The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

Oh I don’t think Biden said his wife came home in a flag draped coffin. I think he saw his son in one… and I think he buried he his wife and daughter. Tragic things. So when he tries to console others and relate with their feelings of loss and shits like you try and politicize that it’s rather sick
Well, that's always true.

"Her fury was palpable as she vented her outrage over Biden claiming that his son had come home from Iraq in a coffin draped by an American flag just as her son did. That was a blatant lie and the mother knew it, being familiar with the details of Beau Biden’s death."

Oh I don’t think Biden said his wife came home in a flag draped coffin. I think he saw his son in one… and I think he buried he his wife and daughter. Tragic things. So when he tries to console others and relate with their feelings of loss and shits like you try and politicize that it’s rather sick

You are one weird fuck. You sound out the words, don't you? What you think you read is bizarre.

And interesting fact, none of Biden's sons came home in a flag draped coffin. And no his first wife didn't either, you are really, really weird. Know why? None of them died in the military. Yowza, I just blew your fucking mind. Moron.

So when Biden said his son came home in a flag draped coffin like the mother who's son actually did come home in a flag draped coffin, did he knew that was a lie or was he delusional and thought it was true? We have your answer for you, delusional. Did Biden know he was lying too or he's too far mentally gone like you are he thought it was true like you did?
And interesting fact, none of Biden's sons came home in a flag draped coffin. And no his first wife didn't either, you are really, really weird.
Joe has lost two children… Joe had a military burial for his son where there was a flag draped coffin. Correct? If you don’t think there are similarities there to draw a relation to somebody who lost a military child then I don’t know what to tell you. I feel for this mom but my guess is she was Anti-Biden before this and in an incredible amount of pain from losing a son.

This isn’t about lying. It’s a grieving mother in pain and a peanut gallery trying to politicize the event.
You are one weird fuck. You sound out the words, don't you? What you think you read is bizarre.

And interesting fact, none of Biden's sons came home in a flag draped coffin. And no his first wife didn't either, you are really, really weird. Know why? None of them died in the military. Yowza, I just blew your fucking mind. Moron.

So when Biden said his son came home in a flag draped coffin like the mother who's son actually did come home in a flag draped coffin, did he knew that was a lie or was he delusional and thought it was true? We have your answer for you, delusional. Did Biden know he was lying too or he's too far mentally gone like you are he thought it was true like you did?
This a father standing over his kids coffin and you’re calling him a liar for trying to help a mother going through the same thing… you should be ashamed of yourself.

Joe has lost two children… Joe had a military burial for his son where there was a flag draped coffin. Correct? If you don’t think there are similarities there to draw a relation to somebody who lost a military child then I don’t know what to tell you. I feel for this mom but my guess is she was Anti-Biden before this and in an incredible amount of pain from losing a son.

This isn’t about lying. It’s a grieving mother in pain and a peanut gallery trying to politicize the event.
Yeah, it is about lying.

Beau did NOT COME HOME in a flag-draped coffin. Flat out lie.
Did you look at the photo?
Yep, pretty sure that isn't East Palestine or Maui.

Yep, far as I know, Beau was buried in a coffin.

Coming home in a flag-draped coffin and having a flag-draped coffin are worlds apart.

Grow up!
No they aren’t. Both parents are standing over flag draped coffins containing the dead bodies of their children. And you want to play political games with that. That’s sick
Biden has lost a wife and child and you’re objecting to efforts he makes to console others who lose love ones??
First of all, you never say to someone who experienced a serious trauma “I know how you feel” because you don’t.

Second, Biden is a dirt-bag piece of shit who never cared about his wife or children. His son is strung out on crack cocaine and he runs for President. Someone who gave a shit about their child at his age (and with that unimaginable wealth) would be singularly focused on saving their child.

He didn’t have time for Hunter. Needed to get into the Oval Office so he could sell the office to Ukraine and China for tens of millions more than the tens of millions he already made selling the office of the Vice President.
What’s wrong with you??
The real question is, what is wrong with you? Worshipping dirt-bags like Biden 🤮
First of all, you never say to someone who experienced a serious trauma “I know how you feel” because you don’t.
People say it all the time. There’s not a formula on how to best console people. At my dads service I remember people saying the strangest things, some borderline offensive. But they were nervous and just trying to help.

I think this is a sick and tragic subject to pick to attack Biden for. There’s so many other topics to take.
This a father standing over his kids coffin and you’re calling him a liar for trying to help a mother going through the same thing… you should be ashamed of yourself.

The potato is a sick sociopath who showers with his daughter and uses his drug addict son to collect bribes. Then we get these sniveling bed wetter's who believe this psychopath has normal human emotions or gives a fuck about anyone besides himself.

If that doesn't illustrate deliberate ignorance I don't know what does.

That’s a horrible thing to say about somebody you don’t know. You’re better than that
“Somebody I don’t know”? Are you kidding me? I don’t have to physically touch someone to “know” them.

I know Joe Biden. I’ve seen the speeches, the interviews, the comments on the Senate floor, the evidence on Hunter’s laptop and in Ashley’s diary, and the videos of him groping and sniffing little girls.

It’s horrible to lie like you’re doing right now. It’s horrible to pretend that you haven’t seen all of the same things we’ve seen. You know him. I know him. And you know he’s an absolute dirt-bag.
People say it all the time.
People rape women and commit murder all the time. Does that make it ok? If the best case you have is “people do XYZ all the time”, then you don’t have a case. People are deeply flawed.
There’s not a formula on how to best console people.
Uh, yes, there is. This is rudimentary stuff. If you’re an adult and you don’t already know that that phrase is universally unacceptable by experts, there is something really wrong. I mean, FFS, do a Google search before responding.
I think this is a sick and tragic subject to pick to attack Biden for. There’s so many other topics to take.
I think it’s “sick & tragic” that Biden would tell a grieving parent “I know how you feel” when he doesn’t and when his child didn’t “come home in a coffin draped with the American flag”.

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