The Homeless people of California

Land of the free, home of the brave, eh? Can't park on the side of a road. Can't pull off into a field. Can't sleep under an over pass or under a tree in a park.

Give us your tired, your weak, your poor, huh? Sure! They come first. The rest of us...tough shit.

Land of the fee, home of the enslaved......

so is this a thread pointing out who to blame for the homeless problem , or what the solution to it would be?

This thread was to point out problems in California and were well laid out using left leaning articles to back them up. It was in response to the circle jerk of the children In detention by border security. Many threads on how heartless we are and the usual rhetoric. In those threads they say their should be family detention centers..................Even though they shot down funding for additional bed spaces and more detention facilities.

Now they want family centers for the illegals..........while awaiting a hearing......while their own people are living in tents...........and in that aspect they have made it too expensive for lower end jobs to live housing costs....taxes..........and regulations making everything they have cost more. Which Hurts the poor more than anyone else. Many of the homeless work..............they just can't afford a place to leave and this is why so many people are leaving the businesses leave also.............

Yet California population is stable........because they are being replaced by immigrants from South of the border.

It is hypocrisy to complain about the border situation when.

They reject funding for more beds.
They reject funding for more court teams to lower the wait.
They reject funding for more agents.

Then what is their pretty much doesn't exist unless it's some form of Amnesty..............which is all they pretty much want. And so it continues..........back and forth BS cry me a river campaign as always.....No solutions....been there 30 years for some politicians who haven't fixed jack squat.
Pass the only solution the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with SSID card that cannot be faked. The GOP of BS has blocked it forever. They love the cheap easily bullied labor and cheap Maids and gardeners, super duper.

Can't be faked?.

And you were a school teacher, lmfao..
What's so funny super duper?

Little did you know. Anything can be faked
So you are an expert on computer chips, LOL! I will go with actual experts, not brainwashed idiot wall lovers LOL...
Land of the free, home of the brave, eh? Can't park on the side of a road. Can't pull off into a field. Can't sleep under an over pass or under a tree in a park.

Give us your tired, your weak, your poor, huh? Sure! They come first. The rest of us...tough shit.

Land of the fee, home of the enslaved......

Thanks to the GOP, socialism for the rich and Giant corporations, capitalism and Law and Order Nanny state for the rest...
This thread was to point out problems in California and were well laid out using left leaning articles to back them up. It was in response to the circle jerk of the children In detention by border security. Many threads on how heartless we are and the usual rhetoric. In those threads they say their should be family detention centers..................Even though they shot down funding for additional bed spaces and more detention facilities.

Now they want family centers for the illegals..........while awaiting a hearing......while their own people are living in tents...........and in that aspect they have made it too expensive for lower end jobs to live housing costs....taxes..........and regulations making everything they have cost more. Which Hurts the poor more than anyone else. Many of the homeless work..............they just can't afford a place to leave and this is why so many people are leaving the businesses leave also.............

Yet California population is stable........because they are being replaced by immigrants from South of the border.

It is hypocrisy to complain about the border situation when.

They reject funding for more beds.
They reject funding for more court teams to lower the wait.
They reject funding for more agents.

Then what is their pretty much doesn't exist unless it's some form of Amnesty..............which is all they pretty much want. And so it continues..........back and forth BS cry me a river campaign as always.....No solutions....been there 30 years for some politicians who haven't fixed jack squat.
Pass the only solution the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with SSID card that cannot be faked. The GOP of BS has blocked it forever. They love the cheap easily bullied labor and cheap Maids and gardeners, super duper.

Can't be faked?.

And you were a school teacher, lmfao..
What's so funny super duper?

Little did you know. Anything can be faked
So you are an expert on computer chips, LOL! I will go with actual experts, not brainwashed idiot wall lovers LOL...

You are that stupid?? Not an expert , but I read everything..

Btw the Russians easliy hacked podesta forget about that?
Pass the only solution the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with SSID card that cannot be faked. The GOP of BS has blocked it forever. They love the cheap easily bullied labor and cheap Maids and gardeners, super duper.

Can't be faked?.

And you were a school teacher, lmfao..
What's so funny super duper?

Little did you know. Anything can be faked
So you are an expert on computer chips, LOL! I will go with actual experts, not brainwashed idiot wall lovers LOL...

You are that stupid?? Not an expert , but I read everything..

