The idea that Americans think putting republicans in power will improve the economy is just nonsense as always

And he wasnt much different than the establishment.

Okay -

Let me try again.

Let's say that we elect the person of your dreams.

Who does he work with?
Each side is going to work against him for 4 years to run out the clock, until the next collection.

How does that help?
Okay -

Let me try again.

Let's say that we elect the person of your dreams.

Who does he work with?
Each side is going to work against him for 4 years to run out the clock, until the next collection.

How does that help?
I wasnt just speaking of a President.
Republicans improved the economy after that Carter failure. It was Republicans that kept Slick Willy from fucking up the economy. Trump undid a lot of the economic damange that we got from The Worthless Negro and Republican leadership can undo the Potatohead disaster.
Understandably, inflation is the top concern among voters right now. The problem is that it should not affect their midterm vote. Putting republicans in power is not going to do ANYTHING to curb inflation. Even if there was an economic policy that could drastically reduce current inflation, republicans sure as hell would not pass it. It’s not like they have a nuanced, informed strategy for the economy. All they ever do is cut taxes for corporations or top earners which has no real effect on the middle class or poor. All it really accomplishes is blowing up the deficit.

Do i even need to point out that blowing up the deficit does not help inflation?

We know that they will blow up the deficit because obviously Trump did.

American voters are always deluding themselves. They just seem to forget that republicans do jack shit. What they should be reminded of is that the economy, historically, performs better under democrats. I’m not going to pretend that democrats have done much of anything about the current inflation issue, but since every other economic metric has done well under democrats, we might as well keep them in power.

The alternative being no better, and probably worse.

The duopoly has no interest in serving the people.

The solution is to rid ourselves of the entire federal government. It is literally FUCKING USELESS and nothing more than a drain on property and rights.
We may not know if putting Republicans in power will fix this mess we are in but we do know that Potatohead created the mess we are in and if the filthy Democrats stay in power things will get even worse.
The alternative being no better, and probably worse.

The duopoly has no interest in serving the people.

The solution is to rid ourselves of the entire federal government. It is literally FUCKING USELESS and nothing more than a drain on property and rights.
You know with the amount of federal powers that have been in the constitution from the beginning including the ones created decades sense, you might as well just admit you don’t give a shit about the constitution lol
We may not know if putting Republicans in power will fix this mess we are in but we do know that Potatohead created the mess we are in and if the filthy Democrats stay in power things will get even worse.

That's a given.
Is that why his final budget request was more than a trillion dollars than even Obama ever asked for?

Or did he not understand then either, but now that he is just a private citizen he suddenly understands?

The budgets come from congress.
Wait I had it backwards. What actually happened is that republicans had full control the first two years. Democrats then took over in 2019. That’s basically the reason why you shouldn’t gloat about republicans taking control next year lol
Understandably, inflation is the top concern among voters right now. The problem is that it should not affect their midterm vote. Putting republicans in power is not going to do ANYTHING to curb inflation. Even if there was an economic policy that could drastically reduce current inflation, republicans sure as hell would not pass it. It’s not like they have a nuanced, informed strategy for the economy. All they ever do is cut taxes for corporations or top earners which has no real effect on the middle class or poor. All it really accomplishes is blowing up the deficit.

Do i even need to point out that blowing up the deficit does not help inflation?

We know that they will blow up the deficit because obviously Trump did.

American voters are always deluding themselves. They just seem to forget that republicans do jack shit. What they should be reminded of is that the economy, historically, performs better under democrats. I’m not going to pretend that democrats have done much of anything about the current inflation issue, but since every other economic metric has done well under democrats, we might as well keep them in power.

Based upon the budget request sent by the Executive branch.

I do not get how people get to be adults and not know this most basic part of our system.
Do you know how many of Barry Hussein's budgets were passed?

HINT: Several got ZERO votes, from both parties.

They are meaningless.
Proposed by congress.

You're not very good at this, are you.

It is fun schooling you, but a tad redundant as you never seem to learn anything.

Every year, Congress begins work on a federal budget for the next fiscal year. The federal government’s fiscal year runs from October 1 of one calendar year through September 30 of the next.

The work actually begins in the executive branch the year before the budget is to go into effect.

  • Federal agencies create budget requests and submit them to the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
  • OMB refers to the agency requests as it develops the president’s budget proposal.
It is fun schooling you, but a tad redundant as you never seem to learn anything.

Every year, Congress begins work on a federal budget for the next fiscal year. The federal government’s fiscal year runs from October 1 of one calendar year through September 30 of the next.

The work actually begins in the executive branch the year before the budget is to go into effect.

  • Federal agencies create budget requests and submit them to the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
  • OMB refers to the agency requests as it develops the president’s budget proposal.

Congress tells the president what they want and desire. The president then picks and chooses and adds as they see fit.

Say, are these Demogoofs still chirping "Trump doubled the deficit" and "Democrooks are more fit to run an economy"? Fuck what a lie man, they get that shit from similar decor-dressing leftists void of things called FACTS, DOLLARS & STATISTICS.
Based upon the budget request sent by the Executive branch.

I do not get how people get to be adults and not know this most basic part of our system.
Partially based upon Executive Branch request(suggestion).
Often even more is added to that by Congress.
Hence the situation often where the POTUS either signs off on the inflated budget or if not, the guv'mint "shuts down".

That last sentence of your post would seem to apply to you.

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