The Hoax: Revealed, But Still Useful

Far better than what you voted for....Obama
You can't defend Trump so you attack Obama with a bunch of cherry-picked quotes and figures. Typical.
You can't defend Trump so you attack Obama with a bunch of cherry-picked quotes and figures. Typical.

"Cherry pick" is a useful dodge for those who can't deny the facts presented.

Like, "quote mining".....used in the same manner.

Both, in your hands, fall under the rubric of lying.
The sad state of affairs we find ourselves in today is that it doesn't matter how many facts or statistics you use to prove your case, these people have been programmed to refute anything their masters tell them isn't true, they have no minds of their own. We've seen it over and over again, in small instances, and now with both covid and the 2020 election, it's staring them right in the face and they still deny it. That's the problem that we need to to eradicate, it's scary to think that so many people can be duped and be willing slaves to their 'ideology', but I don't see very many in prominent positions, who could really make a difference, stepping up to do anything about it. My hope is that what we see daily in media is just a small number of people that are amplified to imply a much larger group than it really is, but they are definitely reaching the younger generation, so the future is not looking bright.
1. As in the film 'The Sting,' the best scam is one in which the victim doesn't know he's been scammed, even after he's 'stung.'
They told you:

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
Rahm Emanuel

“Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’”
…Majority Whip James Clyburn (D., S.C.) told caucus members last week that the bill was “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”
Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’ | National Review

2. I don't recall where I read it, but the apt quote is "We lie to them because the want to be lied to." The truth about the Wuhan Hoax is leaking out, but it will make zero difference to the Democrat drones.

3. "Lawmakers seek federal grand jury investigation for COVID-19 statistical manipulation
"Public health policy must be based upon accurate and independently verifiable data," and CDC and FDA aren't providing it,...

The CDC adopted a "double-standard exclusively for COVID-19 data collection" that inflated cases and deaths starting early in the pandemic, violating multiple federal laws and distorting mitigation policies, Oregon lawmakers told the feds' top lawyer in the state.

"I'm not sure there has ever been an allegation of government wrongdoing on this scale," so the group wanted to assess "accuracy and safety"...

4. Thatcher said she was troubled that even as the infection's high survivability rate became clear, arbitrary restrictions that worsened child abuse, suicide and mental health remained in place....whether the cure was worse than the disease,"...

5. ...the "incessant case counts" for COVID jumped out at him early, explaining that his service on the legislative health committee led him to recognize "confusion, or inaccuracies, or kind of manipulation" of statistics on influenza-like illnesses versus COVID.

"It didn't take long to actually see that the data was being scrubbed or sculpted to fit a narrative," he said."
You mean the Honorable House Majority Whip.Who was given a nutter title
by Madame Cruella Pelosi.He was given a congrerssional title never afforded
beforhand.This Clyburn { uses broken english as if homeschooled by a nice
Black housekeeper whose more interested in cooking }.
He was The House Assistant Democrat Leader as made official by Pelosi.
The same Pelosi who when losing her speakership in 2010 and refused to
step down as her Party's House Leader,managed to throw herself a
Congratulations party.Imagine that.Or don't imagine.That a Speaker-of-the House
loses a speakership and then throws herself a congratulations Party.
"Cherry pick" is a useful dodge for those who can't deny the facts presented.

Like, "quote mining".....used in the same manner.

Both, in your hands, fall under the rubric of lying.
You can't defend Trump so you attack Obama. You can't refute my simple graph so you attack me. Typical.
The sad state of affairs we find ourselves in today is that it doesn't matter how many facts or statistics you use to prove your case, these people have been programmed to refute anything their masters tell them isn't true, they have no minds of their own. We've seen it over and over again, in small instances, and now with both covid and the 2020 election, it's staring them right in the face and they still deny it. That's the problem that we need to to eradicate, it's scary to think that so many people can be duped and be willing slaves to their 'ideology', but I don't see very many in prominent positions, who could really make a difference, stepping up to do anything about it. My hope is that what we see daily in media is just a small number of people that are amplified to imply a much larger group than it really is, but they are definitely reaching the younger generation, so the future is not looking bright.

We are living in the afterglow of a once great nation.

Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.
We are living in the afterglow of a once great nation.

Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.

I pray that isn't the case, buy my optimism in the last two years has done a complete nose dive.
"Cherry pick" is a useful dodge for those who can't deny the facts presented.

Like, "quote mining".....used in the same manner.

