The Idiot

Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?
The Republicans are doing nothing wrong. If they had control of the senate at the time, then Obama's pick would've been nominated.
Have to read about how his 3 SB kids travel all over staying at trump properties with gov't security paying thru the nose
Another one of these posts with blinders on. No understanding of the actions Mitch has taken that are basically politicizing court appointments and pushing the Dems to take every legal step possible too. Who knows if it includes legally expanding the courts like Florida and Iowa have?

The one with blinders on is the one who believes politicizing the courts is a recent action. The leftists have been doing it for decades.
Sigh. Projection. The right wingers like to take their actions and project on to others. It’s ok. I know you know the truth but just don’t care.
Go smash a store'll feel better.
Snakes crawl at night and the trumps too
Oct. 12, 2020 at 10:53 a.m. EDT
Eric Trump took his Secret Service agents to Trump golf courses in Scotland, as he led transatlantic tours for paying customers. Donald Trump Jr. took his protectors to the Trump hotel in Vancouver, stopping over on hunting trips to Canada.

And Ivanka Trump took her Secret Service detail to the Trump golf club in Bedminster, N.J., again and again — even after she asked other Americans to “please, please” stay home during the coronavirus pandemic.
On trips like these, Secret Service agents were there to protect Trump’s children. But, for the Trump family business, their visits also brought a hidden side benefit.
That’s because when Trump’s adult children visited Trump properties, Trump’s company charged the Secret Service for agents to come along. The president’s company billed the U.S. government hundreds, or thousands, of dollars for rooms agents used on each trip, as the agency sometimes booked multiple rooms or a multiroom rental cottage on the property
Ivanka Trump, left, daughter and adviser to President Trump, speaks to business owners as she tours American Way Antiques Sunday in Chandler, Ariz.

Ivanka Trump, left, daughter and adviser to President Trump, speaks to business owners as she tours American Way Antiques Sunday in Chandler, Ariz. (Ross D. Franklin/AP)

In this way, Trump’s adult children and their families have caused the U.S. government to spend at least $238,000 at Trump properties so far, according to Secret Service records obtained by The Washington Post.
Government ethics experts say that nothing is wrong with Trump’s children seeking protection from the Secret Service.
But, they said, the Trump Organization’s decision to charge for the agents’ rooms created a situation in which — just by traveling — Trump’s children could bring taxpayer money to their family’s business.
Eric Trump speaks at a campaign rally for his father Sept. 17. (Robert F. Bukaty/AP)
That, ethics experts said, could create the appearance that Trump family members were exploiting their publicly funded protection for private financial gain.

“Morally speaking, do they want to profit [from the fact] that their father’s in the White House?” said Scott Amey, of the watchdog group Project on Government Oversight. “They could very easily reimburse those expenses, so the federal government and the taxpayer are not on the hook for that tab.”
Republicans are upholding their constitutional duty..... now that it suits them, as oppose to 2016. Just as the Democrats would have played it with similar belly-aching from the other side.

You clearly misunderstand what the Senate's Constitutional duty is (big shocker). They upheld it in 2016, as well, by refusing a nomination they didn't like. Perhaps you could rub both of your brain cells together and tell us what you think the point of having the Senate confirm Justices is if they're Constitutionally obligated to approve them all, as you seem to believe.

Are you misrepresenting what occurred in 2016 intentionally or is it a case of innocent lack of knowledge?

I realize this will come as a shock to you, but your opinion and perspective are just that: YOUR opinion and perspective. They are not objective, accepted fact. Your stupid ass thought the Senate was obligated to hold hearings and confirm Merrick Garland, and you think your ignorant viewpoint on that is just how it was and everyone knows it. You're wrong.

The Senate has no obligation to hold any hearings, no matter how much you think, "Well, that's the way it usually is, so that's the way it MUST BE!" In fact, Mr. "lack of knowledge", that was far from the first time that a Senate has flipped a President the big middle finger by simply declining to act on his nomination. It is their right, and completely fulfills their Constitutional obligation, to say, "No thanks". Unless you can show me an actual sentence in the Constitution saying, "The Senate must hold hearings and a vote before rejecting a nomination", I don't want to hear any more of your undeserved arrogance about your "knowledge".
If Joe wins, we’ll be exchanging one idiot for another.

