The Hypocrisy Of David Duke


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
Duke wrote a book condemning what he calls "Jewish Supremacism".

However, he was an official of the Ku Klux Klan, which means he advocates
White Supremacy.
Duke wrote a book condemning what he calls "Jewish Supremacism".

However, he was an official of the Ku Klux Klan, which means he advocates
White Supremacy.

He is psychotic. Check out this article that he wrote earlier this year.

April 9 is the Anniversary of the Zio Massacre at Deir Yassin ? Remember! | David Duke

Deir Yassin - The massacre that never was

It never happened.

Which was my point...Duke is psychotic, and that means he has lost touch with reality.
Duke wrote a book condemning what he calls "Jewish Supremacism".

However, he was an official of the Ku Klux Klan, which means he advocates
White Supremacy.

He is psychotic. Check out this article that he wrote earlier this year.

April 9 is the Anniversary of the Zio Massacre at Deir Yassin ? Remember! | David Duke

The only reason David Duke pretends to care about the Palestinians is because he hates Jews.

I do not pretend to care about the Palestinians. I love Israel.

[ame=]Israeli Defense Forces - "Hatikva" - YouTube[/ame]
When it comes to the jews he is spot on. .. :cool:

Those who hate Jews resent them because of their superior intelligence and the prosperity that intelligence makes possible. Ashkenazi Jews are the most superior race in existence.
Those who hate Jews resent them because of their superior intelligence and the prosperity that intelligence makes possible. Ashkenazi Jews are the most superior race in existence.
Ashkenazi jews are not a race Poindexter.

They are just members of a religion called Judaism.

True story............ :cool:
Since Maimonides and Nachmanides were both Sephardim - for just a couple of examples! - I will have to disagree with Friends and (fighting back the impulse to vomit!) agree with that generally revolting and trollish poster......

My son is as much 'WAS(P->J) as he is 'Ashkenazi' biologically. He's all Jew : ))
Duke wrote a book condemning what he calls "Jewish Supremacism".

However, he was an official of the Ku Klux Klan, which means he advocates
White Supremacy.

Its not hyocricy because if he believes the white race is superior,then it by his reasoning it should be supreme (hence supremacy). If he believes the Jewish Race is inferior (he does) its right along his own belief structuture that he opposes any form of Jewish asendancy.

It still makes him an asshole and a racist fuck, but there is no hyporcisy in his logic.
Those who hate Jews resent them because of their superior intelligence and the prosperity that intelligence makes possible. Ashkenazi Jews are the most superior race in existence.
Ashkenazi jews are not a race Poindexter.

They are just members of a religion called Judaism.

True story............ :cool:

Ashkenazi Jews are a Caucasian sub race with an average IQ of 112.

The major sects of Judaism are Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, and Reform Judaism. One can convert to one of these. One is born an Ashkenazi Jew, even if one is an atheist.
the poor inbred seem to be sickly lot

A number of genetic disorders occur more frequently in certain ethnic populations. In the Ashkenazi Jewish population (those of Eastern European descent), it has been estimated that one in four individuals is a carrier of one of several genetic conditions. These diseases include Tay-Sachs Disease, Canavan, Niemann-Pick, Gaucher, Familial Dysautonomia, Bloom Syndrome, Fanconi anemia, Cystic Fibrosis and Mucolipidosis IV. Some of these diseases may be severe and may result in the early death of a child. Carrier screening is available for all of these diseases with a simple blood test.

Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases | Jewish Virtual Library
the poor inbred seem to be sickly lot

A number of genetic disorders occur more frequently in certain ethnic populations. In the Ashkenazi Jewish population (those of Eastern European descent), it has been estimated that one in four individuals is a carrier of one of several genetic conditions. These diseases include Tay-Sachs Disease, Canavan, Niemann-Pick, Gaucher, Familial Dysautonomia, Bloom Syndrome, Fanconi anemia, Cystic Fibrosis and Mucolipidosis IV. Some of these diseases may be severe and may result in the early death of a child. Carrier screening is available for all of these diseases with a simple blood test.

Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases | Jewish Virtual Library

Those genetic diseases are caused by genes that are dominant for superior intelligence, but recessive for the diseases. Ashkenazi Jews picked them up because they had to become smart fast. They were not allowed to own land. They were not allowed to enter most trades. The only professions open to them were commerce and money lending. These require superior intelligence. Jews that could not learn the necessary skills either had no children, or left the faith.

Those genetic diseases are caused by genes that are dominant for superior intelligence, but recessive for the diseases
. Ashkenazi Jews picked them up because they had to become smart fast. They were not allowed to own land. They were not allowed to enter most trades. The only professions open to them were commerce and money lending. These require superior intelligence. Jews that could not learn the necessary skills either had no children, or left the faith.
LOL......that is the most idiotic pseudo scientific nonsense I have ever read. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
Those who hate Jews resent them because of their superior intelligence and the prosperity that intelligence makes possible. Ashkenazi Jews are the most superior race in existence.
Ashkenazi jews are not a race Poindexter.

They are just members of a religion called Judaism.

True story............ :cool:

ashkenazi jews are an easily genetically identified caucasian subgroup that through inbreeding and ruthless survival selection have developed increased intelligence on the one hand while suffering genetic diseases on the other.

I dont give a fig about David Duke but if he is saying that Ashkenazi success is all out of proportion to their population size, then he is correct for that point. just look at Nobel prize winners, authors, economists, doctors, etc

Those genetic diseases are caused by genes that are dominant for superior intelligence, but recessive for the diseases
. Ashkenazi Jews picked them up because they had to become smart fast. They were not allowed to own land. They were not allowed to enter most trades. The only professions open to them were commerce and money lending. These require superior intelligence. Jews that could not learn the necessary skills either had no children, or left the faith.
LOL......that is the most idiotic pseudo scientific nonsense I have ever read. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

And yet probably true, Sunni.

We find the same propensity toward higher average IQs in other cultures whose lives and histories are, for one reason or the other, very harsh.

Over generations of a culture dealing with harsh social darwinism (or natural darwinism in some rare cases) the edge that superior intelligence gives people manifests in the group as slightly superior traits, INCLUDING higher intelligence.

Jews are abvioslyu not the only people so cursed/blessed by history.

But they are the ONLY people that this board is soooooooooooooo obsessed with.

Pick almost ANY group of people who went throght a holocaust (and that's a lot of differents groups of human, FYI) and you find that their average intelligence is slightly higher than the mean.

Now what is our affluent (easy life) culture breeding into our people?

Not superior intelligence, but probably superior defences against communicable diseases.

Weird, eh?

The worse a PEOPLE are treated* (in history over generations) the stronger that PEOPLE become (statistically speaking).

Racially speaking it's: NO PAIN NO GAIN.
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