The Homosexual Dilemma

Have you filed a police report yet over the sexual abuse you've suffered in this thread? lol.

One more post on this unwelcomed subject and you'll be ignored.

Please understand it doesn't matter to me... you rarely add anything to a discussion, beyond the usual ego stroke that comes with being palpably superior to another person, but that is the natural result of a discussion with any Leftist... so that means that such is second only to typing, on any political message board.

SOooo... do ya see where we stand, here?

I can see why you would want us to forget your absurd allegations of being sexually abused in this thread. You're overly dramatic and insufferably arrogant. I can assure you I won't lose any sleep if you put me on ignore. Bye Felicia!

Permanent ignore.
What a blessing for mdk. :D

Willful ignorance is pretty much all they have left. As they clearly can't carry their arguments on the basis of logic, reason, or evidence.

Its the folly of all religiously based arguments: they desperately require that you already agree with them in order for their argument to even exist.
It usually breaks down to a few arguments recycled:

1. Flash pictures of mooslims hanging gays in an attempt to tell us to be thankful they don't kill us like the mooslims do
2. Go on about how the Bible forbids homosexuality....but in the exact same places it forbids things like shell fish but that's ok.
3. Talk about how Jesus condemned homosexuality...even tho he said nothing about it.....but he DID condemn divorce but that's ok.
4. Talk about how homosexuality isn't in nature, but when it is pointed out that it is indeed in nature, go on about how there are other "harmful to other beings" things in nature.
5. want to marry your dog?
6. Homosexuality = pedophilia
7. Marriage is about procreation even tho no marriage laws require proof of procreation.
8. The majority doesn't want gay marriage, even tho polls for the last few years indicate that the majority supports legal gay marriage.
9. Gay marriage destroys society.....except in all the places where gay marriage has been around for a decade or more.

and my favorite from a few years back:
10. Legal gay marriage causes a rise in the number of out of wedlock births.
If the Bible were the only religious book, that might be relevant. But there are thousands of them.

The Bible is the divinely inspired word of God. There is one... with a few dozen iterations interpreting such.
Actually there are many different variations...and many gospels and books that were randomly left out or put in at times, usually based on the political intentions of those doing the picking, choosing and translating.

Hell, I'm more than happy to let them pick the version of their choice. It doesn't change the fact that you get wildly different intepretations based on whatever rationalization you wish to imagine or which passages you prioritize.

The Puritans read essentially the same Bible as the Founders. Yet the Puritans executed adulterers and gays, as they believe the bible commanded them. The Founders read essentially the same bible as Modern Christians. They only executed gays. Modern Christians execute neither.

How do you account for such wildly different outcomes from the same book in the same language in the same cultural tradition separated only by time? The wonderous magic of subjective interpretation! Where you can flat out tell God to go fuck himself on any passage you don't like. And the self rationalizations are as diverse as they are elaborate. St. Mikey made up different 'classifications' of commandments; standing and specific. With only the former commandments you have to follow. And who determines which are which?

He does!

Who decides what the classifications are and how they effect the meaning of the Bible?

He does!

Demonstrating more elegantly than anything I can post how hopelessly subjective religion actually is, even when we're talking about the same religion, text, sect and language. Go between them, to different religions, different sects, different texts, and things get laughably inconsistent. And Theists can't explain any of it save to insist that everyone who disagrees with them is wrong......and only they can possibly be right.

An assumption that is theistic equivalent of an asshole: everyone's got one. As pretty much every theist says the exact same thing.
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If the Bible were the only religious book, that might be relevant. But there are thousands of them.

The Bible is the divinely inspired word of God. There is one... with a few dozen iterations interpreting such.
Actually there are many different variations...and many gospels and books that were randomly left out or put in at times, usually based on the political intentions of those doing the picking, choosing and translating.

Hell, I'm more than happy to let them pick the version of their choice. It doesn't change the fact that you get wildly different intepretations based on whatever rationalization you wish to imagine or which passages you prioritize.

The Puritans read essentially the same Bible as the Founders. Yet the Puritans executed adulterers and gays, as they believe the bible commanded them. The Founders read essentially the same bible as Modern Christians. They only executed gays. Modern Christians execute neither.

How do you account for such wildly different outcomes from the same book in the same language in the same cultural tradition separated only by time? The wonderous magic of subjective interpretation! Where you can flat out tell God to go fuck himself on any passage you don't like. And the self rationalizations are as diverse as they are elaborate. St. Mikey made up different 'classifications' of commandments; standing and specific. With only the former commandments you have to follow. And who determines which are which?

He does!

How decides what the classifications are and how they effect the meaning of the Bible?

He does!

