The Holy Bible shall be the best advisor for Trump!

America is a country founded by fundamentalist white Christians and for Christians only. If Trump wants to make America great again he shall take the Holy Bible to his best advisor. Libs & Co can cry and curse, but without a Fundamentalist Christianity and Traditional Values his agenda will fail.
Liberalism, Islam, Satanism, Sodomy and other leftist 'values' will destroy his work even if TRump increases GDP by 50 % within 8 years.
Let finance rue Independent Born Again Fundamentalist Churches and help them growing up.
Yesterday Trump was confirmed by electoral college. But his victory will futile if he fail to establish the sound fundament of society: The True Christianity and Traditional Values.
It will be a guaranty that libs after Trump can not destroy America again.
Liberals are demons and enemies within. The Holy Bible is for them like Cross for Devil.
And the Holy Bible as Foundation of Society will save this great country from destruction.

America is a country founded by fundamentalist white Christians and for Christians only. If Trump wants to make America great again he shall take the Holy Bible to his best advisor. Libs & Co can cry and curse, but without a Fundamentalist Christianity and Traditional Values his agenda will fail.
Liberalism, Islam, Satanism, Sodomy and other leftist 'values' will destroy his work even if TRump increases GDP by 50 % within 8 years.
Let finance rue Independent Born Again Fundamentalist Churches and help them growing up.
Yesterday Trump was confirmed by electoral college. But his victory will futile if he fail to establish the sound fundament of society: The True Christianity and Traditional Values.
It will be a guaranty that libs after Trump can not destroy America again.
Liberals are demons and enemies within. The Holy Bible is for them like Cross for Devil.
And the Holy Bible as Foundation of Society will save this great country from destruction.


  • Spoken by an anti Christ
  • One nation under God was added during the McCarthy era
  • Preaching hate is not Christian, Jesus preached love
  • Repent

  • Spoken by an anti Christ
- Read the Holy Bible
  • One nation under God was added during the McCarthy era
- Read Founders
  • Preaching hate is not Christian, Jesus preached love
- Jesus preached more about Hell punishment, not about Paradise
  • Repent
Say it to faggots, liberals & CO
And there it is again, the real motive for your postings.
Great God almighty, you christians did a good job at playing genocide to show your love, peace and harmony.....Let us all pray to that old time religion, the God of war...

There is only one God of War: Allah and his prophet Muhammad.
Our God Jesus can save us from Allah, Muhammad and United Islamic States of America

So funny. This country was not founded on fundamentalist Christians, it was to get away from them, the Puritans.
Yes...the Puritans killed those who didn't worship as they did...they FORCED people to go to church for hours on end...they BANNED holidays like Christmas.......they gave our Founders a good look at what a christian theocracy would look like.
Great God almighty, you christians did a good job at playing genocide to show your love, peace and harmony.....Let us all pray to that old time religion, the God of war...

There is only one God of War: Allah and his prophet Muhammad.
Our God Jesus can save us from Allah, Muhammad and United Islamic States of America

So funny. This country was not founded on fundamentalist Christians, it was to get away from them, the Puritans.


Proof That America Was Founded As A Christian Nation – International Cops for Christ
Oh, well that's convincing....:rofl:
Baron is that foul spawn of where Religion goes bad in Christianity: religious dominionism. They want to force everyone else how to believe, how to worship, and mix religion and public space. Abomination.
Great God almighty, you christians did a good job at playing genocide to show your love, peace and harmony.....Let us all pray to that old time religion, the God of war...

There is only one God of War: Allah and his prophet Muhammad.
Our God Jesus can save us from Allah, Muhammad and United Islamic States of America

So funny. This country was not founded on fundamentalist Christians, it was to get away from them, the Puritans.
Ha ha ha!

It is funny, the Puritans became the new Catholics. That is why the founders insisted on Freedom of Religion, and most were Deist, not fundamentalist.
Congregationalists were Puritans. Catholics were always Catholics.

And not a single Deist signed the Declaration of Independence, though plenty of Christians did, including ordained minister John Witherspoon.

What lefty history book do you get your history from?

Some were agnostic, what did they all have in common, Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason.
Great God almighty, you christians did a good job at playing genocide to show your love, peace and harmony.....Let us all pray to that old time religion, the God of war...

There is only one God of War: Allah and his prophet Muhammad.
Our God Jesus can save us from Allah, Muhammad and United Islamic States of America

So funny. This country was not founded on fundamentalist Christians, it was to get away from them, the Puritans.
Ha ha ha!

It is funny, the Puritans became the new Catholics. That is why the founders insisted on Freedom of Religion, and most were Deist, not fundamentalist.
Congregationalists were Puritans. Catholics were always Catholics.

And not a single Deist signed the Declaration of Independence, though plenty of Christians did, including ordained minister John Witherspoon.

