The House is Getting Something Right!


Jul 17, 2013
Finally a vote that is going the "right" way! Keep up the good work! :clap2::happy-1:

House votes to prevent IRS from enforcing Obamacare

The House voted Friday to prevent the IRS from enforcing any aspect of ObamaCare, a bill meant to exact revenge against an agency that Republicans say is incapable of neutral enforcement of the law.

Members approved the Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act in a 232-185 vote. Four Democrats supported the bill along with every Republican.

The vote capped off several days of work in the House on bills aimed at reining in government regulation and government overreach.
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They certainly should be proud of that effort.

Be sure to attend your rep's local town hall and tell him or her just how proud of them you are!
Finally a vote that is going the "right" way! Keep up the good work! :clap2::happy-1:

House votes to prevent IRS from enforcing Obamacare

The House voted Friday to prevent the IRS from enforcing any aspect of ObamaCare, a bill meant to exact revenge against an agency that Republicans say is incapable of neutral enforcement of the law.

Members approved the Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act in a 232-185 vote. Four Democrats supported the bill along with every Republican.

The vote capped off several days of work in the House on bills aimed at reining in government regulation and government overreach.

How many jobs will this bill create?
Read the wisdom of a smart Republican and heed his words....

Charles Krauthammer: How fractured is the GOP? - The Washington Post

(b) Obamacare

The other battle is about defunding Obamacare. Led by Sens. Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, the GOP insurgents are threatening to shut down the government on Oct. 1 if the stopgap funding bill contains money for Obamacare.

This is nuts. The president will never sign a bill defunding the singular achievement of his presidency. Especially when he has control of the Senate. Especially when, though a narrow 51 percent majority of Americans disapproves of Obamacare, only 36 percent favors repeal. President Obama so knows he’ll win any shutdown showdown that he’s practically goading the Republicans into trying.

Never make a threat on which you are not prepared to deliver. Every fiscal showdown has redounded against the Republicans. The first, in 1995, effectively marked the end of the Gingrich revolution. The latest, last December, led to a last-minute Republican cave that humiliated the GOP and did nothing to stop the tax hike it so strongly opposed.

Those who fancy themselves tea party patriots fighting a sold-out cocktail-swilling establishment are demanding yet another cliff dive as a show of principle and manliness.

But there’s no principle at stake here. This is about tactics. If I thought this would work, I would support it. But I don’t fancy suicide. It has a tendency to be fatal.

As for manliness, the real question here is sanity. Nothing could better revive the fortunes of a failing, flailing, fading Democratic administration than a government shutdown where the president is portrayed as standing up to the GOP on honoring our debts and paying our soldiers in the field.

How many times must we learn the lesson? You can’t govern from one house of Congress. You need to win back the Senate and then the presidency. Shutting down the government is the worst possible way to get there. Indeed, it’s Obama’s fondest hope for a Democratic recovery.
Finally a vote that is going the "right" way! Keep up the good work! :clap2::happy-1:

House votes to prevent IRS from enforcing Obamacare

The House voted Friday to prevent the IRS from enforcing any aspect of ObamaCare, a bill meant to exact revenge against an agency that Republicans say is incapable of neutral enforcement of the law.

Members approved the Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act in a 232-185 vote. Four Democrats supported the bill along with every Republican.

The vote capped off several days of work in the House on bills aimed at reining in government regulation and government overreach.

How many jobs will this bill create?
Doesn't matter to you anyway... you like living with your parents in their double wide.

Ask Barry how many jobs he's killed since he took office... moron.
Read the wisdom of a smart Republican and heed his words....

Charles Krauthammer: How fractured is the GOP? - The Washington Post

(b) Obamacare

The other battle is about defunding Obamacare. Led by Sens. Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, the GOP insurgents are threatening to shut down the government on Oct. 1 if the stopgap funding bill contains money for Obamacare.

This is nuts. The president will never sign a bill defunding the singular achievement of his presidency. Especially when he has control of the Senate. Especially when, though a narrow 51 percent majority of Americans disapproves of Obamacare, only 36 percent favors repeal. President Obama so knows he’ll win any shutdown showdown that he’s practically goading the Republicans into trying.

