The Imaginary Greatness of FDR

Valid point CF - FDR proved a pretty strong wartime president.

As for his economic policies - not so much. If not for WWII, history would prove far less kind to FDR - wheelchair or no...

FDR supposedly is a Great President for "Getting us out of the Great Depression."

Here's the data set.

I see no greatness. I see 8 consecutive years of failure.

FDR US Unemployment 1932: 24.1%, 1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%. 8 year Average = 19.8%

What's so great about averaging 20% unemployment for 8 consecutive years?
Herbert "Raise tax and centrally plan economy" Hoover unemployment:

1929: 3.2%
1930: 8.9%
1931: 16.3%
1932: 24.1%

Why does Hoover get booted and lambasted for 2 very bad years while FDR is labeled "Great" for 8 bad years?

I still haven't heard an answer
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Valid point CF - FDR proved a pretty strong wartime president.

As for his economic policies - not so much. If not for WWII, history would prove far less kind to FDR - wheelchair or no...

FDR supposedly is a Great President for "Getting us out of the Great Depression."

Here's the data set.

I see no greatness. I see 8 consecutive years of failure.

FDR US Unemployment 1932: 24.1%, 1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%. 8 year Average = 19.8%

What's so great about averaging 20% unemployment for 8 consecutive years?

The numbers are not made up, they are the real data sets and so far, the only explanation of FDR's greatness has been that I'm either making up numbers or rewriting history or both.

Why are Progressives having such a God awful time giving an answer?

Do you want to reach out to the Liberal Intellectual Elite and see if they will answer for you?
Valid point CF - FDR proved a pretty strong wartime president.

As for his economic policies - not so much. If not for WWII, history would prove far less kind to FDR - wheelchair or no...

FDR supposedly is a Great President for "Getting us out of the Great Depression."

Here's the data set.

I see no greatness. I see 8 consecutive years of failure.

FDR US Unemployment 1932: 24.1%, 1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%. 8 year Average = 19.8%

What's so great about averaging 20% unemployment for 8 consecutive years?

Any statist authoritarian like FDR can be a good wartime president...Hayek pointed this out in spades, in "The Road to Serfdom".
Valid point CF - FDR proved a pretty strong wartime president.

As for his economic policies - not so much. If not for WWII, history would prove far less kind to FDR - wheelchair or no...

FDR supposedly is a Great President for "Getting us out of the Great Depression."

Here's the data set.

I see no greatness. I see 8 consecutive years of failure.

FDR US Unemployment 1932: 24.1%, 1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%. 8 year Average = 19.8%

What's so great about averaging 20% unemployment for 8 consecutive years?

Any statist authoritarian like FDR can be a good wartime president...Hayek pointed this out in spades, in "The Road to Serfdom".

Even that's debatable, because what was so great about trading Hitler for Stalin?

Patton thought WWII was a huge strategic failure for USA and Great Britain because of how FDR sold out whole nations to the "Descendants of Genghis Khan"
Was handing Eastern Europe over to the Soviets also the "Right thing to do"?

Did he have a choice?

Japan was still fighting and the atom bomb was as yet untested. On top of that the Red Army was a massive, awesome fighting machine.

A pragmatic decision. Truman probably could have done more for eastern Europe when he became president, i dont think FDR could have.
So, it was a "pragmatic decision" to ignore the treaty with Poland in 1945, but not in 1939.

Mmmmmmmm'kay. :rolleyes:

Yes, you do understand what pragmatic means right?
Herbert "Raise tax and centrally plan economy" Hoover unemployment:

1929: 3.2%
1930: 8.9%
1931: 16.3%
1932: 24.1%

Why does Hoover get booted and lambasted for 2 very bad years while FDR is labeled "Great" for 8 bad years?

I still haven't heard an answer

Do you actually understand what percentages mean?

