The Homosexual Dilemma

so what is you objection to having a national referendum in every state on gay marriage?
Because civil rights aren't up for majority vote....that's YOUR side of the issue.

(Do you think inter-racial marriage would win if it was up for a vote?)

yes, I do. not in 1890, but today it would pass. if you are so sure a majority support gay marriage why do you fear a vote?
It might not have passed in 1990.....and what is it, do you think, that changed the minds of people in that regard?

Longer time for indoctrination of more younger people.
You mean, like religious indoctrination? Hey! Maybe you're on to something there. Those worried about the indoctrination of children should work to disallow overtly religious people from marrying.

No one can force you to be a part of a religion. That involves your choice.

People like you want overtly religious people to ignore their beliefs and be happy for you doing something I believe is wrong.
I've met few that don't oppose those.

yep, the liberal mantra, if it feels good, do it, and make it legal. if it destroys society, so fricking what.

liberalism is a mental disease.

I would say it's if I want it you should support it but if you expect me to do the same, you're forcing your beliefs down my throat.
Why this imagery....every....single....time?

And I'm sorry if I'm forcing you to have a gay marriage. Not my intent. I just want you to NOT restrict my legal rights to marry.

Your intent seems to be to whine and bitch because people don't agree with what you want to do.
What I "want to do"? I'm already married, my friend. :D

If you're a homo, you can call it what you want. ONLY your kind believe it's on the level of a true marriage like the one between me and my wife.
Because civil rights aren't up for majority vote....that's YOUR side of the issue.

(Do you think inter-racial marriage would win if it was up for a vote?)

yes, I do. not in 1890, but today it would pass. if you are so sure a majority support gay marriage why do you fear a vote?
It might not have passed in 1990.....and what is it, do you think, that changed the minds of people in that regard?

Longer time for indoctrination of more younger people.
You mean, like religious indoctrination? Hey! Maybe you're on to something there. Those worried about the indoctrination of children should work to disallow overtly religious people from marrying.

No one can force you to be a part of a religion. That involves your choice.

People like you want overtly religious people to ignore their beliefs and be happy for you doing something I believe is wrong.
Well then....what I suggested would be a perfect example for those who insist that being gay is a choice......wouldn't it? :D

You don't have to ignore your belief at all.....just don't shove it down my throat by your own sharia laws.
Look, from this thread it is very clear that there is a wide difference of opinion on gay marriage, homosexuality in general, and whether it is a normal or abnormal human condition.

When societies face such differences they vote and the majority opinion is accepted, or dealt with, by all.

So, lets let america vote on whether the nation should sanction gay unions as marriages, allow them but call them something else, or ban them totally.

let the people speak.

whether you comprehend it or not, all of our rights in this country were originally established by majority vote. We may say they were "God-given" but we made them valid by majority vote.

Lets do the same on the gay issues and put the issue to bed (poor choice of words) for a while.

1. There are no provisions within the constitution for the nation to vote on laws.

2. The State of Alabama (amongst others) voted to deny Civil Marriage to mixed race couples. Do you support the power of people to vote for that?


The vast MAJORITY of the people, in the vast majority of the states, elected the vast majority of the legislators who voted to sustain the natural standards of marriage.

Race does not deviate from a physiological Standard.... Sexual Abnormality DOES.

Race does not determine the validity of one's reasoning. Sexual Abnormality DOES.

Precluding people of different races from marriage does not violate the standard established by NATURE which define Marriage.
yep, the liberal mantra, if it feels good, do it, and make it legal. if it destroys society, so fricking what.

liberalism is a mental disease.

I would say it's if I want it you should support it but if you expect me to do the same, you're forcing your beliefs down my throat.
Why this imagery....every....single....time?

And I'm sorry if I'm forcing you to have a gay marriage. Not my intent. I just want you to NOT restrict my legal rights to marry.

Your intent seems to be to whine and bitch because people don't agree with what you want to do.
What I "want to do"? I'm already married, my friend. :D

If you're a homo, you can call it what you want. ONLY your kind believe it's on the level of a true marriage like the one between me and my wife.
My wife and I have been happily married (in a church) for over 24 years. We have a home together...we have in-laws we care for...and a beautiful daughter in college. Tell me.........what is the LEGAL requirement that YOU meet in your marriage that we don't meet in ours.
Look, from this thread it is very clear that there is a wide difference of opinion on gay marriage, homosexuality in general, and whether it is a normal or abnormal human condition.

When societies face such differences they vote and the majority opinion is accepted, or dealt with, by all.

So, lets let america vote on whether the nation should sanction gay unions as marriages, allow them but call them something else, or ban them totally.

let the people speak.

whether you comprehend it or not, all of our rights in this country were originally established by majority vote. We may say they were "God-given" but we made them valid by majority vote.

