The Official Trump/Harris Debate Thread....With Live Feed

Look at her smirking when he talks about WW3... She is a sick puppy.

Not stopping that war through diplomatic means, and that includes Russia being a part of it, will get Ukraine completely destroyed. Ukraine is not a Nato member, and eventually Putin might decide it's time to throw a tactical nuke on the capital of Ukraine, and when that happens what will NATO do ????? WW3 ????
Don't be a coward. It's what Putin wants.

He wants to make America fearful to push public sentiment toward letting Russia take Ukraine.

Don't let it work. Be strong.
Another key mistake by Trump during the debate was when he was confronted on questions about him commenting on the race of Kamala, he took a pass and said he really did not care. More than likely he was coached to steer clear of such questions, but again, I think it was a mistake

What Trump should have said was, "I don't care about her race but Biden seemed to care because he said he wanted a Black woman VP. Race does not matter except to democrats who refer to her as black even though she is really half black and half Indian. Why is that? Are they ashamed of her being half Indian or is it they just want the black vote and care nothing about the Indian vote? To me, identity politics is disgusting America needs to move past the DNC dragging the country back into the 1960's as they race bait 24/7. I even dated a black women for years yet they have the nerve to call me and every GOP Presidential candidate since Ike as a racist..

But no. He just shrugged his shoulders once again with his tail between his legs.

Just terrible.

It sure would be nice to have an opposition party.
If you are an American and not a lover of Trump, if he wins, you will be targeted by the Trumpers. No one that is not for Trump will be an enemy of Trump
Our REVENGE on Democrats will be sweet. We want to make them suffer and cry as punishment for Dem's attacks on democracy and our great country.
There we NO fine people on the White Supremacy side. Anyone that wants only the Whites is not "fine"
What part of this do you not understand? Trump was not talking about the white supremacists as the protest was over historical statues being removed.

The truth is, Trump went on TV lambasting the Nazi element and condemning them and their violence, something they conveniently like to neglect to mention.

When he mentioned that there were good sides on both sides of the isle, what they also fail to mention was that the protest was not over racism, rather, it was over removing historical statues that people felt that others needed to know about of controversial people from the South.

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