The Ideal Model...Walmart


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
The average Walmart Employee would be a model for where big corporations and the wealthy would like to take the working class of this nation back to. The only thing which has a chance of slowing the spread of the global economy and taking ordinary workers back to peon conditions is the advent of a world union where all common workers could stick together.

The unions negotiated for and got everything for the middle class back in the 40's and 50's and I witnessed it first hand. It was so obvious that when the union was negotiating for sick leave, vacation, paid pensions etc. when they saw they were going to lose to the union they would go ahead and give whatever it was to the salaried employees....sometimes no more than a month before the union employees received the benefit. Companies which pay their CEO's 500 times what an ordinary worker earns will not correct a hazard in the work place or grant $5.00 worth of new benefits by choice.....they never have and they never will. If I were close to 30 instead of 80 I would personally get involved in a world wide movement to form a global union....the only hope of toning down this move back to the world of the haves and the have nots.


So why in the hell don't those at WalMart organize??? What you are really arguing is for government intervention. If they hate WalMart so much then they should go to work at Target, same skill set except you have to wear a red shirt. You saw what happened on Black Friday, all hype no balls. The people are letting it happen to themselves. Plus the fact that the low tech, low skill jobs were sent overseas by Clinton and his Free Trade agreements, which were anything but free to the American people. Add to that the liberal mantra of letting anyone who can swim the Rio Grande river be a citizen and we wonder why low tech/low skill jobs are hard for American's to find. Oh yeah the liberal excuses is that Americans won't do the jobs they can't get. Or that the American people just need educated a little bit more to do the low tech/low skill jobs.

One more thing, you do realize that the graph does not tell us if the lower 90 percent received an increase, they did. What it is telling you is that if everyone got a 3 percent raise then those making the most would get the most. It is what my union did every contract. They NEVER asked for a dollar amount raise it was always a percentage increase. Thus those with more time got more and those with less got less and the difference between increased every year. And don't believe those who made the least didn't notice. The unions are little different then coporatations.
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So why in the hell don't those at WalMart organize??? What you are really arguing is for government intervention. If they hate WalMart so much then they should go to work at Target, same skill set expect you have to wear a red shirt. You saw what happened on Black Friday, all hype no balls. The people are letting it happen to themselves. Plus the fact that the low tech, low skill jobs were sent overseas by Clinton and his Free Trade agreements, which were anything but free to the American people. Add to that the liberal mantra of letting anyone who can swim the Rio Grande river be a citizen and we wonder why low tech/low skill jobs are hard for American's to find. Oh yeah the liberal excuses is that Americans won't do the jobs they can't get. Or that the American people just need educated a little bit more to do the low tech/low skill jobs.

Screw the Walmart. I just gave it as a perfect example of what corporations and the wealthy would like to see for ALL the middle class....or what used to be the middle class of America.

Until each and every family in this country can expect to be rewarded with decent wages, fair treatment and a dignified retirement for 8-10 hours a day for 40-50 years of total commitment to an employer....we don't have shit. Take that to the bank.

That includes using a person all through their young years then laying them off. We need something which carries from one company to the next to keep a 55 year old employee from suddenly finding they have lost 30-35 of their working years just because a CEO and board of directors have decided it would be more profitable on the bottom line by having a reduction in force. The bastards run too free and easy on that anyway.

Let's go back to the days when a corporate executive earned five or ten times what an ordinary worker earned and that would solve a lot of it on it's own. What makes some prick worth 400-500 times what another person is anyway? I'll tell you what....his or her hand picked board of directors.
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So why in the hell don't those at WalMart organize??? What you are really arguing is for government intervention. If they hate WalMart so much then they should go to work at Target, same skill set expect you have to wear a red shirt. You saw what happened on Black Friday, all hype no balls. The people are letting it happen to themselves. Plus the fact that the low tech, low skill jobs were sent overseas by Clinton and his Free Trade agreements, which were anything but free to the American people. Add to that the liberal mantra of letting anyone who can swim the Rio Grande river be a citizen and we wonder why low tech/low skill jobs are hard for American's to find. Oh yeah the liberal excuses is that Americans won't do the jobs they can't get. Or that the American people just need educated a little bit more to do the low tech/low skill jobs.