Lets do the same on the gay issues and put the issue to bed (poor choice of words) for a while.

1. There are no provisions within the constitution for the nation to vote on laws.

2. The State of Alabama (amongst others) voted to deny Civil Marriage to mixed race couples. Do you support the power of people to vote for that?


The vast MAJORITY of the people, in the vast majority of the states, elected the vast majority of the legislators who voted to sustain the natural standards of marriage.

Race does not deviate from a physiological Standard.... Sexual Abnormality DOES.

Race does not determine the validity of one's reasoning. Sexual Abnormality DOES.

Precluding people of different races from marriage does not violate the standard established by NATURE which define Marriage.
Lefthandedness applies as an abnormality too.

BTW....Race is a social construct. Marriage is a social construct.
Civil rights are not submitted to winning the hearts and minds of the mintory hetero-fascists.

but thats exactly what you want. you want a minority to dictate to the majority.

I've never seen homosexuals stating that the law should be that heterosexuals are required to Civilly Marry someone of the same sex.

Why do people not send me the memo.


The Left is evil... And Evil ever comes in and says" Hey, if ya listen to me, your life will be ruined."

The Left says: "Hey, if ya drop the Sodomy Laws, we'll NEVER ask to be allowed to join the military or to be married or to adopt children". They such at every venue wherein the issue is discussed, for a couple of decades... and where it is pointed out the the logical extension of dropping the sodomy laws, is that they will demand to be allowed to serve in the US Military and that they'll demand to be married and to adopt children, they RAIL ON IN FAUX OUTRAGE that such assertions are fallacious, interjecting the ubiquitous "Slippery Slope".

Then, when the sodomy laws are dropped, they demand to be allowed to serve in the Military to Marry and adopt children.

That's what evil does.
It's evil to serve in the military?

It's evil to marry?

It's evil to adopt children?


It's evil to deny evil, where evil irrefutably exists.

Now, with that clarification made... is it evil to set into the most potentially destructive force on earth, people who can't even find the strength of character to not recognize that having sex with a person of their own gender? Yes.

Is it evil to allow those of the same gender to join together? Yes...

Is it evil for those who lack the strength of character to recognize essential sexual boundaries to adopt children?

I would say it's if I want it you should support it but if you expect me to do the same, you're forcing your beliefs down my throat.
Why this imagery....every....single....time?

And I'm sorry if I'm forcing you to have a gay marriage. Not my intent. I just want you to NOT restrict my legal rights to marry.

Your intent seems to be to whine and bitch because people don't agree with what you want to do.
What I "want to do"? I'm already married, my friend. :D

If you're a homo, you can call it what you want. ONLY your kind believe it's on the level of a true marriage like the one between me and my wife.
My wife and I have been happily married (in a church) for over 24 years. We have a home together...we have in-laws we care for...and a beautiful daughter in college. Tell me.........what is the LEGAL requirement that YOU meet in your marriage that we don't meet in ours.

If you are a woman, which one is the wife.
Civil rights are not submitted to winning the hearts and minds of the mintory hetero-fascists.

but thats exactly what you want. you want a minority to dictate to the majority.

I've never seen homosexuals stating that the law should be that heterosexuals are required to Civilly Marry someone of the same sex.

Why do people not send me the memo.


The Left is evil... And Evil ever comes in and says" Hey, if ya listen to me, your life will be ruined."

The Left says: "Hey, if ya drop the Sodomy Laws, we'll NEVER ask to be allowed to join the military or to be married or to adopt children". They such at every venue wherein the issue is discussed, for a couple of decades... and where it is pointed out the the logical extension of dropping the sodomy laws, is that they will demand to be allowed to serve in the US Military and that they'll demand to be married and to adopt children, they RAIL ON IN FAUX OUTRAGE that such assertions are fallacious, interjecting the ubiquitous "Slippery Slope".

Then, when the sodomy laws are dropped, they demand to be allowed to serve in the Military to Marry and adopt children.

That's what evil does.
It's evil to serve in the military?

It's evil to marry?

It's evil to adopt children?


It's evil to deny evil, where evil irrefutably exists.

Now, with that clarification made... is it evil to set into the most potentially destructive force on earth, people who can't even find the strength of character to not recognize that having sex with a person of their own gender? Yes.

Is it evil to allow those of the same gender to join together? Yes...

Is it evil for those who lack the strength of character to recognize essential sexual boundaries to adopt children?


You say
It's evil to serve in the military.

It's evil to marry.

It's evil to adopt children.

VERY Interesting.
You can't call accepting something abnormal normal based on numbers.

Right...we go by how you feel about it. :lol:

funny, you want our entire society to function based on the way you feeeeeeeeeeeel about it. You are a bigotted, confused idiot.

