The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

Just crying “wrong” every time doesn’t change reality, snowflake. He let it slip. And he’s on video promising to “end” fossil fuels.
So, it isn't going to happen, idiot.

Contrast that with Trump cult responding to the orange grifter.

"Who is going to pay for the wall"?

Trump's gullible cults reply: "MEXICO".
So, it isn't going to happen, idiot.
Maybe not. But he’s still doing everything he can to drive up prices to force people to turn to the green energy businesses he and his pals own.
"Who is going to pay for the wall"?
So you admit that Trump kept his campaign promise and built the wall? You guys are slowly admitting all of the things you’ve spent years lying about.
Maybe not. But he’s still doing everything he can to drive up prices to force people to turn to the green energy businesses he and his pals own.
What green businesses does Biden own?

So you admit that Trump kept his campaign promise and built the wall?
No the only thing the retard built was is bank account, via his gullible supporters.

Trump has been pushing for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to give a border wall contract to Fisher Industries, based in North Dakota. Fisher's CEO, Tommy Fisher, is a big GOP donor and also a Fox News mainstay — so of course Trump loves him. Jared Kushner also backs the choice of Fisher, as does Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND), who has received thousands of dollars from Fisher.

Fisher has claimed his company could build over 200 miles of the wall in under a year.

Trump pressured the Army Corps of Engineers to give a DoD funded border wall contract to his friend Tommy Fisher. The CEO made appearances on Fox News to claim he could build the wall for a fraction of the estimated cost.

But Fisher's cost cutting measures have gotten the company in hot water before.

Fisher Sand and Gravel paid more than $1 million in fines for environmental and tax violations. Its former co-owner pleaded guilty to tax fraud resulting in a prison sentence.

Fisher has also been accused of not paying contractors.

Trump barely built 150 miles of the wall and 50% fell down or had to be fixed, which Biden is doing now.
You guys are slowly admitting all of the things you’ve spent years lying about.
Like your dear leader, teabaggers never will, they double on their lies. impeccable record while your sources have been exposed.

And it's not funny that you intentionally turn to propaganda because you have a fucked-up agenda that you realize doesn't stand up under truth.
Sure.............. just like Trump impeccable record too.

Sure.............. just like Trump impeccable record too.
Nice strawman now that you realize you’re in serious trouble. I wasn’t talking about Trump. I’d rather talk about the impeccable journalism record of The Blaze, Breitbart News, etc. and how that bothers you so much.
No nation can survive the cancer that is liberalism…
The new CBO numbers portend of a future of bloated government, crushing federal debts, and mounting burdens forced onto American families.
Remember, the Congressional Budget Office is about as nonpartisan as it gets.
Just as he promised. And Dumbocrat spent the past 6 years lying about it. Because lying is what the Dumbocrats do.
Trumptard delusions is a bad side effect of meth and orange kool-aid.

During meth-induced psychosis, a person may develop delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, and violent behavior. These states may make it difficult for a person to separate their perceptions from what is real. It can also make them dangerous to themselves or those around them.

A person who uses meth recreationally is two to three times more likely to develop psychosis than those who do not use this drug. Those who use the drug chronically, however, have an 11 times greater risk.

Prior to developing psychosis, a person who uses meth may encounter a pre-psychotic state that is marked by delusional moods and ideas of reference, or believing that everyday events have great personal significance. Delusions and hallucinations accompany full-blown psychosis.

June 12 2022
President Trump is leaving the White House having failed to keep one of his biggest campaign promises: to build 1,000 miles of border wall for $4 billion and get Mexico to pay for it.

Trump is wrapping up his four years in office with a final trip to the southern border Tuesday, where he is expected to tout his accomplishment of putting up a wall. However, he will not have much to point to. The president will stop in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, where, despite more migrants being arrested here over the past decade than any other of the nine border regions, just a dozen miles of wall has been put up along the 320 riverfront miles of border under Trump.
Nice strawman now that you realize you’re in serious trouble. I wasn’t talking about Trump. I’d rather talk about the impeccable journalism record of The Blaze, Breitbart News, etc. and how that bothers you so much.
"Serious trouble'?
You didn't mention FOX either, spreading their delusions and lies, introduced by the orange "strawman".

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