The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

People like you are the worst. You’re literally defending a pedophile with the absurd and desperate “you don’t have context”.

Please explain to us what “context” makes Joe Biden forcing his daughter to hop in the shower with him over and over and over, ok???

Damn you are GROSS.
What I see is you calling somebody a pedophile without real evidence that they are:. You twist things out of context and try to paint the pedo narrative for political reasons. It’s really fucked up
Experts disagree. Experts have universally gone on record stating you should never say to someone who experienced trauma “I know how you feel”, because you don’t.
Experts?! Haha is that what google told you?

Did you catch what experts said about COVID and masks on google? Did you believe them?
Holy shit…how many times do we have to go over this??? I’ve told you like a dozen times now. When you said it’s completely ok and normal to say “I know how you feel”.

Experts will tell you never to say that. This is common knowledge. But at the end of the day, defending people who share your ideology is more important than right or wrong, decency, rule of law, etc. to people like you.
Funny that you condemn spreading misinformation online and then do exactly that in your following post.

I never said it was a “completely OK and normal to say ‘I know how you feel’ “ why do you need to twist my words to make an argument. That’s cheap and dishonest. Here is what I actually said:

People say it all the time. There’s not a formula on how to best console people. At my dads service I remember people saying the strangest things, some borderline offensive. But they were nervous and just trying to help.
What I see is you calling somebody a pedophile without real evidence that they are:. You twist things out of context and try to paint the pedo narrative for political reasons. It’s really fucked up
It’s more fucked up that you defend something so vile under the bullshit claim of “but…but…but…you have no context”.

I challenged to provide even an imaginary context that would excuse - or explain away - Joe Biden’s vile behavior and you couldn’t do it.
Experts?! Haha is that what google told you?
Except that since this is common knowledge - I didn’t need to Google it any more than I need to Google “does oxygen exist”.

So no, Google didn’t tell me that. Experts did. Decades ago. Why are you so behind?
I never said it was a “completely OK and normal to say ‘I know how you feel’ “ why do you need to twist my words to make an argument. That’s cheap and dishonest.
Here were you exact words:
People say it all the time. There’s not a formula on how to best console people.
So if it’s not “completely ok” and “normal” in your mind, why did you defend it with “people say it all the time”? In fact, why did you defend it at all if it’s not completely ok and normal in your mind? Ooops! You’ve really backed yourself into a corner on this one.

I can’t wait to hear this one :popcorn:
It’s more fucked up that you defend something so vile under the bullshit claim of “but…but…but…you have no context”
I’m not defending anything that’s vile. I’m calling out your over-politicized hyperbole. False claims like you’re tossing out are pretty vile
Here were you exact words:

So if it’s not “completely ok” and “normal” in your mind, why did you defend it with “people say it all the time”? In fact, why did you defend it at all if it’s not completely ok and normal in your mind? Ooops! You’ve really backed yourself into a corner on this one.

I can’t wait to hear this one :popcorn:
You’re repeating exactly what I just posted but cutting it down. And you literally just backed up my point that I didn’t say what you claimed I said.

When I say “people say it all the time” I’m saying it is a common way people try and console others. It doesn’t come from a place of malice it come from a place of concern.

Your argument is weak
In fact, why did you defend it at all if it’s not completely ok and normal in your mind?
Well I stated my reason in the portion of my quote that you conveniently cut off.

There is not correct formula on how to console somebody who is grieving.
I’m not defending anything that’s vile. I’m calling out your over-politicized hyperbole. False claims like you’re tossing out are pretty vile
It’s his own daughters diary. There is nothing “political” about it - other than your attempt to defend his vile behavior with false claims about politicization.
When I say “people say it all the time” I’m saying it is a common way people try and console others.
So it’s common and you defend it. Hmmm..sure sounds like “completely ok” and “normal” to me!

Watching you spin in circles contradicting yourself is priceless!
In fact, why did you defend it at all if it’s not completely ok and normal in your mind?
Well I stated my reason in the portion of my quote that you conveniently cut off.
Boom! And there it is. If you don’t consider it “completely ok” and “normal”, then why are you now saying in response to my claim that you did, that you “stated your reason in the part I cut off”?

You wouldn’t have a “reason” for something you never said. :oops8:
The diary has been determined to be authentic. The daughter was 12 years old at the time the President was taking showers with her.

If, in your world, "many male parents, shower with their 12-year daughter", you are a sick, sick, pedophile. Just like President Biden.
Thank you! Can you imagine defending something that vile? Liberals are so gross. They will defend a pedophile so long as that pedophile has a little (D) behind their name and holds a seat of power/influence.

So fricking gross. I cannot even imagine defending something that vile.
It’s his own daughters diary. There is nothing “political” about it - other than your attempt to defend his vile behavior with false claims about politicization.
His daughters stolen diary. Which you are diving into without permission or context…. You’re politicizing. You should be ashamed of yourself. Parents shower with their kids when they are young. Don’t make that a perverted thing. You have no idea what actually happened or the context around what she was writing about. More importantly you’re ignoring her actual words that’s she is saying now.

While you’re at it why don’t you start an investigation into Janie and see if she has a gun permit… you can call Aerosmith as a witness
So it’s common and you defend it. Hmmm..sure sounds like “completely ok” and “normal” to me!
I’m sure it does as you scramble to cover for your distortion of my words. But in reality I said something completely different. Read the part of my quote that you cut out where I actually explain what I was talking about.
What I see is you calling somebody a pedophile without real evidence that they are:. You twist things out of context and try to paint the pedo narrative for political reasons. It’s really fucked up

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The diary has been determined to be authentic. The daughter was 12 years old at the time the President was taking showers with her.

If, in your world, "many male parents, shower with their 12-year daughter", you are a sick, sick, pedophile. Just like President Biden.
She was 12 years old? Really? That’s the first I’ve heard of that. Who did you hear it from? Can you show the source?

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