Demonstrating more elegantly than anything I can post how hopelessly subjective religion actually is, even when we're talking about the same religion, text, sect and language. Go between them, to different religions, different sects, different texts, and things get laughably inconsistent. And Theists can't explain any of it save to insist that everyone who disagrees with them is wrong......and only they can possibly be right.

An assumption that is theistic equivalent of an asshole: everyone's got one. As pretty much every theist says the exact same thing.
These are my favorite 10 Commandments:

The Ten Commandments Jewish Virtual Library

#2 pretty much supports polytheism. "No other gods before me" other words, the Jewish god isn't alone, he's just #1.
It is fascinating, isn't it? Adultery and sodomy have the exact same penalty in the OT. But you don't often hear for the execution of cheating husbands.

Why? Because it would directly effect too many of those condemning the gays.

Isn't that the truth. :lol:

And what about the abomination of eating shellfish? Talk about picking and choosing...
HAHA Jews! Can't eat shrimp! Can't eat lobsters, can't eat conks! Can't eat pork chops, can't eat bacon!
All that changed when Jesus came with the new message of mercy and grace to be placed within the laws or along side of them (pray over your food before you eat it), but it's still wise that we would look at the effects of that stuff upon our bodies (i.e. I ain't a gonna eat no horse or anything that doesn't split at the hoof where as the hoof is cloven instead), because God knows best about these things he had written unto the children of Israel to follow, and these were warnings unto us all for our own good and longevity in life.

So you believe. And yet for the majority of the history of your faith and for at least a dozen centuries after your 'new message', Christians still followed the OT when they wanted to. The puritians killed adulterers and gays. The foudners just gays. Modern American Christians, neither.

Did God's word change in the last 500 years? Or was that just the subjective interpretation of Christians?

Yeah, don't think to hard about that. Most theists don't.
The Puritans forbade Christmas celebrations and killed Quakers too. What a fun bunch of christians.

Yes... Puritans rejected Christ entirely, most were gay deists, those that weren't... Atheists, real catty atheists :dance:too! Spiked heels and leather FOR DAYS! That's why the wore those baggy britches... to cover all that:dance: flare.
Not just 'now'. Always. Its always been subjective. Your faith is defined by you, expressed by you, quantified by you, measured by you, verified by you, authenticated by you.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

And now your tell....

And your 2nd concession to the same standing points is duly recognized and summarily accepted.

Its the same tell as before. Your white flag is your summary declaration of victory. As you clearly can't support your claims with logic and reason. So you abandon your every claim, toss your every argument on the midden heap....and run. Refusing to discuss the topic.

As without my acceptance of your subjective faith as objective truth....what possible basis of argument do you have? Nothing. And this is why your argument is so laughably unpersuasive. As it requires that I already agree with you to exist.

Your 3rd Concession to the same standing point is duly noted and summarily accepted!

(Isn't it cool how strongly they feel that repeating argument which already failed to sustain their 'feelings', will miraculously spare their feelings from their own surrender? It's like Neville Chamberlain's seed somehow spread through the entire Ideological Left.)

Laughing.....isn't it cool how the same simple points shredding your claims will send you running every single time, without exception? How your keep abandoning your every claim, and failing utterly to shore up the truck sized holes in your arguments and logic?

Exactly as you just did. If you're going to treat your argument like the worthless flotsam it is by completely abandoning it, surely you can understand if we treat it the exact same way.

Again, without my acceptance of your subjective faith as objective truth.....what can you do but run?
Yes... Puritans rejected Christ entirely, most were gay deists, those that weren't... Atheists, real catty atheists :dance:too! Spiked heels and leather FOR DAYS! That's why the wore those baggy britches... to cover all that:dance: flare.
Says who? Who says that Puritans rejected Christ entirely?

There's you citing yourself and.......wait, don't tell me. Your subjective faith?
You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?

Yeah, you got it.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?


But I haven't even gotten to the dilemma. Gay activists have noted a rise in anger toward homosexuals and point to it as proof that the nation is riddled with homophobia. They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement. When people said they don't want homosexuals' lifestyle shoved in their faces, they meant it.

Conservatives don't hate homosexuals, we just don't care as long as it's kept private. But here the aggressive homosexual lobby has made sure that it's our business. So now we're noticing you and now we're pissed.

If you homos had any inkling what unrelenting instigating assholes you've become, you'd blush in embarrassment. But instead, you take the reaction of people who are sick of hearing about you as proof that you have more work to do. Talk about a destructive circular paradox!

So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.

BTW, Notice the picture? Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.

Funny thing about the people who oppress a group for generations......They never want to admit they did it.....In the end they act like victims saying, "We don't care, but why are they making such a scene. I mean, bus seats are assigned by skin tone....."

You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?

Yeah, you got it.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?


