who can pass on his telephone number for a good cause? He hopes all you little anti-Semites purchase his book.

I honestly think that if Mr. Rodent were a young man during World War II, he would have eagerly joined the Waffen S.S. for a chance to kill some Jews. Reading his posts, the viewers can pick up that his Muslim friends can do no wrong. It is always the Jews who do.

Oh well, a lot of Englishmen like Mr. Rodent were for the Nazis. Mr. Rodent could have been another Lord Hee Haw.

In other words you never contacted Edwin Black, just this "siomeone" you mention, figures.

In actual fact if I was a young man in WW2 I would be railing against the Nazi treatment of Europe's Jewish populations; one of my relatives helped liberate Bergen-Belsen (no need to thank my family). If that's all you've got I invoke Godwin's Law and you lose.

Oh FYI, Edwin's email address is: [email protected]

Thanks for the E-mail address. I'll have others write him to tell him the same thing. However, I think he got his point across with his new book about the Arab-Nazi Alliance. Amusing how the anti-Semites are not bringing up this book.

England had a draft during World War II (am I not correct?) so there were many soldiers who liberated the various camps, but the way you post, I think people can pick up that you would be on the Nazis' side no matter how much you would deny it. It;s really funny that whenever you come over here, you never appear to have any articles telling us what is happening in the other Middle East countries. This is the Middle East forum, is it not?. By the way, has anyone seen Mr. Rodent make any sort of comment to any of Freeman's derogatory articles about the Jews. I guess Mr. Rodent has the same mind set as Freeman the Muslim does about the Jews.
I contacted Edwin Black

Did you? Let's see a copy of the email correspondence then?

Did you ever hear of someone knowing siomeone who can pass on his telephone number for a good cause? He hopes all you little anti-Semites purchase his book.

I honestly think that if Mr. Rodent were a young man during World War II, he would have eagerly joined the Waffen S.S. for a chance to kill some Jews. Reading his posts, the viewers can pick up that his Muslim friends can do no wrong. It is always the Jews who do.

Oh well, a lot of Englishmen like Mr. Rodent were for the Nazis. Mr. Rodent could have been another Lord Hee Haw.

In other words you never contacted Edwin Black, just this "siomeone" you mention, figures.

In actual fact if I was a young man in WW2 I would be railing against the Nazi treatment of Europe's Jewish populations; one of my relatives helped liberate Bergen-Belsen (no need to thank my family). If that's all you've got I invoke Godwin's Law and you lose.

Oh FYI, Edwin's email address is: [email protected]

Thanks for the E-mail address. I'll have others write him to tell him the same thing. However, I think he got his point across with his new book about the Arab-Nazi Alliance. Amusing how the anti-Semites are not bringing up this book.

England had a draft during World War II (am I not correct?) so there were many soldiers who liberated the various camps, but the way you post, I think people can pick up that you would be on the Nazis' side no matter how much you would deny it. It;s really funny that whenever you come over here, you never appear to have any articles telling us what is happening in the other Middle East countries. This is the Middle East forum, is it not?. By the way, has anyone seen Mr. Rodent make any sort of comment to any of Freeman's derogatory articles about the Jews. I guess Mr. Rodent has the same mind set as Freeman the Muslim does about the Jews.

I'm sure he'll be overjoyed to get spammed by your Hasbarist friends. Which book about the "Arab-Nazi alliance" is this then? Have you actually read it? He's written some intersting books about American involvement in the Holocaust too
I contacted Edwin Black

Did you? Let's see a copy of the email correspondence then?

Did you ever hear of someone knowing siomeone who can pass on his telephone number for a good cause? He hopes all you little anti-Semites purchase his book.

I honestly think that if Mr. Rodent were a young man during World War II, he would have eagerly joined the Waffen S.S. for a chance to kill some Jews. Reading his posts, the viewers can pick up that his Muslim friends can do no wrong. It is always the Jews who do.

Oh well, a lot of Englishmen like Mr. Rodent were for the Nazis. Mr. Rodent could have been another Lord Hee Haw.

In other words you never contacted Edwin Black, just this "siomeone" you mention, figures.

In actual fact if I was a young man in WW2 I would be railing against the Nazi treatment of Europe's Jewish populations; one of my relatives helped liberate Bergen-Belsen (no need to thank my family). If that's all you've got I invoke Godwin's Law and you lose.

Oh FYI, Edwin's email address is: [email protected]

Thanks for the E-mail address. I'll have others write him to tell him the same thing. However, I think he got his point across with his new book about the Arab-Nazi Alliance. Amusing how the anti-Semites are not bringing up this book.

England had a draft during World War II (am I not correct?) so there were many soldiers who liberated the various camps, but the way you post, I think people can pick up that you would be on the Nazis' side no matter how much you would deny it. It;s really funny that whenever you come over here, you never appear to have any articles telling us what is happening in the other Middle East countries. This is the Middle East forum, is it not?. By the way, has anyone seen Mr. Rodent make any sort of comment to any of Freeman's derogatory articles about the Jews. I guess Mr. Rodent has the same mind set as Freeman the Muslim does about the Jews.