Screw the Walmart. I just gave it as a perfect example of what corporations and the wealthy would like to see for ALL the middle class....or what used to be the middle class of America.

Until each and every family in this country can expect to be rewarded with decent wages, fair treatment and a dignified retirement for 8-10 hours a day for 40-50 years of total commitment to an employer....we don't have shit. Take that to the bank.

That includes using a person all through their young years then laying them off. We need something which carries from one company to the next to keep a 55 year old employee from suddenly finding they have lost 30-35 of their working years just because a CEO and board of directors have decided it would be more profitable on the bottom line by having a reduction in force. The bastards run too free and easy on that anyway.

Let's go back to the days when a corporate executive earned five or ten times what an ordinary worker earned and that would solve a lot of it on it's own. What makes some prick worth 400-500 times what another person is anyway? I'll tell you what....his or her hand picked board of directors.

We need.

An educated working class. Low skill/low tech jobs for those who can't be educated or won't.

Free trade agreements that are fair.

We need to stop illegal immigration.

We need people who are being put upon to organize.

We need the government to get the hell out of the way.

What usually, and should, make someone worth more is that they worked their asses off to get where they are. They took chances they got educated. Why a person who works an assembly line thinks they are worth more then the person running the company doesn't make sense. The truth is that everyone's quality of life has increased over the last 50 years.
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So why in the hell don't those at WalMart organize??? What you are really arguing is for government intervention. If they hate WalMart so much then they should go to work at Target, same skill set expect you have to wear a red shirt. You saw what happened on Black Friday, all hype no balls. The people are letting it happen to themselves. Plus the fact that the low tech, low skill jobs were sent overseas by Clinton and his Free Trade agreements, which were anything but free to the American people. Add to that the liberal mantra of letting anyone who can swim the Rio Grande river be a citizen and we wonder why low tech/low skill jobs are hard for American's to find. Oh yeah the liberal excuses is that Americans won't do the jobs they can't get. Or that the American people just need educated a little bit more to do the low tech/low skill jobs.

Screw the Walmart. I just gave it as a perfect example of what corporations and the wealthy would like to see for ALL the middle class....or what used to be the middle class of America.

Until each and every family in this country can expect to be rewarded with decent wages, fair treatment and a dignified retirement for 8-10 hours a day for 40-50 years of total commitment to an employer....we don't have shit. Take that to the bank.

That includes using a person all through their young years then laying them off. We need something which carries from one company to the next to keep a 55 year old employee from suddenly finding they have lost 30-35 of their working years just because a CEO and board of directors have decided it would be more profitable on the bottom line by having a reduction in force. The bastards run too free and easy on that anyway.

Let's go back to the days when a corporate executive earned five or ten times what an ordinary worker earned and that would solve a lot of it on it's own. What makes some prick worth 400-500 times what another person is anyway? I'll tell you what....his or her hand picked board of directors.

Of course everyone wishes for what you have outlined that is a given. How we get there is the question. The unions screwed themselves by petitioning the government to do what they should have done. Now who needs a union with Obamacare? Who needs a union with EEOC? Who needs a union with SSI and SS?

What I say is that instead of relying on the government to carry the water for the Unions the people need to organize and carry their own water. Until that happens the best people can hope for are the scraps that the government throws their way.
No, that's not what all corporations and wealthy people would like.

Why would a person go work for one company instead of another? Pay and benefits. So it's only natural that corporations wanting to attract the best talent will entice their employees with attractive pay and perks.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but that's just not the case everywhere.
So why in the hell don't those at WalMart organize??? What you are really arguing is for government intervention. If they hate WalMart so much then they should go to work at Target, same skill set expect you have to wear a red shirt. You saw what happened on Black Friday, all hype no balls. The people are letting it happen to themselves. Plus the fact that the low tech, low skill jobs were sent overseas by Clinton and his Free Trade agreements, which were anything but free to the American people. Add to that the liberal mantra of letting anyone who can swim the Rio Grande river be a citizen and we wonder why low tech/low skill jobs are hard for American's to find. Oh yeah the liberal excuses is that Americans won't do the jobs they can't get. Or that the American people just need educated a little bit more to do the low tech/low skill jobs.

Screw the Walmart. I just gave it as a perfect example of what corporations and the wealthy would like to see for ALL the middle class....or what used to be the middle class of America.