Never make a threat on which you are not prepared to deliver. Every fiscal showdown has redounded against the Republicans. The first, in 1995, effectively marked the end of the Gingrich revolution. The latest, last December, led to a last-minute Republican cave that humiliated the GOP and did nothing to stop the tax hike it so strongly opposed.

Those who fancy themselves tea party patriots fighting a sold-out cocktail-swilling establishment are demanding yet another cliff dive as a show of principle and manliness.

But there’s no principle at stake here. This is about tactics. If I thought this would work, I would support it. But I don’t fancy suicide. It has a tendency to be fatal.

As for manliness, the real question here is sanity. Nothing could better revive the fortunes of a failing, flailing, fading Democratic administration than a government shutdown where the president is portrayed as standing up to the GOP on honoring our debts and paying our soldiers in the field.

How many times must we learn the lesson? You can’t govern from one house of Congress. You need to win back the Senate and then the presidency. Shutting down the government is the worst possible way to get there. Indeed, it’s Obama’s fondest hope for a Democratic recovery.
I disagree 100% with the good Dr.
The House is Getting Something Right!

Yes, they're learning .... they took a full month vacation this time rather than those stupid 14 day 'recesses'

This is posturing, nothing more
Finally a vote that is going the "right" way! Keep up the good work! :clap2::happy-1:

House votes to prevent IRS from enforcing Obamacare

The House voted Friday to prevent the IRS from enforcing any aspect of ObamaCare, a bill meant to exact revenge against an agency that Republicans say is incapable of neutral enforcement of the law.

Members approved the Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act in a 232-185 vote. Four Democrats supported the bill along with every Republican.

The vote capped off several days of work in the House on bills aimed at reining in government regulation and government overreach.

How many jobs will this bill create?
Doesn't matter to you anyway... you like living with your parents in their double wide.

Ask Barry how many jobs he's killed since he took office... moron.

Your offhanded insult may be much closer to the mark than even you suspect.....

Report: Record Number of Young Adults Still Living With Their Parents…


I mean this in the kindest possible way but.... libtards are some kind of special stupid

And these same young people overwhelmingly supported the man whose policies has them languishing in mom’s basement.

Via Pew Research:

In 2012, 36% of the nation’s young adults ages 18 to 31—the so-called Millennial generation—were living in their parents’ home, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data. This is the highest share in at least four decades and represents a slow but steady increase over the 32% of their same-aged counterparts who were living at home prior to the Great Recession in 2007 and the 34% doing so when it officially ended in 2009.

A record total of 21.6 million Millennials lived in their parents’ home in 2012, up from 18.5 million of their same aged counterparts in 2007. Of these, at least a third and perhaps as many as half are college students. (In the census data used for this analysis, college students who live in dormitories during the academic year are counted as living with their parents).

Younger Millennials (ages 18 to 24) are much more likely than older ones (ages 25 to 31) to be living with their parents—56% versus 16%. Since the onset of the 2007-2009 recession, both age groups have experienced a rise in this living arrangement.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
How many times must we learn the lesson? You can’t govern from one house of Congress. You need to win back the Senate and then the presidency. Shutting down the government is the worst possible way to get there. Indeed, it’s Obama’s fondest hope for a Democratic recovery.

Charles you are aware of course, as are all Liberals, that Conservatives "learn nothing , and forget nothing....." (Rousseau)

I disagree 100% with the good Dr.

so do I.

the main problem last December for GOP was that they CAVED, not the shutdown itself.

and it is not true that shutdown in 1995 was "the end" to Gingrich revolution. Quite the opposite - it led to the welfare reform of 1996 which would otherwise never be signed by Clinton.
Read the wisdom of a smart Republican and heed his words....

Charles Krauthammer: How fractured is the GOP? - The Washington Post

(b) Obamacare

The other battle is about defunding Obamacare. Led by Sens. Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, the GOP insurgents are threatening to shut down the government on Oct. 1 if the stopgap funding bill contains money for Obamacare.