Btw the Russians easliy hacked podesta forget about that?
People were not worried about someone hacking stupid emails. People didn't realize the power of the GOP propaganda machine and stupidity of the dupes... Also has no relevance to what they can do with computer chips in ID cards...
free trade = free traitors Bear

there was never a way to compete w/ 3rd world counterparts & more of them 'stole our jobs' than any illegals could dream of

Globalism is just natural not a conspiracy, dupes. When information and transportation reaches this level, menial Manufacturing jobs will go 2 third world countries and new markets will be produced. The question is, when will the GOP allow cheap training and education to prepare our workers for technical jobs now going begging for these new markets? Like Germany and other smart countries...

well that's the whole STEM debate Franco

they keep tellin' us we can't compete, for lack of smarts

while they keep pullin' the employment rug out from underneath us

go figure......

The GOP that is lying thieving brainwashing greedy idiot GOP billionaires, bought off propagandists and politicians, and silly dupes... The country is dying waiting for Democrats to get control for about 12 years... Progress like under FDR and LBJ. What made us almost a modern country.
free trade = free traitors Bear

there was never a way to compete w/ 3rd world counterparts & more of them 'stole our jobs' than any illegals could dream of

Globalism is just natural not a conspiracy, dupes. When information and transportation reaches this level, menial Manufacturing jobs will go 2 third world countries and new markets will be produced. The question is, when will the GOP allow cheap training and education to prepare our workers for technical jobs now going begging for these new markets? Like Germany and other smart countries...

well that's the whole STEM debate Franco

they keep tellin' us we can't compete, for lack of smarts

while they keep pullin' the employment rug out from underneath us

go figure......

The GOP that is lying thieving brainwashing greedy idiot GOP billionaires, bought off propagandists and politicians, and silly dupes... The country is dying waiting for Democrats to get control for about 12 years... Progress like under FDR and LBJ. What made us almost a modern country.
Living wage good health care good day care good vacations, good cheap training for technical jobs... Thanks for nothing GOP but disaster...





God damn.. that's going back to the middle ages..what to they want them to do just die?

Liberals are such assholes..
The point is that California allows them to pitch tents and sleep in Vans and RVs. Man you are a brainwashed Fool...

God damn.. that's going back to the middle ages..what to they want them to do just die?

Liberals are such assholes..
The point is that California allows them to pitch tents and sleep in Vans and RVs. Man you are a brainwashed Fool...
ALLOWS.......................are they Gods...................Your crappy policies put them there..............and all you can do is spin....................

ALLOW..........speaks volumes to me.
It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
High prices. High cost of living. People from there hauling ass. Tent cities from people who can't make enough money to pay for your liberal BS.

Enjoy your trip to Zimbabwe
I live here and I don't know what the fuck you talking about.....If you go around asking most of the homeless or the ones who are doing well most of them are from other states. Most came here for a better life, some don't make it and get sucked in in the drug world. Now speaking of flyover states now that's worse than Zimbabwe, at least Zimbabwed they have organic food and aren't morbidly obese.
It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
They are just parroting garbage GOP propaganda, poor things. California homeless are only different in that they are allowed to have tents vans and RVs

Low-income workers who live in RVs are being 'chased out' of Silicon Valley streets

Low-income workers who live in RVs are being 'chased out' of Silicon Valley streets
In the ‘highest income region of the universe’, people trying to make ends meet face a ban on vehicles from parking in the same spot for longer than 72 hours

View attachment 196804

I bet you most of them from other states mainly red states , they came to California for the american Dream.
It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
High prices. High cost of living. People from there hauling ass. Tent cities from people who can't make enough money to pay for your liberal BS.

Enjoy your trip to Zimbabwe
I live here and I don't know what the fuck you talking about.....If you go around asking most of the homeless or the ones who are doing well most of them are from other states. Most came here for a better life, some don't make it and get sucked in in the drug world. Now speaking of flyover states now that's worse than Zimbabwe, at least Zimbabwed they have organic food and aren't morbidly obese.
The Data doesn't lie...............Articles I posted are from left leaning sites...............Your prices are sky over regulate ..............taxes too high..............In every instance your policies fuck the poor..........................

Sorry................I may not live there, but if your news outlets are reporting it....................then I'm going with what I see....................You can't drive prices through the roof with your idiotic policies and not expect this not to happen. you are pissed I'm talking about your state.............Tell your fucking reps to stop trying to rest of the country how to live and we will leave you alone..........Reinstate the Tenth...........cut the Federal Gov't down to size..............and allow states to decide how to govern themselves..............Then you can do whatever the hell you want..............and we will too..................... socialist assholes who have forsaken your poor.
It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
High prices. High cost of living. People from there hauling ass. Tent cities from people who can't make enough money to pay for your liberal BS.

