The Impeachment Report Does Not Cite One Law Violated

...You can have all the faith you want and yet you will ne wrong if the markets are strong, 401k is strong and no major wars or attack happens...
Yes, I can, and I do.

...Swing voters really do not care about the Ukraine nonsense and Pelosi used that to bait Trump into Obstruction, so enjoy because this will all come out and by November if the economy is strong and nothing major like a war or attack Trump win again...
We will know the answer to that question on the morning of November 4, 2020.

...You fools thought you would beat Reagan in 1984 with Walter Mondale...
Don't lump me in with hard-line Democrats; I voted for Nixon in 72, Reagan in 84, GHWB in 88 and GWB in 2000 and 2004.

I voted for HRC in 2016 and held my nose while doing it.

I am in-favor of much of what Trump sold you folks on, in 2016; it's just that I considered him far too high a price to get what I wanted.

...and Joe Biden will be your new Walter Mondale...
We will know the answer to that question on the morning of November 4, 2020.

Until then, I - and much of America by now - would rather vote-in a fence post, rather than your amoral arrogant incompetent POS.

Sure you voted Republican and I am the tooth fairy...

Look, swing voters only care about certain things and Ukraine is not one of them!

Jobs, pay, cost of living, and 401k are all the swing voter care most about then it come to Immigration and so on, so as long as the economy is strong and no major wars or attacks then Trump wins the Electoral College again...

Biden is your Mondale...

No. Sorry. You'll Nit be able to cite an instance where I pushed a line of bull like that. I'm batting .999 and my single misstep was a long time ago. I know before I post. Period.
You are sorry. And you’re batting .000

Did you say something tubby?
LMAO. Using my insults against me? You don’t even have originality. Stupid fat Leftist.

I knew it. Thanks for the confirmation.
That you’re a stupid fat leftist? You’re welcome.
No mind-reading necessary, my little Orange Minion... it's all out-in-the-open and in the public domain, now.


You snowflakes are making GREAT points of FACT...just not the ones you intended / hoped for. You are absolutely right - 'it' is all out in the open, and the Democrats were kind enough to put it on nationally / world-wide TV for everyone to see.

During this latest disastrous failed Democrat coup attempt led by D-Schiff we saw:

- D-Adam Schiff attempt to present a self-authored fictional 'transcript' as 'evidence' during a Committee meeting on Impeachment he held. After being quickly busted for attempting to push his fake evidence he and the MSM rushed to protect Schiff by claiming it was all a 'parody'. ('Parody' - just like the last YEARS during which he continuously, Seditiously lied by claiming he had direct evidence of crimes committed by the President...)

- D-Schiff report that a pro-Socialist Democrat, anti-Trump, pro-Biden / Biden-linked, former CIA Director and coup co-conspirator John Brennan-groomed, Deep State CIA Agent who was specially trained in Ukraine Geo-Political CIA operations file a 'Whistle Blower' (which they did not legally qualify as) complaint....that was dismissed by the Prosecutorial divisions of the DOJ for lack of evidence of any crime having been committed and the fact that the non-qualifying Whistle Blower could only provide HEARSAY as 'evidence.

- The Deep State Intel Community IG declare he changed the Whistle Blower rules for this specific complaint so that it could be expedited to Impeachment-obsessed D-Schiff, despite the prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ already having ruled THERE WAS NOTHING TO THIS.

- D-Adam Schiff lie about having no communications with the Whistle Blower, threaten anyone who exposed the identity of the Whistle Blower, admit he and his staff talked to the 'Whistle Blower' before they filed their complaint, justify their contact with the Whistle Blower, refuse to recuse himself from being the Chairman of the House Intel Committee leading the Impeachment hearing after becoming a CONTACT WITNESS by talking to the Whistle Blower, lie AGAIN when challenged during their hearings by declaring he did not know who the Whistle Blower is, and finally LIED on world-wide tv when he attempted to tell approx. 400 of his fellow LAWYER peers in the House that a law exists that affords whistle Blowers anonymity and immunity...then being unable to reference or provide the law when asked to support his claim by presenting the law he spoke of.

- ZERO crimes identified that had been perpetrated

- Zero evidence of any crime perpetrated
-- Schiff's own witnesses could not name 1 crime, not 1 High Crime & / or Misdemeanor when asked to do so.