This is nuts. The president will never sign a bill defunding the singular achievement of his presidency. Especially when he has control of the Senate. Especially when, though a narrow 51 percent majority of Americans disapproves of Obamacare, only 36 percent favors repeal. President Obama so knows he’ll win any shutdown showdown that he’s practically goading the Republicans into trying.

Never make a threat on which you are not prepared to deliver. Every fiscal showdown has redounded against the Republicans. The first, in 1995, effectively marked the end of the Gingrich revolution. The latest, last December, led to a last-minute Republican cave that humiliated the GOP and did nothing to stop the tax hike it so strongly opposed.

Those who fancy themselves tea party patriots fighting a sold-out cocktail-swilling establishment are demanding yet another cliff dive as a show of principle and manliness.

But there’s no principle at stake here. This is about tactics. If I thought this would work, I would support it. But I don’t fancy suicide. It has a tendency to be fatal.

As for manliness, the real question here is sanity. Nothing could better revive the fortunes of a failing, flailing, fading Democratic administration than a government shutdown where the president is portrayed as standing up to the GOP on honoring our debts and paying our soldiers in the field.

How many times must we learn the lesson? You can’t govern from one house of Congress. You need to win back the Senate and then the presidency. Shutting down the government is the worst possible way to get there. Indeed, it’s Obama’s fondest hope for a Democratic recovery.
I disagree 100% with the good Dr.

Discretion is the better part of valor.

As a Psychiatrist, if he declares it nuts, I'll take his word for it. :)

Control your anger, control your disappointment, control your urge to do something (I don't wanna say 'stupid' but that may be the only word for it)

Why give dimocraps the ammunition with which to shoot all of us in the head?

Your intentions are correct but your timing is terrible
Finally a vote that is going the "right" way! Keep up the good work! :clap2::happy-1:

House votes to prevent IRS from enforcing Obamacare

The House voted Friday to prevent the IRS from enforcing any aspect of ObamaCare, a bill meant to exact revenge against an agency that Republicans say is incapable of neutral enforcement of the law.

Members approved the Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act in a 232-185 vote. Four Democrats supported the bill along with every Republican.

The vote capped off several days of work in the House on bills aimed at reining in government regulation and government overreach.

How many jobs will this bill create?
Doesn't matter to you anyway... you like living with your parents in their double wide.

Ask Barry how many jobs he's killed since he took office... moron.

This from the guy who voted in the last election based upon who would increase the amount of the check he receives every month from the government.
FOX News has the lowest number of 25 to 54 age group of all news outlets.

Of the mainstream media outlets, all have higher numbers.

The Conservative chorus continues to have a median age of 65!

Continue on ....

Can the 9% Congress REALLY get anything right?

Oh right, they repealed Obamacare 40 times.

While 60% of Americans want the ACA as is or stronger.

can somebody shut up this moron at least for 3 days?

just asking :D

p.s. not Krauthammer ))))
I disagree 100% with the good Dr.

so do I.

the main problem last December for GOP was that they CAVED, not the shutdown itself.

and it is not true that shutdown in 1995 was "the end" to Gingrich revolution. Quite the opposite - it led to the welfare reform of 1996 which would otherwise never be signed by Clinton.

We got absolutely HAMMERED for that government shutdown.

Not only that but we lost the showdown in every imaginable way. And some unimaginable ways.

We shut down the government again and we're done for the 2014 elections.

If dimocraps take back the House (Why do you think the Stuttering Clusterfukk is still in FULL CAMPAIGN MODE??).... We are well and truly fucked.

dimocraps will disappear us as a party. Don't know if you've noticed or not, but they (and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM) don't play fair

We need to win elections not stand in they way of a charging Bull Elephant to prove how tough we are.

That ain't tough, that's stupid.

Say what you want about dimocraps. They ARE stupid. They ARE dishonest. They ARE back-stabbing dicklickers.

But GAWD-DAYUM can they ever run a campaign.

They are the greatest, most accomplished liars God ever created. You give them one little thing, one tiny opening, and they'll turn it into a Flood of propaganda.

Keep in mind, they got the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM square in their hip pocket as well.

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