The Hollywood 'Dollar'


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Sometimes it feels like social 'couture' (e.g., Starbucks, Facebook, Jerry Springer) in America has become a new kind of nationalistic brainwashing, so it's difficult to make statements such as, "Isn't it *nice* that we've elected a finance-wizard (Donald Trump) as the U.S. President in this new age of capital/profit-driven politics (e.g., European Union, NATO, etc.)?"

The antidote to this brand of 'comic book censorship' seems to be Woody Allen's Stardust Memories.


ALLEN: Americans like candy and Charlie Rose.
KUBRICK: Isn't that what your film Stardust Memories is about?
ALLEN: Yes, and perhaps Americans crave 'brainy bullies'!
KUBRICK: It's easy to appoint a 'Big Brother' in this age of mass production.
ALLEN: Celebrities are treated like deities.
KUBRICK: TV-reality is easier than the real world.
ALLEN: Consumerism-convenience has bred laziness
KUBRICK: America's Sweethearts is an important film!
ALLEN: Yes, that's both expected and demonized.
KUBRICK: Maybe Planet Hollywood is the new IBM.
ALLEN: Are you therefore a 'fan' of the Trump Administration?
KUBRICK: I am, and it's because Americans need a 'capitalism diplomat.'
ALLEN: They should make Wall Street a part of high school economics curriculum.
KUBRICK: Maybe Moonlighting is the new McCarthyism.



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