What a country!
Maybe but the pos leaving is also a thief
Joe is far worse than a thief. He’s a mass murderer.
Gipp you lost me You're now in BRI territory
Oh c’mon man. Joe voted for every war in his long career. Voted for every increase in the war budget. Voted for the Patriot Act and every reauthorization. Trump’s a crazed warmonger, but nowhere near as bad as senile Joe.
Republicans are upholding their constitutional duty..... now that it suits them, as oppose to 2016. Just as the Democrats would have played it with similar belly-aching from the other side.

You clearly misunderstand what the Senate's Constitutional duty is (big shocker). They upheld it in 2016, as well, by refusing a nomination they didn't like. Perhaps you could rub both of your brain cells together and tell us what you think the point of having the Senate confirm Justices is if they're Constitutionally obligated to approve them all, as you seem to believe.

Are you misrepresenting what occurred in 2016 intentionally or is it a case of innocent lack of knowledge?

I realize this will come as a shock to you, but your opinion and perspective are just that: YOUR opinion and perspective. They are not objective, accepted fact. Your stupid ass thought the Senate was obligated to hold hearings and confirm Merrick Garland, and you think your ignorant viewpoint on that is just how it was and everyone knows it. You're wrong.

The Senate has no obligation to hold any hearings, no matter how much you think, "Well, that's the way it usually is, so that's the way it MUST BE!" In fact, Mr. "lack of knowledge", that was far from the first time that a Senate has flipped a President the big middle finger by simply declining to act on his nomination. It is their right, and completely fulfills their Constitutional obligation, to say, "No thanks". Unless you can show me an actual sentence in the Constitution saying, "The Senate must hold hearings and a vote before rejecting a nomination", I don't want to hear any more of your undeserved arrogance about your "knowledge".
And the same goes if Dems want to stack the SC No law against it
If Joe wins, we’ll be exchanging one idiot for another.

What a country!
Maybe but the pos leaving is also a thief
Joe is far worse than a thief. He’s a mass murderer.
Gipp you lost me You're now in BRI territory
Oh c’mon man. Joe voted for every war in his long career. Voted for every increase in the war budget. Voted for the Patriot Act and every reauthorization. Trump’s a crazed warmonger, but nowhere near as bad as senile Joe.
Remember if ANY Repub voted against the Iraq BS war? The war based on BS info?
If Joe wins, we’ll be exchanging one idiot for another.

What a country!
Maybe but the pos leaving is also a thief
You nuts? Make that 4 more years to make up for the 4 years Democrat Speaker Pelosi belittled President Trump with lies, fakery, and malice.
LOL LOL yeah Trump is such a stand up guy completely undeserving of having shit thrown at him lol IMO the biggest pos repubs have ever given America and they've outdone themselves
What's going on right now is a textbook example of what is Constitutional.

This is just another example of Biden demonstrating that he's not mentally fit to hold the office...
Packing the SC is constitutional too

I don't believe anyone suggested that it wasn't. It is, however, inappropriate and a monumentally bad idea . . . not that either has ever stopped a leftist.
What's going on right now is a textbook example of what is Constitutional.

This is just another example of Biden demonstrating that he's not mentally fit to hold the office...
Packing the SC is constitutional too

I don't believe anyone suggested that it wasn't. It is, however, inappropriate and a monumentally bad idea . . . not that either has ever stopped a leftist.
But pushing this pos who will kill Health care for millions kill roe wade is fine with you? Why not fight fire with fire ? I think sticking it to repubs is a great idea and ABOUT TIME
Republicans are upholding their constitutional duty..... now that it suits them, as oppose to 2016. Just as the Democrats would have played it with similar belly-aching from the other side.

You clearly misunderstand what the Senate's Constitutional duty is (big shocker). They upheld it in 2016, as well, by refusing a nomination they didn't like. Perhaps you could rub both of your brain cells together and tell us what you think the point of having the Senate confirm Justices is if they're Constitutionally obligated to approve them all, as you seem to believe.

Are you misrepresenting what occurred in 2016 intentionally or is it a case of innocent lack of knowledge?

I realize this will come as a shock to you, but your opinion and perspective are just that: YOUR opinion and perspective. They are not objective, accepted fact. Your stupid ass thought the Senate was obligated to hold hearings and confirm Merrick Garland, and you think your ignorant viewpoint on that is just how it was and everyone knows it. You're wrong.