Hoover took a 3.2% unemployment and left with a 24% unemployment while unemployment went down 10% under FDR



33 FDR takes office in 33


38.............19.0 FDR stepped back the recovery to balence the budget and had to step it back up because unemployment increased


42...............4.7 We entered the war

Herbert "Raise tax and centrally plan economy" Hoover unemployment:

1929: 3.2%
1930: 8.9%
1931: 16.3%
1932: 24.1%

Why does Hoover get booted and lambasted for 2 very bad years while FDR is labeled "Great" for 8 bad years?

I still haven't heard an answer

Do you actually understand what percentages mean?

Hoover took a 3.2% unemployment and left with a 24% unemployment while unemployment went down 10% under FDR

Hoover raised taxes and centrally planned the economy leading to the 24% unemployment. Then he got immediately fired and FDR the "Greatest" replaced him, and in 2 whole 4 years terms he sucked as bad as Hoover.

What about that don't you get?



33 FDR takes office in 33


38.............19.0 FDR stepped back the recovery to balence the budget and had to step it back up because unemployment increased


42...............4.7 We entered the war


Can you point of the "Greatness"? What was great about the above data set?
Herbert "Raise tax and centrally plan economy" Hoover unemployment:

1929: 3.2%
1930: 8.9%
1931: 16.3%
1932: 24.1%

Why does Hoover get booted and lambasted for 2 very bad years while FDR is labeled "Great" for 8 bad years?

I still haven't heard an answer

Do you actually understand what percentages mean?

Hoover took a 3.2% unemployment and left with a 24% unemployment while unemployment went down 10% under FDR

Hoover raised taxes and centrally planned the economy leading to the 24% unemployment. Then he got immediately fired and FDR the "Greatest" replaced him, and in 2 whole 4 years terms he sucked as bad as Hoover.

What about that don't you get?

The part about unemployment skyrocketing under Hoover and dropping 10% under FDR
Do you actually understand what percentages mean?

Hoover took a 3.2% unemployment and left with a 24% unemployment while unemployment went down 10% under FDR

Hoover raised taxes and centrally planned the economy leading to the 24% unemployment. Then he got immediately fired and FDR the "Greatest" replaced him, and in 2 whole 4 years terms he sucked as bad as Hoover.

What about that don't you get?

The part about unemployment skyrocketing under Hoover and dropping 10% under FDR

And to think it only took 9 years and a WWII to get it there.

That's it? That's why he's great? Who isn't great?

Using the metric of "you 9 years of mega double digit unemployment" aren't ALL presidents at least as great as FDR?
FDR Greatness is a work of fiction, a lie repeated over and over by Progressives and incorporated into textbook knowing it's a lie.
Hoover raised taxes and centrally planned the economy leading to the 24% unemployment. Then he got immediately fired and FDR the "Greatest" replaced him, and in 2 whole 4 years terms he sucked as bad as Hoover.

What about that don't you get?

The part about unemployment skyrocketing under Hoover and dropping 10% under FDR

And to think it only took 9 years and a WWII to get it there.

That's it? That's why he's great? Who isn't great?

Using the metric of "you 9 years of mega double digit unemployment" aren't ALL presidents at least as great as FDR?

Once again showing how Republicans gloat about creating a mess that Democrats can't clean up

Tell us again how unemplyment went from 3.4% to 24% under the Republicans

Sounds alot like George Boooooooooooooooooooooosh
FDR Greatness is a work of fiction, a lie repeated over and over by Progressives and incorporated into textbook knowing it's a lie.

Strangely the same conclusion of FDRs greatness is carried throughout the world

But we know the whole world has it in for Right Wing Conservatives
This asshole looks at a record of unemployment reduction that shows the cold hard facts of a recovering economy BEFORE we entered the war and calls it failure.

No wonder the repulican party has to race bait to make a case.
FDR turned the US into a Modern Society and the Worlds greatest Economic and Military Super Power

And the GOP fought him the whole way

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