What lefty history book do you get your history from?
Ben Franklin wasn't a Deist?
This is fascist and anti-constitutional crap.

Separation between church and state!!!! Fuck turning America into iran or saudi arabia!!!

No one state can survive without the state religion.Period.
All other claims are failed socialist fairy-tales.
Therefore Trump shall establish the True State Religion: - Fundamentalist Christianity.
Otherwise liberals will gradually transform America in a Caliphate.
E.g. traitorous ugly bitch Merkel who imported millions backward IQ 60 Muslims to replace Germans by them
This is what Trump will establish:

America is a country founded by fundamentalist white Christians and for Christians only. If Trump wants to make America great again he shall take the Holy Bible to his best advisor. Libs & Co can cry and curse, but without a Fundamentalist Christianity and Traditional Values his agenda will fail.
Liberalism, Islam, Satanism, Sodomy and other leftist 'values' will destroy his work even if TRump increases GDP by 50 % within 8 years.
Let finance rue Independent Born Again Fundamentalist Churches and help them growing up.
Yesterday Trump was confirmed by electoral college. But his victory will futile if he fail to establish the sound fundament of society: The True Christianity and Traditional Values.
It will be a guaranty that libs after Trump can not destroy America again.
Liberals are demons and enemies within. The Holy Bible is for them like Cross for Devil.
And the Holy Bible as Foundation of Society will save this great country from destruction.



End the Drug War and stop being, infidel, protestant, and renegade, to a Holy Bible. Genesis 1:29-31
Genesis 1:29-31

That comes from the Torah which was given to the Jews only, as were the ten commandments and has nothing to do with with your religion

God never brought your ancestors out of Egypt! Ex 20:2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."
The Lord has not given you the promised land of Canaan! Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you"
Since the Sabbath is a sign between God and fleshly Israel, there is nothing requiring non-Jews to keep it! (Ex. 31:13,17; Ezek. 20:12, 20)
If it was intended for all mankind, then why specifically say "strangers within your gates". Obviously the Gentiles (strangers) were never required at any point in earth history to keep the Sabbath or Torah
This is fascist and anti-constitutional crap.

Separation between church and state!!!! Fuck turning America into iran or saudi arabia!!!

No one state can survive without the state religion.Period.
All other claims are failed socialist fairy-tales.
Therefore Trump shall establish the True State Religion: - Fundamentalist Christianity.
Otherwise liberals will gradually transform America in a Caliphate.
E.g. traitorous ugly bitch Merkel who imported millions backward IQ 60 Muslims to replace Germans by them
This is what Trump will establish:

Anyone who disputes this is a fool or a liar. trump lies is a given, thus the only question yet to be answered is this: does he forget his lies when he contradicts himself, or does trump not care what others think when his mendacity is exposed as it has been (for he and other narcissists are blind to everything but themselves)?
There is only one God of War: Allah and his prophet Muhammad.
Our God Jesus can save us from Allah, Muhammad and United Islamic States of America

So funny. This country was not founded on fundamentalist Christians, it was to get away from them, the Puritans.
Ha ha ha!

It is funny, the Puritans became the new Catholics. That is why the founders insisted on Freedom of Religion, and most were Deist, not fundamentalist.
Congregationalists were Puritans. Catholics were always Catholics.

And not a single Deist signed the Declaration of Independence, though plenty of Christians did, including ordained minister John Witherspoon.

What lefty history book do you get your history from?
Ben Franklin wasn't a Deist?
America is a country founded by fundamentalist white Christians and for Christians only. If Trump wants to make America great again he shall take the Holy Bible to his best advisor. Libs & Co can cry and curse, but without a Fundamentalist Christianity and Traditional Values his agenda will fail.
Liberalism, Islam, Satanism, Sodomy and other leftist 'values' will destroy his work even if TRump increases GDP by 50 % within 8 years.
Let finance rue Independent Born Again Fundamentalist Churches and help them growing up.
Yesterday Trump was confirmed by electoral college. But his victory will futile if he fail to establish the sound fundament of society: The True Christianity and Traditional Values.
It will be a guaranty that libs after Trump can not destroy America again.
Liberals are demons and enemies within. The Holy Bible is for them like Cross for Devil.
And the Holy Bible as Foundation of Society will save this great country from destruction.


  • Spoken by an anti Christ
  • One nation under God was added during the McCarthy era
  • Preaching hate is not Christian, Jesus preached love
  • Repent

  • Spoken by an anti Christ
- Read the Holy Bible
  • One nation under God was added during the McCarthy era
- Read Founders
  • Preaching hate is not Christian, Jesus preached love
- Jesus preached more about Hell punishment, not about Paradise
  • Repent
Say it to faggots, liberals & CO

The founding fathers were adamant that this was not a Christian nation. The Bible preaches that people come to jesus on their own, not by gov't force.

And do you think God really pays attention to national borders or political parties?

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