The Hoax of Record Temperatures

You looked up that nuke plants are refueled. Congrats.
Now post the evidence for your claim, "It’s enough to supply ALL the customers of a nuclear power plant that’s down for a month for refueling….."
I don’t have to….no one went without power dufus. No one ever does because WE have been storing electricity for decades dufus. California alone has over 200 storage facilities. Tiny ? Only your brain is tiny.
Were you able to reach any "smart people" and ask them why it's OK for China to build 2 NEW COAL PLANTS EVERY WEEK?
You must be proud of China, but a little discourage they have also developed more renewable energy then the US. But then, they don’t have the imbecilic Republican party to deal with. They’ve pretty much started humping Putin instead.
You must be proud of China, but a little discourage they have also developed more renewable energy then the US. But then, they don’t have the imbecilic Republican party to deal with. They’ve pretty much started humping Putin instead.

All that renewable energy and they still emit more and more CO2 every year.
You must be proud of China, but a little discourage they have also developed more renewable energy then the US. But then, they don’t have the imbecilic Republican party to deal with. They’ve pretty much started humping Putin instead.
So CO2 is not an issue?

You have a crush on Xi?
You must be proud of China, but a little discourage they have also developed more renewable energy then the US. But then, they don’t have the imbecilic Republican party to deal with. They’ve pretty much started humping Putin instead.

They are also getting ready to bring on a record number of coal fired plants.

That along with India is going to basically wipe out any reductions the U.S. makes by a factor of 10x.
How long can the state run off their storage? Link?
Well foolish, it’s already worked for decades when power plants go down for maintenance and we have natural disasters ..
You’re stupidly arguing agaisnt something that has already been in place since the 1970s.
You’re typically ignorant. .hundreds have been in place mutant for decades

Geesus, you guys still think you know more than every climate change science institute and affiliated Govt agency and related corporation in the entire world...
You have zero cred.
How long can the state run off their storage? Link?
Look it up ! You have an aversion to work ? Lazy ass cheating and making up shit only goes so far.
There is no SCIENCE on your side.....none, zippo, nix. The little truds you parade out aren’t even working in the field !
You keep bring up China....why ? I thought you were for coal plants. You must be proud of them.

They produce twice the CO2 of the USA. I was going to sat "twice 'our' CO2" but I know you're working with the CCP on this topic
every climate change science institute and affiliated Govt agency and related corporation in the entire world

still somehow is unable to explain a MAP of the Arctic...

which suggests they aren't practicing actual science, but rather are all engaged in a massive fraud and are rewarded $$$ for doing so...
still somehow is unable to explain a MAP of the Arctic...

which suggests they aren't practicing actual science, but rather are all engaged in a massive fraud and are rewarded $$$ for doing
remind us again who is paying off every govt and science institute in the world. Tell us how every university and college in the world are all frauds.
Where is the money coming from to pay off Russia, China North Korea…..from Al Gore‘s
still somehow is unable to explain a MAP of the Arctic...
That’s small potatoes. I’m still waiting for you to tell us why every university and college in the world are all frauds and spreading fake news. Gee, even Exxon mobile is spreading fraud. Who is paying them off ? Who is paying them all off.
So they are all frauds, right ?
They produce twice the CO2 of the USA. I was going to sat "twice 'our' CO2" but I know you're working with the CCP on this topic
Well mutant, they produce twice the CO2;but have MORE THAN 4 times the population. So really, they are meeting their accord goals better than the United States.

They are actually doing a better job than the US. Who is paying them to do it and spread all those CC lies ?

Who is paying them off to sign the accords. India has over 5k universities. Who is funding all the fraud and fake shit they teach in India. You guys claim. That all of the education in the world is fraudulent.
Well mutant, they produce twice the CO2;but have MORE THAN 4 times the population. So really, they are meeting their accord goals better than the United States.

They are actually doing a better job than the US. Who is paying them to do it and spread all those CC lies ?

Who is paying them off to sign the accords. India has over 5k universities. Who is funding all the fraud and fake shit they teach in India. You guys claim. That all of the education in the world is fraudulent.

Who cares about their population, they should transition to renewables while we still have a planet!

Why do you love the CCP more that the planet, or the children?
Who cares about their population, they should transition to renewables while we still have a planet!

Why do you love the CCP more that the planet, or the children?
Well, someone is paying them off to lie. Who is it ? There are 1.4 billion people in China and 300,000,000 in the US. Who is paying off China to only have twice the CO2.

Is it Al Gore ? Hillary ? Hunter Biden?
Who cares about their population, they should transition to renewables while we still have a planet!
Now you have been paid off to lie. You just said China should transition to renewables. Who is paying you to lie ?
They produce twice the CO2 of the USA. I was going to sat "twice 'our' CO2" but I know you're working with the CCP on this topic
They have 4 times as many people. Don’t you think it’s a good idea to lie about AGW and get all that money from Al Gore.

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