- No whistle blower was proven to have existed
-- The 'whistle Blowers' 2 (TWO) lawyers consisted of a Trump-hating Liberal who had begun to call for Impeachment back in2017 after the president took his oath of office AND a lawyers connected to Hillary Clinton

- NO witnesses exist - were presented. Not one person who testified for the Democrats against the President really witnessed anything.

- 1 of Schiff's own 'witnesses' testified that he found no crime or abuse of power by the President, however, he stated THEBIDENS SHOULD BE CRIMINALLY INVESTIGATED.

- Evidence in release reports showed D-Schiff to be a compromised politician who has taken large amounts of cash from a Russian-born arms dealer who worked with corrupt former Ukraine politicians AND has taken money from Burisma.

- Former VP Joe Biden's videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM came out, prompting Schiff to declare the day before his committee Impeachment hearing began that he intended to protect Biden and his son, shielding them from being called to testify

Despite finding no crime, no evidence of a crime, and no witnesses, Schiff proceeded to forward a report recommending Nadler and the House Judiciary Committee proceed with Impeachment.

During Nadler's Coup Impeachment hearing 2.0 we saw:

- The entire Phase II Democratic Case consisted on the Democrats calling 3 known anti-Trump University professors who have a past history of condemning the President and calling for Impeachment - 1 who took a political swipe at the President's young son at the beginning of her testimony, giving their biased OPINION that the President must be Impeached'.

- The highlight of the entire Impeachment / Coup attempt these last 4 years: a highly renowned / respected DEMOCRAT Constitutional Scholar - who does not 'like' and did not vote for the President, called by the GOP, testified that:
--- The Democrats' rush to Impeach is the fastest in US history
--- Their Impeachment case against the President is the WEAKEST in US history
--- There was no crime nor any abuse of power committed by the President, as per both the Constitution and Rule of Law
--- The only ones who have abused their Constitutional and governmental authority and power has been the Democrats
--- What the Democrats are doing is 'DANGEROUS', a threat to our national security, Constitution, Rule of our republic

And after all of this, the Speaker of the House had declared the Democrats are proceeding with Articles of Impeachment.

You are 100% correct -- the Democrats put 'it' all out there for the world to see. They made their case to the American people...for why they should be officially labeled a Criminal Organization, an official 'Enemy of The State' for taking such dangerous actions that could undermine and destroy this nation, all in an attempt to undo the 2016 election and seize back control of power through a 4-year political coup.

Trump was also concerned that US aid to Ukraine had been used by a former VPOTUS - whose name shall remain secret - to fill the pockets of his son.
Nope. He was concerned that said former VP would beat his fat, dumb ass in 2020 and he wanted to have an announcement of investigations. Period. Moron.
The good news is you can believe in both Santa & the Tooth Fairy but neither that nor what you believe you know of Trump's concerns will be admissible in a Senate Trial. Even worse for you, the Dems will have to prove whatever they assert employing US law ... not the home-made rules used by Schiffty or Fat J-Nads. Hearsay, speculation, innuendo, and opinions of biased leftards, for instance, will not be admissible. That pretty much wipes out the entire Hysterical House Dem's case.

JFTR, as if Slo-Joe's stumbling, fumbling, and bumbling of the past 7 months haven't convinced you he's lost what little he once had, his sophomoric meltdown yesterday when asked about Hunter convinced all but the dimmest that he is not nor will he be the Dem 2020 nominee. In fact, there never was a moment that anyone with a triple-digit IQ believed he would ever be POTUS.

While he remains the Dems most electable, in a 1-on1, mano-a-mano campaign against Trump poor Slo-Joe would get George McGoverned.

You can wait until Nov to begin your whining or you can spend the next 11 months preparing for Trump's inevitable re-election but either way you should stock up on tissues and valium … there will be shortages of both.
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Their main argument will be Obstruction...

The question for the House is will they convict Trump on this and my answer is no...
Trump opponents - myself included - will be content with (a) Impeachment and (b) forcing Republicans to go on-record to defend your POS.

You know it is hard not to melt on this site with nonsense like this because I did not vote for Trump, I believe he obstructed and I believe the Senate will not Convict...

So what is so fucking hard for individuals like you to understand this?

Also Republicans are on record and their voting base do not give a damn what you think...

What you need to worry more about is how the swing and independent voter will react and will they care in November of 2020 that Trump obstructed the House Impeachment Inquiry or will they be more focused on matters like trade deals, so economy and stuff like infrastructure?

