Why Do You Hate Dick Chaney?

so chaney lied us into a war and your going to believe he will vote for harris?......like i said dumbass he will tell you he is voting for harris but will he really?...
Did he lie us into war?
Sounds like you are finally admitting he lied us into a war.
I think Chaney should be hung. In a lot of ways Bush and Chaney were worse than Trump. In fact they are responsible for him beating Jeb in 2016.

Just like Bush created the mess we have in the middle east, he also created Trump.

And Trump is a threat to our democracy. Trump is so bad he has me agreeing with guys like this mother fucker


Not like this prick who admitted Trump was responsible for Jan 6 but still backs him

Or this bird brain

Nikki Haley says military families can't trust Trump to 'keep them out of harm's way'​

She described him as “totally unhinged” and pushed back against his thirst for “revenge.” She warned that he is “declining” cognitively and called him a “toxic” agent of “chaos” who lacks “moral clarity.” And she diverged from a key pillar of the MAGA worldview by stating that America doesn’t “rig elections” and acknowledged that Biden won the 2020 election.

You don't believe her? And now she's endorsing him. What a piece of shit.
first off bobo i was never for the iraq war...totally unneeded...and when are you going to finally realize that these people lie all the time....and you eat their shit up...
first off bobo i was never for the iraq war...totally unneeded...and when are you going to finally realize that these people lie all the time....and you eat their shit up...
I did a comparison of Kamala truths, half truths, pants on fire. She doesn't even come close to being a liar like Trump. ZERO pants on fire lies. Trump had many of those.

Just vote for Trump you weirdo
I did a comparison of Kamala truths, half truths, pants on fire. She doesn't even come close to being a liar like Trump. ZERO pants on fire lies. Trump had many of those.

Just vote for Trump you weirdo
so she can lie to us all she wants because people like you dont care as long as they are democrats.....your the weido bobo.....someday when you are older you might figure it out....
so she can lie to us all she wants because people like you dont care as long as they are democrats.....your the weido bobo.....someday when you are older you might figure it out....
What lie? What's the deal breaker lie? And why do you give Trump and EVERY OTHER politician a pass?

Or why do you hold Democrats to a MUCH higher standard?
What lie? What's the deal breaker lie? And why do you give Trump and EVERY OTHER politician a pass?

Or why do you hold Democrats to a MUCH higher standard?
how about the lie you are saying right now?.....were have i ever said anything nice about trump and the "other" politicians?...and i might not like your party a little bit more but then i lived in California when the die hard lefties like you started destroying the quality of life there....i watched what may have been at one time arguably the best place to live on the planet and then over the next 20 years along comes millions of bobos....quality of life starts going down hill.....education top 5 to bottom 5...yea your parties real great.....some day bobo you will grow up and realize no matter what party is in .....YOUR GETTING FUCKED.....you are being lied too.....and you are to stupid to figure it out...
how about the lie you are saying right now?.....were have i ever said anything nice about trump and the "other" politicians?...and i might not like your party a little bit more but then i lived in California when the die hard lefties like you started destroying the quality of life there....i watched what may have been at one time arguably the best place to live on the planet and then over the next 20 years along comes millions of bobos....quality of life starts going down hill.....education top 5 to bottom 5...yea your parties real great.....some day bobo you will grow up and realize no matter what party is in .....YOUR GETTING FUCKED.....you are being lied too.....and you are to stupid to figure it out...

Oh you don't say nice things about trump but you certainly never attack him like you constantly do Democrats.

Which tells me you are swallowing it. Fine. Don't listen to me, Dick Chaney, nobody. They're all lying. He's great Harry. Dumb ass.
Oh you don't say nice things about trump but you certainly never attack him like you constantly do Democrats.

