The Hollywood Left Mourns Its “Great Hero” Chavez


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

"amigo adiós te veré en el infierno"

The Hollywood Left Mourns Its “Great Hero” Chavez

March 7, 2013
By Mark Tapson

Tuesday was a dark day for socialist totalitarians everywhere, including among the Hollywood elite. Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez finally succumbed to cancer, and a pair of Hollywood heavyweight supporters mourned him openly and proudly.

“Today the people of the United States lost a friend it never knew it had,” declared Sean Penn, Hollywood’s most dictator-loving actor, in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter (THR). Of course, the reason the American people were unaware Chavez was our friend is that he had always made it perfectly clear that he hated us. Undeterred by reality, Penn went on: “And poor people around the world lost a champion.” This would be the “champion” who oversaw one of the world’s most corrupt countries and top drug trafficking sites, and whose capital has the second highest homicide rate of any large city in the world, while he amassed a personal fortune. He left behind a country wrestling with a housing crisis, high inflation, an electricity crisis, and rolling food and goods shortages, all of which were fallout from Chavez’ vision of 21st century socialism.


Chavez left behind a family fortune estimated at over $2 billion dollars, one that rivaled that of the Castro brothers of impoverished Cuba. This is always the way of socialism – the powerful at the top, who profess to champion the poor, live like kings while the powerless wait in bread lines. This is the man that the Hollywood radical left – who also live like kings – mourn.

The Hollywood Left Mourns Its ?Great Hero? Chavez
Is Chavez the Great Mahdi?...
Ahmadinejad Says Chávez Will Rise Again
March 6, 2013, In a letter of condolence to the people of Venezuela, Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, struck a note of interfaith harmony on Wednesday, expressing confidence that the late Hugo Chávez would eventually be resurrected, along with Jesus and the Hidden Imam, a messianic figure in Shiite Islam.
According to the Persian-language text of the letter posted on the Iranian president’s official Web site, Mr. Ahmadinejad wrote: “I have no doubt he will come again along with all the righteous people and the Prophet Jesus and the only successor of the righteous generation, the perfect human,” a formulation used by Shiite Muslims to refer to the Hidden Imam, who disappeared in the ninth century but is expected to emerge from more than a millennium in hiding to redeem mankind.

Mr. Ahmadinejad’s note, sent as Iran declared a day of national mourning for “the Latin American anti-imperialist figure,” also said that Mr. Chávez had died of a “suspicious illness.” As Iran’s state-owned Press TV reported, hours before the Venezuelan president’s death was announced on Tuesday, his vice president, Nicolás Maduro, hinted darkly that foreign powers were responsible for causing the illnesses that killed both the Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat and Mr. Chávez.

Mr. Ahmadinejad also wrote, “Chávez is a name known to all nations, that reminds us of purity, kindness, courage, heroism, love, dedication to the people and tireless efforts to serve the people, especially the poor and those scarred by colonialism and imperialism.” The references to Jesus and the Hidden Imam were omitted from a translation of the letter into Spanish posted on the Iranian president’s Web site.

Mr. Ahmadinejad’s stated belief about the imminent return of the messiah, also known as Imam Mahdi, has been a source of controversy throughout his presidency. When he took office in 2005, he declared that he would work to “hasten the emergence” of the messiah. Then in 2008, he angered Iran’s ruling clerics when he claimed that the Hidden Imam was involved in the day-to-day workings of his government and helped guide his foreign policy.

Chavez was a fraud and a charlatan.

Caracas is a hell hole, and Venezuela's poor are still poor.

The moron lined his pockets with the aid dollars sent.
Oliver Stone is engaging is similar fits of asshattery.

Oliver Stone pays tribute to 'hero' Chavez
Director Oliver Stone paid respect to the "great hero" Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the socialist leader who died on Tuesday at age 58.

''I mourn a great hero to the majority of his people and those who struggle throughout the world for a place," Stone said in a statement released Tuesday night. "Hated by the entrenched classes, Hugo Chavez will live forever in history."

"My friend, rest finally in a peace long earned," Stone added.
Shows artistic talent has little to do with common sense.
More than anyone else this disgusting person has the nerve to belch his praise for the deceased leader. "Hugo Chavez declared the oil belonged 2 the ppl. He used the oil $ 2 eliminate 75% of extreme poverty, provide free health & education 4 all," Moore tweeted. "That made him dangerous. US approved of a coup to overthrow him even though he was a democratically-elected President."