The Senate has no obligation to hold any hearings, no matter how much you think, "Well, that's the way it usually is, so that's the way it MUST BE!" In fact, Mr. "lack of knowledge", that was far from the first time that a Senate has flipped a President the big middle finger by simply declining to act on his nomination. It is their right, and completely fulfills their Constitutional obligation, to say, "No thanks". Unless you can show me an actual sentence in the Constitution saying, "The Senate must hold hearings and a vote before rejecting a nomination", I don't want to hear any more of your undeserved arrogance about your "knowledge".
And the same goes if Dems want to stack the SC No law against it
If Joe wins, we’ll be exchanging one idiot for another.

What a country!
Maybe but the pos leaving is also a thief
Joe is far worse than a thief. He’s a mass murderer.
Gipp you lost me You're now in BRI territory
Oh c’mon man. Joe voted for every war in his long career. Voted for every increase in the war budget. Voted for the Patriot Act and every reauthorization. Trump’s a crazed warmonger, but nowhere near as bad as senile Joe.
Remember if ANY Repub voted against the Iraq BS war? The war based on BS info?

Not quite true. There IS a law currently against it. Specifically, that would be The Judiciary Act of 1869. That is why they would need a new law to allow it. Constitutionally, though, they can certainly pass such a law if they want to.

On the other hand, what Trump is doing now requires no laws whatsoever other than the Constitution itself.
What's going on right now is a textbook example of what is Constitutional.

This is just another example of Biden demonstrating that he's not mentally fit to hold the office...
Packing the SC is constitutional too

I don't believe anyone suggested that it wasn't. It is, however, inappropriate and a monumentally bad idea . . . not that either has ever stopped a leftist.
But pushing this pos who will kill Health care for millions kill roe wade is fine with you? Why not fight fire with fire ? I think sticking it to repubs is a great idea and ABOUT TIME

It's completely fine with me to confirm Amy Coney Barrett, no matter HOW much you hate her for not being leftist or how many talking points your masters tell you to believe about her. I realize that you expect everyone to simply accept your assertions as settled fact, AND to find them outrageous and horrible because you don't like them, but I feel no obligation to do either. And I certainly feel no obligation to defend myself to the likes of you, so you can spare me your mini-Torquemada act.

You ALWAYS think "sticking it to Repubs is a great idea", simply because you're angry that we get to exist and have the nerve to exercise our right to reject your bullshit.
Senate was obligated to hold hearings and confirm Merrick Garland

Your words, not mine.

My actual words: Your stupid ass thought the Senate was obligated to hold hearings and confirm Merrick Garland.

When you have to lie to make your point, you've proven that you have no point, but are too big a pussy to admit it. Your craven surrender is noted, and your castrated corpse is consigned to the mass grave.

If Joe wins, we’ll be exchanging one idiot for another.

What a country!
Maybe but the pos leaving is also a thief
Joe is far worse than a thief. He’s a mass murderer.
Gipp you lost me You're now in BRI territory
Oh c’mon man. Joe voted for every war in his long career. Voted for every increase in the war budget. Voted for the Patriot Act and every reauthorization. Trump’s a crazed warmonger, but nowhere near as bad as senile Joe.
Plz 'splain how a "crazed warmonger" can bring the light of peace to end five thousand years of hostilities in several important Middle East countries. And President Trump garnered 3 Nobel Peace nominations from 3 different countries around the world for this wonderful effort. Thx.
If Joe wins, we’ll be exchanging one idiot for another.

What a country!
Maybe but the pos leaving is also a thief
Joe is far worse than a thief. He’s a mass murderer.
Gipp you lost me You're now in BRI territory
Oh c’mon man. Joe voted for every war in his long career. Voted for every increase in the war budget. Voted for the Patriot Act and every reauthorization. Trump’s a crazed warmonger, but nowhere near as bad as senile Joe.
Plz 'splain how a "crazed warmonger" can bring the light of peace to end five thousand years of hostilities in several important Middle East countries. And President Trump garnered 3 Nobel Peace nominations from 3 different countries around the world for this wonderful effort. Thx.
Kissing trumps ass

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