It's funny when people like Seawytch say such things then demand society function the way she wants when it comes to marriage.

its called hypocrisy and she is very good at it.
Use the marriage argument they put forth. Their claim is that two consenting adults that want to be married should be able to do so and no one should prevent it. At that point, although I don't personally believe it, pose a brother/sister marriage. They are quick to deny the equality they claim for same sex couples. .

Speaking of hypocrisy- your post is a prime example.

I have always claimed that a same gender couple should be able to marry exactly like my wife and I are.

Nothing more- nothing less.

Bigots like you- who oppose same gender marriage- are the ones who keep calling us hypocrites- for not supporting something you also oppose.

The ones who keep bringing up the subject of brother/sister marriages are conservatives who oppose marriage equality for same gender couples.

You bring it up only to try to deny marriage to same gender couples- and that- that is hypocrisy.
You can't call accepting something abnormal normal based on numbers.

Right...we go by how you feel about it. :lol:

funny, you want our entire society to function based on the way you feeeeeeeeeeeel about it. You are a bigotted, confused idiot.

It's funny when people like Seawytch say such things then demand society function the way she wants when it comes to marriage.
Seawytch is demanding that society all have a gay marriage?

she is demanding that society recognize gay marriage as normal. You cannot be as dumb as you seem.

You are demanding that society declare that gay marriage is wrong.

Most Americans disagree with you.
Look, from this thread it is very clear that there is a wide difference of opinion on gay marriage, homosexuality in general, and whether it is a normal or abnormal human condition.

When societies face such differences they vote and the majority opinion is accepted, or dealt with, by all.

So, lets let america vote on whether the nation should sanction gay unions as marriages, allow them but call them something else, or ban them totally.

let the people speak.

whether you comprehend it or not, all of our rights in this country were originally established by majority vote. We may say they were "God-given" but we made them valid by majority vote.

Lets do the same on the gay issues and put the issue to bed (poor choice of words) for a while.

1. There are no provisions within the constitution for the nation to vote on laws.

2. The State of Alabama (amongst others) voted to deny Civil Marriage to mixed race couples. Do you support the power of people to vote for that?


The vast MAJORITY of the people, in the vast majority of the states, elected the vast majority of the legislators who voted to sustain the natural standards of marriage.

Race does not deviate from a physiological Standard.... Sexual Abnormality DOES.

Race does not determine the validity of one's reasoning. Sexual Abnormality DOES.

Precluding people of different races from marriage does not violate the standard established by NATURE which define Marriage.
Lefthandedness applies as an abnormality too.

BTW....Race is a social construct. Marriage is a social construct.

Left handedness is not a sexual standard. Left-handedness does not deviate from an essential function of humanity... critical to the viability of the species.
Civil rights are not submitted to winning the hearts and minds of the mintory hetero-fascists.

but thats exactly what you want. you want a minority to dictate to the majority.

No one is 'dictating' anything to anyone.

Same-sex couples are currently eligible to enter into marriage contracts in every jurisdiction in the United States; states that seek to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law are in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, and those measures are being invalidated accordingly.

No majority in any jurisdiction is 'authorized' to deny citizens their civil rights, consequently the majority isn't be 'dictated to.'
Right...we go by how you feel about it. :lol:

funny, you want our entire society to function based on the way you feeeeeeeeeeeel about it. You are a bigotted, confused idiot.

It's funny when people like Seawytch say such things then demand society function the way she wants when it comes to marriage.

its called hypocrisy and she is very good at it.
Use the marriage argument they put forth. Their claim is that two consenting adults that want to be married should be able to do so and no one should prevent it. At that point, although I don't personally believe it, pose a brother/sister marriage. They are quick to deny the equality they claim for same sex couples. .

Speaking of hypocrisy- your post is a prime example.

I have always claimed that a same gender couple should be able to marry exactly like my wife and I are.

Nothing more- nothing less.

Bigots like you- who oppose same gender marriage- are the ones who keep calling us hypocrites- for not supporting something you also oppose.

The ones who keep bringing up the subject of brother/sister marriages are conservatives who oppose marriage equality for same gender couples.

You bring it up only to try to deny marriage to same gender couples- and that- that is hypocrisy.

I call you a hypocrite for claiming you support equality then denying it in cases you don't like. I focus on the concept you faggot lovers pose regardless of specifics. I could use polygamous marriages, something that I wouldn't do but believe is OK is others do, yet people like you oppose those. That makes you a hypocrite.

I don't bring up brother/sister because it's brother/sister but because hypocrites like you deny equality to them just after pushing for equality for faggots.
Look, from this thread it is very clear that there is a wide difference of opinion on gay marriage, homosexuality in general, and whether it is a normal or abnormal human condition.

When societies face such differences they vote and the majority opinion is accepted, or dealt with, by all.