But I haven't even gotten to the dilemma. Gay activists have noted a rise in anger toward homosexuals and point to it as proof that the nation is riddled with homophobia. They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement. When people said they don't want homosexuals' lifestyle shoved in their faces, they meant it.

Conservatives don't hate homosexuals, we just don't care as long as it's kept private. But here the aggressive homosexual lobby has made sure that it's our business. So now we're noticing you and now we're pissed.

If you homos had any inkling what unrelenting instigating assholes you've become, you'd blush in embarrassment. But instead, you take the reaction of people who are sick of hearing about you as proof that you have more work to do. Talk about a destructive circular paradox!

So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.

BTW, Notice the picture? Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.

Funny thing about the people who oppress a group for generations......They never want to admit they did it.....In the end they act like victims saying, "We don't care, but why are they making such a scene. I mean, bus seats are assigned by skin tone....."

Oh, it gets better. Not only are St. Mikey and his ilk desperate to find a mud puddle of victimhood to wallow in, but they're insisting that any violence they inflict on gays because gays won't "sit down and shut the fuck up" is the fault of gays.

After all, Mikey reasoned...."Even Jesus went on a rampage". And you can "only push us so far".

But ask them what has been taken from them, what they've lost.......and they can't cite a single thing. Sigh....bigots. You can't fix stupid.
You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?

Yeah, you got it.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?


But I haven't even gotten to the dilemma. Gay activists have noted a rise in anger toward homosexuals and point to it as proof that the nation is riddled with homophobia. They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement. When people said they don't want homosexuals' lifestyle shoved in their faces, they meant it.

Conservatives don't hate homosexuals, we just don't care as long as it's kept private. But here the aggressive homosexual lobby has made sure that it's our business. So now we're noticing you and now we're pissed.

If you homos had any inkling what unrelenting instigating assholes you've become, you'd blush in embarrassment. But instead, you take the reaction of people who are sick of hearing about you as proof that you have more work to do. Talk about a destructive circular paradox!

So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.

BTW, Notice the picture? Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.

Funny thing about the people who oppress a group for generations......They never want to admit they did it.....In the end they act like victims saying, "We don't care, but why are they making such a scene. I mean, bus seats are assigned by skin tone....."

Oh, it gets better. Not only are St. Mikey and his ilk desperate to find a mud puddle of victimhood to wallow in, but they're insisting that any violence they inflict on gays because gays won't "sit down and shut the fuck up" is the fault of gays.

After all, Mikey reasoned...."Even Jesus went on a rampage". And you can "only push us so far".

But ask them what has been taken from them, what they've lost.......and they can't cite a single thing. Sigh....bigots. You can't fix stupid.

Sounds very Westboro to me..

Some Christians think that since one of the signs of the end of time is "lot's of gays" along with other things.

Some argue that this is a sign that religion isn't working anymore instead of the "end of times".

Today is funny. There are websites for gay Christians that offer a path to Christianity while being gay. If it will be the end of days, it will be because of the judgemental crazy's, not the gays in this particular topic.
You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?

Yeah, you got it.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?


But I haven't even gotten to the dilemma. Gay activists have noted a rise in anger toward homosexuals and point to it as proof that the nation is riddled with homophobia. They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement. When people said they don't want homosexuals' lifestyle shoved in their faces, they meant it.

Conservatives don't hate homosexuals, we just don't care as long as it's kept private. But here the aggressive homosexual lobby has made sure that it's our business. So now we're noticing you and now we're pissed.

If you homos had any inkling what unrelenting instigating assholes you've become, you'd blush in embarrassment. But instead, you take the reaction of people who are sick of hearing about you as proof that you have more work to do. Talk about a destructive circular paradox!

So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.

BTW, Notice the picture? Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.

Funny thing about the people who oppress a group for generations......They never want to admit they did it.....In the end they act like victims saying, "We don't care, but why are they making such a scene. I mean, bus seats are assigned by skin tone....."

Oh, it gets better. Not only are St. Mikey and his ilk desperate to find a mud puddle of victimhood to wallow in, but they're insisting that any violence they inflict on gays because gays won't "sit down and shut the fuck up" is the fault of gays.

After all, Mikey reasoned...."Even Jesus went on a rampage". And you can "only push us so far".

But ask them what has been taken from them, what they've lost.......and they can't cite a single thing. Sigh....bigots. You can't fix stupid.

Sounds very Westboro to me..

Its pretty generic thuggery, using an argument that should come with its own wife beater T-shirt and case of Pabst Blue Ribbon:

"But Becky Mae, you make me beat you senseless because you won't just sit down and shut the fuck up! Stop making me hit you."