Enjoy your trip to Zimbabwe
I live here and I don't know what the fuck you talking about.....If you go around asking most of the homeless or the ones who are doing well most of them are from other states. Most came here for a better life, some don't make it and get sucked in in the drug world. Now speaking of flyover states now that's worse than Zimbabwe, at least Zimbabwed they have organic food and aren't morbidly obese.
The Data doesn't lie...............Articles I posted are from left leaning sites...............Your prices are sky over regulate ..............taxes too high..............In every instance your policies fuck the poor..........................

Sorry................I may not live there, but if your news outlets are reporting it....................then I'm going with what I see....................You can't drive prices through the roof with your idiotic policies and not expect this to happen. you are pissed I'm talking about your state.............Tell your fucking reps to stop trying to rest of the country how to live and we will leave you alone..........Reinstate the Tenth...........cut the Federal Gov't down to size..............and allow states to decide how to govern themselves..............Then you can do whatever the hell you want..............and we will too..................... socialist assholes who have forsaken your poor.

Came here 20 years straight to California I make more than the 85% Americans, I live in one of the most expensive zip codes in California. I also travel more than the average american and I take an average of 8 weeks a year vacation. If my immigrant ass made it in California anyone can. Has nothing to do with liberal policy or anything else.
Prices are high because the free market dictates it....if onecan't afford a 3 million dollar home, he could easily buy for $250 an hour drive from LA, or rent. California has the most population for a reason, if we want cheap, boring living and regressive life style we would move to any red state but we don't.

Enjoy your shithole where you live....We have the best hospitals, best national parks, best schools, best universities, best of almost everything....I don't have to fly to take my kids to the best theme parks in the world. Eat your heart hater.

God damn.. that's going back to the middle ages..what to they want them to do just die?

Liberals are such assholes..
The point is that California allows them to pitch tents and sleep in Vans and RVs. Man you are a brainwashed Fool...
ALLOWS.......................are they Gods...................Your crappy policies put them there..............and all you can do is spin....................

ALLOW..........speaks volumes to me.
The homeless in your stupid state are hiding out I suppose that's supposed to be better, right, ignoramus?
It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
High prices. High cost of living. People from there hauling ass. Tent cities from people who can't make enough money to pay for your liberal BS.

Enjoy your trip to Zimbabwe
I live here and I don't know what the fuck you talking about.....If you go around asking most of the homeless or the ones who are doing well most of them are from other states. Most came here for a better life, some don't make it and get sucked in in the drug world. Now speaking of flyover states now that's worse than Zimbabwe, at least Zimbabwed they have organic food and aren't morbidly obese.
The Data doesn't lie...............Articles I posted are from left leaning sites...............Your prices are sky over regulate ..............taxes too high..............In every instance your policies fuck the poor..........................

Sorry................I may not live there, but if your news outlets are reporting it....................then I'm going with what I see....................You can't drive prices through the roof with your idiotic policies and not expect this not to happen. you are pissed I'm talking about your state.............Tell your fucking reps to stop trying to rest of the country how to live and we will leave you alone..........Reinstate the Tenth...........cut the Federal Gov't down to size..............and allow states to decide how to govern themselves..............Then you can do whatever the hell you want..............and we will too..................... socialist assholes who have forsaken your poor.
The poor and homeless in California are better off than anywhere else... Brainwashed functional moron.
It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
High prices. High cost of living. People from there hauling ass. Tent cities from people who can't make enough money to pay for your liberal BS.

Enjoy your trip to Zimbabwe
I live here and I don't know what the fuck you talking about.....If you go around asking most of the homeless or the ones who are doing well most of them are from other states. Most came here for a better life, some don't make it and get sucked in in the drug world. Now speaking of flyover states now that's worse than Zimbabwe, at least Zimbabwed they have organic food and aren't morbidly obese.
The Data doesn't lie...............Articles I posted are from left leaning sites...............Your prices are sky over regulate ..............taxes too high..............In every instance your policies fuck the poor..........................

Sorry................I may not live there, but if your news outlets are reporting it....................then I'm going with what I see....................You can't drive prices through the roof with your idiotic policies and not expect this not to happen. you are pissed I'm talking about your state.............Tell your fucking reps to stop trying to rest of the country how to live and we will leave you alone..........Reinstate the Tenth...........cut the Federal Gov't down to size..............and allow states to decide how to govern themselves..............Then you can do whatever the hell you want..............and we will too..................... socialist assholes who have forsaken your poor.
It's the GOP with huge deficits in supposedly good times who grow the government, super duper. Don't worry about facts, you've got none just garbage propaganda.
It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
High prices. High cost of living. People from there hauling ass. Tent cities from people who can't make enough money to pay for your liberal BS.

