The Idiot


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Biden Says GOP Efforts to Confirm Barrett Are 'Not Constitutional'

“The only court-packing is going on right now. It’s going on with the Republicans,” Biden told reporters Saturday in Delaware. “It’s not constitutional what they’re doing. We should be focused on what’s happening right now.”

Article II, Section 2.


Come on, Man: Biden Says GOP Efforts to Confirm Barrett Are 'Not Constitutional'
Biden Says GOP Efforts to Confirm Barrett Are 'Not Constitutional'

“The only court-packing is going on right now. It’s going on with the Republicans,” Biden told reporters Saturday in Delaware. “It’s not constitutional what they’re doing. We should be focused on what’s happening right now.”

Article II, Section 2.


Come on, Man: Biden Says GOP Efforts to Confirm Barrett Are 'Not Constitutional'
Month after Scalia's death. Obama nominated his replacement.
But Obama couldn't wait to replace him for some reason.

In office
September 26, 1986 – February 13, 2016

Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?
Biden Says GOP Efforts to Confirm Barrett Are 'Not Constitutional'

“The only court-packing is going on right now. It’s going on with the Republicans,” Biden told reporters Saturday in Delaware. “It’s not constitutional what they’re doing. We should be focused on what’s happening right now.”

Article II, Section 2.


Come on, Man: Biden Says GOP Efforts to Confirm Barrett Are 'Not Constitutional'
Oh, I thought you were paging me again.

But I will say that Biden is an obvious lying pos like like every leftist there is.
Biden Says GOP Efforts to Confirm Barrett Are 'Not Constitutional'

“The only court-packing is going on right now. It’s going on with the Republicans,” Biden told reporters Saturday in Delaware. “It’s not constitutional what they’re doing. We should be focused on what’s happening right now.”

Article II, Section 2.


Come on, Man: Biden Says GOP Efforts to Confirm Barrett Are 'Not Constitutional'
The real Idiots are the Useful Idiot Americans who are to Stupid to understand America's political processes and gullible enough to believe anything that comes out of that man's mouth.
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?

The one with blinders on is the one who believes politicizing the courts is a recent action. The leftists have been doing it for decades.
Biden and Democrats who supports him are hella stupid.

We have a new MO on the right. We ask "what would Harry Reid and the Democrats do?"

Remember when it took 60 votes to confirm a judge? I do...

Republicans are upholding their constitutional duty..... now that it suits them, as oppose to 2016. Just as the Democrats would have played it with similar belly-aching from the other side.
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?

The one with blinders on is the one who believes politicizing the courts is a recent action. The leftists have been doing it for decades.
Sigh. Projection. The right wingers like to take their actions and project on to others. It’s ok. I know you know the truth but just don’t care.
Republicans are upholding their constitutional duty..... now that it suits them, as oppose to 2016. Just as the Democrats would have played it with similar belly-aching from the other side.

You clearly misunderstand what the Senate's Constitutional duty is (big shocker). They upheld it in 2016, as well, by refusing a nomination they didn't like. Perhaps you could rub both of your brain cells together and tell us what you think the point of having the Senate confirm Justices is if they're Constitutionally obligated to approve them all, as you seem to believe.
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?

The one with blinders on is the one who believes politicizing the courts is a recent action. The leftists have been doing it for decades.
Sigh. Projection. The right wingers like to take their actions and project on to others. It’s ok. I know you know the truth but just don’t care.

Does that whole "I'm going to dodge responding by just asserting that you really agree with me" bullshit actually work on anyone with a three-digit IQ?
" tell us what you think the point of having the Senate confirm Justices is if they're Constitutionally obligated to approve them all, as you seem to believe. "

Actually, the Left believes that only their nominees should be confirmed, all of them. But of course, not the Repub ones, that's not constitutional.
Republicans are upholding their constitutional duty..... now that it suits them, as oppose to 2016. Just as the Democrats would have played it with similar belly-aching from the other side.

You clearly misunderstand what the Senate's Constitutional duty is (big shocker). They upheld it in 2016, as well, by refusing a nomination they didn't like. Perhaps you could rub both of your brain cells together and tell us what you think the point of having the Senate confirm Justices is if they're Constitutionally obligated to approve them all, as you seem to believe.

Are you misrepresenting what occurred in 2016 intentionally or is it a case of innocent lack of knowledge?
Biden and Democrats who supports him are hella stupid.

We have a new MO on the right. We ask "what would Harry Reid and the Democrats do?"

Remember when it took 60 votes to confirm a judge? I do...
The leftists cheered the lying scum Dinghy Harry and believed the country changed for good with the election of the Obamunist. We rational people(conservatives) told them it was going to bite them in the ass down the road and the leftists gloated and laughed.
Who's laughing now lefties?
I think the Republicans should just do an up or down vote because the Democrats are using this hearing for the evil purpose of spreading their hatred for President Trump rather than the stated purpose of confirming a Supreme Court Justice. I'm sick and tired of watching Democrats screw the pooch over and over. It's an unkind procedure, and it is not a conciliatory move to welcome a Justice who is a woman with the highest credentials and love for the spirit of the law. Senator Mc Connell, if you can't induce the Democrats to practice traditional decorum, induce the up or down vote procedure and do America the favor of golden silence rather than weaponized hatred of smearing President over with lies rather than confirming Judge Barrett. Plz & Thx.

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