To the people? Moore is 1 percenter, a hypocrite and a liar.
Is Chavez the Great Mahdi?...
Ahmadinejad Says Chávez Will Rise Again
March 6, 2013, In a letter of condolence to the people of Venezuela, Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, struck a note of interfaith harmony on Wednesday, expressing confidence that the late Hugo Chávez would eventually be resurrected, along with Jesus and the Hidden Imam, a messianic figure in Shiite Islam.
According to the Persian-language text of the letter posted on the Iranian president’s official Web site, Mr. Ahmadinejad wrote: “I have no doubt he will come again along with all the righteous people and the Prophet Jesus and the only successor of the righteous generation, the perfect human,” a formulation used by Shiite Muslims to refer to the Hidden Imam, who disappeared in the ninth century but is expected to emerge from more than a millennium in hiding to redeem mankind.

Mr. Ahmadinejad’s note, sent as Iran declared a day of national mourning for “the Latin American anti-imperialist figure,” also said that Mr. Chávez had died of a “suspicious illness.” As Iran’s state-owned Press TV reported, hours before the Venezuelan president’s death was announced on Tuesday, his vice president, Nicolás Maduro, hinted darkly that foreign powers were responsible for causing the illnesses that killed both the Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat and Mr. Chávez.

Mr. Ahmadinejad also wrote, “Chávez is a name known to all nations, that reminds us of purity, kindness, courage, heroism, love, dedication to the people and tireless efforts to serve the people, especially the poor and those scarred by colonialism and imperialism.” The references to Jesus and the Hidden Imam were omitted from a translation of the letter into Spanish posted on the Iranian president’s Web site.

Mr. Ahmadinejad’s stated belief about the imminent return of the messiah, also known as Imam Mahdi, has been a source of controversy throughout his presidency. When he took office in 2005, he declared that he would work to “hasten the emergence” of the messiah. Then in 2008, he angered Iran’s ruling clerics when he claimed that the Hidden Imam was involved in the day-to-day workings of his government and helped guide his foreign policy.


They will be waiting a long time for that beast to come out of da ground...:dig:
I'm just wondering who is going to play Chavez in the sure-to-be upcoming movie by Oliver Stone.
Two Corrupt Dems Head US Delegation to Chavez Funeral

March 8, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield



In 2011, Meeks was listed as one of the most corrupt members of Congress. And that makes him the perfect choice.

The second man is none other than Congressman William Delahunt.


So now the United States will be sending two corrupt Dem Congressmen who had dubious relationships with Chavez as the American delegation to Chavez’s funeral.

The only question is why they decided to leave out Sean Penn.

Two Corrupt Dems Head US Delegation to Chavez Funeral
Chavez’s Successor to Obama: ‘Yankee Go Home!’

October 2, 2013 By David Paulin


Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro has expelled three top U.S. Embassy officials, accusing them on Monday of fomenting economic sabotage, including all-too-frequent power blackouts, in the oil-rich yet impoverished South American nation. Maduro’s remarks were right out of Hugo Chavez’s anti-American playbook. They dashed Washington’s hope that Maduro, a former union leader and bus driver, would be more “pragmatic” than Chávez, the popular firebrand president who died last March. Maudro was apparently unimpressed with President Obama’s desire for a reset in relations with Venezuela.

“Get out of Venezuela! Yankee go home!” Maduro shouted on live television, during a celebration marking the bicentennial of a battle for independence from Spain. ”Enough of abuses against the dignity of a homeland that wants peace.”

The embassy officials were identified as chargé d’affaires Kelly Keiderling; political officer Elizabeth Hoffman; and vice consul David Moo. They have 48 hours to leave the country.


[ame=]Presidente Nicolás Maduro anuncia la expulsión de 3 funcionarios estadounidenses - YouTube[/ame]

Chavez?s Successor to Obama: ?Yankee Go Home!? | FrontPage Magazine
OMG, a few 'leftist' Hollywood people mourn Chavez. That totally proves that all 'leftisis' are socialist-scum. Good job, bro.
More than anyone else this disgusting person has the nerve to belch his praise for the deceased leader. "Hugo Chavez declared the oil belonged 2 the ppl. He used the oil $ 2 eliminate 75% of extreme poverty, provide free health & education 4 all," Moore tweeted. "That made him dangerous. US approved of a coup to overthrow him even though he was a democratically-elected President."


To the people? Moore is 1 percenter, a hypocrite and a liar.

What part of what Moore said was a lie?

The US did back a coup against Chavez. It failed pretty badly.

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