I'm sure he'll be overjoyed to get spammed by your Hasbarist friends. Which book about the "Arab-Nazi alliance" is this then? Have you actually read it? He's written some intersting books about American involvement in the Holocaust too

I am referring to this book........

The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust: Edwin Black: 9780914153146: Books

I think we all know that there were Americans who helped the Nazis. No one is denying it, just like I am sure honest Englishmen would admit that there were Englishmen who sided with the Nazis, even those high up in English society.

Book Discussion Nazi Nexus | Video |
Did you? Let's see a copy of the email correspondence then?

Did you ever hear of someone knowing siomeone who can pass on his telephone number for a good cause? He hopes all you little anti-Semites purchase his book.

I honestly think that if Mr. Rodent were a young man during World War II, he would have eagerly joined the Waffen S.S. for a chance to kill some Jews. Reading his posts, the viewers can pick up that his Muslim friends can do no wrong. It is always the Jews who do.

Oh well, a lot of Englishmen like Mr. Rodent were for the Nazis. Mr. Rodent could have been another Lord Hee Haw.

In other words you never contacted Edwin Black, just this "siomeone" you mention, figures.

In actual fact if I was a young man in WW2 I would be railing against the Nazi treatment of Europe's Jewish populations; one of my relatives helped liberate Bergen-Belsen (no need to thank my family). If that's all you've got I invoke Godwin's Law and you lose.

Oh FYI, Edwin's email address is: [email protected]

Thanks for the E-mail address. I'll have others write him to tell him the same thing. However, I think he got his point across with his new book about the Arab-Nazi Alliance. Amusing how the anti-Semites are not bringing up this book.

England had a draft during World War II (am I not correct?) so there were many soldiers who liberated the various camps, but the way you post, I think people can pick up that you would be on the Nazis' side no matter how much you would deny it. It;s really funny that whenever you come over here, you never appear to have any articles telling us what is happening in the other Middle East countries. This is the Middle East forum, is it not?. By the way, has anyone seen Mr. Rodent make any sort of comment to any of Freeman's derogatory articles about the Jews. I guess Mr. Rodent has the same mind set as Freeman the Muslim does about the Jews.

I'm sure he'll be overjoyed to get spammed by your Hasbarist friends. Which book about the "Arab-Nazi alliance" is this then? Have you actually read it? He's written some intersting books about American involvement in the Holocaust too

I am referring to this book........

The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust: Edwin Black: 9780914153146: Books

I think we all know that there were Americans who helped the Nazis. No one is denying it, just like I am sure honest Englishmen would admit that there were Englishmen who sided with the Nazis, even those high up in English society.

Book Discussion Nazi Nexus | Video |

Oh that, 192 pages of repetative Islamophobic propaganda about a 2 day riot in Baghdad. Yes Mr. Black certainly knows how to make money; rehashing his earlier books. Having read through the first 2 chapters, I'm glad I never bought it.
Did you ever hear of someone knowing siomeone who can pass on his telephone number for a good cause? He hopes all you little anti-Semites purchase his book.

I honestly think that if Mr. Rodent were a young man during World War II, he would have eagerly joined the Waffen S.S. for a chance to kill some Jews. Reading his posts, the viewers can pick up that his Muslim friends can do no wrong. It is always the Jews who do.

Oh well, a lot of Englishmen like Mr. Rodent were for the Nazis. Mr. Rodent could have been another Lord Hee Haw.

In other words you never contacted Edwin Black, just this "siomeone" you mention, figures.

In actual fact if I was a young man in WW2 I would be railing against the Nazi treatment of Europe's Jewish populations; one of my relatives helped liberate Bergen-Belsen (no need to thank my family). If that's all you've got I invoke Godwin's Law and you lose.

Oh FYI, Edwin's email address is: [email protected]

Thanks for the E-mail address. I'll have others write him to tell him the same thing. However, I think he got his point across with his new book about the Arab-Nazi Alliance. Amusing how the anti-Semites are not bringing up this book.

England had a draft during World War II (am I not correct?) so there were many soldiers who liberated the various camps, but the way you post, I think people can pick up that you would be on the Nazis' side no matter how much you would deny it. It;s really funny that whenever you come over here, you never appear to have any articles telling us what is happening in the other Middle East countries. This is the Middle East forum, is it not?. By the way, has anyone seen Mr. Rodent make any sort of comment to any of Freeman's derogatory articles about the Jews. I guess Mr. Rodent has the same mind set as Freeman the Muslim does about the Jews.

I'm sure he'll be overjoyed to get spammed by your Hasbarist friends. Which book about the "Arab-Nazi alliance" is this then? Have you actually read it? He's written some intersting books about American involvement in the Holocaust too

I am referring to this book........

The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust: Edwin Black: 9780914153146: Books

I think we all know that there were Americans who helped the Nazis. No one is denying it, just like I am sure honest Englishmen would admit that there were Englishmen who sided with the Nazis, even those high up in English society.