So, lets let america vote on whether the nation should sanction gay unions as marriages, allow them but call them something else, or ban them totally.

let the people speak.

whether you comprehend it or not, all of our rights in this country were originally established by majority vote. We may say they were "God-given" but we made them valid by majority vote.

Lets do the same on the gay issues and put the issue to bed (poor choice of words) for a while.

The same sex marriage supporters claim a majority of the people in the country support it. If that is true, why would they be opposed to having a vote. If they hold the majority they claim, wouldn't that guarantee a win for them.

because they know that they are not in a majority. prop 8 in california proved that

LOL- are you ignorant or just stupid? Or maybe both?

Prop 8 passed in 2008.

Since that time voters have voted in favor same gender marriage 3 times.

Now most Americans favor same gender marriage
Gay Marriage Attitudes A Pause Not A Plateau - Forbes

*In 1996, when Gallup asked whether marriages between same-sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages, 27 percent said they should; last month, 55 percent did. May 2011 was the first Gallup asking in which a plurality of Americans favored legalizing same-sex marriage.
*In the NBC News/Wall Street Journal question from 1996, 25 percent favored allowing gay and lesbian couples to enter into same-sex marriages. In 2013, 53 percent did.
*In 1996, 27 percent told Pew that they favored allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally. In 2014, 54 percent did.
Look, from this thread it is very clear that there is a wide difference of opinion on gay marriage, homosexuality in general, and whether it is a normal or abnormal human condition.

When societies face such differences they vote and the majority opinion is accepted, or dealt with, by all.

So, lets let america vote on whether the nation should sanction gay unions as marriages, allow them but call them something else, or ban them totally.

let the people speak.

whether you comprehend it or not, all of our rights in this country were originally established by majority vote. We may say they were "God-given" but we made them valid by majority vote.

Lets do the same on the gay issues and put the issue to bed (poor choice of words) for a while.

The same sex marriage supporters claim a majority of the people in the country support it. If that is true, why would they be opposed to having a vote. If they hold the majority they claim, wouldn't that guarantee a win for them.

because they know that they are not in a majority. prop 8 in california proved that

LOL- are you ignorant or just stupid? Or maybe both?

Prop 8 passed in 2008.

Since that time voters have voted in favor same gender marriage 3 times.

Now most Americans favor same gender marriage
Gay Marriage Attitudes A Pause Not A Plateau - Forbes

*In 1996, when Gallup asked whether marriages between same-sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages, 27 percent said they should; last month, 55 percent did. May 2011 was the first Gallup asking in which a plurality of Americans favored legalizing same-sex marriage.
*In the NBC News/Wall Street Journal question from 1996, 25 percent favored allowing gay and lesbian couples to enter into same-sex marriages. In 2013, 53 percent did.
*In 1996, 27 percent told Pew that they favored allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally. In 2014, 54 percent did.
Hey dickhead, if you have a majority, why not hold a vote? If you had the winning lottery numbers, would you buy a ticket? If it's as guaranteed as you claim about the majority, why are you scared to have a vote nationwide? I know, you're a fucking liar that isn't willing to prove what you claim in a real sense yet you'll still claim what say exists. Put up of STFU coward.
funny, you want our entire society to function based on the way you feeeeeeeeeeeel about it. You are a bigotted, confused idiot.

It's funny when people like Seawytch say such things then demand society function the way she wants when it comes to marriage.

its called hypocrisy and she is very good at it.
Use the marriage argument they put forth. Their claim is that two consenting adults that want to be married should be able to do so and no one should prevent it. At that point, although I don't personally believe it, pose a brother/sister marriage. They are quick to deny the equality they claim for same sex couples. .

Speaking of hypocrisy- your post is a prime example.

I have always claimed that a same gender couple should be able to marry exactly like my wife and I are.

Nothing more- nothing less.

Bigots like you- who oppose same gender marriage- are the ones who keep calling us hypocrites- for not supporting something you also oppose.

The ones who keep bringing up the subject of brother/sister marriages are conservatives who oppose marriage equality for same gender couples.

You bring it up only to try to deny marriage to same gender couples- and that- that is hypocrisy.

I call you a hypocrite for claiming you support equality then denying it in cases you don't like..

Show me where I have ever done anything other than support equality of a same gender couple with my wife and I- or just admit you are lying.

You are a hypocrite because you want to claim that anyone that supports equality for a group that is not being treated equally is wrong if they dont' support every other group.

When African American men got the vote- were the people who voted for them hypocrites because they didn't vote for the vote for women?

When women got the vote, were the people who voted hypocrites because they didn't support the right of 19 year old's to vote?

When 18 year old's got the vote, were the people who voted for that hypocrites because they didn't support the right of 5 year old's to vote?

I don't think so.

But clearly you do.

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