Until each and every family in this country can expect to be rewarded with decent wages, fair treatment and a dignified retirement for 8-10 hours a day for 40-50 years of total commitment to an employer....we don't have shit. Take that to the bank.

That includes using a person all through their young years then laying them off. We need something which carries from one company to the next to keep a 55 year old employee from suddenly finding they have lost 30-35 of their working years just because a CEO and board of directors have decided it would be more profitable on the bottom line by having a reduction in force. The bastards run too free and easy on that anyway.

Let's go back to the days when a corporate executive earned five or ten times what an ordinary worker earned and that would solve a lot of it on it's own. What makes some prick worth 400-500 times what another person is anyway? I'll tell you what....his or her hand picked board of directors.

Of course everyone wishes for what you have outlined that is a given. How we get there is the question. The unions screwed themselves by petitioning the government to do what they should have done. Now who needs a union with Obamacare? Who needs a union with EEOC? Who needs a union with SSI and SS?

What I say is that instead of relying on the government to carry the water for the Unions the people need to organize and carry their own water. Until that happens the best people can hope for are the scraps that the government throws their way.

Horse shit and Moose Kock!

Ronald Reagan screwed the unions when he fired PATCO. The unions were at their peak at that time and those years were when and where my benefits came from. Any ordinary American who works full time and does a good job should hate that son-of-a-bitch!

I was a Republican for the first thirty years of my adult life, voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times...even Reagan once. A working man or woman who votes for Republicans these days either has their head up their ass or it's for the social issues. I wouldn't vote for another one in a national election if I live to 100.
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Horse shit and Moose Kock!

Ronald Reagan screwed the unions when he fired PATCO. The unions were at their peak at that time and those years were when and where my benefits came from. Any ordinary American who works full time and does a good job should hate that son-of-a-bitch!

I was a Republican for the first thirty years of my adult life, voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times...even Reagan once. A working man or woman who votes for Republicans these days either has their head up their ass or it's for the social issues. I wouldn't vote for another one in a national election if I live to 100.
You an JoeB should get together for a whine session. I, for one, would be very interested to hear who would be whinier, but I would dread having to listen to it. You're good, but my money's on Joe.
Cambppppeeell, Marxism is cool when you're 20, at some point you need to grow the fuck up.
Screw the Walmart. I just gave it as a perfect example of what corporations and the wealthy would like to see for ALL the middle class....or what used to be the middle class of America.

Until each and every family in this country can expect to be rewarded with decent wages, fair treatment and a dignified retirement for 8-10 hours a day for 40-50 years of total commitment to an employer....we don't have shit. Take that to the bank.

That includes using a person all through their young years then laying them off. We need something which carries from one company to the next to keep a 55 year old employee from suddenly finding they have lost 30-35 of their working years just because a CEO and board of directors have decided it would be more profitable on the bottom line by having a reduction in force. The bastards run too free and easy on that anyway.

Let's go back to the days when a corporate executive earned five or ten times what an ordinary worker earned and that would solve a lot of it on it's own. What makes some prick worth 400-500 times what another person is anyway? I'll tell you what....his or her hand picked board of directors.

Of course everyone wishes for what you have outlined that is a given. How we get there is the question. The unions screwed themselves by petitioning the government to do what they should have done. Now who needs a union with Obamacare? Who needs a union with EEOC? Who needs a union with SSI and SS?

What I say is that instead of relying on the government to carry the water for the Unions the people need to organize and carry their own water. Until that happens the best people can hope for are the scraps that the government throws their way.

Horse shit and Moose Kock!

Ronald Reagan screwed the unions when he fired PATCO. The unions were at their peak at that time and those years were when and where my benefits came from. Any ordinary American who works full time and does a good job should hate that son-of-a-bitch!

I was a Republican for the first thirty years of my adult life, voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times...even Reagan once. A working man or woman who votes for Republicans these days either has their head up their ass or it's for the social issues. I wouldn't vote for another one in a national election if I live to 100.

Ah the old hate Reagan storyline. Do you remember the events as they happened? Do you remember who broke the contract and walked off the job? Do you remember what the rest of the Unions did in the country? Well let me tell you Reagan was justified in what he did and the unions in the country did absolutely NOTHING but whine like little children. They ran to the first cow they could find and suckled at the teet waiting for the government, or some political party to protect them, it didn't happen because Reagan was right.

