The Homosexual Dilemma

To those who dislike marriage equality: go ahead. Most folks don't care what you think. It does not hurt you. It does not hurt your children. God will still love all of us. Best advice for you: don't marry someone of your own sex.

Your preposterous caterwauling is only that, which only induces a self-lobotomy.

You are going to lose on this issue at SCOTUS later in the year.
Here. I will link to the Royal College of Psychiatrists for you:

The College wishes to clarify that homosexuality is not a psychiatric disorder.

Funny. I wonder why the anti-gay site didn't mention that! Hmmm...

Oh! I wonder if it is because the anti-gay site is promoting "professional counseling to change unwanted same-sex feelings"?

Gosh. If being gay isn't a psychiatric order according to the very body of scientists they cited, then they don't need professional counseling, now do they.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists considers that sexual orientation is determined by a combination of biological and postnatal environmental factors.

The anti-gay site quoted that part, and then the anti-gay people decided that meant, "If a child does not encounter such postnatal life experiences, he or she will grow up heterosexual." This is not a scientific conclusion.

I guess they did not see the "biological" part of that statement!

And here is the part which immediately follows the part they quoted from the RC:

There is no evidence to go beyond this and impute any kind of choice into the origins of sexual orientation.

Got that? The Royal College of Psychiatrists said there is no evidence that gays have a choice in their sexual orientation.

1. It's not the findings but what you want to make them say. Just look at the global warming issue. Two distinct sides on the same thing based on research both claim to be true.

This isn't Global Warming we're talking about. So far you have not refuted any of these studies.

2. How many have sued claiming they were fired because they were gay. It's the automatica assumption.

Can't you answer a question or provide examples? We aren't talking about people being fired because they were gay (people have sued about being fired because they were black, Christian, female, disabled - so what?). You said sued becaues people said something about them.

3. It shows you use something that happens once in how many thousands of cases as if it is a regular occurrence.

4. Tebow actually accomplished something before he Tebowed on the field. The media made Michael Sam a hero without ever having stepped foot on an NFL field.

Michael Sam had a good Highschool career, good enough to get multiple scholarships. So he accomplished something. But beyond that - he and Tebow are the same because the media made them heros NOT because of accomplishment. Do you get it?

5. Difference is free exercise of religion is written in the Constitution where the word marriage doesn't. Different even if you are too fucking stupid to realize it.

Equal Protection IS.

By the way, those same ones you say argue equality are the first ones to deny equality to certain types of marriages they oppose. Just suggest polygamy and theyll find all sorts of personal reasons for situations that don't affect them to say it shouldn't happen. To them I respond, if you don't want to marry more than one person don't.

You sure about that?

I don't care one way or the other about polygamy. If consenting adults choose that - so be it. It's their right.

1. It is about science and how different conlcusions can come from the same research.

People Are Not Born Gay Affirms Royal College of Psychiatrists

2. Gay West New York cop claims in lawsuit he was harassed intimidated by police director

4. Tebow's action of praying got media attention. However, had he not scored a toughdown, etc. there would have been no attention because he wouldn't have Tebowed. For Sam, the attention came before ever stepping foot on an NFL field. Tebow also had high school accomplishments. You don't start at Florida and win the Heisman if you don't.

5. Define equal. It doens't mean you get to do exactly the same things I do or vice versa.

Just ask them about polygamy or a sibling marriage. They are quicker to say no to it coming up with why equality should be denied than they are about bending over and taking one in the ass for the homos.

It's truly unlikely that anyone is born gay... if such were the case, it would have a genetic component and there despite massive efforts to find such; with such literally being responsible for a large percentage of all genetic research, there simply is no genetic component to Sexual Abnormality.

Such is the result of early molestations, wherein adults of the same gender 'play' sex games with infants and toddlers, prematurely stimulating sexual response, thus imprinting, or 'training' he individual toward sexual arousal toward members of that initiating gender.

Which means that normalizing such can only result in a massive increase in the instances of such, which in terms of reason follows the historical reality that the cultural acceptance of homosexuality has never failed to precede, in short order, collapse of that culture. As such cripples the human spirit, causing understandable shame, just recognition of individual inferiority and it's mighty hard to defend a nation with a group of catty, self loathing spiritual cripples.
So here is Conservative's link to the anti-gay site: People Are Not Born Gay Affirms Royal College of Psychiatrists

Here is how that article starts:

A statement by the Royal College of Psychiatrists that people are not born gay has been welcomed as "a major admission" by a Christian charity that helps men and women change unwanted same-sex feelings.

Yeah. Except here is what the Royal College of Psychiatrists said in the paper which that anti-gay article cited:

Leading therapy organisations across the world have published statements warning of the ineffectiveness of treatments to change sexual orientation, their potential for harm and their influence in stigmatising lesbian, gay and bisexual people.

