The Homeless people of California

free trade = free traitors Bear

there was never a way to compete w/ 3rd world counterparts & more of them 'stole our jobs' than any illegals could dream of

It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
High prices. High cost of living. People from there hauling ass. Tent cities from people who can't make enough money to pay for your liberal BS.

Enjoy your trip to Zimbabwe
It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
They are just parroting garbage GOP propaganda, poor things. California homeless are only different in that they are allowed to have tents vans and RVs
It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
High prices. High cost of living. People from there hauling ass. Tent cities from people who can't make enough money to pay for your liberal BS.

Enjoy your trip to Zimbabwe

She is indoctrinated and never even went to say spruce pines North Carolina and shopped to see the price difference
It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
They are just parroting garbage GOP propaganda, poor things. California homeless are only different in that they are allowed to have tents vans and RVs

Low-income workers who live in RVs are being 'chased out' of Silicon Valley streets

Low-income workers who live in RVs are being 'chased out' of Silicon Valley streets
In the ‘highest income region of the universe’, people trying to make ends meet face a ban on vehicles from parking in the same spot for longer than 72 hours

It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
They are just parroting garbage GOP propaganda, poor things. California homeless are only different in that they are allowed to have tents vans and RVs

Once again you lie....
.most everywhere else in America Wal-Mart welcomes people camping in there parking lot..
free trade = free traitors Bear

there was never a way to compete w/ 3rd world counterparts & more of them 'stole our jobs' than any illegals could dream of

Globalism is just natural not a conspiracy, dupes. When information and transportation reaches this level, menial Manufacturing jobs will go 2 third world countries and new markets will be produced. The question is, when will the GOP allow cheap training and education to prepare our workers for technical jobs now going begging for these new markets? Like Germany and other smart countries...
It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
They are just parroting garbage GOP propaganda, poor things. California homeless are only different in that they are allowed to have tents vans and RVs

Low-income workers who live in RVs are being 'chased out' of Silicon Valley streets

Low-income workers who live in RVs are being 'chased out' of Silicon Valley streets
In the ‘highest income region of the universe’, people trying to make ends meet face a ban on vehicles from parking in the same spot for longer than 72 hours

View attachment 196804
Shameful, isn't it? Can't sleep in your car...its illegal. Can't park on the street. Can't live in a tent. Can't sit in a park. Benches are being replaced with metal ones with pokey thingies so nobody can rest or sleep for a few minutes. Not enough public restrooms, etc etc etc.
Soon, we will look like the dregs in India.
free trade = free traitors Bear

there was never a way to compete w/ 3rd world counterparts & more of them 'stole our jobs' than any illegals could dream of

Globalism is just natural not a conspiracy, dupes. When information and transportation reaches this level, menial Manufacturing jobs will go 2 third world countries and new markets will be produced. The question is, when will the GOP allow cheap training and education to prepare our workers for technical jobs now going begging for these new markets? Like Germany and other smart countries...

well that's the whole STEM debate Franco

they keep tellin' us we can't compete, for lack of smarts

while they keep pullin' the employment rug out from underneath us

go figure......

It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
They are just parroting garbage GOP propaganda, poor things. California homeless are only different in that they are allowed to have tents vans and RVs

Low-income workers who live in RVs are being 'chased out' of Silicon Valley streets

Low-income workers who live in RVs are being 'chased out' of Silicon Valley streets
In the ‘highest income region of the universe’, people trying to make ends meet face a ban on vehicles from parking in the same spot for longer than 72 hours

View attachment 196804
Shameful, isn't it? Can't sleep in your car...its illegal. Can't park on the street. Can't live in a tent. Can't sit in a park. Benches are being replaced with metal ones with pokey thingies so nobody can rest or sleep for a few minutes. Not enough public restrooms, etc etc etc.
Soon, we will look like the dregs in India.
Many thanks to the new BS GOP of the last 35 years 4 the giveaway to the rich, ruining the the middle class, closing all the Mental Hospitals, and Wrecking the country, and of course the silly dupes like you...
It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
They are just parroting garbage GOP propaganda, poor things. California homeless are only different in that they are allowed to have tents vans and RVs

Low-income workers who live in RVs are being 'chased out' of Silicon Valley streets

Low-income workers who live in RVs are being 'chased out' of Silicon Valley streets
In the ‘highest income region of the universe’, people trying to make ends meet face a ban on vehicles from parking in the same spot for longer than 72 hours

View attachment 196804
Shameful, isn't it? Can't sleep in your car...its illegal. Can't park on the street. Can't live in a tent. Can't sit in a park. Benches are being replaced with metal ones with pokey thingies so nobody can rest or sleep for a few minutes. Not enough public restrooms, etc etc etc.
Soon, we will look like the dregs in India.

I know I don't get it ( my liberal side coming out) it appears these people have jobs , why fuck with them?
Land of the free, home of the brave, eh? Can't park on the side of a road. Can't pull off into a field. Can't sleep under an over pass or under a tree in a park.

Give us your tired, your weak, your poor, huh? Sure! They come first. The rest of us...tough shit.
Land of the free, home of the brave, eh? Can't park on the side of a road. Can't pull off into a field. Can't sleep under an over pass or under a tree in a park.

Give us your tired, your weak, your poor, huh? Sure! They come first. The rest of us...tough shit.

Post of the decade..

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