The high price of justice: Sixth Amendment guarantee deteriorating under current U.S. legal system


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The Sixth Amendment
Take away American’s right to free speech or the right to bear arms and see what happens.

Yet, another constitutional guarantee – the right to counsel outlined in the Sixth Amendment – is deteriorating under a U.S. legal system charged with ensuring fair trials for all, including the poor.

The erosion is acknowledged among court officers, legal scholars and advocates. It has been slipping away for decades, they say, especially when it comes to indigent defense and the right to counsel in criminal cases.

Look no further than the U.S. Department of Justice for proof.

Indigent Defense
“Across the country, public defender offices and other indigent defense providers are underfunded and understaffed,” U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said while addressing the American Bar Association’s National Summit on Indigent Defense.

That was in 2012, a year before the 50th anniversary of the 1963 landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in Gideon v. Wainwright, a decision that propelled a defendants’ right to counsel -- even if he or she is unable to afford an attorney -- in both federal and state courts. While the Constitution does not guarantee right to counsel at government expense, the Gideon decision did.

“Too often, when legal representation is available to the poor, it’s rendered less effective by insufficient resources, overwhelming caseloads and inadequate oversight,” Holder continued. “And far too many public defender systems lack the basic tools they need to function properly.”

As a result, he went on to say, “too many defendants are left to languish in jail for weeks, or even months, before counsel is appointed.” Children and adults lack access to legal guidance upon entering the criminal justice system, and some defendants are encouraged to waive their right to counsel.

Many do, agreeing to plea deals that must be accepted immediately, research shows.

Justice, others say, is not being served for reasons that are many, ingrained in an economic and political infrastructure of tough-on-crime laws and stiff penalties, coupled with an overtaxed and underfunded legal system.

Take, for instance, the view of former judge and former FBI Director William S. Sessions, writing in the forward of a 2011 book sponsored by the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants.

“Our nation’s public defense system in state courts, with few exceptions, should be a source of great embarrassment for all of us: judges, bar associations, lawyers, public officials and all other citizens.

“For nearly half a century, almost every state has persistently underfunded public defenders and private lawyers who represent the indigent in criminal and juvenile cases. Such widespread resistance to clear the mandate of the Constitution … has, in effect, created one of our legal system’s most shameful deficiencies.”
The high price of justice Sixth Amendment guarantee deteriorating under current U.S. legal system

The first part of the article focuses on Kristine Bunch.

But, for the past several years there have been major cuts.
This is Louisiana

Louisiana public defenders offices in jeopardy News Gambit - New Orleans News and Entertainment

Cuts to education public defender agency proposed Juneau Empire - Alaska s Capital City Online Newspaper

Does anyone remember the guy out of Missouri that said the whole point was to underfund it so that it does not work?
Don't remember the man's name, but am familiar with the attitude.
No fear of the Lord makes the constitution just a piece of paper politicians use to wipe their butt's with.

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