So the anti-gay site is being incredibly dishonest in their reporting on the Royal College's findings. How un-Christian of them to bear such false witness!

More from the Royal College shrinks:

There is now a large body of research evidence that indicates that being gay, lesbian or bisexual is compatible with normal mental health and social adjustment. However, it is eminently reasonable that the experiences of discrimination in society and possible rejection by friends, families and others (such as employers), means that some lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience a greater than expected prevalence of mental health and substance misuse problems. Lifestyle issues may be important in some gay men and lesbians, particularly with respect to higher rates of substance misuse.
Here. I will link to the Royal College of Psychiatrists for you:

The College wishes to clarify that homosexuality is not a psychiatric disorder.

Funny. I wonder why the anti-gay site didn't mention that! Hmmm...

"Communism is responsible for the murder of 150 million innocent people in the mid-20th century."

This fact is found on any number of anti-communist sites... and that doesn't make it less than truth, thus something other than a fact.

But hey... there's no way for you to have known that. Such requires one posses the means to reason... .
There is no proof that Homosexuality isn't a sexual dysfunction, none. And so far, I am not seeing how homosexuals are in need of constitutional protection like blacks or women or left-handed people or Handicapped persons. It's stretch to make sexual dysfunction something that should be protected under the Constitution. I still am not buying this whole "gay rights" propaganda.
Here. I will link to the Royal College of Psychiatrists for you:

The College wishes to clarify that homosexuality is not a psychiatric disorder.

Funny. I wonder why the anti-gay site didn't mention that! Hmmm...

"Communism is responsible for the murder of 150 million innocent people in the mid-20th century."

This fact is found on any number of anti-communist sites... and that doesn't make it less than truth, thus something other than a fact.

But hey... there's no way for you to have known that. Such requires one posses the means to reason... .

That was one of the worst red herrings I have ever seen! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

The anti-gay site used the Royal College as their "evidence" of their claims. The problem you refuse to see is that they lied about the findings of the Royal College. Simple fact. They completely misrepresented what the psychiatrists found. Simple fact.

And now you are attempting to defend a lying web site.
This is why when someone links to a partisan web site which filters someone else's work, you should always ask for the source material.

The hacks at the anti-gay web site lied and manufactured a mountain of bullshit to support their debunked claims and bogus pseudoscience.
The anti-gay web site supports conversion therapies. They cited the Royal College of Psychiatrists as evidence what they are doing is correct.

But when you go to the source, the Royal College actually says the exact opposite:

Psychiatrists should be committed to reducing inequalities, not supporting practices that are explicitly based on pathologising homosexuality. As such, the College remains in favour of legislative efforts to ban such conversion therapies.

So now it is time for you to reject the dishonesty and lies of the Charisma News, where_r_my_keys. Don't be trying to gobble down some more of their manufactured bullshit.
Heterosexuality is like the wind in the willows. Homosexuality is like plutonium in a disco with loud techno music covered in glitter... natural or unnatural, pick which is better. And I don't like being told what to think by pseudo intellectuals.
1. It's not the findings but what you want to make them say. Just look at the global warming issue. Two distinct sides on the same thing based on research both claim to be true.

This isn't Global Warming we're talking about. So far you have not refuted any of these studies.

2. How many have sued claiming they were fired because they were gay. It's the automatica assumption.

Can't you answer a question or provide examples? We aren't talking about people being fired because they were gay (people have sued about being fired because they were black, Christian, female, disabled - so what?). You said sued becaues people said something about them.

3. It shows you use something that happens once in how many thousands of cases as if it is a regular occurrence.

4. Tebow actually accomplished something before he Tebowed on the field. The media made Michael Sam a hero without ever having stepped foot on an NFL field.

Michael Sam had a good Highschool career, good enough to get multiple scholarships. So he accomplished something. But beyond that - he and Tebow are the same because the media made them heros NOT because of accomplishment. Do you get it?

5. Difference is free exercise of religion is written in the Constitution where the word marriage doesn't. Different even if you are too fucking stupid to realize it.

Equal Protection IS.

By the way, those same ones you say argue equality are the first ones to deny equality to certain types of marriages they oppose. Just suggest polygamy and theyll find all sorts of personal reasons for situations that don't affect them to say it shouldn't happen. To them I respond, if you don't want to marry more than one person don't.

You sure about that?

I don't care one way or the other about polygamy. If consenting adults choose that - so be it. It's their right.