Book Discussion Nazi Nexus | Video |

Oh that, 192 pages of repetative Islamophobic propaganda about a 2 day riot in Baghdad. Yes Mr. Black certainly knows how to make money; rehashing his earlier books. Having read through the first 2 chapters, I'm glad I never bought it.

Is that because it bursts your bubble and shows the reality that is islamonazi violence
Did you ever hear of someone knowing siomeone who can pass on his telephone number for a good cause? He hopes all you little anti-Semites purchase his book.

I honestly think that if Mr. Rodent were a young man during World War II, he would have eagerly joined the Waffen S.S. for a chance to kill some Jews. Reading his posts, the viewers can pick up that his Muslim friends can do no wrong. It is always the Jews who do.

Oh well, a lot of Englishmen like Mr. Rodent were for the Nazis. Mr. Rodent could have been another Lord Hee Haw.

In other words you never contacted Edwin Black, just this "siomeone" you mention, figures.

In actual fact if I was a young man in WW2 I would be railing against the Nazi treatment of Europe's Jewish populations; one of my relatives helped liberate Bergen-Belsen (no need to thank my family). If that's all you've got I invoke Godwin's Law and you lose.

Oh FYI, Edwin's email address is: [email protected]

Thanks for the E-mail address. I'll have others write him to tell him the same thing. However, I think he got his point across with his new book about the Arab-Nazi Alliance. Amusing how the anti-Semites are not bringing up this book.

England had a draft during World War II (am I not correct?) so there were many soldiers who liberated the various camps, but the way you post, I think people can pick up that you would be on the Nazis' side no matter how much you would deny it. It;s really funny that whenever you come over here, you never appear to have any articles telling us what is happening in the other Middle East countries. This is the Middle East forum, is it not?. By the way, has anyone seen Mr. Rodent make any sort of comment to any of Freeman's derogatory articles about the Jews. I guess Mr. Rodent has the same mind set as Freeman the Muslim does about the Jews.

I'm sure he'll be overjoyed to get spammed by your Hasbarist friends. Which book about the "Arab-Nazi alliance" is this then? Have you actually read it? He's written some intersting books about American involvement in the Holocaust too

I am referring to this book........

The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust: Edwin Black: 9780914153146: Books

I think we all know that there were Americans who helped the Nazis. No one is denying it, just like I am sure honest Englishmen would admit that there were Englishmen who sided with the Nazis, even those high up in English society.

Book Discussion Nazi Nexus | Video |

Oh that, 192 pages of repetative Islamophobic propaganda about a 2 day riot in Baghdad. Yes Mr. Black certainly knows how to make money; rehashing his earlier books. Having read through the first 2 chapters, I'm glad I never bought it.

I imagine there were not enough Jews killed in the Iraq Massacre for Mr. Rodent.

Remembering Iraq's Shavuot massacre - Jewish World

Farhud memories: Baghdad's 1941 slaughter of the Jews - BBC News
In other words you never contacted Edwin Black, just this "siomeone" you mention, figures.

In actual fact if I was a young man in WW2 I would be railing against the Nazi treatment of Europe's Jewish populations; one of my relatives helped liberate Bergen-Belsen (no need to thank my family). If that's all you've got I invoke Godwin's Law and you lose.

Oh FYI, Edwin's email address is: [email protected]

Thanks for the E-mail address. I'll have others write him to tell him the same thing. However, I think he got his point across with his new book about the Arab-Nazi Alliance. Amusing how the anti-Semites are not bringing up this book.

England had a draft during World War II (am I not correct?) so there were many soldiers who liberated the various camps, but the way you post, I think people can pick up that you would be on the Nazis' side no matter how much you would deny it. It;s really funny that whenever you come over here, you never appear to have any articles telling us what is happening in the other Middle East countries. This is the Middle East forum, is it not?. By the way, has anyone seen Mr. Rodent make any sort of comment to any of Freeman's derogatory articles about the Jews. I guess Mr. Rodent has the same mind set as Freeman the Muslim does about the Jews.

I'm sure he'll be overjoyed to get spammed by your Hasbarist friends. Which book about the "Arab-Nazi alliance" is this then? Have you actually read it? He's written some intersting books about American involvement in the Holocaust too

I am referring to this book........

The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust: Edwin Black: 9780914153146: Books

I think we all know that there were Americans who helped the Nazis. No one is denying it, just like I am sure honest Englishmen would admit that there were Englishmen who sided with the Nazis, even those high up in English society.

Book Discussion Nazi Nexus | Video |

Oh that, 192 pages of repetative Islamophobic propaganda about a 2 day riot in Baghdad. Yes Mr. Black certainly knows how to make money; rehashing his earlier books. Having read through the first 2 chapters, I'm glad I never bought it.

I imagine there were not enough Jews killed in the Iraq Massacre for Mr. Rodent.

Remembering Iraq's Shavuot massacre - Jewish World

Farhud memories: Baghdad's 1941 slaughter of the Jews - BBC News

I criticise an author for exploiting a tragedy in order to sell his books and this vacuous bimbo comes up with the idea that more Jewish people being killed would make a more interesting story.

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