The rather loathsome spin to it is using Jesus as your justification for hurting and killing people you don't know, have never met, who have never done you an ounce of harm. It makes me wonder if they have some special bigot bible, with a few notable changes;

"And Christ said unto them "As I have loved you, love one another. Except them faggots".
In short;

We are all sinners. Pointing the finger at the sinner next to you isn't going to distract God from seeing YOUR sins...
You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?

Yeah, you got it.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?


But I haven't even gotten to the dilemma. Gay activists have noted a rise in anger toward homosexuals and point to it as proof that the nation is riddled with homophobia. They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement. When people said they don't want homosexuals' lifestyle shoved in their faces, they meant it.

Conservatives don't hate homosexuals, we just don't care as long as it's kept private. But here the aggressive homosexual lobby has made sure that it's our business. So now we're noticing you and now we're pissed.

If you homos had any inkling what unrelenting instigating assholes you've become, you'd blush in embarrassment. But instead, you take the reaction of people who are sick of hearing about you as proof that you have more work to do. Talk about a destructive circular paradox!

So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.

BTW, Notice the picture? Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.

Funny thing about the people who oppress a group for generations......They never want to admit they did it.....In the end they act like victims saying, "We don't care, but why are they making such a scene. I mean, bus seats are assigned by skin tone....."

Oh, it gets better. Not only are St. Mikey and his ilk desperate to find a mud puddle of victimhood to wallow in, but they're insisting that any violence they inflict on gays because gays won't "sit down and shut the fuck up" is the fault of gays.

After all, Mikey reasoned...."Even Jesus went on a rampage". And you can "only push us so far".

But ask them what has been taken from them, what they've lost.......and they can't cite a single thing. Sigh....bigots. You can't fix stupid.

Sounds very Westboro to me..

Its pretty generic thuggery, using an argument that should come with its own wife beater T-shirt and case of Pabst Blue Ribbon:

"But Becky Mae, you make me beat you senseless because you won't just sit down and shut the fuck up! Stop making me hit you."

Well some Christians think that since we are a nation founded by Christianity we should use law to force Christianity onto others..yet Christianity was never mentioned in The Constitution because Christians came to America to escape oppression of their religion. Watching us make the same mistakes today, 2015 (actually 2019) years later is a joke, when we will learn?
You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?

Yeah, you got it.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

And of course you are just wrong- like so many other things.

Courts have overturned 'the will of the people' repeatedly- from gun laws(San Francisco voters voted to ban guns- no surprise- the courts said the will of the people was unconstitutional) to marriage(most voters were in favor of bans on mixed race marriage when the Supreme Court ruled in Loving v. Virginia that 'the people' couldn't violate a couples right to get married.

And no one has gone to war ever over these issues.

What have homosexuals done?

Homosexuals have used their rights as Americans to go to court to argue that a law was unconstitutional- something that both Conservatives and Liberals embrace when they want to go to court complaining a law is unconstitutional

Why do you oppose homosexuals- or for that matter- anyone- following our Constitution and going to the courts to seek redress?
2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

What special rights would those be?

There are no special federal rights protecting homosexuals from being fired just for being homosexual.

I work in a fairly large company- 10,000 plus employees. Of the many HR challenges we have, I have never heard this one mentioned.

Though if you would run into a problem if you thought you had a right to go around calling people 'f*ggots'.
4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?.

Yeah- I can see how that would make you feel threatened..........

Really- I mean how petty are homophobes anyway?
5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?.

Why would anyone think that they are not important?

More importantly- every network is into making money- that is why they exist- and if you see gay characters on TV- it is because the networks believe that they will make more money with gay TV characters on TV.

Because the younger audience that they are trying to attract are not as bigoted as you are- and they are not offended by seeing gay characters on TV.
But I haven't even gotten to the dilemma. Gay activists have noted a rise in anger toward homosexuals and point to it as proof that the nation is riddled with homophobia. They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement. When people said they don't want homosexuals' lifestyle shoved in their faces, they meant it..

Ah what BS revisionist history.

Homophobes like yourself project your anger onto everyone else.

The reality is that homophobia and general anti-homosexual sentiment is declining.

And that decline is happening in direct proportion and timing to the efforts of the gay population to come out of the closet.

When people say that they don't want homosexual lifestyles shoved in their face, they mean that they want to go back to the old days when it was cool to bully homosexuals and when it was okay to arrest them for being attracted to the same gender.

When it was okay to call someone a f*ggot.

Just like when it was okay to call someone a n*gger.

They miss the 'good old days'- of easy hating.
A family-run business went under because they chose not to bake a fucking cake for a gay wedding?

That's not only the Gay agenda at work, but the twisted brains of the Liberals who will not stand for dissent or disagreement.

That is the law being enforced.

A state law at that.

Are you now suddenly against a state's right to enact its own laws?

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