What the Unions should have done, or could have done was shut down the nation. They could have shown their support in a meaningful way but they did nothing, not willing to make a sacrifice. And how did the nation respond? Two landslide victories for Reagan.

Ah yes the democrats have done so much better for you. YOU are the problem with the unions. YOU expect government to do what YOU should do for yourself. When they don't YOU find a villain to blame other then the very UNIONS that should be doing the work. Reliance on the government to do what YOU should be doing is subject to failure. Think about how far the country has fallen since the 2006 take over by the democrats then tell me they really have you best interest at heart.

The Union label is damaged and making up stories and blaming any one other then themselvs isn't gonna make things right.
Cambppppeeell, Marxism is cool when you're 20, at some point you need to grow the fuck up.

Just keep on ignoring the signs. If you're young and make less than $200,000-$300,000 a year you should pay attention to what's been happening. When incomes are adjusted to after tax amounts 80% have been losing ground ever since the 1970's. Letting the wealthy and corporate CEO's manage companies, Wall St. and control campaign contributions is like putting foxes in charge of the hen house.

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WalMart protects workers in a bad economy since it can spread losses out across all of their stores. If stores in New York don't do well because of the economy and the hurricane, then HQ WalMart can keep those stores from going under by propping them up.

I gurantee WalMarts in NJ and NY that got shut down and damaged by the hurricane got re-opened quicker than Joe Schmoe's business. I wonder what Joe Schmoe's workers think about not having a job today while the WalMart workers are busy making money.

Joe Schmoe in upper New York working in another mom & pop store might lose his job in a slow economy, whereas WalMart workers across town keep their jobs because WalMart can protect stores being harmed in specific areas by the recession.

So liberals want to get rid of WalMart, so that workers will be under more stress working for a poorer owner that will fire them on the spot with 1 bad holiday season.....
So why in the hell don't those at WalMart organize??? What you are really arguing is for government intervention. If they hate WalMart so much then they should go to work at Target, same skill set expect you have to wear a red shirt. You saw what happened on Black Friday, all hype no balls. The people are letting it happen to themselves. Plus the fact that the low tech, low skill jobs were sent overseas by Clinton and his Free Trade agreements, which were anything but free to the American people. Add to that the liberal mantra of letting anyone who can swim the Rio Grande river be a citizen and we wonder why low tech/low skill jobs are hard for American's to find. Oh yeah the liberal excuses is that Americans won't do the jobs they can't get. Or that the American people just need educated a little bit more to do the low tech/low skill jobs.

Screw the Walmart. I just gave it as a perfect example of what corporations and the wealthy would like to see for ALL the middle class....or what used to be the middle class of America.

Until each and every family in this country can expect to be rewarded with decent wages, fair treatment and a dignified retirement for 8-10 hours a day for 40-50 years of total commitment to an employer....we don't have shit. Take that to the bank.

That includes using a person all through their young years then laying them off. We need something which carries from one company to the next to keep a 55 year old employee from suddenly finding they have lost 30-35 of their working years just because a CEO and board of directors have decided it would be more profitable on the bottom line by having a reduction in force. The bastards run too free and easy on that anyway.

Let's go back to the days when a corporate executive earned five or ten times what an ordinary worker earned and that would solve a lot of it on it's own. What makes some prick worth 400-500 times what another person is anyway? I'll tell you what....his or her hand picked board of directors.

We need.

An educated working class. Low skill/low tech jobs for those who can't be educated or won't.

Free trade agreements that are fair.

We need to stop illegal immigration.

We need people who are being put upon to organize.

We need the government to get the hell out of the way.

What usually, and should, make someone worth more is that they worked their asses off to get where they are. They took chances they got educated. Why a person who works an assembly line thinks they are worth more then the person running the company doesn't make sense. The truth is that everyone's quality of life has increased over the last 50 years.

All the skills in the world will not help if there are no jobs.

Free trade agreements that are fair.
LMAO at that one.
Horse shit and Moose Kock!

Ronald Reagan screwed the unions when he fired PATCO. The unions were at their peak at that time and those years were when and where my benefits came from. Any ordinary American who works full time and does a good job should hate that son-of-a-bitch!

