The Official Trump/Harris Debate Thread....With Live Feed

Questions by the moderators, such as, "You are wrong about your facts", to "Why do you suck as a human being so bad"? were enjoyed by all.

Questions about a second debate are up in the air with a suggested live tar and feathering of Trump may be in the works.

LOL. He did it to himself. Couldn't keep his composure. Couldn't even deliver a message on policy.

"I have a concept"......:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Roe vs. Wade was "Settled Law"... until it wasn't.

We amended the constitution to fix Dred.

Plessey was unconstitutional from the get-go.

Roe was a common sense ruling to get rid of cruel and unenforced laws.

And if the Evangelicals hadn't taken up the issue to get asses back into pews, it wouldn't even be controversial.

Roe was unconstitutional from the get go. It was wishful thinking by the Court to end a debate they were unable to end.

It's back where it should be, the States.

Plessey and Roe are one and the same, right up there with Chevron.
Can you post a link to Moderators asking those "questions"?
No. Can't find it on YouTube

Funny that. Gee, can't understand why.................

The Crowly moment we were all waiting for was then Trump brought up the Haitians eating neighboring animals that were reported by locals on the news. The moderator then stopped him and said that it was not true because a local government official said there was no evidence of that yet. Trump then tried to point to locals being interviewed stating it was happening, but he cut him off like an ass.

You do remember Crowly, right? It was the debate between Romney and Obama where the moderator stopped Romney mid-sentence as well and stated his facts were wrong. A debate then began between Romney and the moderator. LOL.

But after the debate, fact checkers found out Romney was correct and Crowly was wrong. Trouble is, the lies had their desired effect as Obama won the election.
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No, he didn’t.
Trump just shrugged his shoulders and said that the Charlotte rhetoric was all debunked a thousand times over by other people, when really he should have blown Kamala out of the water.

This is a key mistake for Trump, because even Joe Biden lied saying that Trump saying there were fine people on both sides of the protest was why he entered the race, to stop the Nazis there.

But the truth is, Trump went on TV lambasting the Nazi element and condemning them and their violence, something they like to neglect to mention.

When he mentioned that there were good sides on both sides of the isle, what they also fail to mention was that the protest was not over racism, rather, it was over removing historical statues that people felt that others needed to know about of controversial people from the South.

So, in a way, it is his own fault.

Just terrible.
He said the people protesting the removal of the statue of the slave raping traitor were very fine people.
The people protesting it were Nazis.

He called Nazis very fine people.
Especially when he said “You also had some very fine people on both sides,” - Donald Trump (Charlottesville)

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