1. It is about science and how different conlcusions can come from the same research.

People Are Not Born Gay Affirms Royal College of Psychiatrists

2. Gay West New York cop claims in lawsuit he was harassed intimidated by police director

4. Tebow's action of praying got media attention. However, had he not scored a toughdown, etc. there would have been no attention because he wouldn't have Tebowed. For Sam, the attention came before ever stepping foot on an NFL field. Tebow also had high school accomplishments. You don't start at Florida and win the Heisman if you don't.

5. Define equal. It doens't mean you get to do exactly the same things I do or vice versa.

Just ask them about polygamy or a sibling marriage. They are quicker to say no to it coming up with why equality should be denied than they are about bending over and taking one in the ass for the homos.

It's truly unlikely that anyone is born gay... if such were the case, it would have a genetic component and there despite massive efforts to find such; with such literally being responsible for a large percentage of all genetic research, there simply is no genetic component to Sexual Abnormality.

Such is the result of early molestations, wherein adults of the same gender 'play' sex games with infants and toddlers, prematurely stimulating sexual response, thus imprinting, or 'training' he individual toward sexual arousal toward members of that initiating gender.

Which means that normalizing such can only result in a massive increase in the instances of such, which in terms of reason follows the historical reality that the cultural acceptance of homosexuality has never failed to precede, in short order, collapse of that culture. As such cripples the human spirit, causing understandable shame, just recognition of individual inferiority and it's mighty hard to defend a nation with a group of catty, self loathing spiritual cripples.

I don't care to comment on the rest of the dribble you posted (wipe that cum off your mouth, mkay?) I'll just comment on the bolded part of the above.

Our level of knowledge of the human psyche is at best, at a stone-age level. We have only a miniscule knowlege of human physiology, DNA, and genomes. Right now we're comparable to two monkeys trying to start a fire.

You, I, nobody, has any idea what makes one homosexual.
How sad it is for him, that sex is ONLY about procreation.

It's an understandable confusion when your life is ruled by a book that emphasizes begatting.

Didn't make it past the first half of Genesis, huh? Short attention span, a symptom of Leftist dumbing down and lowering of standards

I read the Bible from cover to cover before I was 10 just to show it can be done even by a child.
Probably a comprehension problem, because certain things won't be revealed unless the reader has an open mind when reading it, and if the mind is closed due to the heart not being where it should be, then the book will become boring very quickly to that person.

Books like the Bible, or the Koran have to be read in context and with an understanding of the times it was written and the fact that there are layers of meaning beyond just the words. I do understand that. And part's of them are sheer poetry.

But I am an irreverant creature and always will be and if people use the Bible ,or the Koran, to bring about injustice then I think it's our duty to speak up.

Yet somehow in your twisted Leftist brain, American conservatives who are extremely tolerant of homosexuality but just don't agree with it are more of a danger than Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Egypt where homosexuals are hung in the streets. In fact, perversely the same Left that celebrates "gay rights" will also throw their support behind Islam and Muslims, reminding everyone ad nauseum that not all Muslims are terrorists every time a terrorist act occurs with the blessing of the Muslim community. All these "peaceful Muslims" think homosexuality is so wicked and socially harmful that they should be executed. Former Iranian president Ahmadinejad spoke to American college students and seeing their metrosexual qualities volunteered, "There are no homosexuals in Iran" to the oblivious idiots so proud to have such a progressive man speak to them. Your knee jerk affinity to Islam virtually ignores that they actually kill homosexuals every day while at the same time seeing mortal danger in Christians who remind you that God considers homosexuality to be a sinful lifestyle.

How you maintain such duality only betrays how utterly deceived you people are.
Spot On...
Trotting out religion
Trotting out morality
Trotting out justice
Trotting out social norms
Trotting out customs and mores
Trotting out tradition

Etc etc

So old fashioned. We've thown most of it out, and look where we are now.
Here. I will link to the Royal College of Psychiatrists for you:

The College wishes to clarify that homosexuality is not a psychiatric disorder.

Funny. I wonder why the anti-gay site didn't mention that! Hmmm...

"Communism is responsible for the murder of 150 million innocent people in the mid-20th century."

This fact is found on any number of anti-communist sites... and that doesn't make it less than truth, thus something other than a fact.

But hey... there's no way for you to have known that. Such requires one posses the means to reason... .

That was one of the worst red herrings I...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Trotting out religion
Trotting out morality
Trotting out justice
Trotting out social norms
Trotting out customs and mores
Trotting out tradition

Etc etc

So old fashioned. We've thown most of it out, and look where we are now.

Mired in an impotent, feckless culture, wherein a full 30% are literally incapable of sound reason; so devolved that they demand a RIGHT to murder children who are still in their mothers WOMB and who 'feel strongly' that demonstrably deviant behavior is perfectly normal... .

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