I was a Republican for the first thirty years of my adult life, voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times...even Reagan once. A working man or woman who votes for Republicans these days either has their head up their ass or it's for the social issues. I wouldn't vote for another one in a national election if I live to 100.
You an JoeB should get together for a whine session. I, for one, would be very interested to hear who would be whinier, but I would dread having to listen to it. You're good, but my money's on Joe.

JoeB has a distinct advantage. He just makes crap up in support of whatever the hell it is he's selling.

The preceding was a Public Service Announcement.
Screw the Walmart. I just gave it as a perfect example of what corporations and the wealthy would like to see for ALL the middle class....or what used to be the middle class of America.

Until each and every family in this country can expect to be rewarded with decent wages, fair treatment and a dignified retirement for 8-10 hours a day for 40-50 years of total commitment to an employer....we don't have shit. Take that to the bank.

That includes using a person all through their young years then laying them off. We need something which carries from one company to the next to keep a 55 year old employee from suddenly finding they have lost 30-35 of their working years just because a CEO and board of directors have decided it would be more profitable on the bottom line by having a reduction in force. The bastards run too free and easy on that anyway.

Let's go back to the days when a corporate executive earned five or ten times what an ordinary worker earned and that would solve a lot of it on it's own. What makes some prick worth 400-500 times what another person is anyway? I'll tell you what....his or her hand picked board of directors.

We need.

An educated working class. Low skill/low tech jobs for those who can't be educated or won't.

Free trade agreements that are fair.

We need to stop illegal immigration.

We need people who are being put upon to organize.

We need the government to get the hell out of the way.

What usually, and should, make someone worth more is that they worked their asses off to get where they are. They took chances they got educated. Why a person who works an assembly line thinks they are worth more then the person running the company doesn't make sense. The truth is that everyone's quality of life has increased over the last 50 years.

All the skills in the world will not help if there are no jobs.

Free trade agreements that are fair.
LMAO at that one.

All the jobs in the world won't help if there are not skilled workers.

We need to trade with the rest of the world, we need to do it fairly.
Horse shit and Moose Kock!

Ronald Reagan screwed the unions when he fired PATCO. The unions were at their peak at that time and those years were when and where my benefits came from. Any ordinary American who works full time and does a good job should hate that son-of-a-bitch!

I was a Republican for the first thirty years of my adult life, voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times...even Reagan once. A working man or woman who votes for Republicans these days either has their head up their ass or it's for the social issues. I wouldn't vote for another one in a national election if I live to 100.
You an JoeB should get together for a whine session. I, for one, would be very interested to hear who would be whinier, but I would dread having to listen to it. You're good, but my money's on Joe.

JoeB has a distinct advantage. He just makes crap up in support of whatever the hell it is he's selling.

The preceding was a Public Service Announcement.
Yeah, like I said, Cammmpbell is good, but my money's on JoeB.
Liberals talk outside both sides of their mouth.

In one instance they don't like people driving cars and lots of trucks on the road, but then they hate WalMart which helps cut down on people driving all over town to 5-6 stores and it also cuts down on trucks going to 5-6 mom & pop stores to unload the same shit.

WalMart makes cars and trucks on the road more efficient going to one stop, saving gas.....saving the liberals' "sacred" planet.

So let's destroy WalMart and open up thousands more little stores that will force people to drive all over town for a couple hours to get what they need......
Liberals talk outside both sides of their mouth.

In one instance they don't like people driving cars and lots of trucks on the road, but then they hate WalMart which helps cut down on people driving all over town to 5-6 stores and it also cuts down on trucks going to 5-6 mom & pop stores to unload the same shit.

WalMart makes cars and trucks on the road more efficient going to one stop, saving gas.....saving the liberals' "sacred" planet.

So let's destroy WalMart and open up thousands more little stores that will force people to drive all over town for a couple hours to get what they need......

Not sure if it is what you imply. If it is then why are they not even mentioning Sears, Target or Kmart? It seems to me that there is something about success that makes the liberals automatically assume it is because the company is run by Andrew Carnegie. It really seems like it is mediocrity and failure that the liberals love to see. That way they can support the failures making the liberals feel good about themselves, and it so much more easy then being successful.

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