Both, in your hands, fall under the rubric of lying.
The most useful thing going for Americans who act and appreciate being
just ordinary americans and not useful idiots who attend Churches of
the Good Hustler is worth watching.Because the MSM and Free press has
indeed been found out.
We know their tactics.None of which ascribe anything beneficial to the
American Dream let alone our Middle Class.
Plus they all played out.Even a great boxer or baseball player knows when
it time to cool it or quit.The democrats are going to have to find that out the
hard way.The good news for Lovers of America and Patriotism is that
House Democrat from Louisville { Smiley Face John Yarmuth } just announced
he will NOT be running for Re-election in 2022.He managed to unseat a very
good Republican and Bush devotee Ann Northup in 2006.Running again in
2008 and losing again.
Yarmuth is silly,always wearing a friendly smile.He's probably concerned that now
Louisville { formerly a very Trendy city } has been fully Woked and under the thumb
of BLM that a Black candidate from out of nowhere could easily run and win in such
a " transformed " once great city.
Yarmuth made headlines a couple weeks ago by making a fool of himself with
" The debt ceiling is stupid " and " The Federal government can afford anything
that it flles it needs to do ".
Unlike how We the People also have that right.That it too feels it can afford
to vote as they choose as to who best to run and manage the Federal Government.
Which has somehow become a jaded and taboo topic.Used to be considered a
great kitchen table way of discussing Politics and just how to vote.
The sad state of affairs we find ourselves in today is that it doesn't matter how many facts or statistics you use to prove your case, these people have been programmed to refute anything their masters tell them isn't true, they have no minds of their own. We've seen it over and over again, in small instances, and now with both covid and the 2020 election, it's staring them right in the face and they still deny it. That's the problem that we need to to eradicate, it's scary to think that so many people can be duped and be willing slaves to their 'ideology', but I don't see very many in prominent positions, who could really make a difference, stepping up to do anything about it. My hope is that what we see daily in media is just a small number of people that are amplified to imply a much larger group than it really is, but they are definitely reaching the younger generation, so the future is not looking bright.

And it's not like the proof isn't in the pudding.Covid was used to great effect in
micromanaging the Lives of every American.Maybe not rich elites or those cushioned
in D.C. and being protected by their masters.Even Jane Fonda gave away
the farm ... [ " Covid is God's gift to the Left " ].
Look at the states run into the ground by Big Democrat Governors.
California,Illinois,Michigan,New York and New Jersey.Where Lockdowns were
mandated to the hilt.No coincident.But Purposefull.
So typical of you, you make a claim we all know is hyperbole

and then an accusation without any support behind it.
Always a pattern among the Left.Not only that anything stated is
hyerbole if made by a Conservative,let alone anyone voting for Trump.
But than standard use of " we all know is ".
Sickening degree of firsthand cockiness.Like Democrats and the left
Know best.There is no doubting what they say or spiel.
I mean,talk about Cartoon land.
Always a pattern among the Left.Not only that anything stated is
hyerbole if made by a Conservative,let alone anyone voting for Trump.
But than standard use of " we all know is ".
Sickening degree of firsthand cockiness.Like Democrats and the left
Know best.There is no doubting what they say or spiel.
I mean,talk about Cartoon land.
PoliticalChic said: "I always am able to defend and support Trump, factually...."

Unless you and she believes Trump to be God-like in his ability to NEVER make a mistake or misspeak, that was hyperbole. Look it up if you are one how does not know.
So typical of you, you make a claim we all know is hyperbole

and then an accusation without any support behind it.


No one elected you to speak for them.

Why are you and your sort too cowardly to stand on your own.
Conservatives do.

"The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. A tell-tale sign is the use of terms like “us” and “we” when they write, or speak…as these pronouns speak of popularity, of membership in the larger group…i.e. the mob."
PoliticalChic said: "I always am able to defend and support Trump, factually...."

Unless you and she believes Trump to be God-like in his ability to NEVER make a mistake or misspeak, that was hyperbole. Look it up if you are one how does not know.

"Unless you and she believes Trump to be God-like..."

I reserve the word 'God' for God.....

Democrats call their candidates god, Jesus and the messiah.

There's something wrong with your sort.

“Describing Trump supporters as a cult has become a trope among his Democratic critics. Which seems ironic, considering how the very same crowd in the past four years tended to invest emotionally in whoever they hoped would end Trump's presidency. Special Counsel Robert Muller probably received the lion's share of the prayers, though figures like ex-FBI director James Comey or even Trump's fixer-turned-critic Michael Cohen basked in some limelight.

The Biden hagiography reached an ear-piercing pitch during the inauguration week. A CNN host saw a vision of the president-elect's arms embracing America in the lighting of the Lincoln memorial, while a New York Times editor confessed to experiencing chills upon Biden landing at Joint Base Andrews. One could be excused for seeing such accounts as quasi-religious.” 'Government becomes God': Jacobin's satirical cover literally idolizing Biden strikes nerve


I hope everyone say this screen shot of Saint Fauci's interview last week.....note the Fauci prayer candles on the shelf.



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No one elected you to speak for them.
You're right, I should have been more clear, by 'we' I meant the English-speaking world.

Why are you and your sort too cowardly to stand on your own.
Conservatives do.
So you're standing on your own, with every other Conservative? I presume all the Conservatives elected you to speak for them.
"Unless you and she believes Trump to be God-like..."

I reserve the word 'God' for God.....
So if Trump is human are fallible, were you lying when you said you are "always am able to defend and support Trump, factually..." or was that just hyperbole as I noted?

Democrats call their candidates god, Jesus and the messiah.

There's something wrong with your sort.
As opposed to the sort who can defend anything their man does?

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