The history of left-wing policies


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
As with everything else, the history of the Democrats policies is dark, racist, and the very definition of evil - including minimum wage:

So where did the concept originate from?

“Well, they very clearly had an idea to get rid of the lower classes – a sort of Eugenic way to get rid of people who are inferior,” Stu explained. “They would price them out of the labor market so they wouldn’t have jobs.”

Sidney Webb, English economist and co-Founder of the Fabian Society in the early 1900s, believed that establishing a minimum wage above the value of “the unemployables” as he called them, would lock them out of the market thus eliminating them as a class.

“Of all ways of dealing with these unfortunate parasites the most ruinous to the community is to allow them unrestrainedly to compete as wage earners,” Webb said.

That was actually a common sentiment in America at the time. in America shared this belief as well. Around the same time, a Princeton economist said this:

“It is much better to enact a minimum-wage law even if it deprives these unfortunates of work… better that the state should support the inefficient wholly and prevent the multiplication of the breed than subsidize incompetence and unthrift, enabling them to bring forth more of their kind.”

Who was that Princeton economist? Royal Meeker, U.S. Commissioner of Labor, under Woodrow Wilson.

Doesn’t all make so much more sense now?

The real history behind the minimum wage (HINT: It involves progressives and eugenics)
You don't know anything about American history.

You are aware that your anti-abortion religious bullshit cannot become law in the United States, don't you? Because of the 1st Amendment.
Liberals founded this country

Haven't looked back since
You are aware that your anti-abortion religious bullshit cannot become law in the United States, don't you? Because of the 1st Amendment.

You are aware that you're a fuck'n, angry idiot [MENTION=45917]KNB[/MENTION], aren't you? So far, you've yet to make even a single rational post.

Where was religion even mentioned, you dumb-fuck? Where? You know why "anti-abortion" can and will become law? Because murder is outlawed in this nation, you sad little impotent boy....

Now are you capable of making an even remotely rational post based on the facts? Or do the facts have you in such a tizzy that you're only capable of spewing incoherent anger?
Liberals founded this country

Haven't looked back since


Conservatives founded this nation junior. Liberals have come along - and like everything else - have attempted to hijack the history to take credit for it.

Conservatives created a government with limited power. Liberals detest it. Conservatives guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms. Liberals detest it.

Why don't you take credit for the things you are actually responsible for - like minimum wage and abortion - both for the purposes of eugenics? :eusa_eh:
Fine. Conservatives founded the United States. Then that means that Conservatives guaranteed slavery and Liberals detested it.
Liberals founded this country

Haven't looked back since


Conservatives founded this nation junior. Liberals have come along - and like everything else - have attempted to hijack the history to take credit for it.

Conservatives created a government with limited power. Liberals detest it. Conservatives guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms. Liberals detest it.

Why don't you take credit for the things you are actually responsible for - like minimum wage and abortion - both for the purposes of eugenics? :eusa_eh:

Conservatives supported the King

Fucking pussies
Fine. Conservatives founded the United States. Then that means that Conservatives guaranteed slavery and Liberals detested it.

Really? That's interesting. I seem to recall that REPUBLICAN President Abraham Lincoln lead the effort to end slavery and the Demcorats vehemently opposed it (as they did again during the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's).
And you forget that those Southern Confederate racist redneck Democrat slave states who still sport their rebel flags all vote Republican now and hate the ******-in-Chief because he's a Marxist tyrant.

That's why the Republican party has degenerated from Lincoln to Limbaugh.
Liberals founded this country

Haven't looked back since


Conservatives founded this nation junior. Liberals have come along - and like everything else - have attempted to hijack the history to take credit for it.

Conservatives created a government with limited power. Liberals detest it. Conservatives guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms. Liberals detest it.

Why don't you take credit for the things you are actually responsible for - like minimum wage and abortion - both for the purposes of eugenics? :eusa_eh:

Conservatives supported the King

Fucking pussies

Keep telling yourself that junior.... :lmao:

You're the only one I know who directly opposes the entire platform which you claim to support.... :lmao:

You hate small, limited government - yet you claim it is the creation of the Dumbocrat party you support. You hate the right to keep and bear arms - yet you claim it is the creation of the Dumbocrat party which you support. You absolutely loathe and detest the 10th Amendment - yet you claim it is the creation of the Dumbocrat party you support.

So let me ask you chief - if you hate all of these things and the Dumbocrat Party is responsible for them, why in the hell are you a Dumbocrat? :cuckoo:
Liberals come about when people working in the Government realize there are a lot of lazy and stupid people that want the Government to take care of them.

A ship could wreck and strand 100 people on a deserted time a few people will try to take over the group telling others to provide for them and others for the sake of the "community." Those are liberals.

The key is a group of the lower class of people wanting to be controlled by the leaders and the lure to get them is free stuff....other people's stuff (see Russia, North Korea, China, Cuba, etc)
You don't know anything about American history.


History is what it is and it's not hard to understand.

Of course, you are incapable of explaining why you think the OP is wrong. Instead, you just babble with the usual idiotic retort. If you were able to explain your understanding of history, you would do that instead of just insulting the OP.

It's a fact that many of the liberal policies began as a way to deal with what they saw as a group of lesser people. They didn't see them as equals, but a group that needed to be dealt with. They chose to use them to their advantage and are still doing so today. The constant race baiting is proof of that. It's the left who is racist, always has been and always will be.

Welfare, raising the minimum wage and Planned Parenthood are just three of the ways in which they sought to control minorities.

Not much has changed today. The left continues to treat minorities like a subhuman species that is incapable of fending for themselves. Through their control of the education and welfare system, they've managed to convince a lot of people that they really want to help them and that the rest of the world is their enemy. When minorities speak out against them, they are impugned. Successful minorities on the right are constantly ridiculed and called traitors. Ever wonder why that is?

Only a liberal would accuse a black of being a traitor to his race for believing in people rather than government. That says it all.
Prosperity through lower wages!​

GOP's second favorite economic policy. After cutting taxes for the "job creators".

Conservatives founded this nation junior. Liberals have come along - and like everything else - have attempted to hijack the history to take credit for it.

Conservatives created a government with limited power. Liberals detest it. Conservatives guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms. Liberals detest it.

Why don't you take credit for the things you are actually responsible for - like minimum wage and abortion - both for the purposes of eugenics? :eusa_eh:

Conservatives supported the King

Fucking pussies

Keep telling yourself that junior.... :lmao:

You're the only one I know who directly opposes the entire platform which you claim to support.... :lmao:

You hate small, limited government - yet you claim it is the creation of the Dumbocrat party you support. You hate the right to keep and bear arms - yet you claim it is the creation of the Dumbocrat party which you support. You absolutely loathe and detest the 10th Amendment - yet you claim it is the creation of the Dumbocrat party you support.

So let me ask you chief - if you hate all of these things and the Dumbocrat Party is responsible for them, why in the hell are you a Dumbocrat? :cuckoo:

There were two trains of thought in our Revolution

One sided with the rights of man
The other sided with the king

Conservatives sided with the king
Conservatives have always been the stick in the mud greedy thieving a-holes, no matter what they call All progress has been made by moderates and liberals.

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