Which tells me you are swallowing it. Fine. Don't listen to me, Dick Chaney, nobody. They're all lying. He's great Harry. Dumb ass.
i told you why i dislike your party more bobo .....you cant comprehend what im saying because you never lived in california.....big difference between cal and mich....my sister in law moved to mich from cal....she said these doctors out here dont understand what the doctors in cal were doing for her....so she had to go back to the primitive treatment...lol....
i told you why i dislike your party more bobo .....you cant comprehend what im saying because you never lived in california.....big difference between cal and mich....my sister in law moved to mich from cal....she said these doctors out here dont understand what the doctors in cal were doing for her....so she had to go back to the primitive treatment...lol....
Well I live in MI and I like Democrats more.

Maybe I get it now. It's clearer to me because I'm not in a 100% blue state. Maybe that's it. You see the extreme's of a 100% blue state. Just like you'd maybe lean left if you lived in a completely red state.

Nah. You'd still lean right. So vote for Trump. My only hope is you don't.

What state are you in now again?

Bush was horrible to Michigan. Rick Snyder was horrible. Republicans were the minority but had our state so gerrymandered. Interesting even asshole Rick Snyder/Dick Chaney are endorsing Kamala.

I bet you believe in Trump. On some level you've fallen for it.
Well I live in MI and I like Democrats more.

Maybe I get it now. It's clearer to me because I'm not in a 100% blue state. Maybe that's it. You see the extreme's of a 100% blue state. Just like you'd maybe lean left if you lived in a completely red state.

Nah. You'd still lean right. So vote for Trump. My only hope is you don't.

What state are you in now again?

Bush was horrible to Michigan. Rick Snyder was horrible. Republicans were the minority but had our state so gerrymandered. Interesting even asshole Rick Snyder/Dick Chaney are endorsing Kamala.

I bet you believe in Trump. On some level you've fallen for it.
Dick Cheney and others screwed over their own voters. All of the power and money this man and his family received the voters were the ones who put him and his daughter into office. And when they needed them to return the favor, they showed their true colors. The Progressives are not Democrats. There are no excuses from the Cheney's. America First. For if you think Trump is a sham and he ends up to e, then the game is over, I know Kamala and the Progs are. We know what we are going to get. And the whining will start not too much after her installation. The young are going to make choices that may condemn them in future generations.
Well I live in MI and I like Democrats more.

Maybe I get it now. It's clearer to me because I'm not in a 100% blue state. Maybe that's it. You see the extreme's of a 100% blue state. Just like you'd maybe lean left if you lived in a completely red state.

Nah. You'd still lean right. So vote for Trump. My only hope is you don't.

What state are you in now again?

Bush was horrible to Michigan. Rick Snyder was horrible. Republicans were the minority but had our state so gerrymandered. Interesting even asshole Rick Snyder/Dick Chaney are endorsing Kamala.

I bet you believe in Trump. On some level you've fallen for it.
geezus your an idiot.....you cant do a post without mentioning trump....nothing what i said above had to do with that guy....yet here he is....they are getting to you bobo ...your starting to think about him all the time....thats how his many minions got there.....do you dream about him too?....that could be next...cult behavior bobo....yep thats how it starts...
Well most conservatives don't "hate" Dick they hate his daughter Liz who hates the leader of my republican party... why do libs hate Lieberman...
Dick Cheney and others screwed over their own voters. All of the power and money this man and his family received the voters were the ones who put him and his daughter into office. And when they needed them to return the favor, they showed their true colors. The Progressives are not Democrats. There are no excuses from the Cheney's. America First. For if you think Trump is a sham and he ends up to e, then the game is over, I know Kamala and the Progs are. We know what we are going to get. And the whining will start not too much after her installation. The young are going to make choices that may condemn them in future generations.
I love what Jon Stewart said on TDS about Chaney's endorsement. He said "Dick Chaney, FUCK YOU"

Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala? Is that true? It's over.
Cheney took Kamala's money....
Just like the other 200 Republicans who said that she could use their name.

Selling an endorsement of just your name is an ego stroke....it doesn't mean they are actually going to speak on her behalf because that gets expensive. Kamala doesn't have that kind of money.

Tulsi Gabbard and RFK? They are doing it for free. They speak incessantly....

Get a clue....this is politics. There's obvious axe grinding and vote buying....nothing new here. And with Dick Cheney one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel....(heart problems) Liz is looking out for her inheritance.

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