Enjoy your trip to Zimbabwe
I live here and I don't know what the fuck you talking about.....If you go around asking most of the homeless or the ones who are doing well most of them are from other states. Most came here for a better life, some don't make it and get sucked in in the drug world. Now speaking of flyover states now that's worse than Zimbabwe, at least Zimbabwed they have organic food and aren't morbidly obese.
The Data doesn't lie...............Articles I posted are from left leaning sites...............Your prices are sky over regulate ..............taxes too high..............In every instance your policies fuck the poor..........................

Sorry................I may not live there, but if your news outlets are reporting it....................then I'm going with what I see....................You can't drive prices through the roof with your idiotic policies and not expect this to happen. you are pissed I'm talking about your state.............Tell your fucking reps to stop trying to rest of the country how to live and we will leave you alone..........Reinstate the Tenth...........cut the Federal Gov't down to size..............and allow states to decide how to govern themselves..............Then you can do whatever the hell you want..............and we will too..................... socialist assholes who have forsaken your poor.

Came here 20 years straight to California I make more than the 85% Americans, I live in one of the most expensive zip codes in California. I also travel more than the average american and I take an average of 8 weeks a year vacation. If my immigrant ass made it in California anyone can. Has nothing to do with liberal policy or anything else.
Prices are high because the free market dictates it....if onecan't afford a 3 million dollar home, he could easily buy for $250 an hour drive from LA, or rent. California has the most population for a reason, if we want cheap, boring living and regressive life style we would move to any red state but we don't.

Enjoy your shithole where you live....We have the best hospitals, best national parks, best schools, best universities, best of almost everything....I don't have to fly to take my kids to the best theme parks in the world. Eat your heart hater.
aka.............You got yours and fuck the people living in the tents.......kinda figured that out already..............Bottom line.........people are leaving your are your businesses................and prices are so high that people can't afford to live there................

It's what socialism does............destroys the middle and you have HAVES and HAVE NOTS.............Until you implode............

You know I really don't give a shit what you do...........Just tell your politicians to stop shoving your fucking ideology on the rest of the country.................and whining like crazy over the children at the border while your own people live on the streets...................

My data is correct.

God damn.. that's going back to the middle ages..what to they want them to do just die?

Liberals are such assholes..
The point is that California allows them to pitch tents and sleep in Vans and RVs. Man you are a brainwashed Fool...
ALLOWS.......................are they Gods...................Your crappy policies put them there..............and all you can do is spin....................

ALLOW..........speaks volumes to me.
The homeless in your stupid state are hiding out I suppose that's supposed to be better, right, ignoramus?
Our cost of living is far far less than your idiotic state............and we don't have the massive problem you have.............It's all yours BABY.............CALIFORNIA IS NUMBER 1.

Why aren't the homeless there cheering..........................
It's funny how there are zillions of topics about California and how horrible it is. Yet we the ones who live here love it, cant trade it for any other state we love our diversity, legal or illegal humans. Yet hillbillies in shitholes states find the obligation to open threads and vent their racism, bigotry and jealousy here.

So listen up regressives!!! California is the best state in the union has the most immigrants from different states and different countries for a reason. Because we look passed ones religion, color, or nationality. We are busy making our lives and the lives of others better every day.....while you sit on your asses all day spewing hate on the internet.
Get a life!!!
High prices. High cost of living. People from there hauling ass. Tent cities from people who can't make enough money to pay for your liberal BS.

Enjoy your trip to Zimbabwe
I live here and I don't know what the fuck you talking about.....If you go around asking most of the homeless or the ones who are doing well most of them are from other states. Most came here for a better life, some don't make it and get sucked in in the drug world. Now speaking of flyover states now that's worse than Zimbabwe, at least Zimbabwed they have organic food and aren't morbidly obese.
The Data doesn't lie...............Articles I posted are from left leaning sites...............Your prices are sky over regulate ..............taxes too high..............In every instance your policies fuck the poor..........................

Sorry................I may not live there, but if your news outlets are reporting it....................then I'm going with what I see....................You can't drive prices through the roof with your idiotic policies and not expect this not to happen. you are pissed I'm talking about your state.............Tell your fucking reps to stop trying to rest of the country how to live and we will leave you alone..........Reinstate the Tenth...........cut the Federal Gov't down to size..............and allow states to decide how to govern themselves..............Then you can do whatever the hell you want..............and we will too..................... socialist assholes who have forsaken your poor.
It's the GOP with huge deficits in supposedly good times who grow the government, super duper. Don't worry about facts, you've got none just garbage propaganda.
The GOP doesn't run your's controlled by Dems and has been forever..........Pelosi has enriched herself in worth close to 200 million................and her people live on the streets.............

Got news for you..........she doesn't give a shit about them.............she's an elitist I GOT MINE ............and fuck the little people liberal.

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