If they are, they'd never vote for Trump. He's made no trade deals and he's done nothing on infrastructure. Case closed.

Well you just lied because he is waiting for Pelosi to pass the Canada, Mexico and U.S. trade agreement...

So your Propaganda news source must be leaving that out...

Also he has suggested infrastructure and both sides seem to be slow on it...
But the new NAFTA trade agreement is USELESS without any enforcement measures in it.... And that is what congress is working on... the treaty is an improvement IF the measures in it can be enforced and not just pretty words..... with no enforcement measures....

And Dems have been all in on infrastructure.... it is Trump who keeps holding back working on it.
So you say you drank too much of the bright blue Kool-aid again? Have you ever heard of the presumption of innocence? Dems will have to prove in a Senate trail that which you believe to be the truth - emphasis on prove - and they couldn't even do that during their one-sided, KGB-style inquisition.

I guess I've got my answer. You're a moron who believes that Trump was ever concerned with corruption in Ukraine.

Ignorance is bliss. So why are you so upset?
No, he was also concerned that US aid to Ukraine had been used by a former VPOTUS - whose name shall remain secret - to fill the pockets of his son.

Nope. He was concerned that said former VP would beat his fat, dumb ass in 2020 and he wanted to have an announcement of investigations. Period.

Mind reading isn't admissible in court, dumbass.
No mind-reading necessary, my little Orange Minion... it's all out-in-the-open and in the public domain, now.

Your demigod POS is now going to be held to account for his despicable un-American oath-breaking behaviors.
Mind reading isn't admissible in court...
No mind-reading necessary, my little Orange Minion... it's all out-in-the-open and in the public domain, now. Your demigod POS is now going to be held to account for his despicable un-American oath-breaking behaviors.
What "fact" did the trick for you? When did you decide you've got 'em now!!! Keep in mind the only body that can impeach is the House and despite knowing everything you think you do and insisting for years that they have evidence of Trump high crimes they have yet to impeach. Poor Nancy is caught between a rock and a hard place. She is surely getting an earful from Dems whose crimes would be exposed at a Senate trial, and in her lucid moments - which are fewer and much shorter these days - must know the chances of conviction are slim and none (and slim is long gone).
You're just gonna hafta man-up and win next Nov. Three minutes of way too funny:

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It doesn't look well for Republicans in that they don't seem to understand the impeachment process, or the impeachment's history.
It doesn't look well for Republicans in that they don't seem to understand the impeachment process, or the impeachment's history.
We understand it perfectly. We just to listen to leftwing bullshit.
When you’re accusing someone of violating the law, you cite the law (Section blah blah of Code blah blah) and then detail the evidence of such violation.

300+ page report can’t even state one law. It’s just a bunch of innuendos and lists actions that are not against the law.

Democrats moving forward with this sham have destroyed their own party.
Trump did it. It is obvious he did it.

Quit your fucking whining
When you’re accusing someone of violating the law, you cite the law (Section blah blah of Code blah blah) and then detail the evidence of such violation.

300+ page report can’t even state one law. It’s just a bunch of innuendos and lists actions that are not against the law.

Democrats moving forward with this sham have destroyed their own party.
Trump did it. It is obvious he did it.

Quit your fucking whining
Did IT? What what? The 300 page report lists no crime. It’s Mueller 2.
The United States aids Ukraine so that they can fight Russia over there, and we don’t have to fight Russia here
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from the report:

"After hanging up the phone, Ambassador Sondland explained to Mr. Holmes that President Trump “did not give a shit about Ukraine.” Rather, the President cared only about “big stuff” that benefitted him personally, like “the Biden investigation that Mr. Giuliani was pitching,” and that President Trump had pushed for in his July 25 call with the Ukrainian leader. Ambassador Sondland did not recall referencing Biden specifically, but he did not dispute Mr. Holmes’ recollection of the call with the President or Ambassador Sondland’s subsequent discussion with Mr. Holmes."
Law? Trump won and broke many Democrats hearts. Breaking hearts is against the law. He must be impeached.
And that right there is the BEGINNING, MIDDLE and END to ALL of this IMPEACHMENT DUMBFUCKERY.

You win for the POST OF THE MONTH, Azog.
Yeah, funny how they couldn't cite a single specific law that was broken. This whole thing is ludicrous.

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